Holy smokes. Thanks for all of your hard work putting this together. If what you referenced has been out since 2005, then way more higher ups must be aware of this as a possible outcome. 🤯
It would be interesting to see to what degree symptom severity is associated with any adaptive response. There are many folks like me who got a nasty case of covid (like a heavy flu) but recovered fully without long covid. I haven't checked my antibody levels cause I don't particularly care, but I will say that when I got a full exposure to the latest omicron batch going around recently I had little more than a sniffle for a day.
Obviously, I have no idea if getting a proper infection won't kill me in the long run but hey, that's life.
Great article. I requested a lymphocyte blood test for my dad, and the results were horrific after 4 clot-shots. I can email them to you if you’d like to see them.
Hi Michelle, yes would like to review them. wchesnut@gmail.com. If you'd like to redact all personal info from the results (ie black out in Paint) that would be fine.
I know what you mean, Alice I do! I watched Jonathon Couey's GigaOhm Biological live podcast with Tim Truth on Twitch Friday. Over three hours. Worth every minute. He knows his stuff cold. He explained how what we who try and follow the real science about the biochemistry and immunology are missing what really happens. He deconstructed why HCQ is so effective at stopping the virus and thus why the USG demonizes it (and all the supplements). He has a top tier education and work history; he taught at the University of Pittsburgh the past 10 years until they jettisoned him for not going stupid.
In 2020 or early 2021 the UK put out a bid for 40 million body bags, and another for building a systematic network of crematoriums to serve the London area. UK has admitted that the jabbed are immunodeficient, that 80-90% of covid deaths are jabbed and plus jabbed, and that jabbing under 18 y.o. has been a colossal mistake, while their NHS continues pushing additional "boosters" and pandemic hysteria. My unasked-for theory is that anyone who took jabs needs to be on the IVM/HCQ protocols and supplements fulltime to block up cell receptors from the forever manufactured spikes and seek immediate medical interventions for anything from a common cold, flu, a covid - anything - because they are in trouble if they elect to "wait and see how bad it gets." I'm considering that since the jabbed shed spike upon exhalation unjabbed need to be taking at least supplements as prophylaxis (yep, the shedding thing is in the peer reviewed papers). I think we can at least get some more time for everyone with post-jab and prophylaxis protocols.
While jab uptake in my state has been at most 40% everyone seems to know somebody jabbed who has died, had significant AEs, or strokes, heart attacks, sudden cancers gone stage-4 grade-4 mere weeks after jabs or boosters. I lost 2 longtime friends who were in perfect health within 24 hours of their jabs. Knowing this was coming doesn't reduce the overwhelming horror. I have a lot of "Well, just don't think about it right now, then!" times.
People deserve to know, they need to know and be supported so they can make plans, raise hell, protect their kids, loved ones, neighbors however they can. I want to be completely wrong! Or any fraction of wrong. I must accept what is, not what should be or should have been while getting a handle on what the best fulcrums are I'm best suited to support for leveraging action in wrenching our country back. I suffer from a fairly debilitating chronic illness so I can't put my physical presence into the fray. I keyboard warrior and telephone, do what I can to persuade, inveigle, nag etc. without getting tuned out completely. I send my doctors the best peer reviewed papers with a sticky note on the first page that distill the findings. I think I have managed 2 full "red pillings" in 2 years, and oh 6-7 in progress. That Omnibus Bill in March put $2.7 Billion into turning MsM and local affiliates into Pravdas. People who turn on the TV "news" just for the weather are assaulted with their familiar anchors spouting lies in between the forecasts. Just the shortest exposure getting the damn weather forecasts slips in propaganda hooks!
I cannot shake the wonder that we were born in these times.
I think it was either Dr. Eugene or Dr. Abby on Twitter who recommended not using IVM as a prophylactic, but to take only at cytokine storm. I haven't had a chance to research further but thought It should be passed along.
