I am unjabbed and have had covid once (a pretty nasty bout) in October 2022. What I really want to know is if I now have lifelong natural immunity. Can't seem to find an answer to that on any Substack. I know lots of jabbed people who have had it more than once and I believe they have been shedding on us unjabbed so we are probably all screwed. Also, I'm still thinking that Dr. Ana Milhacea's work on nanotechnology in the shots, supplements, foods, water, air seems fairly plausible so maybe that is actually what is damaging our endothelium and aging us?

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These studies do not separate the vaxxed from the unvaxxed... without that we can't make any judgments.

Also, what do we know about any viral repercussions? How do these findings compare to say, after a flu? It could be that the body has similar responses to other pathogens but we've not looked at them before.

It's a lot of guess work and a good part of it will prove to be unimportant.

Eat well, sleep long, walk in nature and trust God. Can't do much else.

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The Vaccines

Are A Solvent.

The Vaccinated

- Are Dissolving.


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Excellent work. I read constantly to help myself understand what can be done to offset the damage caused. My daughter at age 10 in Feb 2021 almost died with MIS-C - interesting here they mention MODS. Really appreciate your effort and this makes sense with both what happened to her as well as countless others.

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If the Spike from SARS Cov -2 causes damage to the endothelium then the shots are certainly more damaging as the spike from the shots goes everywhere in the body AND penetrates the internal portion of a cell.

The spike has to be eliminated from the body or else the countdown clock to the funeral home will be activated.

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Wild guesses: Berberine? Resveretrol? Metformin?

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Thank you, Walter, for all your hard work! ❤️

What worries me is that after 22 years navigating ME/CFS, after an EBV infection, my two bouts of covid (09/2022 and 04/2023) have made me feel way worse than I was. I have found that both EBV and CMV reactivated, three months after the first bout of covid, and I haven’t been the same since them. I treat the viruses with Biomagnetic Pair Therapy and it works. And then more pathogens keep coming at me and my immune system cannot cope with all of that. I really feel much older than I was! 😔

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A friend spent months being treated for arteritis, inflammation of his arteries. He survived. He got multiple jabs. Side effect?

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And the spike protein produced by the mRNA vaxxes? Are all >5 billion injectees suffering accelerated aging? Here is a Bing GPT-4 summary in response to being asked if the SARS and vax spikes are identical:

The spike protein produced by the mRNA vaccines is not identical to the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2, but it is very similar. The mRNA vaccines use a modified version of the spike protein that is more stable and can induce a stronger immune response¹. The modification involves changing two amino acids in the spike protein to create a "prefusion" conformation, which means the spike protein stays in the shape that it has before it attaches to human cells². This shape is more recognizable and effective for the immune system to produce antibodies and memory cells that can protect against future infections². [and better at producing long-term inflammation?]

The mRNA vaccines also use a lipid nanoparticle (LNP) to deliver the mRNA to the cells. The LNP protects the mRNA from being degraded by enzymes and helps it enter the cells³. The LNP is not part of the spike protein, but it is essential for the vaccine to work.

The spike protein produced by the mRNA vaccines is only a small part of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, and it cannot cause COVID-19 or any other disease. The spike protein is quickly degraded by the cells after it is made [not really], and it does not integrate into the human genome⁴. The mRNA vaccines are safe and effective, and they have been authorized by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and other regulatory agencies around the world.

I hope this answer was helpful. If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask. 😊

¹: [Understanding COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines](^3^).

²: [How long do mRNA and spike proteins last in the body?](^4^).

³: [Sars-Cov-2 (Covid-19) Vaccine, Mrna-Lnp, Spike Protein (Moderna) (Intramuscular Route) Description and Brand Names](^1^).

⁴: [Sars-Cov-2 (Covid-19) Vaccine, Mrna-Lnp, Spike Protein (Pfizer) (Intramuscular Route) Description and Brand Names](^2^).

Source: Conversation with Bing, 11/27/2023

(1) Sars-Cov-2 (Covid-19) Vaccine, Mrna-Lnp, Spike Protein (Moderna .... https://www.mayoclinic.org/drugs-supplements/sars-cov-2-covid-19-vaccine-mrna-lnp-spike-protein-moderna-intramuscular-route/description/drg-20505150.

(2) Sars-Cov-2 (Covid-19) Vaccine, Mrna-Lnp, Spike Protein (Pfizer .... https://www.mayoclinic.org/drugs-supplements/sars-cov-2-covid-19-vaccine-mrna-lnp-spike-protein-pfizer-intramuscular-route/description/drg-20506420.

(3) Understanding COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines - National Human Genome Research .... https://www.genome.gov/about-genomics/fact-sheets/Understanding-COVID-19-mRNA-Vaccines.

(4) How long do mRNA and spike proteins last in the body?. https://www.nebraskamed.com/COVID/where-mrna-vaccines-and-spike-proteins-go.

(5) Understanding COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines - National Human Genome Research .... https://www.genome.gov/about-genomics/fact-sheets/Understanding-COVID-19-mRNA-Vaccines.

(6) How long do mRNA and spike proteins last in the body?. https://www.nebraskamed.com/COVID/where-mrna-vaccines-and-spike-proteins-go.

