MARK MY WORDS! SARS-CoV-2 Will NEVER Let Its Victim Go – Why China Is Desperately Trying To Protect Its People With Radical Lockdowns – They KNOW!!!!! AND I ASSURE YOU FAUCI, GATES, ET AL, KNOW, TOO!
I like whiteswan idea, Walter. You are an exceptional researcher and good at communicating your research in simple terms. I really miss your daily interaction with your followers on Twitter.
Btw, Walter. I read the incriminatory comments of Dimitris Katz against Dr. Marik. Is ivm really harmful as Katz claims? I would like to know your opinion regarding ivm and hcq. Thank you.
But what are we to do? The overwhelming majority of people don't see apocalyptic doom and gloom and are far more worried about filling their tank and paying their bills. Clearly Fauchi is a con man (at best, actually a criminal) but he's still in power.
Bottom line is that despite the fact the shots are awful, the most of the people who took them seem to be fine. Yes, otherwise healthy people are dropping dead for no good reason, but it's a very small fraction. There are no bodies piled in the streets. We see concerning trends from Ethical Skeptic and others but the elephant in the room (at least as far as our side is concerned) is that most of the vaxxed ARE FINE. This is never addressed and leads to loss of credibility.
Yes some people are catching covid over and over again but most people are not. Again, they are a small fraction that cannot be overlooked but neither can the much greater majority who are not falling victim to the doom and gloom scenarios. Why is this? Are they all just ticking time bombs and it's just a matter of time? Seems unlikely IMO, particularly as people reject the boosters. Doomsayers have been saying since time immemorial that "the end is near" but it never happens.
Perhaps my world is skewed as my immediate family is unvaxxed, as is most of my extended family. However, we still go to work, church, school, social events, etc. and most people are fine. They aren't dropping dead. I see no noticeable increase in absenteeism at work from people being constantly sick (and I would know as I'm a boss). No one in my immediate family has been sick in two and a half years though we do follow the FLCCC prevention protocol.
I agree we are sliding into the abyss but IMO it has far more to do with planned economic and moral destruction brought on the the WEF and militant hedonism (one in the same thing). The spike is nasty no doubt, but it's a sideshow without further evidence. Why are most people who took the shot fine (or at least appear to be)?? Without answering that question we look like the lunatic fringe to most of the world.
Edit: Adding to be clear that I do think the spike is poison and would never take the vax. It's the alarmism without evidence that is my concern.
Just try hard not to have Covid many times, not sure if you are vaxed or not, but at the very least stay in the best of health you can be and sun tan APPROPRIATELY.
NO Won't get vaxxed for sure! Was sick with a fever (1 day) and lethargic for about 5. Stayed home. Husband lost taste and smell for 3 weeks back in Sept 2021. We are taking care of ourselves!
I never got covid til after my 3rd shot. I will never get a covid shot again. Is my immunity to it destroyed? Also, is there hidden mrna in the flu shot this year? I have lupus sle with autoimmune emphysema, so I usually get the shot. I am a little scared that after having both covid and the mrna vaccines, that the flu shot will kill me . I worry about "dying suddenly. " please advise.
I absolutely agree that it could be a slow burn. Maybe in many people, the damage will take time. But in my world, I have only witnessed one obvious vaccine injury - my brother [at least triple vaxxed] who developed a blood clot in his femoral artery, and he was on blood thinners from a previous heart surgery last year! Obviously a vaccine injury! My one son works for a huge aerospace company, working with large teams, and just about everyone is vaccinated. [my son is not - religious exemption]. He knows of no one who is sick, injured or dead. I guess we can say “yet”. My other son is a UPS driver in a huge center with 400+ drivers and hundreds more workers. He thinks probably at least 1/2 are vaccinated. [he is not]. Again, he knows of no one who has been hospitalized or has died. I know Geert has come out and said that in the next 4-6 weeks, things may get very bad for the vaccinated with virulent variants coming down the pike. And perhaps they are all developing micro clots that will progress to something lethal down the road. I hope not. My husband is the only one of us who is vaxxed. I have him on a whole bunch of things to try and prevent problems down the road. And I 100% agree that these vaccines are absolute GARBAGE and should not be taken by anybody for any reason.
I am very optimistic about the fact that the majority of Americans opted not to take the booster, so perhaps people are catching on to this scam. And only 1-2% of the very young kids got the shots.
I'm also in aerospace (a very large company) and like your son I have a religious exemption. I agree with his estimate that about 90% of the workforce are vaxxed due to last year's federal contractor mandate.
Overwhelmingly the workforce is fine, there are zero signs of any widespread illness or increased chronic conditions. People put on weight due to lockdowns and work from home, but nothing beyond that. Maybe it will show up in the future but it simply has not happened yet. I'm also concerned about fertility, but we'll see how that goes.
I'm extremely grateful to Walter, Igor, and the others for their research and don't mean to denigrate them or their work. Clearly the vax is a net negative and was a terrible idea. However, these doomsday scenarios are all theories. These disease mechanism theories have to be tested against real-world empirical evidence, and when doing so the evidence for widespread harm (as opposed to focused harm) just isn't there. Extrapolating small signals to the population at large without hard, corresponding evidence just isn't credible.
I suspect a small subsection of the population are uniquely susceptible to harm from the vax just as some people are from Covid itself (probably those with genetic conditions or existing metabolic derangement). There is no evidence I've seen that it applies to the general population.
In the Words Dr Ah Kahn Syed (I suggest you learn this by heart as it will make a lot easier to understand why/what/how/for what reason/When/The reason I say by heart is because most people find it hard to think when they are presented with something deeply upsetting that is threatening their own existence)
Dr Ah Kahn Syed
"This is how it will work. There will be "normal" cancers diagnosed at a lower rate but with a higher mortality in 2021-2022, because of fear of going to the doctor. At the same time, lymphomas, leukaemias and unusual cancers (that rely on acute suppression of cancer pathways) will spike but in low numbers. Over the next 2-10 years this will drift into an overall rise in the number of cancers of certain types and I suspect it will be gradual. It will not be able to be directly linked to the vaccines because everybody had them. That is why they needed to remove the control group. It will be difficult to prove, just as it took 40 years to sue J&J for ovarian cancer from their otherwise useless baby powder."
Somebody asked Dr Ah Kahn Syed something along the lines of..."could not the general population of unvaccinated be compared/contrasted against the vaccinated over the next several years as a sort of "control" group? "
Dr Ah Kahn Syed replied: "That was the reason that it was necessary not to reach 70% vaccination but 98% vaccination in most Western countries. At that level (2%) there are so many confounders in the remaining cohort of unvaccinated people it will never be possible to do this. That was essential to achieve in order to make sure that the evidence could not be gleaned to file claim against the pharma companies for fraud in their claims in the clinical trials. Remember it took 40 years for the J&J decision, 30 years for thalidomide etc.
Jeff I’m glad you were also able to get a religious exemption. I too am extremely grateful for these substacks. I’ve learned so much from all these learned people.
I guess we’ll just have to take a wait-and-see attitude to see how this all plays out.
My brother had a prior health condition that had been stable since his teens. After getting vaccinated because of his workplace mandate, his condition flared and steadily worsened all this past year. He is suffering so much, but hides it as much as possible at work, so I don't know if we would always know what coworkers are dealing with post vax. He's not dead, but I live with a daily sense that his life has been shortened and I have less time with him now.
That is an excellent point…many people are probably suffering in silence just to keep their job. Just watched the movie “Uninformed Consent”. What an eye-opener. Everyone should take the time to watch this.
Breathless twitter posts where every death on the other side of the world is amplified a thousand-fold is not "evidence", it's hysteria.