Nah, it's perfectly fine to take IVM prophylactically. People take it for years in Africa and no problems, no resistance issues or anything. Pretty amazing stuff. Waiting for a cytokine storm is too late to be as efficacious as possible.
Omigosh - many. I take IVM/HCQ/quercetin to reduce the WNV titers in my brain from chronic WNV since 2006, and further suppress the spike reservoirs from having had Wuhan then 2 omicrons. C, D, B complex plus many of the ones here: https://worldcouncilforhealth.org/resources/spike-protein-detox-guide/
I space them throughout the day depending on if they do better with food or not. I pull the papers on all the supps to try and better understand. I have 2 good online interaction checkers where I have my Rx and supps listed (have to trade off the likely no-privacy against convenience of not reinventing the wheel every time I add something). If I wasn't immune compromised at this age with WNV/ME and now covid spike reservoirs on top of it, I wouldn't be so assiduous about all this and take fewer. Interestingly they all work synergistically and do not overlap; very targeted. Also, 1600-2400 mg/day guaifenesin for a number of reasons including that many "syndromes" and diseases mess with the ability of muscles to remove phosphoric acid. Guaifenesin removed that and thus cuts down on the muscle pain and the hard trigger point balls of spasm. Guaifenesin also helps with and helps prevent a number of cancers because it facilitates proper lymph drainage. It even helps people get pregnant who are having difficulty conceiving (especially if they smoke).
I need to do what I can to prolong and enhance what productivity I can, now that I am older and weakening, do what I can to support taking our country back and saving lives and minds. I know my efforts are ridiculously puny, but my philosophy is one raindrop maybe can't make a difference, but several working together can wear away hard stone. I have little income, but I can subscribe to some substacks to help support the difference makers, send my little $5-10s a month to a few election forensic audit and anti-fraud efforts, and support a truly grassroots just like the earliest Christian churches of real under-the-radar-refugees outside SLC who got here with NOTHING, have no support from USG NGOs. They work hard and will not go on the dole ad are growing their little church.
I lost my beloved, gifted physician husband 2 years ago to ME. He moved from the Chicago area and started a clinic in the vastly underserved SW ID rural area here and worked until he was reduced lying on a cot taking care of his patients until he couldn't. It wasn't about $ it was about service. His sheer will to live and serve is what keeps me going now. Otherwise? the only reason I am alive is my autonomic system keeping my heart beating somehow. Well, TMI but that spike detox guide is awesome.
I believe that it is dangerous to claim spike protein detox because we don't know if any of that actually helps clear it, and it might give a false sense of security.
Excellent point. There is much merit to this view. From an article by Larry Romanoff;
As one example the US media trashed China’s low data points as ‘lying Communist propaganda’ and refused to discuss it since. But in fact, almost all of Asia had generally very low infection and death rates, and Africa was even much lower. The US, much of Western and Eastern Europe and some other selected countries, had infection rates as high as 30% and 40%. Asia, with some exceptions, was around 1% or 2%. Infection rates in Africa, with some exceptions, were mostly around 0.1%, 0.2%, 03% … None of this information reached a Western audience. The US death toll is now at 1,000,000, while China hasn’t had a death for two years, the total still at 4,600 (thanks in large part to TCM). No evidence the NYT or WSJ shared this news with Americans. European media were silent as well. ------------------------------ https://www.bluemoonofshanghai.com/politics/6341/
Note TCM = Traditional Chinese Medicine. It was the application of this healing paradigm that stop the initial out break of Sars Cov2. Also China has been under continuous assault via biological weapons by the US during and since the Korean War.
Here is a Link to all of Larry Romanoff's work on Sars Cov2 or Covid;
TCM was used in the first out break of Sars Cov2 in Wuhan China, Hubei province. The province was also quarantined. China locks down when ever novel potentially contagious unknown infections occur. The US has been attacking China during and since the Korean war by biological means as mentioned above.
Thanks Walter for this information. This underscores that supporting the innate immune system is crucial. Is it the conclusion that antibodies are inherently not good in dealing with respiratory infections? Or are we there some mitigating circumstances?
