Dear Walter thank you for sharing all your insights and knowledge in ways that most people can understand. As your understanding of Spike deepened is there any one way you see as potentially effective enough to prevent the Spike Protein from entering our cells?
Looking at the DOD documents, early on IVM and HCQ were identified as "cures", therefore, in our crazy world, they were heavily suppressed. I use the FLCCC prevention protocol which prescribes IVM once a week, dosage is bodyweight dependent. Peace.
It has protected my 86-year-old mother for about two years -- no Covid yet. The exact mechanisms may or may not be known, but it has been observed to prevent viral replication.
I do Iodine after each exposure to people or public places. I think, it helps. But again, it's not a sole solution as well. We need to reshape the whole medicine field and there is not too much information how to do that. Only our own experience matters...
To treat an actual COVID infection, yes. To treat the spike protein damage from the vaccine, I don't know. Go to to see all the studies on all various treatments for COVID-19.
I stopped taking it, got covid and now I’m post-covid and taking it every other day. They’re not easy to get in Spain, where only vets can use it and prescribe it. I always order from India, but we find problems with customs. It’s a gamble, every time.
I heard one interview with McCullough saying something about a South African doctor helping a woman with either post covid or post jab problems using ivermectin but in very high doses. I think it’s safe at high doses (but I don’t know the doses used). As opposed to HCQ which can apparently be problematic at too high of a dose.
It’s amazing, a real testament to the talent of our immune system that it was able to fight off this bioweapon. Even more so that many people have thus far survived the bioweapon vax.
I believe that a lot of people were given blanks or defective doses. See Sasha Latypova, Katherine Watt at Bailiwicks News Substack, and Jonathan Couey at GigaOhmBiological for the latest info. There were NO required manufacturing standards for the shots - there were NO clinical trials.
Most of you probably know this already, but for any newbies, look up the Cov ID # you or your family members were injected with: You have to know what the 'adverse events' were that are associated with different batches to have even a vague idea of what you are dealing with. The released Pfizer docs, by the way, were all released and last month ALL of the 1000s of pages were transferred into an xpt format instead of the former pdf format, so now its hard as hell to open them...Children's Health Defense just published over 700 of the "adverse events" though (
A lot of stuff got passed when he pres...I think most have proven to be a mistake for all of us. The 'clinical trials' for this latest fiasco can be best understood by reading Sasha Latypova's substack...this has been yet another lovely event brought to you by the DOD.
Thank you .. I also got pine needle tea and pills from Mercola. I think I’m getting shedding from all these people, I’ve worked a lot the last month. I need a break from all the exposure.
Nebulizing w/ H2O2 (.01 solution, food grade) as per Mercola. Use a "desk style" compressor for effective nebulization. Add Lugol's solution iodine is an option to increase effectiveness. Besides obvious impact at the mucousa (sinus, throat, lungs) it is reported to have systemic value.
You think you're getting shedding from all of these people ??? Draw a vial of blood for antigen test, then you'll know if you're picking up bad-stuff for your patients, crew environment.
Make **your** health status # 1 even if you need to take a extended vacation from working.
I tried their nasal spray a couple times and lost my smell :(... could it have been too strong? could have been coincidence for sure..... test was negative for c.... but I have no confidence in any testing... whatever I had 2 mnths ago was 100% concentrated in sinuses and they still feel congested - wondering if there was over reaction by body to keep it in the nasal region. Dr thinks it was c no matter the test...
as in eating it or applying it? I tossed it... I'm not a fan of grapefruit anyway so should have listened to my body... I do like the smell of tobacco tho so maybe that will be my cure.... lol... just haven't got up my nerve to try it yet.
OK. I called NOW headquarters and talked about their Quercetin with the nutrition department. They were very helpful. The reason you do not taste the bitterness is because of the microcrystalline cellulose, it masks off the bitterness. They told me about the two sources they use, a Japanese source and a Brazilian source. They use gas chronometers to verify that what they label says is actually in the bottle. It's not fake. Peace.
ha ha 3 times, Steve. I've ordered 60g packed Quercetin - it doesn't have cellulose at all. And it's also tasteless. Even more, it tasteless with alcohol. What is the reason to mix cellulose with quercetin and pack it into tasteless capsules? Isn't it strange for you? Fake. Peace.
It's not fake. Call NOW and find out for yourself. It's tested for purity and they only buy it from qualified sources. Try calling them - they will give you all the details. Peace.