Look, it's clear the vax is terrible and it's both harming and killing people. I don't dispute that and never have. I'm unvaxxed along with my entire family for crying out loud. My entire point (which I stated very clearly) is that these doomsday scenarios have no evidence, are alarmist, and ultimately lead to loss of credibility. Nearly every post on here starts with "THIS IS MY MOST IMPORTANT FINDING YET!" and lays out something even more awful. Sooner or later you have to ask, "where are the bodies?". Yes, excess deaths are up by a significant amount, but as percentage of the total population it is small. Again, it is a small percentage, there is no mass die-off.
Let me ask another time, how do you explain the fact that overwhelming majority of people who took the vax ARE FINE? That has to be explained and it has not been. My suspicion is it's a unique individual susceptibility or hot lots. If that's true then there is no doomsday scenario, just lots of hurt and killed people (which is of course terrible but not doomsday).
Your position in the medical field *amplifies and distorts* your reality far more than mine as it funnels the harmed into your view. It's like a fireman saying someone's house can burn down any day (because they see houses burning every day) when in reality most houses never burn down. I work in the real world without that distortion and *most* people ARE FINE. I'm not saying that the vax isn't harming people, of course it is. It's a freaking disaster on every level, but it's clearly not some sort of extinction-level event.
All I ask is that we exercise the same critical thinking we demand of the covid cultists. Without that we are no better.
I agree with you wholeheartedly. We don't know enough, lots of alarmism. There's also a chance that vaccinating was the right choice - but only time will tell (I am not vaccinated).
My greatest concern about the shots is how they affect reproductive health. I have heard that miscarriages are up at least 300%, maybe much more. This is absolutely horrific.
there's a lot of videos/posts about how a covid infection lowers sperm health/motility for quite some time afterwards.. maybe worse in long haulers, while the vax apparently does not. I am hoping that it is reversible, but we have to be aware.
Yes we will see, time will tell. Last week friends from two different businesses here in the Bay area California told me "everyone at work is sick right now." There are other signs all around:
Australia is getting hammered, 50% increase of people calling in sick with bad flus, colds and repeat infections:
Do you subscribe to Walter Chestnut sub stack. I feel this is all just a wait and see BUT there are how any more MILLIONS on disability.. where are the workers? Why so hard to find people to work? I feel it's a domino effect BUT then again WHO is reporting all this and do you think they would have the courage to start staying anything publicly?
I don't subscribe to any substacks but do read just about everything Walter writes. He's clearly off-the-charts smart, and his ability to research and pull together threads is amazing. I don't disagree with anything he's found that I can think of. Where we diverge is extrapolating his findings to alarmist (IMO) predictions that don't have compelling empirical evidence. That's where we need to exercise a bit more discretion and critical thinking (again just my opinion).
So where did all the workers go? That's a great question. Many of them quit after cashing in on the Covid small business grants, or the stock market, housing, and crypto bubbles. They took the money and ran so to speak. I can't blame them, wish I had the foresight to do the same.
I can tell you in my industry (aerospace) the workers didn't disappear, they are still there but it's just that nothing is getting done. Clueless management sees this as a labor shortage when in reality it's a massive nosedive in productivity. People are pretending to work from home when they are actually goofing off a lot of the time. What used to take eight people now takes ten people, to the uninformed it looks like two people went missing. They are still there but they are day-trading and surfing the internet rather than working.
Undoubtedly there are some dying and being disabled at higher rates than before (from the vax), no one of good faith who has looked at the numbers denies this. But as a percentage of the overall population the numbers are small. They don't justify the Armageddon predictions nor do they explain the apparent labor shortages.
Interesting perspective. I worked (in a specialized call center) during all of Covid. Lots of people did work from home but the company (long story) has the metrics down to seconds (since it's paid by an outside source) and there was no dive in productivity. We got busier because of all the zoom calls.
Sometimes I can't even understand what Walter is saying LOL
We are just trying to live our best lives. We surf for news from specific sites and don't watch TV at all. Walk on the beach every low tide and get our Vit D. What else can you do!
Some things like customer service (where tasks are measured in minutes and you are always busy) are well suited to WFH. Engineering is definitely not. Tasks (such as a detailed analysis) are often measured in months and no one can tell if someone is productive on any given day. Plus, communication is terrible (no impromptu hallway conversations) and things often have to be redone.
It's been a disaster for us. So much so we ordered people back in the office a while back but people are resisting. Unfortunately that type of attitude gets one on the top of the layoff list and with a major recession looming layoffs are coming.
Anyways, way off topic. I love Walter, Igor, Jessica, and Jikky's stuff but sometimes I wonder if we fall into the same trap as the triple maskers and quad vaxxers with our own doom and gloom.
Haha. Jeff - you and I are on the exact same wavelength. I am seeing the exact same problems with WFH, but I am also seeing a lethargy in people at my company and others. I follow some subreddits like covidlongaulers, and am seeing a drastic increase in new members posting... so it does seem like long covid sufferers are increasing, or rather, becoming aware that something is wrong...
I have heard several "experts" (seem to know what they are talking about) speculate that the nanoparticles that were in the shots have a timed release mechanism associated with 5G. Meaning it could be activated with certain frequencies via 5G. If people understood what really happened with the "Twin Towers," they would understand that the towers were incinerated using microwave technology (Research Judy Wood). That is why so many victims were outside on the ledge of the building-they were being microwaved alive. The towers represent human DNA strands (23 chromosomes each). Replaced with "one tower"-meaning changing God's DNA to man's. This may seem far fetched to many, but people actually have blue tooth codes attached to their vaccine (easily tested in a crowded group of people).
Is the BLE MAC address the same as that emitted by various other bluetooth devices like their cell phones, laptops, watches, etc? Is the jab BT device different?
I've used BLE scanners on the vaxxed (hot lots in my county) and I've even used them at several funerals (I'm old) and I feel this bunk. My .02 cents, YMMV.
Very good points. One of the reasons why more people aren't sick or dead maybe because of the lack of quality control over the shots. Many people got lot's of spike protein others not so much.
Yep Yep.. do most of that. Never jabbed. Did get sick in Sept 2022 but fever for one day and then just felt crappy for a week. Hubby lost taste and smell for 3 weeks but then back. He had low grade fever for a week. Both in our mid 60's.
Igor…this IS the something that needs to happen the next 9 or we lose America!
Please be the first to do a substack on ELECTION INTEGRITY! Why aren’t all the substackers focused on this one solution?
The other SOLUTION is… STOP THE VACCINES with Janci Lindsay, PhD taking the lead with serious strategic planners to gather the decent doctors and scientists that get it!
NOTHING ELSE MATTERS IN 2024 IN AMERICA UNLESS THE SOLUTION START WITH…stopping the vaccines and 2024 election integrity!
The following is my invitation to join with the best in America to reinstate ELECTION INTEGRITY…
Please help with this critical 2024 project to help restore AMERICA for all future generations!
For only Patriotic Lions who understand how important it is to do something at this critical time in America…
What becomes the most Serious, Urgent, and fast-Growing question for humanity now is finding the best answer to the question: How best can we remove / block / thwart / reduce Spike protein? We've seen one possible clue, in MCC950 (also known as CRID3 sodium salt: C20H23N2NaO5S) which apparently is sold "for research purposes under agreement from Pfizer, Inc")
It might be more complex than that. HIV & Dementia research hasnt yield any "cure" nor significant breakthroughs for decades. Maybe now when most brilliant minds like Walter, Igor, Arkmedic, Spartacus, Jessica... are united, focused...and cooperating, maybe we can hope for a breakthrough 🙏❤
I was fortunate enough to see Peter Duesberg present his excellent line of reasoning regarding AIDS, at an event I helped organize for Foundations of Mind, presented at UC Berkeley. I mention this since there really are some outside-the-box thinkers like Duesberg and Chesnut who are capable of looking more deeply, and more clearly. So I am actually not discouraged, since I've met Peter Duesberg, who did not vanish even though Anthony Fauci apparently was instrumental in working to destroy Duesberg's academic career. So yes, let's keep asking the questions we most wish to know--and live--the answers to.