Also, is there any distinction between damage caused by SARS-COV-2’s spike and the CCP-sequenced synthetic spike that the vaccines generate? It would seem that you are concluding that having spike proteins of any source floating around in your bloodstream and in your organs can produce this autoimmune response, hence vax = bad. Again, basic questions on a complex subject.
From my basic understanding, the spike protein in the vaccine is practically identical to the Wuhan spike. Omicron has about 30 more spike proteins, it is more contagious. Omicron seems to be evolving with the help of suboptimal specific vaccinal anti bodies placing more pressure on the viral virulence binding sites of the many more spike proteins.
Unfortunately according to this, it makes it more virulent. The vaccine has many more spike proteins (the adverse reactions vary accordingly to the batch numbers, Michael Yeadon discussed this), than the virus, which continually multiply once injected.
Igor Chudov July 24 a must read. (A different approach) Ba.5turned out to be the “boostered people variant”after all. My made up name is “Gain of Function Vaccine Disease”.
Omicron is fascinating since the PrP part is silenced - the pro-prion/amyloidosis sequences, despite otherwise highly conserved, plus the adenovirus tail added.
And rather interesting, the PrP sequence is silenced despite being otherwise tightly conserved. Adding the adeno virus. Bu there are more added proteins? I understood changes, deletions... but additions beyond the adeno virus... Hmmm! If you come across a paper with the additions, please post it? Fascinating.
The jabs are much worse because of the synthetics, the persistence by stabilizing with synthetics, like the N1-methylpseudouridine that resists breaking down, the G-C enrichment of the RBD. The jabs get around the immune alarm system and take out P53 - the anti-cancer guardian, and defangs IFN-1, which is involved in hundreds if not thousands of cascades in immunity and its regulation. The regulating products of the IFN-1 cascades down regulate inflammation at the right times. The jabs keep inflammation turned up, and they take over and eliminate the long-term immune memory and prevent any more forming. Eventually every cell of every kind in the body is manufacturing spike while making anti-spike antibodies and provokes auto-immunity, and also sterilizing and neutralizing responses fall of. The cytopathogenic HIV glycoproteins become more than the immune system can suppress (among the other nasties that were spliced into the virus and thus are in the jabs). Watch some of Dr Ryan Cole's videos, he especially always has more information. Drs McCullough, Malone, Kory, Lawrie too.
Spot on. Ongoing infection is synonymous with the product that generates spike protein > 60 days. Clinically, the long covids I have seen are almost all in people with 2 exposures to spike, close in time. Usually product then infection. (I actually can’t think of one the other way around, probably cuz mandates say delay the second spike load) It’s like every person has a different threshold for spike exposure.....once you go over that threshold, it’s an autoimmune endothelium disarray.
I did know a very few who got long covid after just wuhan infection also, for sure. Just not nearly as many. Not even enough for me to make up my anecdotal evidence 😂 I think the few I knew started to recover....... I need to check.
What your take on the supplements Resveratrol and Spermidine Dr Walter? Dr Syed Mobeen and Dr Paul Merrick (flccc.net) suggested both of these recently due to their mechanisms of action at the molecular level. What say you? I suggested and added Resveratrol to either Eugypius or the Naked Emporers substack some weeks ago. One of them put up a protocol that they were using themselves. I can't recall who though.
Yes, yes it is. Resveratrol = red wine, grapes or the supplement and Spermidine = wheat germ, grapefriut, pissatchios, or mushrooms. IIf I recall correctly. I collect treatment protocols. It's what I'm good at.
I have a website www.WePatriot.org for the purpose of saving and organizing the best information on Covid among other things. Please check it out. I would love your feedback and suggestions or help! Dan@wepatriot.org. Big covid section. Please email any protocols I am missing. Thank you!
So it was bad thing then but now modified to make things worse. This is not going well.
My ongoing issue since first contact, is mouth ulcers and bleeding gums. On a positive note (I hope) the symptoms have slowly gotten less over two and a half years not worse but still present.