If manufactures are unable to cover discrepancies between physical properties of compounds they use for their products it means "fake". Again. Cellulose does not prevent a bitter taste. Don't be naive, Steven. Peace.
OK. We agree to disagree. The only real way to tell would be to analyze it using an independent laboratory. I respect your position. Have a great day. Peace.
I don't think it's fake. I will check with NOW. The fact that the database says an alcohol solution is bitter, does not mean that if you crack open a pill and taste it it should be bitter - I will reach out to NOW and get their take on it. I will post again. Peace.
Could your particular bottle have been in a set tampered with? Or could there be some other explanation about why it can still be effective though not bitter? Usually NOW brand is pretty trustworthy. Please update if you learn more.
SOTN State of the Nation has an article about Suramin and how the power elite were very sure to first formulate a 100% effective antidote for themselves and their tribe. The article also mentions Pine needle oil/tea.
Extracellular Vesicles and Viruses: Two Intertwined Entities "Ultimately, the interactions between EVs and viruses are highly interconnected, which has led to interesting discoveries in their associated roles in the progression of different diseases,...."
Sally, any suggested defense for entry through neuropilin-1 and CD147. I was unaware of this path - do you have a source document describing it? Thanks! Peace.
We know that the booster especially invokes non-inflammatory IgG4 "tolerance".... if it didn't I think this mechanism of cellular destruction would be much, much worse.
Exactly the point. The IgG4 allows the spike to circulate and created damaged / mortality in such a broad way that it could ALMOST never be pointed to as being the vaccine.
It's very important to clarify: if periodic exposition to spike protein leads to increasing IgG4 levels, or the buster itself causes that. We need more studies...
I think there already is reasonable clarity here - my understanding is that it takes the shots to really kick start the IgG4 process. While there is some data to show that very long lived Covid-19 infections can have some measurable effect on IgG4 production, i.e. in certain narrow circumstances this can happen, in general, at a population level, the high IgG4/low IgG3 phenomenon is almost entirely due to the shots.
"When a food protein is injected (contaminated vaccine) the body creates IgE (immunoglobulin E) antibodies that recognize the food protein.
With more injections or eating that protein, the body starts making IgG4 (immunoglobulin G, subclass 4) antibodies against that protein.
With ongoing protein exposure, IgG4 causes recruitment of eosinophils.
Eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE) is a common disease caused by this sequence of events.
We warned the FDA and vaccine makers that the above sequence can occur due to COVID vaccines. The result would include IgE antibody dependent enhancement of COVID disease, IgG4-related diseases (IgG4-RD) and eosinophilic disorders. The exposure to spike proteins can occur either due to the vaccine or infection. Important note: The above sequence can only be initiated by an injected vaccine, not by infection. In other words, the IgE step can only be caused by an injection. But once the IgE step is initiated, an infection or vaccine can cause the subsequent steps to occur. Many parasites enter through the skin. So a vaccine injected through the skin creates IgE, an inappropriate, anti-parasite antibody directed against the viral protein included or encoded in the vaccine."
The most important and relevant point above is this;
"Important note: The above sequence can only be initiated by an injected vaccine, not by infection"
Jessica Rose posted a good article on the IgG4 issue - it is not as important as was initially believed to be. Peace. >>> UPDATE - my comment here is incorrect! See my comment and reference below. Thank you!
Hmmmm.. I can't find that article Steve. Jessica did write a series of articles about the new (it wasn't really new, came out in preprint in July, then peer reviewed late Dec.) IgG4 data and none of them would suggest to me that it's not important;
"Both IgG3 and IgG4 antibodies are generally a small proportion of all our B-cells, 3% and 4% respectively. "
"Below I will explain why I am not so sure the cause and effect vector goes as is currently being assumed, from low IgG3 / IgG4 ratio to generalized immune dysfunction. Rather, I suspect that it may more likely be an effect of other mechanisms, described below."
Just read the actual case report linked. The authors' "conclusions" are shocking (they should not be, to me, at this point, but -- I just keep expecting scientists to do real science instead of nonsensical propaganda -- this "Brave New World" is hard to get used to).
It kinda read like this, to me: "Well, our patient actually *died* within a month of receiving the inoculation, and nearly every tissue in his body tested positive for the virus that he was supposed to be inoculated against, but that means that the shot is effective in producing immunity, because his IgG levels were high, and he did not show any of the classical and more mild clinical signs, just those pesky lethal ones. Oh, and also, he had cardiac amyloidosis, just because."
