Wow... Disease itself is nasty by design, the injection treatment offered to lessen the disease is looking to make things much worse ... I think Dr McCullough will be very interested Walter... Great work, and troubling for the world... as you hint the evil is in the design, there are so many aspects to the design of this spike that go be…
Wow... Disease itself is nasty by design, the injection treatment offered to lessen the disease is looking to make things much worse ... I think Dr McCullough will be very interested Walter... Great work, and troubling for the world... as you hint the evil is in the design, there are so many aspects to the design of this spike that go beyond a simple coronavirus, death by stealth is written into its plan.
Wow... Disease itself is nasty by design, the injection treatment offered to lessen the disease is looking to make things much worse ... I think Dr McCullough will be very interested Walter... Great work, and troubling for the world... as you hint the evil is in the design, there are so many aspects to the design of this spike that go beyond a simple coronavirus, death by stealth is written into its plan.