Do you think that treating early with the advice of the FLCCC docs eliminates this damage? Or still leaves lasting damage even tho most people feel better soon with treatment? I've managed to not get this thing yet, and don't want to .. but it's looking like it's mutating in the more virulent ways Geert Vanden Bossche warned it would ... some docs are using antibiotics & steriods early for the new variants ...
I have no evidence apart from my own experience (I got covid in February, managed to clear it fairly quickly with the help of a few things, and have suffered no after-effects since then). But I suspect this view is unduly pessimistic, at least for the unvaxxed. The human immune system is multi-layered, and quite magnificent. With exposure to the native virus, your upper respiratory system is the first line of defence, and a bit of help with a nasal spray, a throat gargle, and hydrogen peroxide and/or iodine inhalation means that the virus does not actually get into your bloodstream. Moreover, the whole virus is not as damaging as the loose spike protein (which is what you are deluged with through the mRNA injections). Mind, there will still be fragments, but they can be dealt with, as long as you have a healthy immune system, and you give it some help in the early stages.
I might be wrong.
But it does seem that many people have been able to fight it off with no ongoing issues.
I know an unjabbed person no health issues prior getting repeat infection. It's not an us or them thing but more of a sliding scale of exposure/ demise.Being unjabbed but being out and about...damage is probably by stealth.That's the whole point of it & the majesty of its design sadly.
I am unvaccinated, very healthy. Got gout in my knee a few days after having Covid. I took baking soda and cherry juice and gout is gone but it’s frustrating not to be able to understand the connection. I know it was gout because I had it once after a bentonite clay cleanse. If anyone could help me figure this out, that would be wonderful
These are great questions that I don't know the answers to. I suggest avoiding any and all spike proteins as best we can, until hopefully someone figures out a way to guarantee we can clear our bodies of that super-toxin.
Please note, there is published science showing effects of chronic high-intensity exercise (footballers) and frequent altitude (pilots) on fibrinolytic system function.
This fits right into the amyloidogenic theory and also helps explains why these two groups have been disproportionately affected.
You’re a hero Walter, thank you for sharing your wisdom with the world. I’m in my graduate degree for global security and will be applying to medical school soon- you inspire me everyday! I followed you here from twitter after they banned you; I pray for your safety! Keep going!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙏 take rest breaks, and know that we’re with you!
Realistically, what could this look like over the next year or two for the average person looking around their social circles, neighbors, co-worker pools? It seems clear that the shortage of 12,000 US pilots is not being explained honestly for example. How soon will the societal picture go from a bit chaotic to radically transformed, dystopic?
There's going to be a tipping point. We've probably already hit it in air travel which is why so many flights are being canceled seemingly due to incompetence from the airlines to plan properly. It could well be that they can't because things are changing so rapidly under the hood.
But a societal wide tipping point is likely coming as well.
There will be a point when the healthy members of families are themselves bogged down caring for their injured family members (who are also out of the job pool) and the machinery of modernity will just... stop. Then we see what happens when a complex, interconnected, specialist world is missing gears in the middle of it's machine.
Timing? Watch for early indications (like air travel). Planing for this is best started 24 months ago, but now is the second best time.
As I've pointed out to my kids - in horror movies, the REAL monster is (almost) never the zombies, aliens or oversized insects. It's the fellow humans.
I've noticed in my highly-vaxxed, blue suburb of DC that there is a widespread shortage of workers in many fields, including grocery and other retail, restaurant; delivery, trash truck, bus and other drivers; a wide-range of city positions are unfilled, including desk and field jobs.... teaching positions.... you name it. You would think it would be a bonanza for the job seeker, and that especially because of the runaway inflation people would be snapping up this jobs, but for some reason -- they aren't.
Could it have something to do with the vaccine requirement as a condition of employment? Or does it have more to do with people being sick from the spike? Or is there some other big reason?
The only vague reasons being given are: "due to COVID....."
We have a young, healthy man begging on the street 50’ from a “help wanted $10/ hour” sign in front of McDonalds. Covid has increased those who prefer not to work.
I'm always interested in things like that..... how do we know he is healthy? Do we know that McDonald's does not have a vaccine requirement? Do we know that he doesn't already have a job, but maybe that job doesn't pay enough, and this is supplemental? $10/hour is about $20K a year.... is that enough to live on where you are? (no idea)
If I were to lose my job now due to vaccine requirements, and if I were unable to find a similar-paying job, I would be in deep trouble and unable to pay my most basic bills on a McDonald's wage.
I hope he is able to find suitable work that can make it so that he no longer feels he needs to beg.
(on the other hand.... I have heard that sometimes people who are really good at panhandling where I live, make more $$ than I do).
I’m in Alabama. With the welfare benefits here, the $20k would be sufficient. We have a fairly high transient homeless population here, as we’re on the main route between Florida and northern states. (They travel south in winter and north in summer.) As far as I know, no one other than possibly our hospitals have a vax requirement. We are free of covid restrictions, mask and vax requirements now.
There is an apparent trend of reinfections increasing relative to initial infections that supports your hypothesis. I have shared some data analysis showing this in my most recent Substack.
Very timely article thanks, damage the thymus and inflammatory autoimmune disorders are the result. From a recently published paper:
"New way viruses trigger autoimmunity discovered: In mice, roseolovirus disrupts immune cells' process of learning self-recognition."
ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 28 February 2022.
"It is very hard to find the culprit of a crime that was never even at the scene of the crime," said senior author Wayne M. Yokoyama, MD, the Sam J. Levin and Audrey Loew Levin Professor of Arthritis Research. "As clinicians, we often look directly in the diseased tissue, and if we find no virus we conclude that the disease was not caused by a virus. But here we have a situation in which a virus is doing its damage someplace else entirely. This virus goes to the thymus, which is where T cells undergo a process to select those cells useful for immune defense but also get rid of T cells that are too likely to damage the body's own tissues. And what we find is that this whole process, which is called central tolerance, is affected. T cells that shouldn't leave the thymus get out, and they manifest months later in the stomach, causing an autoimmune disease in a location that was never infected with the virus."
Your hypothesis is more than plausible at this point. It would also explain, as you say, China's seemingly hysterical reaction, and the ridiculously chaotic response in the West. Fauci's adamant denial of gain of function and the lab leak was not the response of a neutral scientist, but fits perfectly with someone hiding something terrible. They have shown so much incompetence and corruption that we cannot rely on them to come up with any solutions. At least now that you are pinpointing the mechanisms we can begin to look for solutions. Thank you for your work.
There are plenty of other potential NLPR3 activation inhibitors/downregulators, from food sources, supplements, diet and even medications (not from Pfizer):
Can’t the continual reinfection injury threat be thwarted if treatment is started immediately to stop the cytokine storm replication? My understanding from many brilliant scientist and physicians is in the natural infection/exposure to Sars Cov2 the danger lies by allowing replication to start. Hence, the antidote of Ivermection immediately stops the cytokine storm before it starts. I realize those that have been exposed, infected and suffered repeat spike exposure from having it injected-transfected directly will fall into the repeat category leading to your HIV conclusion. I certainly hope my opening question is the case.
Also, if new form/ways we do research forge its roots in User Centric Design Principles and soil its seeds in ways inherent to illuminators mentioned by Walter (Igor Chudov, Jessica Rose, Arkmedic and Spartacus - all brilliant illuminators), the way we "do institutions and financing" will shift. Our quest for cures will get catapulted by brain power, systems of working and technology powers never experienced before.
We now know, that user centred design offers powerful tool across multiple sectors and it offers us a new way of addressing the complex challenges we face when we deliver change to “systems”.
The way we do Scientific Research has to change. We all know that.