I have unfortunately had three doses of covid Mar20, Oct 21 and Jul 22. (no vax). Each time symptoms have been different.
I am off to investigate endothelial cell auto antibodies...
The more we know the better placed we are to find solutions to help everyone.
How is your vitamin c intake? A few grams a few times a day could help with this. Or even more as everyone has different tolerance. I take 5g 4 times a day. Also b3/niacin. Helps you heal.
Thank you - I have been taking C when I feel or am unwell. I haven't tried as high a dose as that though. I have only gone up to maybe 8-10g a day. I could try a higher dose. Have also tried a significant number of other things. It is hard to know what if anything is doing any good and how long to take things for. There are still some things I haven't tried so will persevere.
Yes I can empathize with that. Dr Andrew Saul is a great resource on vitamin c and b3 if you'd like to pursue that. If you do, you need to take them throughout the day - at least 3/4 times a day. Everyone has a different bowel intolerance level. I have been mixing in liposomal as well (more expensive). Good luck!
Thank you for the links/suggestions. I have looked them all up and the ones you posted in your other comment.
You might find this interesting. It relates energy in the body to covid and ongoing medical issues. https://www.bitchute.com/video/7ISiQ7P8GxAN/ When expressed like this it does not take a huge leap to see that changing the electrical fields around us 5g etc could have direct impact in our bodies.
So does this only apply if your fully vaccinated?. If your body sees the virus with correct antibodies (natural Innate response) you neutralize the virus correctly, and your trained for future variants.
On one hand I'm so happy to find people like you who are being serious and scientific about Covid and its "remedies." On the other, I will never trust the medical profession or its inhabitants on anything ever again unless the vast majority of scientists who got it wrong say so and do what they can to make it right. And I don't think that will happen. They have enough data to call a halt and they'd rather protect their incomes and social media presence.
"Myocarditis in response to COVID-19 vaccination has been reported since early 2021. ... We present a comprehensive histopathological analysis of endomyocardial biopsy from 15 patients with reduced ejection fraction (LVEF = 30 (14–39)%) and the clinical suspicion of myocarditis following vaccination with Comirnaty® (Pfizer-BioNTech) (n = 11), Vaxzevria® (AstraZenica) (n = 2) and Janssen® (Johnson & Johnson) (n = 2). Immunohistochemical endomyocardial biopsy analyses reveal myocardial inflammation in 14 of 15 patients.... The SARS-CoV-2 spike protein has been detected sparsely on cardiomyocytes of nine patients, and differential analysis of inflammatory markers such as CD4+ and CD8+ T cells suggests that the inflammatory response triggered by the vaccine may be of autoimmunological origin. ... The expression of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein within the heart and the dominance of CD4+ lymphocytic infiltrates indicate an autoimmunological response to the vaccination."
I have not heard of many sudden deaths in unvaccinated people, could this be because the spike protein in the vaccines and the immune response it generates, coupled with contracting covid post-vaccination impact your overall immune system and make you more susceptible to the immune response you described?
Holy smokes. Thanks for all of your hard work putting this together. If what you referenced has been out since 2005, then way more higher ups must be aware of this as a possible outcome. 🤯
Fantastic work Walter!!
Thanks for including all the reference. Scary. Devastatingly scary.
Will be sharing.
Moi aussi.
It would be interesting to see to what degree symptom severity is associated with any adaptive response. There are many folks like me who got a nasty case of covid (like a heavy flu) but recovered fully without long covid. I haven't checked my antibody levels cause I don't particularly care, but I will say that when I got a full exposure to the latest omicron batch going around recently I had little more than a sniffle for a day.
Obviously, I have no idea if getting a proper infection won't kill me in the long run but hey, that's life.
This is truly outstanding work, Walter! Thank you so much for sharing this, disturbing as it seems.
Great article. I requested a lymphocyte blood test for my dad, and the results were horrific after 4 clot-shots. I can email them to you if you’d like to see them.
