Thank you very much Walter. Please expand on the furin cleavage comment when you can. Thanks for all you are doing for humanity. May God bless you and continue to guide you. Peace. :-)
Walter - smt you might want to look at. erica at jeff rense, recommended this guy kats and his protocol. never heard of him before, but obviously people know. below, is erica (minute 29 discussion on niancin etc.), and also, a detailed interview of kats by mastejohn ... in any case, thought might be helpful.
If you're interested, I've been talking about this dynamic via the Furin Cleavage Site, a multi-Arginine motif derived from HIV and long known to cause clumps of cells (Syncytia.) I have been proposing that Syncytia likely contribute to sudden death via cardiac signalling dysfunction and brain stem dysfunction, as both places rely on natural Syncytia configurations to keep the body breathing and pumping. I also described how this mechanism of Syncytia-building could be contributing to the giant clots and infertility, since both blood cells and reproductive cells are susceptible to the mechanisms.
I think we'll get interesting results when pathology delves into brain stem. I flagged it for our teams here. You benefit from a specialized neuropathology center to do these analyses and need permission from families to take out the brain, and that is generally harder to get because the brain is more sentimental than, for instance, asking if we can sample their liver. It's also something you can't take chunks of in a living person. That research should hopefully start emerging in the next few months.
Wow... Disease itself is nasty by design, the injection treatment offered to lessen the disease is looking to make things much worse ... I think Dr McCullough will be very interested Walter... Great work, and troubling for the world... as you hint the evil is in the design, there are so many aspects to the design of this spike that go beyond a simple coronavirus, death by stealth is written into its plan.
Quercetin seems to help with atrial fibrillation and helps to decrease cardiac remodeling and decrease potential arrhythmias. I think it’s terrible / unconscionable that higher powers are playing with our lives in this manner by creating pathogens to harm us. Humans have lost their way - at least those in power. Rather than putting our collective energies into making this planet a better place and collectively raising our energy they are intent on destroying it.
Since magnesium is a natural calcium channel blocker, maybe large doses of magnesium would be helpful? Interestingly, I'm almost sure I remember Mike Adams the Health Ranger saying when he analyzed the blood clots, they contained a surprisingly low amount of magnesium.
MM, do you mind my asking if you took the jab(s) or had the infection? & had you been having any specific symptoms? I ask because I recently found out that my 20 year old son took two moderna jabs in Feb & March of 2022. Sadly, he didn’t heed my incessant warnings since summer of 2020. All his friends took the jab, & he thinks they appear fine...he was tired of testing at school weekly, & he needed it for a stupid concert. Sigh. So obviously now, I’m worried about micro blood clots & myocarditis. I asked him if he has any symptoms, he says no, but he formerly was very tired. I’ve been giving him NaC, bromelain, nattokinase, & serrapeptase for the last month & trying to get his doctor to order a d-dimer & a troponin test for him. He seems to feel better after these supplements. It’s just so sad because he was of legal age to get the poison jab, I tried to protect him but couldn’t. 😭 Now I’m just worried about his not waking up, him having a heart issue, or him developing vaccine induced AIDS (he already has two immune disorders prob from the 42 vaccine jabs I stupidly allowed him to get all those damn years that were on the childhood vax schedule, ugh, if I only knew then what I know now). Glad to know you’re feeling better from the quercetin...& again, I was just wondering about your situation & any symptoms. Thx for any thoughts.
You were not stupid. You were just lied to and misinformed when previously vaccinating your son. You had no way to know at the time and were simply trying to protects him, just as I thought I was protecting my daughter.
Thank you, I feel hopeful when I learn of the collaboration of great minds like yours and Dr Peter McCullough's. Last night Dr Harvey Risch was a guest on the weekly FLCCC webcast and he also has powerful messages. I also watch the presentation from the CCCA last evening with Dr Anna Kreynes (BC, Canada) speaking about plant compounds that have been identified as potential blockers to SPIKE protein. So many great minds working to heal and help. Thank you for all you are doing.
You were not kidding. I agree, this is indeed the most important thing that you've posted to date (and that's saying something). This is HUGE.
This is one of those "click" or "a-hah" moments for me. I like to actually "get it." I've had no problem accepting the concept that spike protein causes cardiomyopathies, because it seems quite plausible; however, I had assumed a more gross mechanical cause of pathology (eg, spike protein occlusion of cardiac capillaries), and couldn't *quite* make the dots connect.
Well, this sure would connect the dots, alright ...
This is bad. Like, GROSS. ... Yes, the Ca++ channel disruption is horrible, but ... Did you notice the mechanism by which the cardiomyocytes actually get there?
Total derangement. Basically, your cardiomyocytes go from being a well-organized tissue structure to being a bunch of f'd up, fused blobs. Like, yeah, OF COURSE your heart cells can't properly regulate calcium ion flow; they're barely even heart cells any more. They are messed-up Franken-cells.