As ever, I say thank you Walter. I could only read your Twitter in 2021 before you were silenced there, as I'd been silenced myself. So I'm a fairly long time follower now.
Very early on with the injections, I wondered how, when we know the spike is a pathogen, how then is it a good or sensible idea to have our bodies turned into spike making factories?
I am non-science background, an Arts teacher/artist. So I have 0 training or knowledge in sciences but I couldn't understand why people weren't questioning this.
Perhaps it was luck only. But to see your work laying out exactly why the very last thing any 'vaccine' should have centred is the spike itself, is terrifying in view of the last two years.
Walter , I’m seeing so much gestational hypertension. Early on with the jab , there were many abruptions . Now that many of the pregnant woman’s last jab was over a year go we still have underlying chronic hypertension with superimposed gestational hypertension. The spike seems to have long term effects on vessels. I wonder if there is an increase in hypertension in women who aren’t pregnant since the rollout of the jabs?
Your table of receptors used by viruses is very interesting. During a conversation about a month ago with a group of people, the question was asked. What other viruses besides SARS-CoV bind to ACE2. The doctor in the group said he didn't know of any others - maybe the original SARS-CoV. I stated that maybe that should have been a clue that it was engineered.
I’ve seen her interviewed before, one question not answered is “Why would our DOD turn on the people of the United States?” Are we just casualties in a War to conquer the world?
There's not a single US govt agency that acts on behalf of its citizens. The EPA poisons us with glyphosate and radioactive water, the FCC zaps us with frequencies, the Federal Reserve prints our money into oblivion, NRC poisons us with radiation, and on and on. I don't even need to mention the FDA and the CDC.
Dear Walter thank you for sharing all your insights and knowledge in ways that most people can understand. As your understanding of Spike deepened is there any one way you see as potentially effective enough to prevent the Spike Protein from entering our cells?
Looking at the DOD documents, early on IVM and HCQ were identified as "cures", therefore, in our crazy world, they were heavily suppressed. I use the FLCCC prevention protocol which prescribes IVM once a week, dosage is bodyweight dependent. Peace.
It has protected my 86-year-old mother for about two years -- no Covid yet. The exact mechanisms may or may not be known, but it has been observed to prevent viral replication.
Excellent! Peace.
Nasal irrigation and air purifying
Is Ivermectin a good solution in order to avoid the entrance?
I've read if one can't get ivermectin (as in Australia), then nigella black seed oil is effective against spike protein.
I use nigella oil 👍
Ivermectin in all forums (paste-tablets-liquid) prevent entrance into cells-tissues, as does saltwater used orally to flush mouth and nassil cavities.
Stan.... I use iodine up the nose with a Qtip .. when I work .. what do u think ?
I do Iodine after each exposure to people or public places. I think, it helps. But again, it's not a sole solution as well. We need to reshape the whole medicine field and there is not too much information how to do that. Only our own experience matters...
BB, iodine is working okay for you !!! Cheap, available and easy to redose.
There is no silver bullet, Cristina... Ivermectin is very helpful, but alone int's not enough for long covid.
article in last day or two said lactoferrin is *very* helpful
To treat an actual COVID infection, yes. To treat the spike protein damage from the vaccine, I don't know. Go to to see all the studies on all various treatments for COVID-19.
For vaccine and spike protein treatments start here for studies:
I took ivermectin paste for 5 days with no ill effects, except I get the urge to eat hay sometimes. :) Do I regret that? Naaayyy.
My mom has taken paste or pills for two years (weekly or bi-monthly) with no ill effects -- including Covid.
I stopped taking it, got covid and now I’m post-covid and taking it every other day. They’re not easy to get in Spain, where only vets can use it and prescribe it. I always order from India, but we find problems with customs. It’s a gamble, every time.
Nattokinase and NAC are reported to help degrade spike protein; I hope you have a prompt and full recovery.
Thank you!
I’m taking NAC and can’t take natto, since it comes from soya and I have an allergy to it. I wish I could!
Thank you!
I think it was Dr McCullough who said it will absorb spikes and take them out of the body
That would be really nice!
I took it during the infection, at 0,4mg/kg, together with HCQ, and then afterwards, some three times a week, at 0,2mg/kg weight.
I heard one interview with McCullough saying something about a South African doctor helping a woman with either post covid or post jab problems using ivermectin but in very high doses. I think it’s safe at high doses (but I don’t know the doses used). As opposed to HCQ which can apparently be problematic at too high of a dose.
I’ll have a look at and see how the protocols are evolving.
