to remove the spike protein, have you considered dr Bryan Ardis’ research using nicotine (administering the molecule via spray, lozenge, gum, or some are using an organic pure tobacco ‘tea’ in foot baths, he’s not advocating smoking cigarettes).
also dr Shankara Chetty’s research into the spike protein uncanny similarity to venoms.
nicotine is an antidote to venoms - venoms dock on the nicotinic receptors which have a higher affinity for nicotine.
take nicotine, along with proteolytics and chelators to dislodge, break down, neutralize, bind the spike protein.
doctors have reported success in restoring the lost sense of taste and smell using nicotine gum.
but the combination of therapeutics is necessary because once the spike dislodges it can re-lodge elsewhere in the body.
do check it out. it is fascinating stuff and well worth a try (since the treatment is relatively accessible)
“Basically we have here a virus that can infect the human and bacteria at the same time and clearly probably animals. Clearly something I don’t think we have seen before with a virus.
So in affect the virus is able to enter bacteria cells and change how it functions and potentially replicate within them, that is UNBELIEVABLE.
Even though COVID is a lung disease in its presentation it may primarily be a GUT disease, it might even be a gut virus.”
Oral faecal transmission has been known for a long time.
“prolonged faecal shedding from the intestine can occur for up to 210 days”
“SARS-COV-2 has the ability to replicate in human cells and bacteria in faeces. It’s a virus that infects bacteria.”
“It’s already been identified that the biofilm or dental plaque harbours SC2. To this is added the tonsils and adenoids, the oral cavity is a potential reservoir also.”
In some the virus instructs you gut to produce toxins, venom like toxins, trashes gut, leaky gut, translocates into blood stream.
American Aztec tobacco can be used as a finely ground snuff, and as a slightly peppery seaweedy green tea tasting tea, and even as a vermifuge, and as an insecticide to protect your other plants. I find it grows easily, and does not produce any intensely sickening effects that isolated chemical nicotine gum or tablets do.
Possibly it is because the chemically unadulterated plant in its entirety is vastly healthier than the isolated nicotine chemical or the intensely nauseating treated tobacco in commercial cigarettes that contains one chemical to keep them alight, and another one to put them out if they are left unattended too long, these chemicals themselves produce an intense headache in me if someone lights a commercially-made cigarette up near me, whereas untreated cigar tobacco does not and actually makes me feel quite pleasant if someone smokes that in my presence.
It may be that just as chemical aspirin causes many potentially serious side-effects that do not occur when the herbal form of aspirin is used, so herbal whole tobacco may be less toxic in some way too, and it is after all a traditional sacred medicinal plant.
The plants grow from seed easily, well over two feet tall, and last over winter indoors even without central heating, and produce a great profusion of tiny seeds from the sticky oily plants that have little bell-shaped slightly greenish yellow flowers.
From Wikipedia; 'More specifically, N. rustica leaves have a nicotine content as high as 9%, whereas N. tabacum leaves contain about 1 to 3%'.
You will be able to email me privately using the facility on Substack without your address showing up publicly, but check you are using the right app before sending.
Hi, yes, it is indeed, the same one as the Wikipedia quote refers to. I would be delighted to send you a bunch of them, just let me know some address where I can send them to and I will send you a bunch, I have thousands of them spare.
Hi, sorry for the delay in replying, I am wondering if the email was sent via substack to a messaging system within substack or if it was sent to my email address. I think I came across an email address on my site here for messages to be sent to me, but am not sure about this, would you send the message again please and then it will show up in my new emails if it comes in my ordinary email account. We will find a way together to get the seeds to you.
here are my notes from Dr Ardis, Dr Ealy and Dr Group
Tobacco, Heat, an Alkaline environment helpful (bicarbonates)
Ashwaganda, Licorice root, Vitex (Chaste tree), Mucuna pruriens, Ivermectine, IVIG (i don’t know what this is tho), Monoclonal antibodies
DISSOLVE (break down)-
Proteolytics, Nattokinase, Serapeptase, Vitamin C, diluted food grade hydrogen peroxide (dr Ealy advocates working with a health professional for supervision of this)
hydrated bentonite clay, psyllium
don’t use all of everything. research, and pick one or 2 from each category.
and take the other stuff before the dislodging, that way your ‘removal system’ is in place before it’s released.
also, intermittent or better yet several days of fasting, activates the body’s clear out of damaged cells and misfolded proteins.
proteolitics break down proteins. bromelain and papain are 2 that we know from the culinary world for tenderizing meat by breaking the protein, but there are others.
chelators ‘grab’ molecules so they can be safely carried out of the body. like activated charcoal pumped into the stomach in alcohol poisoning. it absorbs the toxin so it can’t be reabsorbed by the body and carries it out. clay (Bentonite or montmorillonite clay) are another. they will draw toxins out (think clay mud masks or clay baths). garlic has some chelation properties. but clays are super.
again, there are several options within each category.
the idea is simply that once the spike protein is dislodged (heat -sauna- and nicotine are apparently effective) it can re-absorb, so we want to break it down, neutralize it, and bind/grab it for safe removal.
there are 19 receptors that spike can do the damage ... nicotine blocks only one ... in any case the way i understand it, is not good to block receptors.
can you provide a reference to learn more about the 19 receptors you mentioned?
to each his or her own, i’d personally rather dislodge a poison by temporarily blocking one or more receptors with a molecule that actually has some positive if temporary effects.