Okay, this is gross enough, but now ... Walter, I am scared to ask. Have you found anything like this (histopathological analysis) that might give us an inkling as to what this crap is doing to the BRAIN?
I wonder, though, about the likelihood of thorough and published investigations at this stage ... We do have that one paper that details 26 cases of CJD-like disease in vaxxed patients. That might have to do for now ...
Decanoyl-RVKR-CMK is a subtilisin/Kex2p-like proprotein convertase inhibitor; blocks activity of all seven convertases (PC1, PC2, PC4, PACE4, PC5, PC7 and furin). Abolishes proET-1 processing in endothelial cells; inhibits regulated secretion of the neuronal polypeptide VGF in PC12 cells.
Thanks for that. What I gather from your reply is that it will be a long process to find the many different approaches required to address this bioweapon.
Forgive my layman's ignorance, but is it correct to assume that this dangerous "fountain" effect can result either from becoming infected with the COVID virus or injection with one of the mRNA "vaccines"? Presumably, depending on viral load, infection is less likely to lead to a serious fountain effect than being jabbed?
I cannot technically answer your question, but I can provide my observation. First, I have assumed, as you propose, that the injection provides orders of magnitude more "floating" spike than the infection, and more nasty bits (LNPs etc). And the infection is variable, depending on how severe one's infection was.
In my case, as an unjabbed senior, the infection caused me to have a quick onset high fever and 4 hours of SVT at about 160 bpm. I did not know if I would survive. At the ER next day, my cardiac enzymes were all elevated so I was admitted to be watched and injected with a daily blood thinner. Luckily, in retrospect, they did not treat me at all for the Covid, nor for the CT scan-diagnosed pneumonia. This fountain effect sounds a lot like what I experienced.
Suffice it to say, if this is what the actual pathogen can do, I would never chance the actual chimeric jabs.
Thank you very much Walter. Please expand on the furin cleavage comment when you can. Thanks for all you are doing for humanity. May God bless you and continue to guide you. Peace. :-)
Working on it.
I'm guessing nattokinase is the next topic.
Walter - smt you might want to look at. erica at jeff rense, recommended this guy kats and his protocol. never heard of him before, but obviously people know. below, is erica (minute 29 discussion on niancin etc.), and also, a detailed interview of kats by mastejohn ... in any case, thought might be helpful.
Thank you. :-)
If you're interested, I've been talking about this dynamic via the Furin Cleavage Site, a multi-Arginine motif derived from HIV and long known to cause clumps of cells (Syncytia.) I have been proposing that Syncytia likely contribute to sudden death via cardiac signalling dysfunction and brain stem dysfunction, as both places rely on natural Syncytia configurations to keep the body breathing and pumping. I also described how this mechanism of Syncytia-building could be contributing to the giant clots and infertility, since both blood cells and reproductive cells are susceptible to the mechanisms.
Interestingly erica at jeff rense also cited the duality of brain stem and/or heart cause for cardiac problems...
I think we'll get interesting results when pathology delves into brain stem. I flagged it for our teams here. You benefit from a specialized neuropathology center to do these analyses and need permission from families to take out the brain, and that is generally harder to get because the brain is more sentimental than, for instance, asking if we can sample their liver. It's also something you can't take chunks of in a living person. That research should hopefully start emerging in the next few months.
Excellent. Thank you. Peace. :-)
Wow... Disease itself is nasty by design, the injection treatment offered to lessen the disease is looking to make things much worse ... I think Dr McCullough will be very interested Walter... Great work, and troubling for the world... as you hint the evil is in the design, there are so many aspects to the design of this spike that go beyond a simple coronavirus, death by stealth is written into its plan.
Quercetin seems to help with atrial fibrillation and helps to decrease cardiac remodeling and decrease potential arrhythmias. I think it’s terrible / unconscionable that higher powers are playing with our lives in this manner by creating pathogens to harm us. Humans have lost their way - at least those in power. Rather than putting our collective energies into making this planet a better place and collectively raising our energy they are intent on destroying it.
I too take Quercetin and many other appropriate supplements.
While WE COLLECTIVELY ALLOW “those in power” to remain there absolutely NOTHING will change.
A huge thank you to Walter for your relentless work and for providing us with information we would not be able to easily access anywhere else.
Walter , I hope Dr. McCullough reads this . Thank u for all your writings and wisdom . 🤗
Thank you Walter for your tireless efforts in pursuit of solutions!
Wow, you’re like a biological detective. Incredible work Walter. We’re all behind you with this!
Since magnesium is a natural calcium channel blocker, maybe large doses of magnesium would be helpful? Interestingly, I'm almost sure I remember Mike Adams the Health Ranger saying when he analyzed the blood clots, they contained a surprisingly low amount of magnesium.
Long covid sufferers, like myself, have to take large doses of magnesium to do anything
I have been taking quercetin and I definitely feel it’s helping me.