“If you want to understand how a lion hunts, don’t go to the zoo. Go to the jungle.” What we have experienced through the interactions by illuminators mentioned above is REVOLUTIONARY. We might not have “formalised” the process but the blue print is there. Change has happened. How it will be nurtured, optimised and gently carried to the future …will have to emerge too. And it will. It has to, if illuminators want it. With all my love T
What I have noticed and appreciate, as a regular (non-academic, non-credentialed researcher) person, is that the sharing of insights is occurring in the public sphere and not hidden behind closed doors in the ivory tower, or behind discouraging paywalls, where regular people like me do not get to see it. I greatly appreciate this process happening out in the open, because I have learned so much, and maybe people like me may also be able to contribute, if we happen to be generalists or even experts in different fields that might be able to shed light on some of these problems.
Absolutely right. This could end up being the darkest point in human history, from which we emerge into a second enlightenment or something like that; our current systems have got so corrupted I'm not sure they can be fixed at this point.
Well holy hell. Your work is amazing. In trying to remain rational, I hope you continue to follow a path that allows your audience to look at things like MCC950. Perhaps protocols for my "home rat" would be in order.
Walter, you specifically focus on SARS-COV2, the "wild" virus as named by the NIH/CDC/WHO cartel of the infamous lab-leak story. Are you familiar with Dr. David Martin's current position that in his expert opinion of patents filed over the past 20 years there is NO identified virus and that the entire kabuki theater of COVID-19 was a ruse to drive the world's populations/governments to the REAL killer--the vaxxines?
Not that it makes any real difference to those vaxxinated--it's mox/nix for them. But for those that have either never been infected (as far as they know) or have been and recovered, the difference in viewpoints has substantial consequences.
If I'm understanding you correctly, you are zeroing in on a hypothesis that says that anybody that has either encountered the virus or who has been vaxxinated with the MRNA deathjabs will eventually be destroyed, given enough time. "Natural" infection will take longer, but inevitably leads to the same place as the vaxxines in the longer run. Martin seems to be saying that the devastation the world will experience is a function of the shots themselves--probably brought about due to the amyloid impacts you're cataloging--and restricted to those that have taken the jab.
Is that a fair high-level encapsulation of the difference in the two positions, in your opinion?
there IS a virus, something is definitely going on - we all know of people who suffered badly.
my instict is that what the doc describes is another dead end road. people like WMC get banned from twitter for mentioning amyloidosis, yet the likes of David Martin, dr. Malone and so on, are parading with testimonies etc. etc. while they focus on politics the real damage is happening.
malone talks a great deal about his farm, love of horses etc. etc. but the carnage is going on and none has any idea as to why ... let alone WHAT TO DO ABOUT IT ....
There are multiple skill sets and multiple avenues of attack to stop what is happening. Some are medical, some ethical, some legal, some common sense.
Each person works with and form their own skill set and frame of reference. The more attacks against this insanity we have, the higher the likelihood of a breakthrough and end to this madness.
I agree that finding actual medical intervention solutions to the damages that have already happened (are happening) is paramount. Yet, the other attacks, like stopping further transfection with spike protein units, are needed.
Let's not fight those activities, but support them. Each contributes what they can. United we stand, divided we fall.
Great comment, Satyanvesh. I'm not a scientist (if only) but I'm trying to do my bit to wake people up and expose the bastards that did this to us. Apart from the virus, we have a common enemy in the Elite$ that think they can just social engineer any utopia they wish. Even if we survive Covid, if their corrupt systems are still in place it all just happens again and again at an ever accelerated pace. I see my job, as a non-scientist, is to point people in the direction of the real science, wake people up to the corruption around them so they don't keep on falling for it, and unite people under a common enemy as opposed to playing the Elite$ divide and conquer game.
I hear you. Martin isn't pulling any punches, however. He's using ballpark numbers like 200m dead in the US, so he's not sugar coating the pill here.
In my view, Martins approach is of value in cataloging what went wrong and by whom and by what mechanism of action. Justice and forensics aren't throwaways: they can be done in parallel to the search for medical answers. Ultimately these two approaches will converge on the same target.
Malone is doing a great job of explaining why the regulators are corrupted and also he is working very hard to prevent children from being harmed by these toxic vaccines. He does that by testifying and with his involvement organizing doctors to push back against the corruption of the pharma , financial and political cartels. He is on point in this war.
the issue of natural vs. jabbed has been addressed before. besides the difference in amount and size, a key difference is that the shot injects it and goes into your blood, whereas natural infection goes through the nose etc. definitely both are happening.
another hypothesis, is that it could be a certain threshhold of spike protein which could do the damage. the fact that pfizer is doubling its dose points in that direction.
there is no time to waste. it is happening as we speak.
Those who have had 3 shots and still caught covid (most drs and nurses I know) seem well. How long do you anticipate before they are overwhelmed with illness?
however, people have stated that at this stage, there was a large % of saline shots (i have seen around 30% at least), most probably, so it does not happen at once.
pfizer stated that it is doubling the dose for september shots (though none knows what variant will be by then) - that could be the real thing.
plus all other shots for flu, influenza etc. will be mRNA spike protein based from now on ... so it could be a lot coming ...
You mentioned another reason the “experts” did not want Ivermectin receiving attention in a positive light. Cancer is long term profit not to be stopped.
"P2X4 agonist ivermectin induced NLRP3 inflammasome and pro-inflammatory cytokines in cultured human proximal tubule cells. Taken together, our studies suggest that renal proximal tubular P2X4 activation exacerbates ischemic AKI and promotes NLRP3 inflammasome signaling."
So, when transfection via COVID-19 injection has already happened (i.e. person is already "covid-19 vaccinated, boosted" and is now suffering from pathologies), I'm not convinced that Ivermectin continued use would be the best option, as it appears to promote (not inhibit) NLRP3 inflammasome signalling.
There was discussion on a recent Dark Horse podcast with Greet about ivermectin not working in the boosted. They spitballed that it was ADE and you just needed more but maybe we have to once again embrace and. ADE and inflammasome promotion. Interesting.
Walter, this is literally a work of art, a plea to all made out of unshakable facts that give rise to powerful emotions.
We, as a society, must do something, AND QUICK, to stop this slide into abyss.
A year from now will be too late if we do nothing now, keep praising vaccines and have people catch endless Covids.
My suggestion is to start with firing all people responsible for our "Covid policy".
Brilliant, and as always, consistent with your relentless pursuit of truth.
Thank you. I wish they would give me my Twitter back. I was suspended for the truth...
People ALWAYS get suspended for the truth
Fact checkers are used to hide the truth
Could you come back as a farmyard animal like Ducky about Goaty?
I like whiteswan idea, Walter. You are an exceptional researcher and good at communicating your research in simple terms. I really miss your daily interaction with your followers on Twitter.
Btw, Walter. I read the incriminatory comments of Dimitris Katz against Dr. Marik. Is ivm really harmful as Katz claims? I would like to know your opinion regarding ivm and hcq. Thank you.
Your articles are ALWAYS tweeted multiple times.
But what are we to do? The overwhelming majority of people don't see apocalyptic doom and gloom and are far more worried about filling their tank and paying their bills. Clearly Fauchi is a con man (at best, actually a criminal) but he's still in power.
Bottom line is that despite the fact the shots are awful, the most of the people who took them seem to be fine. Yes, otherwise healthy people are dropping dead for no good reason, but it's a very small fraction. There are no bodies piled in the streets. We see concerning trends from Ethical Skeptic and others but the elephant in the room (at least as far as our side is concerned) is that most of the vaxxed ARE FINE. This is never addressed and leads to loss of credibility.
Yes some people are catching covid over and over again but most people are not. Again, they are a small fraction that cannot be overlooked but neither can the much greater majority who are not falling victim to the doom and gloom scenarios. Why is this? Are they all just ticking time bombs and it's just a matter of time? Seems unlikely IMO, particularly as people reject the boosters. Doomsayers have been saying since time immemorial that "the end is near" but it never happens.