Yes. Part of this bioweapon delivery, IMO, has been the Fear Porn 24/7/365 imposed on the peasantry by our Ruling Psychopathy in the West. This induced anxiety/stress - dysregulation of the ANS - plays a huge role in COVID-19 courses. A large study of severe COVID cases months and months ago showed that ANXIETY was the number 2 co-morbidity behind morbid obesity (all of whom are massively Vit. D deficient). It seems obvious that this created bioweapon is also causing dysregulation of the ANS with the attendant symptoms one might expect. Fascinating report of symptom reduction with sympathetic block. Thanks for sharing. BTW, this is also one reason cannabinoids are effective in reducing COVID//vaxxx symptoms as they return homestasis to the ANS. Dr. Campbell (PhD, RN) had a great Youtube last week on CBD and its anti-viral effects - worth a watch! I see it, a HUGE component of this plandemic has been efforts to completely erode previously-existing sources of trust, so that an entirely-new set of disease-state responses COULD replace them among those who were ALREADY not proactive, discerning and MOST likely to be traumatized, panic.....
Yes. It is an entire biowarfare operation - planned and executed by our own USG. The documentation is massive and inescapable. "They" actually are trying to kill most of us and the war appears to be proceeding nicely.
Dr. Chestnut, i owe you an apology. I just read the headlines and thought "Well, who with an IQ of above 80 and can think critically doesn't experience chronic stress from what is going on now?"
I humbly apologize, and ask for your forgiveness, for when I clicked on your article, you went straight to the chronic stress caused by PAIN (which I have years of experience with), and it wears you down and kills you early. And the cause of the stress being spike.
The more we learn about the impact of Spike load, the more diabolical we come to realize it all is & has been. Not only do the ongoing revelations confirm our worst long-held suspicions, they reveal layers of physiological & neurological effects that we never previously imagined.
Walter, Is there any way to test to find out if a person has spike circulating? Is it possible to have spike circulating and have no symptoms? Thank you.
There are blood tests to look for circulating spike. I believe you can have it circulating without immediate symptoms. Much like you can have coffee brewing without there being a full pot.
Just as a sidebar, I have noticed that people that have been vaxx'd start to loose their arm fat/muscle. I don't know how to explain it, but their arms aren't right anymore. And their faces start to hollow out. Back in the day they were called auras, don't know what they are called now, but their auras have changed as well, at least in my friends and family. Same people, just different feel and energy to them.
Sometimes I want to go up to strangers and ask them if they have been jabbed just to see if it is my imagination or not w/what I am noticing. Also have noticed people are getting more stupid by the day.
and adding nicotine to dislodge the spike. then the NAC/Bromelain, etc. will go to work degrading it. Ashwaganda is helpful to bind to it. and will help reduce stress!
I wanted to take it but have thyroid disease, everything I read said ixnay if you have thyroid problems, so I asked my Endo about taking it and she recommended that I don't take it. So yes, use caution. Just because something is natural doesn't mean it is safe for each individual, especially if you take other medications.
i’d grow my own or obtain it from someone i knew who grew their own. organic tobacco can be found but i’d rather know my source.
for nicotine, there are oral sprays, lozenges, gum, patches. 2mg is the dose that dr.Ardis mentioned. small doses. a few times a day. i would not use it for a long period. 3 days on with 1 day off or 5 days on with 2 days off.
I haven't had the jab, but long story short is anyone working on a test to see if those of us not vaxx'd have had exposure to the jab either through shedding or food supply?
Dr Ana Milhacea (MD) is on Substack and Rumble; she's been working with several different medical doctors worldwide and researchers. It doesn't look good....And Karen Kingston is also indicating the food supply (meats and plants) has been 'spiked' (pun intended). I think we need to 'act as if' regarding exposure to the bioweapon, and detox in any way possible.... (I'm a biologist, but not an MD). This has been an extremely convoluted playbook to decipher for the past 3 years.
Unfortunately, until a spike detection assay is covered by insurance, and commonly available at diagnostic labs, getting widespread data is pretty unlikely.
When this bubble bursts, there will be no fourth or fifth bubble, there will only be rubble.
The US economy and its financial system operate under the implicit belief that the Federal Reserve controls the direction of the economy and finance. This belief isn't in Fed influence, it's in Fed control: the Fed can reverse a stock market decline on a dime, it can reverse a recession, it can do "whatever it takes" to keep markets stable and expansive.