Hi Michelle, yes would like to review them. wchesnut@gmail.com. If you'd like to redact all personal info from the results (ie black out in Paint) that would be fine.
I was just rereading this today: https://www.thailandmedical.news/news/breaking-hypothesis-that-majority-exposed-to-sars-cov-2-will-have-shortened-lifespans-validated-by-study-showing-nsp2-impairs-human-4ehp-gigyf2-comple
Well, I wish I hadn't read that! 👀
I know what you mean, Alice I do! I watched Jonathon Couey's GigaOhm Biological live podcast with Tim Truth on Twitch Friday. Over three hours. Worth every minute. He knows his stuff cold. He explained how what we who try and follow the real science about the biochemistry and immunology are missing what really happens. He deconstructed why HCQ is so effective at stopping the virus and thus why the USG demonizes it (and all the supplements). He has a top tier education and work history; he taught at the University of Pittsburgh the past 10 years until they jettisoned him for not going stupid.
In 2020 or early 2021 the UK put out a bid for 40 million body bags, and another for building a systematic network of crematoriums to serve the London area. UK has admitted that the jabbed are immunodeficient, that 80-90% of covid deaths are jabbed and plus jabbed, and that jabbing under 18 y.o. has been a colossal mistake, while their NHS continues pushing additional "boosters" and pandemic hysteria. My unasked-for theory is that anyone who took jabs needs to be on the IVM/HCQ protocols and supplements fulltime to block up cell receptors from the forever manufactured spikes and seek immediate medical interventions for anything from a common cold, flu, a covid - anything - because they are in trouble if they elect to "wait and see how bad it gets." I'm considering that since the jabbed shed spike upon exhalation unjabbed need to be taking at least supplements as prophylaxis (yep, the shedding thing is in the peer reviewed papers). I think we can at least get some more time for everyone with post-jab and prophylaxis protocols.
While jab uptake in my state has been at most 40% everyone seems to know somebody jabbed who has died, had significant AEs, or strokes, heart attacks, sudden cancers gone stage-4 grade-4 mere weeks after jabs or boosters. I lost 2 longtime friends who were in perfect health within 24 hours of their jabs. Knowing this was coming doesn't reduce the overwhelming horror. I have a lot of "Well, just don't think about it right now, then!" times.
People deserve to know, they need to know and be supported so they can make plans, raise hell, protect their kids, loved ones, neighbors however they can. I want to be completely wrong! Or any fraction of wrong. I must accept what is, not what should be or should have been while getting a handle on what the best fulcrums are I'm best suited to support for leveraging action in wrenching our country back. I suffer from a fairly debilitating chronic illness so I can't put my physical presence into the fray. I keyboard warrior and telephone, do what I can to persuade, inveigle, nag etc. without getting tuned out completely. I send my doctors the best peer reviewed papers with a sticky note on the first page that distill the findings. I think I have managed 2 full "red pillings" in 2 years, and oh 6-7 in progress. That Omnibus Bill in March put $2.7 Billion into turning MsM and local affiliates into Pravdas. People who turn on the TV "news" just for the weather are assaulted with their familiar anchors spouting lies in between the forecasts. Just the shortest exposure getting the damn weather forecasts slips in propaganda hooks!
I cannot shake the wonder that we were born in these times.
I think it was either Dr. Eugene or Dr. Abby on Twitter who recommended not using IVM as a prophylactic, but to take only at cytokine storm. I haven't had a chance to research further but thought It should be passed along.
Nah, it's perfectly fine to take IVM prophylactically. People take it for years in Africa and no problems, no resistance issues or anything. Pretty amazing stuff. Waiting for a cytokine storm is too late to be as efficacious as possible.
What supplements are you taking?
