For me personally everything seemed fine. I remain and was healthy in 2020, no cold or flu or anything. However, I did notice a couple times when out for a jog, I got a stye in my eye when I returned home. Once I had a small tender purple dot on the side of my foot. Not a bruise. Went away the next day. That's all. Sometimes I think if t…
For me personally everything seemed fine. I remain and was healthy in 2020, no cold or flu or anything. However, I did notice a couple times when out for a jog, I got a stye in my eye when I returned home. Once I had a small tender purple dot on the side of my foot. Not a bruise. Went away the next day. That's all. Sometimes I think if there was a virus or bacteria, my body was able to fight it, but I do wonder whether I was exposed to toxins in the air outside.
For me personally everything seemed fine. I remain and was healthy in 2020, no cold or flu or anything. However, I did notice a couple times when out for a jog, I got a stye in my eye when I returned home. Once I had a small tender purple dot on the side of my foot. Not a bruise. Went away the next day. That's all. Sometimes I think if there was a virus or bacteria, my body was able to fight it, but I do wonder whether I was exposed to toxins in the air outside.