Natural mucosal immunity protects against airborne viruses. Your skin is the barrier you need to keep intact from stabs
100% Thank you.
It’s amazing, a real testament to the talent of our immune system that it was able to fight off this bioweapon. Even more so that many people have thus far survived the bioweapon vax.
Truly, we are fearfully and wonderfully made.
I believe that a lot of people were given blanks or defective doses. See Sasha Latypova, Katherine Watt at Bailiwicks News Substack, and Jonathan Couey at GigaOhmBiological for the latest info. There were NO required manufacturing standards for the shots - there were NO clinical trials.
Most of you probably know this already, but for any newbies, look up the Cov ID # you or your family members were injected with: You have to know what the 'adverse events' were that are associated with different batches to have even a vague idea of what you are dealing with. The released Pfizer docs, by the way, were all released and last month ALL of the 1000s of pages were transferred into an xpt format instead of the former pdf format, so now its hard as hell to open them...Children's Health Defense just published over 700 of the "adverse events" though (
Clinical trials were not required in the US due to a law passed by Obama when he was president.
A lot of stuff got passed when he pres...I think most have proven to be a mistake for all of us. The 'clinical trials' for this latest fiasco can be best understood by reading Sasha Latypova's substack...this has been yet another lovely event brought to you by the DOD.
We don't know yet how many will survive and how many will die both jabbed and unjabbed
This is far from over so we don't know yet
The bioweapon will kill slowly, over several years
So we can't draw conclusions yet
This is useful table:-
I take curcumin for this very purpose, i.e. to try to keep the Spike protein from docking with the ACE2. It is also anti-inflammatory.
Exactly. I do curcumin, grapefruits (it essentially helps during new waves of inflammation with long covid ) + ivermectin + famotidine.
Thank you 123abceng
do grapefruits, lemons + limes, plus ginger root tea
Thank you .. I also got pine needle tea and pills from Mercola. I think I’m getting shedding from all these people, I’ve worked a lot the last month. I need a break from all the exposure.
Nebulizing w/ H2O2 (.01 solution, food grade) as per Mercola. Use a "desk style" compressor for effective nebulization. Add Lugol's solution iodine is an option to increase effectiveness. Besides obvious impact at the mucousa (sinus, throat, lungs) it is reported to have systemic value.
😊 thank u
Do you have a link to one you recommend? I have one that hasn't been working all that well.
so true, take days off when you can, and be vigilant with the supplements
I try , thank u
You think you're getting shedding from all of these people ??? Draw a vial of blood for antigen test, then you'll know if you're picking up bad-stuff for your patients, crew environment.
Make **your** health status # 1 even if you need to take a extended vacation from working.
How is that gona tell you anything? A normal response to airborne pathogens doesn't produce antibodies that can be detected in your blood
Thanks Stan , time for blood work anyway ..
Got life extension products now Stan _R , and few Mercola products… feeling good now 👍🏼
More extensions for feeling good and healthy :) :) :)
Lol Stan …. How did u know ?
Thank you, great resource. Grapefruitseed extract by nutribiotic has been a go-to, sounds like it's a good match for safe daily defense.
I tried their nasal spray a couple times and lost my smell :(... could it have been too strong? could have been coincidence for sure..... test was negative for c.... but I have no confidence in any testing... whatever I had 2 mnths ago was 100% concentrated in sinuses and they still feel congested - wondering if there was over reaction by body to keep it in the nasal region. Dr thinks it was c no matter the test...
there are a % of people who can't use grapefruit; if I had that side effect I wouldn't take it any longer
as in eating it or applying it? I tossed it... I'm not a fan of grapefruit anyway so should have listened to my body... I do like the smell of tobacco tho so maybe that will be my cure.... lol... just haven't got up my nerve to try it yet.
And I also added baikaline...
Unfortunately I've realized that quercetine I was taking was a fake... (It was highest rate at Amazon 17.000 reviews - It doesn't have a bitter taste... I did not know that... Very sad.
OK. I called NOW headquarters and talked about their Quercetin with the nutrition department. They were very helpful. The reason you do not taste the bitterness is because of the microcrystalline cellulose, it masks off the bitterness. They told me about the two sources they use, a Japanese source and a Brazilian source. They use gas chronometers to verify that what they label says is actually in the bottle. It's not fake. Peace.
ha ha 3 times, Steve. I've ordered 60g packed Quercetin - it doesn't have cellulose at all. And it's also tasteless. Even more, it tasteless with alcohol. What is the reason to mix cellulose with quercetin and pack it into tasteless capsules? Isn't it strange for you? Fake. Peace.