Omigosh - many. I take IVM/HCQ/quercetin to reduce the WNV titers in my brain from chronic WNV since 2006, and further suppress the spike reservoirs from having had Wuhan then 2 omicrons. C, D, B complex plus many of the ones here: https://worldcouncilforhealth.org/resources/spike-protein-detox-guide/
I space them throughout the day depending on if they do better with food or not. I pull the papers on all the supps to try and better understand. I have 2 good online interaction checkers where I have my Rx and supps listed (have to trade off the likely no-privacy against convenience of not reinventing the wheel every time I add something). If I wasn't immune compromised at this age with WNV/ME and now covid spike reservoirs on top of it, I wouldn't be so assiduous about all this and take fewer. Interestingly they all work synergistically and do not overlap; very targeted. Also, 1600-2400 mg/day guaifenesin for a number of reasons including that many "syndromes" and diseases mess with the ability of muscles to remove phosphoric acid. Guaifenesin removed that and thus cuts down on the muscle pain and the hard trigger point balls of spasm. Guaifenesin also helps with and helps prevent a number of cancers because it facilitates proper lymph drainage. It even helps people get pregnant who are having difficulty conceiving (especially if they smoke).
I need to do what I can to prolong and enhance what productivity I can, now that I am older and weakening, do what I can to support taking our country back and saving lives and minds. I know my efforts are ridiculously puny, but my philosophy is one raindrop maybe can't make a difference, but several working together can wear away hard stone. I have little income, but I can subscribe to some substacks to help support the difference makers, send my little $5-10s a month to a few election forensic audit and anti-fraud efforts, and support a truly grassroots just like the earliest Christian churches of real under-the-radar-refugees outside SLC who got here with NOTHING, have no support from USG NGOs. They work hard and will not go on the dole ad are growing their little church.
I lost my beloved, gifted physician husband 2 years ago to ME. He moved from the Chicago area and started a clinic in the vastly underserved SW ID rural area here and worked until he was reduced lying on a cot taking care of his patients until he couldn't. It wasn't about $ it was about service. His sheer will to live and serve is what keeps me going now. Otherwise? the only reason I am alive is my autonomic system keeping my heart beating somehow. Well, TMI but that spike detox guide is awesome.
I believe that it is dangerous to claim spike protein detox because we don't know if any of that actually helps clear it, and it might give a false sense of security.
It won't hurt you. I have a shit-ton of papers how these block receptors and cascades. The greater danger is fulltime spikes.
Excellent point. There is much merit to this view. From an article by Larry Romanoff;
As one example the US media trashed China’s low data points as ‘lying Communist propaganda’ and refused to discuss it since. But in fact, almost all of Asia had generally very low infection and death rates, and Africa was even much lower. The US, much of Western and Eastern Europe and some other selected countries, had infection rates as high as 30% and 40%. Asia, with some exceptions, was around 1% or 2%. Infection rates in Africa, with some exceptions, were mostly around 0.1%, 0.2%, 03% … None of this information reached a Western audience. The US death toll is now at 1,000,000, while China hasn’t had a death for two years, the total still at 4,600 (thanks in large part to TCM). No evidence the NYT or WSJ shared this news with Americans. European media were silent as well. ------------------------------ https://www.bluemoonofshanghai.com/politics/6341/
Note TCM = Traditional Chinese Medicine. It was the application of this healing paradigm that stop the initial out break of Sars Cov2. Also China has been under continuous assault via biological weapons by the US during and since the Korean War.
Here is a Link to all of Larry Romanoff's work on Sars Cov2 or Covid;
TCM was used in the first out break of Sars Cov2 in Wuhan China, Hubei province. The province was also quarantined. China locks down when ever novel potentially contagious unknown infections occur. The US has been attacking China during and since the Korean war by biological means as mentioned above.
They didn't exactly provide much evidence to back up their claims
Thanks for your dedication to the truth Sir. You are spot on as usual
Thanks Walter for this information. This underscores that supporting the innate immune system is crucial. Is it the conclusion that antibodies are inherently not good in dealing with respiratory infections? Or are we there some mitigating circumstances?
Also, is there any distinction between damage caused by SARS-COV-2’s spike and the CCP-sequenced synthetic spike that the vaccines generate? It would seem that you are concluding that having spike proteins of any source floating around in your bloodstream and in your organs can produce this autoimmune response, hence vax = bad. Again, basic questions on a complex subject.
