May 28, 2022Liked by Walter M Chesnut

if autopsies of inoculated folks had been the norm (considering those are experimental injections without long term safety data on humans) and autopsies hadn't been so strongly discouraged instead, things like this probably would've been spotted sooner.

autopsies on uninjected folks with COVID positive death certificates would be a good comparison group too.

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I see that in August 2020, a medical study of COVID-19 patient autopsies did indicate the troubling presence of amyloids: "Six patients were diagnosed with senile cardiac amyloidosis upon autopsy."


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Walter Chesnut who has a Substack, is all over the amyloid like and fibril fibrin deposition qualities of spike protein and the vaccines, among many of his scientific dot connections:



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I am posting this in multiple places, to share Walter's work, BTW.

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nice. I've not seen many studies recorded regarding the dead.

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Arne Burkhardt for Drs4covid ethics

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Wow! I haven't seen this before

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But that makes too much sense!

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They discouraged autopsies during the first stages of C19 pandemic

Then clots were spotted by those who did autopsies.

The same pattern repeats.

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"autopsies on uninjected folks with COVID positive death certificates would be a good comparison group too."

Why do you think they rushed to jab as many as they could (ideally 100%)?

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maybe they didn't expect this degree of high compliance from the medical industry and were worried they might actually get caught?

wanted to make more money faster?

trying to implement the WEF eugenics program at Warp Speed too?

and obviously they didn't want a control group.

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Oh, but there is a Control Group that started in the UK. Now it has members from most western countries.

It is now starting a group of vaccinated folks. It is called the Control Group.

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Jus buried a 55 year old life long friend today who died in his sleep Monday night.


1) can people test to see if they are vulnerable to a sudden cardiac arrest with this affliction?

2) can we make a stronger correlation to the vaccine or Covid?

3) is there something specific that a coroner is looking for? Can that be done without the full cost of a full autopsy? Just look for something specific?


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May 29, 2022Liked by Walter M Chesnut

I would bet that you could crowd fund fairly quickly an autopsy with several dozen Substack readers, if shared on a few author's feeds. Also have someone like Dr. Ryan Cole look at pathology of tissues under microscope. These autopsies are the gold standard for things we can't see with tests on the living. Dr. Philip McMillan in the UK with Vejon Health, his own YouTube Channel and a Substack column of his own has been talking up the importance of autopsies for COVID19 from the beginning, and since then the vaxxed.

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Thiamine deficiency can be part of sleep apnea. This is obviously more severe, adults SIDS. Things that deplete thiamine are ALCOHOL, sugar, caffeine and stress that pretty much describes US especially after last 2 years.

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More like last 30 years for me. 😖

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It can also cause cardiac issues.

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Yes! It’s a huge under appreciated issue n since nutritional supplements aren’t patentable you won’t hear a word about it. If people who aren’t familiar with thiamine deficiency want to learn more. Elliot Overton n Dr Eric berg have some great YouTube videos on this. Where doctors will consider thiamine deficiency is in alcoholism and we would put up a “banana bag” Called that bc of color bag turns with B vitamins. Just think of docs told their patients to take a B complex?

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Apparently large doses of thiamine have helped dogs too. This article is interesting


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Timely article! We are looking into issues with our horse & some spinal/lower leg issues plus my dad has diabetes and all that goes with it, including neuropathy. THANK you!

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Dr Eric berg and Elliot Overton have some great videos on YouTube about it. Chandler Marrs who wrote a book with Dr Lonsdale THE thiamine expert has a page on facebook that talks about it.

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I have an excess (over 2000) of B12 in my blood. Docs shrug their shoulders. I’m a bit alarmed.

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Is there a way to test if you are thiamine deficient? (blood test?)

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May 29, 2022·edited May 29, 2022

Yes it's easily tested in a lab. But honestly, most people probably have some subclinical b1 deficiency with most people's diets these days. High carbs/sugar = low B1

Could also help people suffering from "Long Covid" as they are likely deficient as well: https://www.hormonesmatter.com/recovering-from-long-covid-with-thiamine/

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That makes sense.

How is B1 best supplemented? Does it usually come alone or with other B's?


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B1 100 mg tablets are good one, am having since last 1 month..usual one from B complex is not enough for the present time..

