Why I love taking cold showers and doing wim hof breathing- primes the vagus nerve and calms down our stress response, along with getting away from blue light: https://romanshapoval.substack.com/p/the-1-emf-youve-forgotten-about

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Thanks Roman. From what I know, Wim Hofs method actually activates the stress response; it is definitely activate by deep, chest breathing through the mouth. I have taken level 1 and level 2 courses in RPR - Reflexive Performance Reset. RPR is a series of simple self-applied activations/massage points that down-regulates the stress response. It is easily proved by a person who knows RPR - they can do a brief demo that illustrates the switch from flight-or-flight to down-regulation in a couple of minutes. Every breathing course I have taken, RPR, StrongFirst, etc., says the exact same thing. Peace.

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Thanks for sharing that Steve. Yes technically you're correct - I should have clarified in saying that ultimately the way we respond to stress is lowered, but first Wim Hof stimulates our vagus nerve/improves vagal tone so that we can then deal with stress more easily as most of us have a vagus nerve that's underused.

Thanks for the note on RPR! What made you get into that? Can you do it online?

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Thanks Roman. I have always been active - RPR helps you get ready for any activity/sport in a very easy way. The system is based on work called "Be Activated" by Douglas Heel. Two coaches met Douglas and were amazed by the results he showed. For example, in a typical gait cycle, your glute fires first, then your hamstring, then your contra-lateral quadratus lumborum. If that firing sequence is not the case, then you get either hamstring pulls or back injuries. In a lot of cases, the glutes are not firing. The RPR "reset" for the glutes is at the base of the skull. You can see a live demo, by one of the founders of RPR, in this video:


You can take the course(s) online. I took level 1 in 2020; level 2 about a month ago:


It works!


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great info! Thank you!

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"I should have clarified in saying that ultimately the way we respond to stress is lowered, but first Wim Hof stimulates our vagus nerve/improves vagal tone so that we can then deal with stress more easily as most of us have a vagus nerve that's underused." - thanks Roman, I will check that out! Peace.

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Do you have an opinion on the 'tapping' techniques?

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Such as for example the Emotional Freedom Technique here https://www.healthline.com/health/eft-tapping#research

No risk of harm and potential great benefit!

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Ivermectin ivermectin ivermectin ivermectin ivermectin ivermectin ivermectin ivermectin zinc

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And nattokinase nattokinase nattokinase

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Nicely done, Walter. Jibes with the probable SIDS toxic brainstem mechanisms of the childhood poisons.

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I highly recommend that you familiarize yourself with the research of Dr. Bryan Ardis concerning the prevalence of venom peptides in the COVID shots, glyphosate, etc. We need to stop attributing spike disease to a “virus” when in fact we are dealing with weaponized prions / proteins.

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Yes! Why is there this diconnect?!

We have patents now on what the govt has developed. Start with those and work on solutions from that end.

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Can you provide patent numbers? I read a lot of patents; it helps to go to the source. Thanks. Peace.

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David Martin has conducted a lot of heavy duty research on these patents. Watch every interview he has given in the last 2 years. Here is a primer:


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Thank you. I am very familiar with his work. I have downloaded the patents he references. Peace.

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I've LC brain...it doesn't retain much anymore. But Karen Kingston is the one working diligently on pulling patents on all the bio-nanotech that the govt has been using. There seems to be two camps now...one believing in toxic nano technologies and one believing in a virus. Kingston says it was designed to look like a coronavirus, but it isn't.

This is key in figuring put a solution to the problem. It's imperative to know which it is.

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I no longer trust or follow Karen Kingston. I investigated one of her claims regarding "electronics in the shots" - I downloaded and read the patent she called out and found her claims to be 100% false. Peace.

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Do you believe Ana Mihalcea's work is false also?

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Yes. I believe it is false. The reason I believe that is that Kevin McKernan, the R&D team leader for the human genome project at MIT - an expert in sequencing genomics, sequenced the Pfizer and Moderna vials and published the results. The vials were contaminated with plasmid DNA and the expression vectors ( Pfizer's actual formula to create the mRNA shots ), encapsulated in lipid nanoparticles. There is no graphene oxide in the shots. There is no electronics in the shots. There are people selling detox creams for "heavy metals", etc. , I feel that they are opportunistic, to say the least. Peace.

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Why is it mutually exclusive? The funding trail and historical research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology makes it clear that they have been conducting "gain-of-function" (aka bioweapon) research on SARS coronaviruses going back to at least 2007. There's a clear funding trail from NIAID to EcoHealth to Wuhan. Ralph Baric and Dazsak, etc are all big players here. They're not just performing virologist cosplay in BSL 3 labs. Likewise, nano technologies, etc are certainly primed to be used in the so-called "vaccines." They can be both correct...

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And most probably both are correct. So we need measures to address both a virus and toxic nano-tech if we wish to heal humanity

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Just because there is a patent does not mean it is being used or even came to fruition. You can patent all kinds of things that you've never made. Just because there is a patent for xyz does not mean xyz exists.

