I note careful non- mention of any gene therapy injections! All possible causes have not been investigated!

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The huge rise in cancer and turbo cancer is because of the bioweapon jabs. Not a nonexistent “virus” that has never been isolated by anyone anywhere.

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Walter, while I greatly appreciate your research of potential antidotes to the novel health problems we are all facing, you fail to mention the experimental concoction’s role in the monumental increase in cancer diagnoses. Almost every article mentions the virus and its role in health outcomes.. what about the arm darts?

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Apr 3·edited Apr 3

Thank you. This makes sense. At least what I can understand as a non scientist. It would explain the new onset cancers in people I know who did not get the vaccine. I had Covid two years ago. I'm unjabbed, but it was totally unlike anything I've ever experienced. I felt inflammation everywhere, including I'm sure, the brain. I believe I've had Covid one more time. I am afraid that cancer is coming from the virus itself, and that none of us are safe. Granted the vaccinated have additional health concerns to worry about, but we are all at risk from this. This is not news that any of us want to hear. and I am sure you take no pleasure in delivering it. However, thank you for your tireless research, and for relentlessly seeking the truth. You are doing the Lord's work.

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Where is the data since 2019? How about the rise in turbo cancers in younger cohorts since the modRNA injections? S1 found in tumors of the modRNA injected, not the non injected…

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Please consider writing a stack on what happens when you take any injection that bypasses natural immune defence systems.. and then switches off P53 and toll like receptors 4,7, and 8.. you know.. the GOD given cancer sentries that we are all born with..

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We did not have turbo cancers that used to take 30 years to develop growing in people less than 30 years old…back in in 1990..

This data has been released to change everyone’s focus from dates AFTER 2019 .. can you not see?…the data from 2020-24 is higher still …what better way to obfuscate and hide what is happening today .. And only talk about pre 2020… desperate measure are being used to camouflage the elephants… but the smell of dung is overwhelming.

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You mention new tumors should be screened for SARS-CoV-2 viral particles or RNA, what about if we suspect the vaccine caused it? What would be the screening we should ask for? Thanks

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It’s god damn transfection.

Not this fairy tale sars shit gaslighting.

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Stock up on Ivermectin and fenbendazole. Everyone should take it prophylactically.

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The monumental elephant in the room is being totally ignored!

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It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see the problem. our bodies defenses are compromised. Allowing the assault of many germs to gain a foothold. As with so many governments backed schemes that fail to produce the desired result, they (government) don't admit the problem, just tell the standard lie that it requires more time or the virus is harder to kill than most.

As usual, their answer is to toss more money at it and push for more and stronger doses of the same medication. The reason for the "BOOSTERS" that also didn't cure the problem. What is bothering me is that so many still continue to believe them. The miracle they produced with requirements set that would be criminal to refuse should tell all that the government is no longer a republic but a dictatorship. A simple demand by the government hidden under the show of "protecting " the people is no less the removal of our right to choose what we do for our bodies. Done with a lie to reduce the population of the earth with what appears to be natural causes has failed.

We have enough people that were informed to recognize what happened. The efforts to secure power with demands for protection from people they scared to where they would do anything to live. a inoculation was something that wasn't outside of normal actions. Their ability to produce something totally new and untested was. yet our distraction and relief that they had a cure was welcomed.

Because we had no information on the results or side effects was produced at record pace. And around the world. Amazing to see so much cooperation from countries that when placed face to face, would not hesitate to kill each other. An opportunity missed to dispatch an enemy without blame.. When the Jab didn't work, they rolled out the standard excuses. Again, so many bought it. This provided the time to tweak the medication to get the results they want.

Only now, studies were done that showed how ineffective the Jabs were. not only ineffective, but dangerous. We started to see the reports come in from morticians. They were not just ignored but covered up with efforts that went up to applying pressure to the media that violated our first amendment .

These were not just ability to cover mistakes that were an anomaly that comes with most new medication's. We now had lies that were compounded upon lies to cover the criminal actions of people in government. Criminal actions that are being blocked by the many agencies involved in their creation. It is clear to me anyway that we have a government that is no longer protecting its people. What is its intent? My speculation is for control. Power to rule. Having a one world government that will run the world.