(7) Sars-Cov-2 (Covid-19) Vaccine, Mrna-Lnp, Spike Protein (Moderna .... https://www.mayoclinic.org/drugs-supplements/sars-cov-2-covid-19-vaccine-mrna-lnp-spike-protein-moderna-intramuscular-route/description/drg-20505150.

(8) Sars-Cov-2 (Covid-19) Vaccine, Mrna-Lnp, Spike Protein (Pfizer .... https://www.mayoclinic.org/drugs-supplements/sars-cov-2-covid-19-vaccine-mrna-lnp-spike-protein-pfizer-intramuscular-route/description/drg-20506420.

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Thanks for your work. I personally don't see any 'accelerated aging' but I'm 70 and a) metabolically healthy b) unjabbed. I may have had Omicron in April 2022; I just about noticed a sore throat for four days. Trivial, though. Three unjabbed friends (age range 62 to 73) who all thought they were very healthy had symptoms more like flu and one needed 5 days' bed rest ... maybe just genetic differences between us, also I'm blood group O (maybe helpful).

I was aware for decades that the UK medical system wasn't improving but I didn't know it was rapidly going downhill. I fully woke up over the period May. 2020 to Dec. 2022. I now have nothing to do with it. If I have an accident and break bones, I'll go to hospital where I assume that branch of medicine will still do me more good than harm (??)

If I read any medical books, they're now those with titles like 'Deadly medicines and organised crime', 'Doctoring data', 'How to stop your doctor killing you' and 'Covid and the global predators: we are the prey'. All these four are by different medics. who've been awake for some time.

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One cytokine that can explain all this is Fractalkine, which is a unique adhesion molecule that Dr. Bruce Patterson found in activated monocytes release and stick to endothelial tissue disrupting the delicate glycocalyx smooth vascular lining and attracting inflammatory cytokines and autoimmune antibodies. Infected monocytes can be recruited across the BBB where they change into macrophages, released fibrin and fractalkine, cause brain fog and a multiplicity of symptoms.

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Thanks for bringing your SPED theory full circle to this research piece Walter, I'm about to forward this in many times.

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"I will continue to work on understanding and solutions." Thank You Walter M Chesnut.

An important 3 parts of the mix of "solutions" are to 1) cease intake of Mrna for spike protein et al. and 2) greatly reduce intake of cov-2 and spike parts and 3) greatly suppress and stop cov-2 infection from whatever does "get in".

Most, by now, with Truth increasing and with reduction of mandates, have the easy, easier to do nothing part implemented with avoidance of spike replication from the "safe and effective" "vaccine".

The also easy, now easier to do something parts to Keep It Out and Kill It when some gets in, which requires some action and some discipline based on TRUTH, has been effectively suppressed as part of "their" plan to be able to use "their" immune escaping cov-2 or other delivery vehicle to deliver what "they" choose.

People remain ignorant with many now programmed to vehemently oppose doing anything to protect themselves.

"The world seems" (I would write in place of "seems" - has been very well programmed as part of "their" plan) "to equate “asymptomatic” and “mild course” with “harmless.” As I have repeatedly warned, this is a very dangerous and ignorant view to hold. Damage is being done. Repeatedly. Just like (again, as I have stated multiple times) the battering ram GROND in the LOTR." quotes from Walter M Chesnut

If anyone asks I will be happy to share any needed additional details of what I do prior to entering "shared air" to "salt the battlefield" of the mouth and throat, the nose and nasal passages and eyes and eye area with 2 "Snoot" brand, fine mist, 30 ml sprayers to first spray to saturation and the need to blow the nose with homemade antiviral ~12% Xylitol in plain sterile water (used into nose and mouth) to clean, fortify the biome and inhibit viral binding and .5% povidone-iodine solution 10% in homemade sterile NeilMed formula "normal" saline on to eyes and eye area and breathed deep into nose and mouth - a few sprays to kill "attackers" for a couple of hours, +?, tested no longer effective at 4 hours. After "salting the battle field" I then protect the battle field with eye glasses using the small detachable side shields, note; any glasses help and one of 2 (or 3) types of 3M N95 "masks" each demonstrated to stop above 99.5% of the total "leakage" through and around the mask using a mix of salt test particles with a median size the same as a single cov-2 virus. Demonstrated for all to see with live, real time, testing streamed to youtube by Aaron Collins . Then, when back home after the battle, preemptive clean up and viral killing sterilization of the oral/nasal/eye battlefield using 500 ml of 1% Johnson's regular "no more tears" baby shampoo in homemade sterile NealMed formula (~1 part baking soda with 3 parts sea salt) saline, using the NeilMed 8 ounce nasal flush bottle and using the baby shampoo/saline mix for antiviral mouthwash/gargle and eye wash from eye wash cup or palm of clean hand while blinking a lot. Then a relaxing few minutes nebulizing some ml of regular vodka breathed in deep through nose and mouth with a Philips Respironics InnoSpire compressor nebulizer system perhaps misted toward the eyes a bit. As time goes by, perhaps I do a few preemptive sprays too.

A Duty owed to self and others that is not hard to do once a routine has been established . . . . . . . . . . . . . If one considers and understands the TRUTH about the alternative.

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Hi Mr. Chesnut...

Always enjoy your research. A real problem with all this pathology is lack of clinical diagnostic markers short of an academic research center. Should you encounter any test protocols in your research that you believe are worthwhile in a 'family practice' type setting, please pass this information along.

Thanks for your devotion.

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