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Taking Benfotamine, which is the fat soluble version of B1 is definitely the best way to get your levels up. I take Life Extensions, as it has both Thiamine and Benfotamine


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Super! Thank you! And I bet they have a sale going on this weekend!

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Thank you for this info!

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I had heard thiamine can also be depleted in the body's own immune response to viruses. It is only 1 reason why I take a B complex. I do not remember where I read this however, as I read so many sources. Anyone want to comment?

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I'll comment, but not specifically on thiamine. A good strong (water soluable, remember) B complex can be life changing. ...But it does depend on your liver being able to convert what it's given to the cells.

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How can you tell whether the B supplement you take is water soluble? Thank you.

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Jun 29, 2022·edited Jun 29, 2022

All B vitamins are water soluble, meaning any over abundance will be excreted in your urine. This is opposed to fat soluble vitamins, like vitamin D. These vitamins are stored in your body fat. Also, means the more body fat you have the higher dosage you need to take, but not over do.

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That definitely sounds familiar... is there someone who has a whole thiamine based protocol? Will try to find links...

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I'm no doctor but I keep hearing about the D-Dimer test. Would that help? I'm just shooting wildly here.

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May 29, 2022·edited May 29, 2022Liked by Walter M Chesnut

COVID-19 seems almost like the perfect "Aging Disease". Induction of systemic amyloidosis, lipid peroxidation, iron dysmetabolism, glucose dysmetabolism, DNA damage, and chronic inflammation all closely mimic the physiology of aging. In fact, the very definition of an Alzheimer's-afflicted brain is "amyloidosis, DNA damage, and iron-induced lipid peroxidation". People with diabetes, hypertension, obesity, old age, and/or African-American race all have an "older" endothelial phenotype. COVID-19 comes along and pushes someone teetering on the edge right off the cliff. Same thing with the vaccines; endothelial and pericardial/myocardial injury, amyloid deposition, amyloid fibrin clot formation, etc.

This Spike protein seems as if deliberately engineered for demographic rebalance by geronticide. They don't want to pay people's pensions. They want young workers, and they want them to die before they retire.

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Brilliant, as always. Succintcly explained and perfectly written.

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May 30, 2022·edited May 30, 2022Liked by Walter M Chesnut

Thank you. Your research into COVID-19/Vaccine-induced amyloidosis is really eye-opening.

I was infected with COVID-19 in January. I experienced alterations to taste and smell (everything with acetic acid in it smelled like ammonia), extreme fatigue, body aches, 102.6-degree F (tympanic) fever, mild cough, pins and needles in the extremities, GI tract disturbances, rash, elevated heart rate, and cold-like symptoms. Rapid antigen test showed positive. Respiratory symptoms were minimal.

I took Vitamin D, NAC, quercetin, resveratrol, famotidine, and diphenhydramine, and the body aches subsided a bit. I ended up with mild lasting effects months later. Very mild (almost unnoticeable) memory deficit that seems to be healing. Substances containing butyric acid, like butter and some cheeses, smell and taste like chemicals (noticeable alteration to olfactory perception of carboxylic acids). I had reactive arthritis in my forearms, wrists, and fingers. Other than that, I mostly feel fine.

SARS-CoV-2 can potentially invade the brain through the transcribial route, damaging the olfactory nerve, orbitofrontal cortex, and parahippocampal gyrus. This may lead to alterations to spatial understanding, taste and smell, memory formation, and inhibitions/impulsivity. SARS-CoV-2 also likes homing in on the cardiorespiratory center of the brain stem (something it shares in common with SARS), and may actually be infecting the brain through retrograde infection of the vagus nerve (from pulmonary stretch receptors in the lungs, et cetera). Not only are SARS-CoV-2's proteins amyloidogenic, the virus also promotes metabolic overdrive (via calcium pathway over-activity) that stresses out mitochondria and the endoplasmic reticulum and promotes cell death by lipid peroxidation (ferroptosis and parthanatos). Some repurposed therapeutics, like famotidine, may be effective against COVID-19 because they inhibit hydroxyl radical formation.