From my basic understanding, the spike protein in the vaccine is practically identical to the Wuhan spike. Omicron has about 30 more spike proteins, it is more contagious. Omicron seems to be evolving with the help of suboptimal specific vaccinal anti bodies placing more pressure on the viral virulence binding sites of the many more spike proteins.
Unfortunately according to this, it makes it more virulent. The vaccine has many more spike proteins (the adverse reactions vary accordingly to the batch numbers, Michael Yeadon discussed this), than the virus, which continually multiply once injected.
Igor Chudov July 24 a must read. (A different approach) Ba.5turned out to be the “boostered people variant”after all. My made up name is “Gain of Function Vaccine Disease”.
Omicron is fascinating since the PrP part is silenced - the pro-prion/amyloidosis sequences, despite otherwise highly conserved, plus the adenovirus tail added.
And rather interesting, the PrP sequence is silenced despite being otherwise tightly conserved. Adding the adeno virus. Bu there are more added proteins? I understood changes, deletions... but additions beyond the adeno virus... Hmmm! If you come across a paper with the additions, please post it? Fascinating.
The jabs are much worse because of the synthetics, the persistence by stabilizing with synthetics, like the N1-methylpseudouridine that resists breaking down, the G-C enrichment of the RBD. The jabs get around the immune alarm system and take out P53 - the anti-cancer guardian, and defangs IFN-1, which is involved in hundreds if not thousands of cascades in immunity and its regulation. The regulating products of the IFN-1 cascades down regulate inflammation at the right times. The jabs keep inflammation turned up, and they take over and eliminate the long-term immune memory and prevent any more forming. Eventually every cell of every kind in the body is manufacturing spike while making anti-spike antibodies and provokes auto-immunity, and also sterilizing and neutralizing responses fall of. The cytopathogenic HIV glycoproteins become more than the immune system can suppress (among the other nasties that were spliced into the virus and thus are in the jabs). Watch some of Dr Ryan Cole's videos, he especially always has more information. Drs McCullough, Malone, Kory, Lawrie too.
Thank you.
Spot on. Ongoing infection is synonymous with the product that generates spike protein > 60 days. Clinically, the long covids I have seen are almost all in people with 2 exposures to spike, close in time. Usually product then infection. (I actually can’t think of one the other way around, probably cuz mandates say delay the second spike load) It’s like every person has a different threshold for spike exposure.....once you go over that threshold, it’s an autoimmune endothelium disarray.
I know some who got it the 1 Wuhan. 3 of 5 recovered after ~ 7 months. But yes, seeing it more after multiple covids.
I did know a very few who got long covid after just wuhan infection also, for sure. Just not nearly as many. Not even enough for me to make up my anecdotal evidence 😂 I think the few I knew started to recover....... I need to check.
What your take on the supplements Resveratrol and Spermidine Dr Walter? Dr Syed Mobeen and Dr Paul Merrick (flccc.net) suggested both of these recently due to their mechanisms of action at the molecular level. What say you? I suggested and added Resveratrol to either Eugypius or the Naked Emporers substack some weeks ago. One of them put up a protocol that they were using themselves. I can't recall who though.
Is this the one you’re referring to Jayne Doe?
Yes, yes it is. Resveratrol = red wine, grapes or the supplement and Spermidine = wheat germ, grapefriut, pissatchios, or mushrooms. IIf I recall correctly. I collect treatment protocols. It's what I'm good at.
I have a website www.WePatriot.org for the purpose of saving and organizing the best information on Covid among other things. Please check it out. I would love your feedback and suggestions or help! Dan@wepatriot.org. Big covid section. Please email any protocols I am missing. Thank you!
2005 !
So it was bad thing then but now modified to make things worse. This is not going well.
My ongoing issue since first contact, is mouth ulcers and bleeding gums. On a positive note (I hope) the symptoms have slowly gotten less over two and a half years not worse but still present.