It's not fake. Call NOW and find out for yourself. It's tested for purity and they only buy it from qualified sources. Try calling them - they will give you all the details. Peace.
... they will give all the details but a pure quercetin which is suppose to be bitter.
If manufactures are unable to cover discrepancies between physical properties of compounds they use for their products it means "fake". Again. Cellulose does not prevent a bitter taste. Don't be naive, Steven. Peace.
OK. We agree to disagree. The only real way to tell would be to analyze it using an independent laboratory. I respect your position. Have a great day. Peace.
I don't think it's fake. I will check with NOW. The fact that the database says an alcohol solution is bitter, does not mean that if you crack open a pill and taste it it should be bitter - I will reach out to NOW and get their take on it. I will post again. Peace.
Alcohol solution is VERY bitter. That's a big word in chemistry. I tried it with alcohol also. Tasteless.
Could your particular bottle have been in a set tampered with? Or could there be some other explanation about why it can still be effective though not bitter? Usually NOW brand is pretty trustworthy. Please update if you learn more.
Shelle. - ordered this. It's also tasteless. I've asked question on their website. No answer yet...
Now Quercetine is fake? Do you have data to back up that claim? Thanks. Peace.
I don't have "data." The taste of quercetine should be bitter.
The word "very" is quite telling.
Thank you!
Wow thank you Derbyshire
If this bioweapon was designed for wholesale genocide, then surely the planners designed, built, tested and distributed an antidote for themselves.
Ivermectin is my guess.
Per. DOD documents, IVM and HCQ. Zelenko was on to the genocide early. Peace.
And now he is gone.
SOTN State of the Nation has an article about Suramin and how the power elite were very sure to first formulate a 100% effective antidote for themselves and their tribe. The article also mentions Pine needle oil/tea.
Thanks. Can you provide a link? Peace.
Thank you!
Plus, insidiously, COVID can enter the cells, not only via ACE2 receptors, but through novel receptors, such as neuropilin-1 and CD147.
Thank you, Wondrous Walter, for your terrific research and, most importantly, for caring.
And look at this paper re EV’s /exosomes
Thank you, Simon!!
Plus, another new study....
Oh, yes, viruses can increase or manipulate EVs.
Extracellular Vesicles and Viruses: Two Intertwined Entities "Ultimately, the interactions between EVs and viruses are highly interconnected, which has led to interesting discoveries in their associated roles in the progression of different diseases,...."
I had read about this too, thank you for providing the links Sally and Simon
Thank you Sally. I checked out the paper Simon gave a link to. Peace.
Wow. Excellent resource. It appears that there is a back door. Thank you. Peace.
Sally, any suggested defense for entry through neuropilin-1 and CD147. I was unaware of this path - do you have a source document describing it? Thanks! Peace.
Thank you for your kind reply. .... I have no idea.... We have to keep studying under Walter's tutelage!
We know that the booster especially invokes non-inflammatory IgG4 "tolerance".... if it didn't I think this mechanism of cellular destruction would be much, much worse.
I was just thinking about this. But it’s a catch 22 because if your body is ignoring the spike it will stay around doing damage.
Exactly the point. The IgG4 allows the spike to circulate and created damaged / mortality in such a broad way that it could ALMOST never be pointed to as being the vaccine.
It's very important to clarify: if periodic exposition to spike protein leads to increasing IgG4 levels, or the buster itself causes that. We need more studies...
I think there already is reasonable clarity here - my understanding is that it takes the shots to really kick start the IgG4 process. While there is some data to show that very long lived Covid-19 infections can have some measurable effect on IgG4 production, i.e. in certain narrow circumstances this can happen, in general, at a population level, the high IgG4/low IgG3 phenomenon is almost entirely due to the shots.
Vinu Arumugham
Jan 2
"When a food protein is injected (contaminated vaccine) the body creates IgE (immunoglobulin E) antibodies that recognize the food protein.
With more injections or eating that protein, the body starts making IgG4 (immunoglobulin G, subclass 4) antibodies against that protein.
With ongoing protein exposure, IgG4 causes recruitment of eosinophils.
Eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE) is a common disease caused by this sequence of events.