Restoring balance to endothelial redox is actually antiviral; it (theoretically) prevents NOS uncoupling and restores nitric oxide bioavailability, and the nitric oxide directly inhibits the Spike protein by preventing its palmitoylation.

I've been recommending that people recovering from COVID-19 take OTC antioxidants and anti-amyloid stuff as post-viral therapy. Melatonin, curcumin, and nattokinase, specifically. They seem to help a lot.

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Would eating curry (curcumin) and natto (nattokinase) and getting exposed to sunshine (melatonin) work as well, or not enough concentration compared to the OTC supplements?

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Curcumin is barely absorbed orally.

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If some true psycho wanted to kill off mankind, I can think of no better way to do it than an airborne prion disease. Let's say someone engineers a mildly neurotropic virus with a structural protein that has been deliberately designed to cause vCJD several years after infection. Such a virus could be engineered such that it causes symptoms little worse than the flu, and be made to fly under the radar, infecting millions and millions of unwitting people. It has no evolutionary pressure to become less lethal. People contract the virus, their brain tissue is exposed to the engineered prion, they get over the virus just fine, and they go about their daily lives as usual. Then, seven or eight years later, hundreds of millions of people start dropping dead of Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease. There was no way to isolate or contain it because it blended in with seasonal flu and nobody even realized it was there. The hunt for the pathogen turns into an archeological expedition as people frantically comb over records from several years back for clues, but find nothing. There is panic in the streets. Mass unrest. Governments begin collapsing one after another.

I sincerely hope SARS-CoV-2 isn't something like that.

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I sure hope not too...yet, it has bothered me how 'seriously' governments have taken the threat of CoV-2 when seemingly the fatality rate is so minimal. Do they know more...? Even the severe lockdowns in Shanghai...

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May 31, 2022·edited May 31, 2022

i wonder, if you could, when you say "there is no way to contain it" any ideas to fight the spike protein from doing the damage?? thanks in advance. WMC thinks highly of you, so you got my vote :)

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Well put Spartacus.

The spike protein and the vaccines that keep those spike replication machines going join forces to make up the perfect Swiss Army knife of every way one could think of to "rust out" a human body and rapidly increase the rate of decay on every front. I don't believe for a moment that nature cooked this up for us in one brief moment of human history.

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I don't believe that nature cooked this up for humanity either..the devil had his hand in this

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Walter has written about it being an aging disease for some time. He has more info now on why.

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Walter Chesnut has been a must read for a long time, first on Twitter, and now on Substack as WMC Research:


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Thank you, Betsy.

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From one of your biggest fans.

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Walter, what is your name on Twitter? Thanks

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Never mind. Found you!

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Exquisite response, Spartacus!

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Very well said. Scary!

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Is it *just* spike proteins that are the culprit or are we looking at cytotoxic nanoparticles as well?

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brilliantly explained ...

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The cull is well underway. You found this Walter. The silent death, hidden, made to look natural. Great great work

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Thank you. I wish, of course, this wasn't the case.

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Same here bud, it’s been hard accepting this to. Feel so helpless when people won’t listen. Thx Walter

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Francis A Boyle was correct mid 2020 when he said (on a deleted YouTube video) that the vaccine is the bioweapon, which is why I studied the vaccine. He also mentioned it was would get them out of paying pensions.

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Is there a vitamin and/or medicinal protocol to mitigate systemic amyloidosis? How much thiamine as part of a B complex supplement is needed? Has this terrible information been shared with any of the legal teams of Aaron Siri, Thomas Renz, Charles Barnes and Dr. David Martin? Thank you, Walter. Praying someone can come up with a treatment.

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Fibrinolytic enzymes are your best bet. Serrapeptase, Nattokinase and Lumbrokinase

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Thank you, Wondrous Walter!

The study with the two cases you alluded to, discussing the deposition of misfolded precursor protein involving fibril formation, has turned out to be  portentous of the unfolding tragedy.  Indeed, as the study states, "Our two cases highlight the importance of considering amyloidosis as a potential diagnosis even in asymptomatic patients as the outcome with this disease could be fatal...."  https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7132166/

Thank you for your brilliant research!!