Perhaps my world is skewed as my immediate family is unvaxxed, as is most of my extended family. However, we still go to work, church, school, social events, etc. and most people are fine. They aren't dropping dead. I see no noticeable increase in absenteeism at work from people being constantly sick (and I would know as I'm a boss). No one in my immediate family has been sick in two and a half years though we do follow the FLCCC prevention protocol.
I agree we are sliding into the abyss but IMO it has far more to do with planned economic and moral destruction brought on the the WEF and militant hedonism (one in the same thing). The spike is nasty no doubt, but it's a sideshow without further evidence. Why are most people who took the shot fine (or at least appear to be)?? Without answering that question we look like the lunatic fringe to most of the world.
Edit: Adding to be clear that I do think the spike is poison and would never take the vax. It's the alarmism without evidence that is my concern.
Just try hard not to have Covid many times, not sure if you are vaxed or not, but at the very least stay in the best of health you can be and sun tan APPROPRIATELY.
NO Won't get vaxxed for sure! Was sick with a fever (1 day) and lethargic for about 5. Stayed home. Husband lost taste and smell for 3 weeks back in Sept 2021. We are taking care of ourselves!
I never got covid til after my 3rd shot. I will never get a covid shot again. Is my immunity to it destroyed? Also, is there hidden mrna in the flu shot this year? I have lupus sle with autoimmune emphysema, so I usually get the shot. I am a little scared that after having both covid and the mrna vaccines, that the flu shot will kill me . I worry about "dying suddenly. " please advise.
stay away from the flu shot. they don't work and may cause harm.
I absolutely agree that it could be a slow burn. Maybe in many people, the damage will take time. But in my world, I have only witnessed one obvious vaccine injury - my brother [at least triple vaxxed] who developed a blood clot in his femoral artery, and he was on blood thinners from a previous heart surgery last year! Obviously a vaccine injury! My one son works for a huge aerospace company, working with large teams, and just about everyone is vaccinated. [my son is not - religious exemption]. He knows of no one who is sick, injured or dead. I guess we can say “yet”. My other son is a UPS driver in a huge center with 400+ drivers and hundreds more workers. He thinks probably at least 1/2 are vaccinated. [he is not]. Again, he knows of no one who has been hospitalized or has died. I know Geert has come out and said that in the next 4-6 weeks, things may get very bad for the vaccinated with virulent variants coming down the pike. And perhaps they are all developing micro clots that will progress to something lethal down the road. I hope not. My husband is the only one of us who is vaxxed. I have him on a whole bunch of things to try and prevent problems down the road. And I 100% agree that these vaccines are absolute GARBAGE and should not be taken by anybody for any reason.
I am very optimistic about the fact that the majority of Americans opted not to take the booster, so perhaps people are catching on to this scam. And only 1-2% of the very young kids got the shots.
I'm also in aerospace (a very large company) and like your son I have a religious exemption. I agree with his estimate that about 90% of the workforce are vaxxed due to last year's federal contractor mandate.
Overwhelmingly the workforce is fine, there are zero signs of any widespread illness or increased chronic conditions. People put on weight due to lockdowns and work from home, but nothing beyond that. Maybe it will show up in the future but it simply has not happened yet. I'm also concerned about fertility, but we'll see how that goes.
I'm extremely grateful to Walter, Igor, and the others for their research and don't mean to denigrate them or their work. Clearly the vax is a net negative and was a terrible idea. However, these doomsday scenarios are all theories. These disease mechanism theories have to be tested against real-world empirical evidence, and when doing so the evidence for widespread harm (as opposed to focused harm) just isn't there. Extrapolating small signals to the population at large without hard, corresponding evidence just isn't credible.
I suspect a small subsection of the population are uniquely susceptible to harm from the vax just as some people are from Covid itself (probably those with genetic conditions or existing metabolic derangement). There is no evidence I've seen that it applies to the general population.
In the Words Dr Ah Kahn Syed (I suggest you learn this by heart as it will make a lot easier to understand why/what/how/for what reason/When/The reason I say by heart is because most people find it hard to think when they are presented with something deeply upsetting that is threatening their own existence)
Dr Ah Kahn Syed
"This is how it will work. There will be "normal" cancers diagnosed at a lower rate but with a higher mortality in 2021-2022, because of fear of going to the doctor. At the same time, lymphomas, leukaemias and unusual cancers (that rely on acute suppression of cancer pathways) will spike but in low numbers. Over the next 2-10 years this will drift into an overall rise in the number of cancers of certain types and I suspect it will be gradual. It will not be able to be directly linked to the vaccines because everybody had them. That is why they needed to remove the control group. It will be difficult to prove, just as it took 40 years to sue J&J for ovarian cancer from their otherwise useless baby powder."
Somebody asked Dr Ah Kahn Syed something along the lines of..."could not the general population of unvaccinated be compared/contrasted against the vaccinated over the next several years as a sort of "control" group? "
Dr Ah Kahn Syed replied: "That was the reason that it was necessary not to reach 70% vaccination but 98% vaccination in most Western countries. At that level (2%) there are so many confounders in the remaining cohort of unvaccinated people it will never be possible to do this. That was essential to achieve in order to make sure that the evidence could not be gleaned to file claim against the pharma companies for fraud in their claims in the clinical trials. Remember it took 40 years for the J&J decision, 30 years for thalidomide etc.
I cringe every time I think of that.
Jeff I’m glad you were also able to get a religious exemption. I too am extremely grateful for these substacks. I’ve learned so much from all these learned people.
I guess we’ll just have to take a wait-and-see attitude to see how this all plays out.
My brother had a prior health condition that had been stable since his teens. After getting vaccinated because of his workplace mandate, his condition flared and steadily worsened all this past year. He is suffering so much, but hides it as much as possible at work, so I don't know if we would always know what coworkers are dealing with post vax. He's not dead, but I live with a daily sense that his life has been shortened and I have less time with him now.
That is an excellent point…many people are probably suffering in silence just to keep their job. Just watched the movie “Uninformed Consent”. What an eye-opener. Everyone should take the time to watch this.
Breathless twitter posts where every death on the other side of the world is amplified a thousand-fold is not "evidence", it's hysteria.
Look, it's clear the vax is terrible and it's both harming and killing people. I don't dispute that and never have. I'm unvaxxed along with my entire family for crying out loud. My entire point (which I stated very clearly) is that these doomsday scenarios have no evidence, are alarmist, and ultimately lead to loss of credibility. Nearly every post on here starts with "THIS IS MY MOST IMPORTANT FINDING YET!" and lays out something even more awful. Sooner or later you have to ask, "where are the bodies?". Yes, excess deaths are up by a significant amount, but as percentage of the total population it is small. Again, it is a small percentage, there is no mass die-off.
Let me ask another time, how do you explain the fact that overwhelming majority of people who took the vax ARE FINE? That has to be explained and it has not been. My suspicion is it's a unique individual susceptibility or hot lots. If that's true then there is no doomsday scenario, just lots of hurt and killed people (which is of course terrible but not doomsday).
Your position in the medical field *amplifies and distorts* your reality far more than mine as it funnels the harmed into your view. It's like a fireman saying someone's house can burn down any day (because they see houses burning every day) when in reality most houses never burn down. I work in the real world without that distortion and *most* people ARE FINE. I'm not saying that the vax isn't harming people, of course it is. It's a freaking disaster on every level, but it's clearly not some sort of extinction-level event.
All I ask is that we exercise the same critical thinking we demand of the covid cultists. Without that we are no better.
I agree with you wholeheartedly. We don't know enough, lots of alarmism. There's also a chance that vaccinating was the right choice - but only time will tell (I am not vaccinated).
My greatest concern about the shots is how they affect reproductive health. I have heard that miscarriages are up at least 300%, maybe much more. This is absolutely horrific.