We warned the FDA and vaccine makers that the above sequence can occur due to COVID vaccines. The result would include IgE antibody dependent enhancement of COVID disease, IgG4-related diseases (IgG4-RD) and eosinophilic disorders. The exposure to spike proteins can occur either due to the vaccine or infection. Important note: The above sequence can only be initiated by an injected vaccine, not by infection. In other words, the IgE step can only be caused by an injection. But once the IgE step is initiated, an infection or vaccine can cause the subsequent steps to occur. Many parasites enter through the skin. So a vaccine injected through the skin creates IgE, an inappropriate, anti-parasite antibody directed against the viral protein included or encoded in the vaccine."
The most important and relevant point above is this;
"Important note: The above sequence can only be initiated by an injected vaccine, not by infection"
Jessica Rose posted a good article on the IgG4 issue - it is not as important as was initially believed to be. Peace. >>> UPDATE - my comment here is incorrect! See my comment and reference below. Thank you!
Hmmmm.. I can't find that article Steve. Jessica did write a series of articles about the new (it wasn't really new, came out in preprint in July, then peer reviewed late Dec.) IgG4 data and none of them would suggest to me that it's not important;
More on that last one;
IgG4-related disease (IgG4RD) means FIBROSIS and organ destruction
That leads to death, eventually...
Jessica Rose
Dec 28, 2022
Hi Jim, my mistake! I apologize. The article I was referring to was this one from Colleen Huber: It appears that my comment above is incorrect - I will change it. Thank you!
From the article:
"Both IgG3 and IgG4 antibodies are generally a small proportion of all our B-cells, 3% and 4% respectively. "
"Below I will explain why I am not so sure the cause and effect vector goes as is currently being assumed, from low IgG3 / IgG4 ratio to generalized immune dysfunction. Rather, I suspect that it may more likely be an effect of other mechanisms, described below."
The Huber article was cited by Dr. Jessica Rose.
OK. Let me check my source and I will get back to you ASAP. Hopefully, I did not confuse authors.. been reading a lot ... peace.
Just read the actual case report linked. The authors' "conclusions" are shocking (they should not be, to me, at this point, but -- I just keep expecting scientists to do real science instead of nonsensical propaganda -- this "Brave New World" is hard to get used to).
It kinda read like this, to me: "Well, our patient actually *died* within a month of receiving the inoculation, and nearly every tissue in his body tested positive for the virus that he was supposed to be inoculated against, but that means that the shot is effective in producing immunity, because his IgG levels were high, and he did not show any of the classical and more mild clinical signs, just those pesky lethal ones. Oh, and also, he had cardiac amyloidosis, just because."
Um ... What?
An exquisitely designed bioweapon for depopulation of the planet.
Utterly fiendish because of the in-built plausible deniability.
As ever, I say thank you Walter. I could only read your Twitter in 2021 before you were silenced there, as I'd been silenced myself. So I'm a fairly long time follower now.
Very early on with the injections, I wondered how, when we know the spike is a pathogen, how then is it a good or sensible idea to have our bodies turned into spike making factories?
I am non-science background, an Arts teacher/artist. So I have 0 training or knowledge in sciences but I couldn't understand why people weren't questioning this.
Perhaps it was luck only. But to see your work laying out exactly why the very last thing any 'vaccine' should have centred is the spike itself, is terrifying in view of the last two years.
Mike Yeadon knew of course.
Best wishes.
Thank you for this Walter. That would seem to boil it all down to the bare essence. (OMFG!)
Thank you Walter for the education... very much appreciated. 👍🏼🤗
Walter , I’m seeing so much gestational hypertension. Early on with the jab , there were many abruptions . Now that many of the pregnant woman’s last jab was over a year go we still have underlying chronic hypertension with superimposed gestational hypertension. The spike seems to have long term effects on vessels. I wonder if there is an increase in hypertension in women who aren’t pregnant since the rollout of the jabs?
What was the solution?
Your table of receptors used by viruses is very interesting. During a conversation about a month ago with a group of people, the question was asked. What other viruses besides SARS-CoV bind to ACE2. The doctor in the group said he didn't know of any others - maybe the original SARS-CoV. I stated that maybe that should have been a clue that it was engineered.
on your question, you might want to have a quick listen ...
I’ve seen her interviewed before, one question not answered is “Why would our DOD turn on the people of the United States?” Are we just casualties in a War to conquer the world?
There's not a single US govt agency that acts on behalf of its citizens. The EPA poisons us with glyphosate and radioactive water, the FCC zaps us with frequencies, the Federal Reserve prints our money into oblivion, NRC poisons us with radiation, and on and on. I don't even need to mention the FDA and the CDC.