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What came first? The experimental “vaccine” or the gain of function virus. Which has the most cytotoxic spike proteins? I am of the opinion that the GOF virus is the platform for the real agenda, the “vaccine”

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As someone who has had COVID twice now and (foolishly) also got the shot, I'd say both are pretty bad. Particularly the original strain and Delta. I had the original strain in March 2020 and it was the weirdest illness I've ever had and had lingering bizarre symptoms for about 2 months like Brian zaps.

I would say that the variant that's running around now is definitely LESS bad than the vaccine itself though. Anyone who has gone this far without getting the shot would be crazy to get it now.

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I’ve had it twice now, too—January 2021 and then Omicron December 2021. The first was bizarre. I felt like I was battling a new virus every couple of days. Then long Covid set in with everything from warts on one hand to lots of hair loss and smelling gas strongly. I was finally given Ivermectin and all the symptoms went away. Then after Omicron, the warts and gasoline smell returned and I quickly took more Ivermectin. Everything seems fine now except I don’t have much energy. Not sure if that’s from sitting around for 2 years, from some heart vessel obstruction (40-60% in LAD, but I had that pre Covid) or if it’s from something due to Covid. Walter’s articles makes me not want to go to sleep!

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How often/how much did you take Ivermectin?

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My boyfriend and I take ivermectin once a week. He got the jabs to keep his job in August 2021. He started having headaches, brain fog, fatigue, breathing issues after the 2nd moderna shot. I am unvaccinated but I started having the same problems. I guess from shedding?? We both took Ivermectin plus claritin or pepcid & ate a fatty meal for 5 days straight. After that, we take ivermectin with a meal & claritin/pepcid once a week. We are also taking certain vitamins everyday. Like: NAC, high doses of vitamin C, B-complex, CoQ10, D3, zinc, magnesium, cod liver oil, B12, & a probiotic. We neither one have had sars cov2 (that we know of- we never got tested if we felt bad). Here's some articles that I got my info from..




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18 mg on day 1, day 4, and then every 7 days for a month. Can take another round if you don’t see improvement.

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Might there be a blood test or biopsy screen to find this before it kills?

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Jun 3, 2022Liked by Walter M Chesnut

Greetings W.M.C.+F.,

Message of positive karma!

The “move” to substack

must alleviate the B.S.

(miasma) associated with

dissemination of your

research on Twitter.

Subscription upgrade imminent!

Recent publications excellent

illumination of SARSnCoV2

ramifications. Especially recent

piece WRT Liotta et al.

No pontification at this time.

Peace be upon You


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Is there anything that can reverse/slow down the DAMAGE which occurs in IN BOTH CASES BY THE FORMATION OF FIBRILS?

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Walter, I’m brand new subscriber, don’t thank me, you deserve it.

“Millions” my fear is that is what critics will remember.

It may not be helpful.

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An apposite review, just in case some one has not seen it....


* Peptide from SARS-CoV-2 spike protein forms amyloidsIn lab tests, immune cell enzyme cleaves spike protein to yield fibril-forming peptide

by Celia Henry ArnaudMay 31, 2022

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In this paper, the studied peptides were 15 aminoacids long, quite short compared to proteins.

So maybe the vaxx is somehow triggering the immune system to break down the spike protein precisely into these small, fibril inducing peptides, and the natural clearing of the spike protein from virus infection doesn't do that (or not as much).

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Let's just start calling it Ray Liotta syndrome.

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But the jabs are safe & effective...just ask all those who have suffered life-altering side effects and/or died soon after. Would Big Pharma, the WEF, the WHO & politicians lie to us????

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And then it could simply be the jab? No, shock horror, perish the thought, the jabs are "safe and effective". Yeah right. One can't find something if one is not looking for it. Why was the jab not even considered as the cause of death? After all, no one has isolated and purified the alleged SARS CoV-2 "virus".

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It would really help if someone would present these findings in layman's terms. I am battling with Spike Protein to the point where this time last year blowing my nose one morning I found I was blowing up chunks of bloody mucus which began to overflow into my throat making it difficult to breath. My immediate thought was "I am going to die" then gasped as I remembered there was no one to feed my pets for at least 5 days. My reaction caused me to throw up the muck in my throat. Plenty of thick bloody mucus. Since then at 76 I started menstruating revealing more clots. Then clear for a month or two and back again.

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