Several countries are now reporting a drop in their birth rates, suggesting a drop in conception rate that coincided with the vx rollout.
there's a lot of videos/posts about how a covid infection lowers sperm health/motility for quite some time afterwards.. maybe worse in long haulers, while the vax apparently does not. I am hoping that it is reversible, but we have to be aware.
Yes we will see, time will tell. Last week friends from two different businesses here in the Bay area California told me "everyone at work is sick right now." There are other signs all around:
Australia is getting hammered, 50% increase of people calling in sick with bad flus, colds and repeat infections:
UK, "Supercolds, Covid and norovirus: why are we all getting so ill?"
San Francisco having its worst hospitalization wave of the whole pandemic, one of the most vaccinated counties in the US
Alberta Canada "unknown cause of death" is now top killer.
New Brunswick has a cluster of prion disease outbreak
Lincoln life insurance pays out way more after vaccine roll out, disability claims way up
Do you subscribe to Walter Chestnut sub stack. I feel this is all just a wait and see BUT there are how any more MILLIONS on disability.. where are the workers? Why so hard to find people to work? I feel it's a domino effect BUT then again WHO is reporting all this and do you think they would have the courage to start staying anything publicly?
I don't subscribe to any substacks but do read just about everything Walter writes. He's clearly off-the-charts smart, and his ability to research and pull together threads is amazing. I don't disagree with anything he's found that I can think of. Where we diverge is extrapolating his findings to alarmist (IMO) predictions that don't have compelling empirical evidence. That's where we need to exercise a bit more discretion and critical thinking (again just my opinion).
So where did all the workers go? That's a great question. Many of them quit after cashing in on the Covid small business grants, or the stock market, housing, and crypto bubbles. They took the money and ran so to speak. I can't blame them, wish I had the foresight to do the same.
I can tell you in my industry (aerospace) the workers didn't disappear, they are still there but it's just that nothing is getting done. Clueless management sees this as a labor shortage when in reality it's a massive nosedive in productivity. People are pretending to work from home when they are actually goofing off a lot of the time. What used to take eight people now takes ten people, to the uninformed it looks like two people went missing. They are still there but they are day-trading and surfing the internet rather than working.
Undoubtedly there are some dying and being disabled at higher rates than before (from the vax), no one of good faith who has looked at the numbers denies this. But as a percentage of the overall population the numbers are small. They don't justify the Armageddon predictions nor do they explain the apparent labor shortages.
Interesting perspective. I worked (in a specialized call center) during all of Covid. Lots of people did work from home but the company (long story) has the metrics down to seconds (since it's paid by an outside source) and there was no dive in productivity. We got busier because of all the zoom calls.
Sometimes I can't even understand what Walter is saying LOL
We are just trying to live our best lives. We surf for news from specific sites and don't watch TV at all. Walk on the beach every low tide and get our Vit D. What else can you do!
Some things like customer service (where tasks are measured in minutes and you are always busy) are well suited to WFH. Engineering is definitely not. Tasks (such as a detailed analysis) are often measured in months and no one can tell if someone is productive on any given day. Plus, communication is terrible (no impromptu hallway conversations) and things often have to be redone.
It's been a disaster for us. So much so we ordered people back in the office a while back but people are resisting. Unfortunately that type of attitude gets one on the top of the layoff list and with a major recession looming layoffs are coming.
Anyways, way off topic. I love Walter, Igor, Jessica, and Jikky's stuff but sometimes I wonder if we fall into the same trap as the triple maskers and quad vaxxers with our own doom and gloom.
Haha. Jeff - you and I are on the exact same wavelength. I am seeing the exact same problems with WFH, but I am also seeing a lethargy in people at my company and others. I follow some subreddits like covidlongaulers, and am seeing a drastic increase in new members posting... so it does seem like long covid sufferers are increasing, or rather, becoming aware that something is wrong...
A couple analogies might be useful.
First did you now that the best way to make home made fries is to put them in cold oil first then turn on the heat.
Secondly look at the process of boiling water, slowly but surely a phase transition is reached and you get steam.
The process will be a slow burn
I have heard several "experts" (seem to know what they are talking about) speculate that the nanoparticles that were in the shots have a timed release mechanism associated with 5G. Meaning it could be activated with certain frequencies via 5G. If people understood what really happened with the "Twin Towers," they would understand that the towers were incinerated using microwave technology (Research Judy Wood). That is why so many victims were outside on the ledge of the building-they were being microwaved alive. The towers represent human DNA strands (23 chromosomes each). Replaced with "one tower"-meaning changing God's DNA to man's. This may seem far fetched to many, but people actually have blue tooth codes attached to their vaccine (easily tested in a crowded group of people).
Yes, they have BLE MAC addresses
Is the BLE MAC address the same as that emitted by various other bluetooth devices like their cell phones, laptops, watches, etc? Is the jab BT device different?
I've used BLE scanners on the vaxxed (hot lots in my county) and I've even used them at several funerals (I'm old) and I feel this bunk. My .02 cents, YMMV.
This sounds like my husband. 🙃
I agree with you
Very good points. One of the reasons why more people aren't sick or dead maybe because of the lack of quality control over the shots. Many people got lot's of spike protein others not so much.
Firing people will do nothing. They have control over everything. What else can we DO?
This seems to be a pretty comprehensive web site for both the jabbed and the unjabbed.
Yep Yep.. do most of that. Never jabbed. Did get sick in Sept 2022 but fever for one day and then just felt crappy for a week. Hubby lost taste and smell for 3 weeks but then back. He had low grade fever for a week. Both in our mid 60's.
Igor…this IS the something that needs to happen the next 9 or we lose America!
Please be the first to do a substack on ELECTION INTEGRITY! Why aren’t all the substackers focused on this one solution?
The other SOLUTION is… STOP THE VACCINES with Janci Lindsay, PhD taking the lead with serious strategic planners to gather the decent doctors and scientists that get it!
NOTHING ELSE MATTERS IN 2024 IN AMERICA UNLESS THE SOLUTION START WITH…stopping the vaccines and 2024 election integrity!
The following is my invitation to join with the best in America to reinstate ELECTION INTEGRITY…
Please help with this critical 2024 project to help restore AMERICA for all future generations!
For only Patriotic Lions who understand how important it is to do something at this critical time in America…
Please help with this most rewarding project for Freedom and Liberty!
P.S. Igor…we could use your help!
What becomes the most Serious, Urgent, and fast-Growing question for humanity now is finding the best answer to the question: How best can we remove / block / thwart / reduce Spike protein? We've seen one possible clue, in MCC950 (also known as CRID3 sodium salt: C20H23N2NaO5S) which apparently is sold "for research purposes under agreement from Pfizer, Inc")
It might be more complex than that. HIV & Dementia research hasnt yield any "cure" nor significant breakthroughs for decades. Maybe now when most brilliant minds like Walter, Igor, Arkmedic, Spartacus, Jessica... are united, focused...and cooperating, maybe we can hope for a breakthrough 🙏❤
I was fortunate enough to see Peter Duesberg present his excellent line of reasoning regarding AIDS, at an event I helped organize for Foundations of Mind, presented at UC Berkeley. I mention this since there really are some outside-the-box thinkers like Duesberg and Chesnut who are capable of looking more deeply, and more clearly. So I am actually not discouraged, since I've met Peter Duesberg, who did not vanish even though Anthony Fauci apparently was instrumental in working to destroy Duesberg's academic career. So yes, let's keep asking the questions we most wish to know--and live--the answers to.
Do you think that treating early with the advice of the FLCCC docs eliminates this damage? Or still leaves lasting damage even tho most people feel better soon with treatment? I've managed to not get this thing yet, and don't want to .. but it's looking like it's mutating in the more virulent ways Geert Vanden Bossche warned it would ... some docs are using antibiotics & steriods early for the new variants ...
