God Bless you Walter!! I think you are directly over the target. I have been following you, Kevin, JC and Housatonics for over a year now. You all are amazing humans. Thank you πŸ™

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Which is again, how you know it’s intentional. Since masking further induces hypoxia. Low level chronic hypoxia. Man I loathe these people.

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that is besides the point now. the issue is what to do ...

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Chronic hypoxia... May not be a whole lot we can do for the multi-jabbed, but regular sessions in a hyperbaric chamber would be my first guess.... And as for what to do with the guilty ones - I am thinking that slow, deliberate suffocation could be a rather fitting way for the guilty ones to leave this plane...

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> regular sessions in a hyperbaric chamber would be my first guess....

i was not joking when i proposed measurements to help decompression somewhere else in the comments, as this is how the freshly switched smell - my olfaction has no medical education, it simply detects and something in my brain automatically associates and i try to interpret the upcoming images or "rings" when reading something more or less successful.

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SIDS was invented to cover Vax deaths when I was almost 10. Now I am almost 60. It's been a long ruse, anxious to see it ended. Thank you for your work.

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Exactly right. IT is time to see childhood vaccines ended.

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We need a concerted effort from the remaining medical experts who give a damn about humanity to get to the bottom of this. Start doing autopsies on "sudden deaths" and search for catecholamine-derived causes. Cross-reference with vaccination status and start to make some conclusions.

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And not every autopsy includes brain-cutting. We need more of that than ever.

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autopsies are not allowed as i recall.

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No autopsies means someone could get away with murder.

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Impossible to get a β€œclean” autopsies in Britain - no surprises there!

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Well, Dr. Cole is doing them. So is Dr. Arne Burkhardt in Germany.

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yes, correct. dr. cole stated recently he is working on 23 of them. but i am talking on masse, in the US is very difficult to do it, at least thats my understanding. plus .gov has several money incentives to discourage it with funerals, cremation etc.


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Then that is something that needs to change.

Private autopsies are a thing, by the way. Most people just don't want to pay for them.

The information is needed, though. This is not a situation where an MRI will suffice.

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This makes total sense which means that down the line SADS will increase. We've just got to the cause widely circulated--the Covid-19 jabs. And I agree that SIDS is mostly from infant vax shots.

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Your ongoing analysis is pulling the curtain back further and further. I see more adults that die in their sleep. It creates absolute anger at the perpetrators of this crime against us all.

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Wake up with a corpse.

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I have Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, a genetic connective tissue disorder. I’m unjabbed and don’t think I’ve had Covid. But I’ve read expert opinions which conclude those with EDS or MFTHR are likely to suffer more severely from the toxic shots. Another physician posts on YouTube videos talking about hyper mobility in the neck, Cervical Instability, as being a structural weakness which may be related to poorer outcomes with both the ClotShot and Covid itself.

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Right there with you, and I convinced my doc to give me a medical exemption from the VX due to my EDS and MFTHR. Now I’m concerned about shedders around me. Doing what I can with added NAC and glutathione in addition to my other regular supplements.

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Good for you and your ethical physician. I alternate between Nattokinase and Lumbrokinase on an empty stomach before bed. Also doing the FLCCC prevention protocol with IVM and their other suggested items.

Of course, I’m keeping my distance from the jabbed, too.

I guess this is how we’ll live the rest of our lives. As if we don’t go through enough with EDS, MFTHR and all that comes with them.

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Thanks for the reminder of Nattokinase and I’d not heard of Lumbrokinase, but will research that ASAP!

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I get mine from Dr. Mercola’s website because I trust him to provide a potent product seeing it’s made out of earthworms. No point in using an ineffective brand even if you save money.

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ivermectin dot com; take one once a week as a preventive

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thank you. ordering now. hopefully they are as advertised.... hard to believe they can sell this online with no prescription.

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Glad to learn that about MFTHR, as it's an issue I have, along w/ my Hashi's. I guess I need to find those papers / online so I can print out a copy to take to my doc, if this country ever slides back into shot mandates to keep jobs and I want to try for a medical exemption. If you can post a link, that would be much appreciated. I managed to squeak by last time without having to 'get clotted' but the way things seem like they might be headed, the damn WEF'ers & big Pharma corruption seems pretty damn intent on finding a way to revive that :(

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I’m sorry but I don’t have it. I don’t recall even where I saw it. I just did a search but nothing came up for me.

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Many more autopsies are needed.

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God Bless you Walter you are indeed right over the target l too believe. As a flautist l have noticed my respiratory β€œcapacity” and oxygen levels, especially in the morning are falling - not vax’d but getting serious enough symptoms to use a nebuliser .. quality sleep is a distant memory and l am concerned that l may fall foul of hypoxia so am now sleeping propped up and with additional air purification running. It helps as does walking in the woodland and along the coast daily .. Thank you so much for what you are giving to us - you are a trusted and valued person of the greatest integrity and knowledge.

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You might try thyme essential oil in a diffuser.


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have you tried the Wim Hof breathing exercises?

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What is the rate of Sads in vax only pts vs Covid infection pts vs both? I think this would be very important to know.

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That would be really interesting.

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This would account for people collapsing without any automatic reflexive protective responses (an arm out, the neck flexed to protect the head).

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The majority of SIDS cases, or at least - the stories - are often remarkable based upon the severe discomfort experienced by the child, dismissed as β€œa normal side effect of recent vaccinations,” and therefore ignored and not responded to, resulting in parents and child being separate while the child is dying.

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Very, very disturbing. Basically, we all die of hypoxia and inflammation, so the way these bioweapons work does indicate that they accelerate our "expiration" dates - a lot. Very depressing. Thank you for your hard work on this...

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Thanks for your work on this!

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Thank you!

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This just in from the AMA propaganda bureau this AM:


Takeaway from same:

"...β€œThese findings support reframing postvaccination symptoms as signals of vaccine effectiveness and reinforce guidelines for vaccine boosters in older adults,” researchers from Columbia University in New York, the University of Vermont, and Boston University wrote."

These psychopaths are not done with their work.

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"signals of vax effectiveness". only if death and disability was the plan all along

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