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Please can someone tell me why the simplest of tests has not been done...the test that determines if the spike protein is in sperm and bodily fluids years after the injection (so that we can know if it is safe to be intimate with people who have been injected). How hard would this test be? It seems like this should be common knowlege by now. Very frustrating that we can't get an answer.

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simple, they don't to want to be caught with the hand in the cookie jar ...

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You can test for that, but you can't test for residual damage. Remember that spike is genotoxic and cytotoxic so even if the spike is long gone, the effects may remain.

I'd expect this to apply even more to women, as their eggs will all have individually been exposed to spike protein and it'll be difficult to estimate the types of injuries that may have occurred.

So for casual sex, a spike test should be enough. For reproduction, still we're not sure.

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So there is a "spike test" that a man can go have to see if the spike protein can be transferred through his semen?

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oh, wow, thank you!

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rest assured there wont ever be a spike protein test ... try to do your best.


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Again, I have to ask: Is this study relevant to the mRNA "vaccine" as well? Is it identical? Does the density of spike produced make a difference?

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the spike is supposedly identical between infection and vax (there are mutation variants however), but you get billions of times greater exposure with the injection than an infection. I don't have any data on a very bad infection and how many spikes are produced. The existence of long covid says there are people who may make spike forever.

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The shot spike is not identical. It has been modified so it can not unfold. From an article I read: "On the diagram it is labeled as “S Prot_mut” which is shorthand for mutant spike protein. Why is it a mutant? The spike protein does not exist in a constant shape, it changes slightly, and that could make it challenging for antibodies to detect. Scientists figured out how to lock the spike protein in its prefusion state, the form it takes before it connects to the cell. They lock it into that conformation by changing a few amino acids, the protein’s building blocks (for geeks only: changing a few to proline) (Hseih, et al., 2020) .

On making spike forever: Two sources of that- the &psi.mRNA is not metabolized, probably because it is in a phagocyte. (If the phagocyte is metabolized, can the &psi.mRNA go into the plasma and somehow enter another cell in the lymphatic system?) The second is that a large fraction of some lots/vial sets contain a large fraction of the original dsDNA plasmids. If these are encapsulated in LPN, which we have to assume at least some are, the plasmid will make its way into whatever cells it can, and then go on its merry way making &psi.mRNA.

The mutant form is more stable and always present in the prefusion state, the one that is present on the virus, so that the body’s immune system will be primed to recognize it."

Watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XCmZSu1GrjY. Note the changes and also note that with those changes comes the distinct possibility/likelihood the shot efficacy is not be very high. (As has been the actual case.) Note at the 30 minute or so mark the host presents a paper where the shot designers are recommending changes to make the efficacy better. I'll leave it at that, but I think I'm going to write about this on my substack at some point because it relates to the Blood Transfusion bill issue.

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asserting that only the shot spike will not unfold is not really cogent with scientists I read regularly. Only the injected, not naturally infected, seem to be making the cardiac amyloids, presenting with CJD, or have misfolded protein/elastin clots in their veins. The shot being marginally effective is coherent with biowarfare, where the aim is for maximum disruption and wastage of resources

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I agree, but the shot spike is still not identical, which makes your point. See my substack for the work I am doing on Blood Transfusion legislation, where I use the shot spike difference- I call the shot spike ModSpike- to argue your point and then will end up pointing out how dangerous a donation from a "vaxxed" donor is.

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Thanks for this great explanation. as usual you take a very complex subject and break it down for us "civilians". But I feel like, since Covid struck, I have had a 3 year course of study on virology and how the body interacts, fights, and succumbs to or defeats disease.

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I have long Covid since February 2020, prior to vaccines. It is such a dense field of study. I have just released a book on how climate change is causing pandemics, called Pandoras Box.

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Sensible Environmentalism—Patrick Moore


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those long-term concerns are legitimate ... heard of niancin? what about camphor?

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What does camphor do? How does niacin keep neurons alive?

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camphor was used during the plague and also during spanish flu ... it seems in europe it is known for these sort of protection by old timers ...

niacin has been mentioned by erica at jeff rense and some guy called dmitry a doctor it seems.

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What more to add.....hanging on your lips not? A 10 thousand times thank you

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Ramming those swabs up the nose can't have been helping with keeping the spike protein from accessing these areas.

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This dovetails nicely with the arguments Stephanie Seneff has been making regarding spike proteins being packaged up in exosomes and travelling up the Vagus nerve. For those who have not read it I strongly suggest checking it out: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9012513/

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The Vaccines

Dissolve Cells.

The Vaccinated

Are Dissolving.


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Blood and serum of patients with LONG COVID

Bacteria toxins produced in the GUT

Why would Naltrexone help symptoms in Long Covid

Could this be related to bacterial toxins?


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This would possibly explain all the neuro deficiencies we are seeing. Many young people are complaining of memory problems and cognitive decline. Blaming it on aging and other maladies. Not sure how they'll keep up competencies long term if this physiological attack continues. Thanks for all your diligent work Walter.

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"These findings suggest that SARS-CoV-2 leads to cell death and senescence through multiple pathways."

Dang those crafty pangolins...err, racoon dogs...err...

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