I have no evidence apart from my own experience (I got covid in February, managed to clear it fairly quickly with the help of a few things, and have suffered no after-effects since then). But I suspect this view is unduly pessimistic, at least for the unvaxxed. The human immune system is multi-layered, and quite magnificent. With exposure to the native virus, your upper respiratory system is the first line of defence, and a bit of help with a nasal spray, a throat gargle, and hydrogen peroxide and/or iodine inhalation means that the virus does not actually get into your bloodstream. Moreover, the whole virus is not as damaging as the loose spike protein (which is what you are deluged with through the mRNA injections). Mind, there will still be fragments, but they can be dealt with, as long as you have a healthy immune system, and you give it some help in the early stages.
I might be wrong.
But it does seem that many people have been able to fight it off with no ongoing issues.
I know an unjabbed person no health issues prior getting repeat infection. It's not an us or them thing but more of a sliding scale of exposure/ demise.Being unjabbed but being out and about...damage is probably by stealth.That's the whole point of it & the majesty of its design sadly.
I am in total agreement here!
you don't know what you are up against ...
I am unvaccinated, very healthy. Got gout in my knee a few days after having Covid. I took baking soda and cherry juice and gout is gone but it’s frustrating not to be able to understand the connection. I know it was gout because I had it once after a bentonite clay cleanse. If anyone could help me figure this out, that would be wonderful
These are great questions that I don't know the answers to. I suggest avoiding any and all spike proteins as best we can, until hopefully someone figures out a way to guarantee we can clear our bodies of that super-toxin.
Ivermectin. Yes. FLCCC YES
Is this the same or similar?
Oooooo! Do you have a link to this research please?
You can run a search on keywords of interest any time on Google Scholar... here's one 2022 paper that seems interesting:
Zeng, Jianxiong, Xiaochun Xie, Xiao-Li Feng, Ling Xu, Jian-Bao Han, Dandan Yu, Qing-Cui Zou et al. "Specific inhibition of the NLRP3 inflammasome suppresses immune overactivation and alleviates COVID-19 like pathology in mice." EBioMedicine 75 (2022): 103803.
Please note, there is published science showing effects of chronic high-intensity exercise (footballers) and frequent altitude (pilots) on fibrinolytic system function.
This fits right into the amyloidogenic theory and also helps explains why these two groups have been disproportionately affected.
Thank you.
Mechanisms of action? Curious about that.
Yes, please post those, I am curious as well.
For one, effects of long-term high-altitude exposure on fibrinolytic system -
You’re a hero Walter, thank you for sharing your wisdom with the world. I’m in my graduate degree for global security and will be applying to medical school soon- you inspire me everyday! I followed you here from twitter after they banned you; I pray for your safety! Keep going!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙏 take rest breaks, and know that we’re with you!
Hi Jocelyn, how will you get into med school without taking the vaccines?
Maybe she already has.
Graduate degree for global security??
Yes, at Arizona State :)
Read my latest too. It is a very sad day for me. Why do we do this to each other?
yeah well ...
Realistically, what could this look like over the next year or two for the average person looking around their social circles, neighbors, co-worker pools? It seems clear that the shortage of 12,000 US pilots is not being explained honestly for example. How soon will the societal picture go from a bit chaotic to radically transformed, dystopic?
There's going to be a tipping point. We've probably already hit it in air travel which is why so many flights are being canceled seemingly due to incompetence from the airlines to plan properly. It could well be that they can't because things are changing so rapidly under the hood.
But a societal wide tipping point is likely coming as well.
There will be a point when the healthy members of families are themselves bogged down caring for their injured family members (who are also out of the job pool) and the machinery of modernity will just... stop. Then we see what happens when a complex, interconnected, specialist world is missing gears in the middle of it's machine.
Timing? Watch for early indications (like air travel). Planing for this is best started 24 months ago, but now is the second best time.
As I've pointed out to my kids - in horror movies, the REAL monster is (almost) never the zombies, aliens or oversized insects. It's the fellow humans.
I've noticed in my highly-vaxxed, blue suburb of DC that there is a widespread shortage of workers in many fields, including grocery and other retail, restaurant; delivery, trash truck, bus and other drivers; a wide-range of city positions are unfilled, including desk and field jobs.... teaching positions.... you name it. You would think it would be a bonanza for the job seeker, and that especially because of the runaway inflation people would be snapping up this jobs, but for some reason -- they aren't.
Could it have something to do with the vaccine requirement as a condition of employment? Or does it have more to do with people being sick from the spike? Or is there some other big reason?
The only vague reasons being given are: "due to COVID....."
We have a young, healthy man begging on the street 50’ from a “help wanted $10/ hour” sign in front of McDonalds. Covid has increased those who prefer not to work.
I'm always interested in things like that..... how do we know he is healthy? Do we know that McDonald's does not have a vaccine requirement? Do we know that he doesn't already have a job, but maybe that job doesn't pay enough, and this is supplemental? $10/hour is about $20K a year.... is that enough to live on where you are? (no idea)
If I were to lose my job now due to vaccine requirements, and if I were unable to find a similar-paying job, I would be in deep trouble and unable to pay my most basic bills on a McDonald's wage.
I hope he is able to find suitable work that can make it so that he no longer feels he needs to beg.
(on the other hand.... I have heard that sometimes people who are really good at panhandling where I live, make more $$ than I do).
These are just random thoughts.
I’m in Alabama. With the welfare benefits here, the $20k would be sufficient. We have a fairly high transient homeless population here, as we’re on the main route between Florida and northern states. (They travel south in winter and north in summer.) As far as I know, no one other than possibly our hospitals have a vax requirement. We are free of covid restrictions, mask and vax requirements now.
There is an apparent trend of reinfections increasing relative to initial infections that supports your hypothesis. I have shared some data analysis showing this in my most recent Substack.
Very timely article thanks, damage the thymus and inflammatory autoimmune disorders are the result. From a recently published paper:
"New way viruses trigger autoimmunity discovered: In mice, roseolovirus disrupts immune cells' process of learning self-recognition."
ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 28 February 2022.
"It is very hard to find the culprit of a crime that was never even at the scene of the crime," said senior author Wayne M. Yokoyama, MD, the Sam J. Levin and Audrey Loew Levin Professor of Arthritis Research. "As clinicians, we often look directly in the diseased tissue, and if we find no virus we conclude that the disease was not caused by a virus. But here we have a situation in which a virus is doing its damage someplace else entirely. This virus goes to the thymus, which is where T cells undergo a process to select those cells useful for immune defense but also get rid of T cells that are too likely to damage the body's own tissues. And what we find is that this whole process, which is called central tolerance, is affected. T cells that shouldn't leave the thymus get out, and they manifest months later in the stomach, causing an autoimmune disease in a location that was never infected with the virus."
Autoimmune disorders: COVID-19, spike protein & homologous epitopes
A literature review
Your hypothesis is more than plausible at this point. It would also explain, as you say, China's seemingly hysterical reaction, and the ridiculously chaotic response in the West. Fauci's adamant denial of gain of function and the lab leak was not the response of a neutral scientist, but fits perfectly with someone hiding something terrible. They have shown so much incompetence and corruption that we cannot rely on them to come up with any solutions. At least now that you are pinpointing the mechanisms we can begin to look for solutions. Thank you for your work.
Evil deeds using the excuse of incompetence. 'Incompetence' that was carefully planned and implemented from the start. Wolf in sheep's clothing...
NLRP3 Inflammasome suppression by nutraceuticals being investigated by this lab:
There are plenty of other potential NLPR3 activation inhibitors/downregulators, from food sources, supplements, diet and even medications (not from Pfizer):
Can’t the continual reinfection injury threat be thwarted if treatment is started immediately to stop the cytokine storm replication? My understanding from many brilliant scientist and physicians is in the natural infection/exposure to Sars Cov2 the danger lies by allowing replication to start. Hence, the antidote of Ivermection immediately stops the cytokine storm before it starts. I realize those that have been exposed, infected and suffered repeat spike exposure from having it injected-transfected directly will fall into the repeat category leading to your HIV conclusion. I certainly hope my opening question is the case.