I have unfortunately had three doses of covid Mar20, Oct 21 and Jul 22. (no vax). Each time symptoms have been different.
I am off to investigate endothelial cell auto antibodies...
The more we know the better placed we are to find solutions to help everyone.
Thank you so much Walter for your continued work.
How is your vitamin c intake? A few grams a few times a day could help with this. Or even more as everyone has different tolerance. I take 5g 4 times a day. Also b3/niacin. Helps you heal.
Thank you - I have been taking C when I feel or am unwell. I haven't tried as high a dose as that though. I have only gone up to maybe 8-10g a day. I could try a higher dose. Have also tried a significant number of other things. It is hard to know what if anything is doing any good and how long to take things for. There are still some things I haven't tried so will persevere.
Yes I can empathize with that. Dr Andrew Saul is a great resource on vitamin c and b3 if you'd like to pursue that. If you do, you need to take them throughout the day - at least 3/4 times a day. Everyone has a different bowel intolerance level. I have been mixing in liposomal as well (more expensive). Good luck!
Peut-être un "désordre" immunitaire, séquelle de votre "Covid 19" (ou/et pollution atmosphérique 4/5 G, cofacteur)
Thank you for the links/suggestions. I have looked them all up and the ones you posted in your other comment.
You might find this interesting. It relates energy in the body to covid and ongoing medical issues. https://www.bitchute.com/video/7ISiQ7P8GxAN/ When expressed like this it does not take a huge leap to see that changing the electrical fields around us 5g etc could have direct impact in our bodies.
So does this only apply if your fully vaccinated?. If your body sees the virus with correct antibodies (natural Innate response) you neutralize the virus correctly, and your trained for future variants.
.No. It applies to non-jabbed and infected too.
On one hand I'm so happy to find people like you who are being serious and scientific about Covid and its "remedies." On the other, I will never trust the medical profession or its inhabitants on anything ever again unless the vast majority of scientists who got it wrong say so and do what they can to make it right. And I don't think that will happen. They have enough data to call a halt and they'd rather protect their incomes and social media presence.
Hi Walter. You are sorely missed on Twitter. It's not the same without you. Make another account. Get a burner phone. I think that is how it's done.
There seems to have been a 'campaign of removal of dissenters' since the deal with Elon fell through.
Relating to this article, "Autoantibodies for Cardiac Channels and Sudden Cardiac Death and its Relationship to Autoimmune Disorders" (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6367693/)
This is a good article to print out and take to your doctor if you need support:
Intramyocardial Inflammation after COVID-19 Vaccination: An Endomyocardial Biopsy-Proven Case Series (Baumeier et al., 2022. https://www.mdpi.com/1422-0067/23/13/6940 https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms23136940)
"Myocarditis in response to COVID-19 vaccination has been reported since early 2021. ... We present a comprehensive histopathological analysis of endomyocardial biopsy from 15 patients with reduced ejection fraction (LVEF = 30 (14–39)%) and the clinical suspicion of myocarditis following vaccination with Comirnaty® (Pfizer-BioNTech) (n = 11), Vaxzevria® (AstraZenica) (n = 2) and Janssen® (Johnson & Johnson) (n = 2). Immunohistochemical endomyocardial biopsy analyses reveal myocardial inflammation in 14 of 15 patients.... The SARS-CoV-2 spike protein has been detected sparsely on cardiomyocytes of nine patients, and differential analysis of inflammatory markers such as CD4+ and CD8+ T cells suggests that the inflammatory response triggered by the vaccine may be of autoimmunological origin. ... The expression of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein within the heart and the dominance of CD4+ lymphocytic infiltrates indicate an autoimmunological response to the vaccination."
I have not heard of many sudden deaths in unvaccinated people, could this be because the spike protein in the vaccines and the immune response it generates, coupled with contracting covid post-vaccination impact your overall immune system and make you more susceptible to the immune response you described?
Honestly, your stuff is very depressing to read.