What they tell us is that it will save the planet. What needs saving is us. The question is can we do it without bloodshed? To do so, we must can remove the corruption in an expedient manner. Our world moves too quickly for the rules that worked when our constitution worked. What many don't realize is our constitution restricted the powers of government, not the citizens.

The constitution doesn't limit the power of the people. We wrote these rules and provided our representatives the power to make these changes in our name. When they won't follow our instructions, then we can remove them. We don't need to follow the rules they set that block the actions to remove them from the office.

Holding a vote that doesn't comply with their rules is regulated by the constitution. They try using these rules to keep their power. Making up rules that require amounts that they feel are too large to acquire to call for an election is most popular. Providing legal proof of criminal activity is another. What we need is to form a civilian branch of government. A court that serves like a grand jury that has subpoena powers. and abilities to acquire information.

This would be formed by drafting citizens that meet certain requirements to serve. First, a citizen. Second an age with the same as to be president. Third, no felony convictions. Fourth regular voting habits. With fluent in English reading and writing. Sixth. Living in the continental us. seven. Average computer skills. eight having no family events that cause stress or illness. nine having basic knowledge of how our courts work.

How it would work would that these people would serve for one year or more depending upon the projected length of a case worked upon. They would receive a secure computer that would unlock using three things. Facial recognition, set by the person delivering the computer, a fingerprint also applied and witnessed by the person delivering the computer and a password provided by the jurist.

The case they would service would arrive by secured delivery and signed for by the jurist. They would then sign into the case file using the case number. Reading the evidence provided and having the ability to ask questions that are answered by the controlling agent. The testimony or data would be copied to the computer for future reference. a section that would be signed by the jurist indicating they have read the data and to continue. This provides plenty of time for the jurist to read and understand the data.

When all the evidence is presented, a judgment is asked for. Guilt is presented along with explanations they may have. Both the ones that are being tried and jurists are anonymous, so any biases are not held to whoever is tried. If guilt is found, the person is removed from office and tried in the regular court system. The AG had no options but to prosecute. The only exception would be the president, who would be required to step down as the cases were tried.

The point is removal of the person under investigations so they have no authority or ability to sway any court. The citizen would now have gained control of government by removing the corruption. If the person is found not guilty, then they finish their term. What is shown is that no one is above the law and will be prosecuted. We have too many who think themselves untouchable and above the laws. We are a sovereign nation and powers to control our actions can't be allowed to exist. Having a people's court involves whoever is directly affected by government actions. Having several sets of jurists that sit in judgment would eliminate the clearly biased jurist, providing the best possible path for justice.

Having no one knowing who is a jurist or what case they sit upon, insures that they will not be contacted and force applied of any kind. We see laws written that exclude their application on any representative. These must be eliminated. We the people have the power to control the government. Within the last century, our constitution has been subverted in controlling our citizens.

If we are to have a free nation, the corruption must be removed. Defining the actions we expect that protect the citizens. Convicting the people that enrich the people that provide funding that keep them in power. It can be done but will require that some will see prosecution themselves for demanding that their voices be heard. We have seen gov, actions for Jan, 6. that have had prosecutions and have outright lies told about that day.

We had one citizen lose her life that day without having the murderer tried in public. no other lives were lost that day, yet we continue to hear the lies of all the officers slain. America is in peril and will fall to the shadow government if we allow it. Time to act people. we still have a choice. Start by watching our vote. insuring it is legal. Securing evidence so it can't be altered or destroyed. My time left is short. I would love to see a nation that is free of my great grandkids.------ I, Grampa

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Its the jabs people. The SARS-Cov-2 whatever it is, was or is just the seasonal Flu. Even the CC and other government entities are openly admitting it. And no one ever connected the Flu to cancer before - not sure how anyone could get cancer especially the turbo cancers reporting now in increasing numbers from a respiratory condition.

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There is nothing “in the air”

Boys and Girls.

If they could pull it off,

The people of Russia

Would have already been wiped out.

- Gain Of Function is still a failure.


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Wow! The give that keeps giving, once more.

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Walter, have you heard of Brazilin? It’s a dye that comes only from a few trees, but it fights just about every issue with Long Covid. I think it could really help some people. Really interesting stuff.


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