That is my theory as well, halt the replication early so as not to exhaust the immune system and strengthen the T-cells.
That seems to be the answer plus solution at this point. Thank you.
Ivermectin banned in UK
Canada too but look online. India maybe ?
Also, if new form/ways we do research forge its roots in User Centric Design Principles and soil its seeds in ways inherent to illuminators mentioned by Walter (Igor Chudov, Jessica Rose, Arkmedic and Spartacus - all brilliant illuminators), the way we "do institutions and financing" will shift. Our quest for cures will get catapulted by brain power, systems of working and technology powers never experienced before.
We now know, that user centred design offers powerful tool across multiple sectors and it offers us a new way of addressing the complex challenges we face when we deliver change to “systems”.
The way we do Scientific Research has to change. We all know that.
“If you want to understand how a lion hunts, don’t go to the zoo. Go to the jungle.” What we have experienced through the interactions by illuminators mentioned above is REVOLUTIONARY. We might not have “formalised” the process but the blue print is there. Change has happened. How it will be nurtured, optimised and gently carried to the future …will have to emerge too. And it will. It has to, if illuminators want it. With all my love T
What I have noticed and appreciate, as a regular (non-academic, non-credentialed researcher) person, is that the sharing of insights is occurring in the public sphere and not hidden behind closed doors in the ivory tower, or behind discouraging paywalls, where regular people like me do not get to see it. I greatly appreciate this process happening out in the open, because I have learned so much, and maybe people like me may also be able to contribute, if we happen to be generalists or even experts in different fields that might be able to shed light on some of these problems.
Absolutely right. This could end up being the darkest point in human history, from which we emerge into a second enlightenment or something like that; our current systems have got so corrupted I'm not sure they can be fixed at this point.
Well holy hell. Your work is amazing. In trying to remain rational, I hope you continue to follow a path that allows your audience to look at things like MCC950. Perhaps protocols for my "home rat" would be in order.
Walter, you specifically focus on SARS-COV2, the "wild" virus as named by the NIH/CDC/WHO cartel of the infamous lab-leak story. Are you familiar with Dr. David Martin's current position that in his expert opinion of patents filed over the past 20 years there is NO identified virus and that the entire kabuki theater of COVID-19 was a ruse to drive the world's populations/governments to the REAL killer--the vaxxines?
Not that it makes any real difference to those vaxxinated--it's mox/nix for them. But for those that have either never been infected (as far as they know) or have been and recovered, the difference in viewpoints has substantial consequences.
If I'm understanding you correctly, you are zeroing in on a hypothesis that says that anybody that has either encountered the virus or who has been vaxxinated with the MRNA deathjabs will eventually be destroyed, given enough time. "Natural" infection will take longer, but inevitably leads to the same place as the vaxxines in the longer run. Martin seems to be saying that the devastation the world will experience is a function of the shots themselves--probably brought about due to the amyloid impacts you're cataloging--and restricted to those that have taken the jab.
Is that a fair high-level encapsulation of the difference in the two positions, in your opinion?
there IS a virus, something is definitely going on - we all know of people who suffered badly.
my instict is that what the doc describes is another dead end road. people like WMC get banned from twitter for mentioning amyloidosis, yet the likes of David Martin, dr. Malone and so on, are parading with testimonies etc. etc. while they focus on politics the real damage is happening.
malone talks a great deal about his farm, love of horses etc. etc. but the carnage is going on and none has any idea as to why ... let alone WHAT TO DO ABOUT IT ....
There are multiple skill sets and multiple avenues of attack to stop what is happening. Some are medical, some ethical, some legal, some common sense.
Each person works with and form their own skill set and frame of reference. The more attacks against this insanity we have, the higher the likelihood of a breakthrough and end to this madness.
I agree that finding actual medical intervention solutions to the damages that have already happened (are happening) is paramount. Yet, the other attacks, like stopping further transfection with spike protein units, are needed.
Let's not fight those activities, but support them. Each contributes what they can. United we stand, divided we fall.
Do not let the perfect be the enemy of good.
Great comment, Satyanvesh. I'm not a scientist (if only) but I'm trying to do my bit to wake people up and expose the bastards that did this to us. Apart from the virus, we have a common enemy in the Elite$ that think they can just social engineer any utopia they wish. Even if we survive Covid, if their corrupt systems are still in place it all just happens again and again at an ever accelerated pace. I see my job, as a non-scientist, is to point people in the direction of the real science, wake people up to the corruption around them so they don't keep on falling for it, and unite people under a common enemy as opposed to playing the Elite$ divide and conquer game.
Excellent reminder! Beautifully put.
I hear you. Martin isn't pulling any punches, however. He's using ballpark numbers like 200m dead in the US, so he's not sugar coating the pill here.
In my view, Martins approach is of value in cataloging what went wrong and by whom and by what mechanism of action. Justice and forensics aren't throwaways: they can be done in parallel to the search for medical answers. Ultimately these two approaches will converge on the same target.
A lot of controlled opposition who stick to narrow scripts
Malone is doing a great job of explaining why the regulators are corrupted and also he is working very hard to prevent children from being harmed by these toxic vaccines. He does that by testifying and with his involvement organizing doctors to push back against the corruption of the pharma , financial and political cartels. He is on point in this war.
the issue of natural vs. jabbed has been addressed before. besides the difference in amount and size, a key difference is that the shot injects it and goes into your blood, whereas natural infection goes through the nose etc. definitely both are happening.
another hypothesis, is that it could be a certain threshhold of spike protein which could do the damage. the fact that pfizer is doubling its dose points in that direction.
there is no time to waste. it is happening as we speak.
Those who have had 3 shots and still caught covid (most drs and nurses I know) seem well. How long do you anticipate before they are overwhelmed with illness?
"seem well" could be the key word.
however, people have stated that at this stage, there was a large % of saline shots (i have seen around 30% at least), most probably, so it does not happen at once.
pfizer stated that it is doubling the dose for september shots (though none knows what variant will be by then) - that could be the real thing.
plus all other shots for flu, influenza etc. will be mRNA spike protein based from now on ... so it could be a lot coming ...
would taking ivermectin twice a week help?
Ivermectin is anticancer/tumor and nerve healing too [for the injectees worried about new cancers cropping up]:
That and pine needle tea which is a natural source of Sumarin for blood clotting problems:
Jessica Rose describes the coagulation cascade:
Now to find something for the dementia riddle...
NLRP3 Inflammasome suppression, as WMC discussed in his prior Substack post. Here is an article on nutraceuticals that address this:
Thank you, missed this one. So much info to comb through.
And a continued, longer list of NLRP3 signalling inhibitors at:
You mentioned another reason the “experts” did not want Ivermectin receiving attention in a positive light. Cancer is long term profit not to be stopped.
Nailed it, Nancy! So sickening [literally and figuratively].
For already happening transfection from the spike protein?
Not sure, read this:
"P2X4 agonist ivermectin induced NLRP3 inflammasome and pro-inflammatory cytokines in cultured human proximal tubule cells. Taken together, our studies suggest that renal proximal tubular P2X4 activation exacerbates ischemic AKI and promotes NLRP3 inflammasome signaling."
So, when transfection via COVID-19 injection has already happened (i.e. person is already "covid-19 vaccinated, boosted" and is now suffering from pathologies), I'm not convinced that Ivermectin continued use would be the best option, as it appears to promote (not inhibit) NLRP3 inflammasome signalling.
There was discussion on a recent Dark Horse podcast with Greet about ivermectin not working in the boosted. They spitballed that it was ADE and you just needed more but maybe we have to once again embrace and. ADE and inflammasome promotion. Interesting.