MM, do you mind my asking if you took the jab(s) or had the infection? & had you been having any specific symptoms? I ask because I recently found out that my 20 year old son took two moderna jabs in Feb & March of 2022. Sadly, he didn’t heed my incessant warnings since summer of 2020. All his friends took the jab, & he thinks they appear fine...he was tired of testing at school weekly, & he needed it for a stupid concert. Sigh. So obviously now, I’m worried about micro blood clots & myocarditis. I asked him if he has any symptoms, he says no, but he formerly was very tired. I’ve been giving him NaC, bromelain, nattokinase, & serrapeptase for the last month & trying to get his doctor to order a d-dimer & a troponin test for him. He seems to feel better after these supplements. It’s just so sad because he was of legal age to get the poison jab, I tried to protect him but couldn’t. 😭 Now I’m just worried about his not waking up, him having a heart issue, or him developing vaccine induced AIDS (he already has two immune disorders prob from the 42 vaccine jabs I stupidly allowed him to get all those damn years that were on the childhood vax schedule, ugh, if I only knew then what I know now). Glad to know you’re feeling better from the quercetin...& again, I was just wondering about your situation & any symptoms. Thx for any thoughts.
You were not stupid. You were just lied to and misinformed when previously vaccinating your son. You had no way to know at the time and were simply trying to protects him, just as I thought I was protecting my daughter.
Walter, you are a badass.
Thank you Walter. You are a true warrior. I appreciate you so very much.
The trick is to find safe furin inhibitors since furin has some essential activity and may not be safe to fully block it.
Thank you, I feel hopeful when I learn of the collaboration of great minds like yours and Dr Peter McCullough's. Last night Dr Harvey Risch was a guest on the weekly FLCCC webcast and he also has powerful messages. I also watch the presentation from the CCCA last evening with Dr Anna Kreynes (BC, Canada) speaking about plant compounds that have been identified as potential blockers to SPIKE protein. So many great minds working to heal and help. Thank you for all you are doing.
Oh damn.
You were not kidding. I agree, this is indeed the most important thing that you've posted to date (and that's saying something). This is HUGE.
This is one of those "click" or "a-hah" moments for me. I like to actually "get it." I've had no problem accepting the concept that spike protein causes cardiomyopathies, because it seems quite plausible; however, I had assumed a more gross mechanical cause of pathology (eg, spike protein occlusion of cardiac capillaries), and couldn't *quite* make the dots connect.
Well, this sure would connect the dots, alright ...
This is bad. Like, GROSS. ... Yes, the Ca++ channel disruption is horrible, but ... Did you notice the mechanism by which the cardiomyocytes actually get there?
Total derangement. Basically, your cardiomyocytes go from being a well-organized tissue structure to being a bunch of f'd up, fused blobs. Like, yeah, OF COURSE your heart cells can't properly regulate calcium ion flow; they're barely even heart cells any more. They are messed-up Franken-cells.
Okay, this is gross enough, but now ... Walter, I am scared to ask. Have you found anything like this (histopathological analysis) that might give us an inkling as to what this crap is doing to the BRAIN?
You ask werewolf like follow-on questions.. Brain damage investigations will need to mature with the vaccine test candidates... 2024 and beyond.
I wonder, though, about the likelihood of thorough and published investigations at this stage ... We do have that one paper that details 26 cases of CJD-like disease in vaxxed patients. That might have to do for now ...
Where can I find some Decanoyl-RVKR-CMK? I bet there’s going to be a run on it! ( only half kidding)
Decanoyl-RVKR-CMK is a subtilisin/Kex2p-like proprotein convertase inhibitor; blocks activity of all seven convertases (PC1, PC2, PC4, PACE4, PC5, PC7 and furin). Abolishes proET-1 processing in endothelial cells; inhibits regulated secretion of the neuronal polypeptide VGF in PC12 cells.
Thanks for that. What I gather from your reply is that it will be a long process to find the many different approaches required to address this bioweapon.
I'm sure Walter will fill us in much more, but this paper cites a couple furin inhibitors:
Furin Inhibitors Block SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein Cleavage to Suppress Virus Production and Cytopathic Effects
Forgive my layman's ignorance, but is it correct to assume that this dangerous "fountain" effect can result either from becoming infected with the COVID virus or injection with one of the mRNA "vaccines"? Presumably, depending on viral load, infection is less likely to lead to a serious fountain effect than being jabbed?
I cannot technically answer your question, but I can provide my observation. First, I have assumed, as you propose, that the injection provides orders of magnitude more "floating" spike than the infection, and more nasty bits (LNPs etc). And the infection is variable, depending on how severe one's infection was.
In my case, as an unjabbed senior, the infection caused me to have a quick onset high fever and 4 hours of SVT at about 160 bpm. I did not know if I would survive. At the ER next day, my cardiac enzymes were all elevated so I was admitted to be watched and injected with a daily blood thinner. Luckily, in retrospect, they did not treat me at all for the Covid, nor for the CT scan-diagnosed pneumonia. This fountain effect sounds a lot like what I experienced.
Suffice it to say, if this is what the actual pathogen can do, I would never chance the actual chimeric jabs.