The history of the past 30 years seems to support this belief. Every time a financial crisis has manifested, the Fed has "saved the day" with some new policy extreme, changing the rules, jacking up its balance sheet 10-fold, and so on.
The flaw in this confidence in Fed control is the three speculative bubbles that have inflated and burst in the era of Fed Control, 1995 to the present. These bubbles could not have inflated without a "dovish" Fed pushing interest rates down and juicing the financial system with liquidity / credit. Since all speculative bubbles eventually burst, the Fed is forced into "rescue mode" which requires ever more extreme manipulation, oops, I mean intervention, to stabilize the bubble bursting and inflate the next bubble.
What few entertain as a possibility is the Fed is losing control of the economy and finance for systemic reasons that have nothing to do with Fed Policy per se. In other words, it's not a "Fed policy error" that brings the system down, it's much larger forces: diminishing returns and second order effects.
The big picture theme of this report is: The Fed Is Losing. They are losing control of the markets. They are losing their credibility. They are losing their ability to craft and control the narrative. They may even be losing their institutional freedom as recent moves by Congress reflect the fact that they have done a dreadful job, and tough questions are being asked.
Thanks for that link! Eustace Mullins also wrote a fantastic book, "Murder by Injection," which I was fortunate to read PRIOR to the plandemic...I never have trusted the medical INDUSTRY, which led me to Peter Goetzsche's book, "Deadly Medicines and Organized Crime".
So getting a SGB will not resolve the issue of the spike protein? It relieves symptoms but the spike continues to circulate, replicate doing damage? For those of us suffering with long covid ( not vaxxed) is there still hope for us on a full recovery? Is there hope that we can rid our bodies of the spike? I am in the process of getting chelation therapy-- will that help break down the spike protein?
Great stuff. I was wondering if you could elaborate on the statement "First, confirmation that the effects of the disease (read Spike) are genetic." For example, what is meant by "genetic" in this context, and how did the doctor's experience lead you to this inference? Thanks.
Interesting N =2 study, but we need so much more data here.
Need to determine what biomarkers to test before and after procedure. Need to know whether it matters if it's a stellate block or thoracic SGB (is the anatomy important?). (For that matter the sphenopalatine ganglion contains sympathetics, but I digress.) Need way more subjects to make the data meaningful.
to remove the spike protein, have you considered dr Bryan Ardis’ research using nicotine (administering the molecule via spray, lozenge, gum, or some are using an organic pure tobacco ‘tea’ in foot baths, he’s not advocating smoking cigarettes).
also dr Shankara Chetty’s research into the spike protein uncanny similarity to venoms.
nicotine is an antidote to venoms - venoms dock on the nicotinic receptors which have a higher affinity for nicotine.
take nicotine, along with proteolytics and chelators to dislodge, break down, neutralize, bind the spike protein.
doctors have reported success in restoring the lost sense of taste and smell using nicotine gum.
but the combination of therapeutics is necessary because once the spike dislodges it can re-lodge elsewhere in the body.
do check it out. it is fascinating stuff and well worth a try (since the treatment is relatively accessible)
Thanks for your comments.
Dr Philip Mc Millan..
“Basically we have here a virus that can infect the human and bacteria at the same time and clearly probably animals. Clearly something I don’t think we have seen before with a virus.
So in affect the virus is able to enter bacteria cells and change how it functions and potentially replicate within them, that is UNBELIEVABLE.
Even though COVID is a lung disease in its presentation it may primarily be a GUT disease, it might even be a gut virus.”
Oral faecal transmission has been known for a long time.
“prolonged faecal shedding from the intestine can occur for up to 210 days”
“SARS-COV-2 has the ability to replicate in human cells and bacteria in faeces. It’s a virus that infects bacteria.”
“It’s already been identified that the biofilm or dental plaque harbours SC2. To this is added the tonsils and adenoids, the oral cavity is a potential reservoir also.”
In some the virus instructs you gut to produce toxins, venom like toxins, trashes gut, leaky gut, translocates into blood stream.
Etc etc
American Aztec tobacco can be used as a finely ground snuff, and as a slightly peppery seaweedy green tea tasting tea, and even as a vermifuge, and as an insecticide to protect your other plants. I find it grows easily, and does not produce any intensely sickening effects that isolated chemical nicotine gum or tablets do.
Possibly it is because the chemically unadulterated plant in its entirety is vastly healthier than the isolated nicotine chemical or the intensely nauseating treated tobacco in commercial cigarettes that contains one chemical to keep them alight, and another one to put them out if they are left unattended too long, these chemicals themselves produce an intense headache in me if someone lights a commercially-made cigarette up near me, whereas untreated cigar tobacco does not and actually makes me feel quite pleasant if someone smokes that in my presence.
It may be that just as chemical aspirin causes many potentially serious side-effects that do not occur when the herbal form of aspirin is used, so herbal whole tobacco may be less toxic in some way too, and it is after all a traditional sacred medicinal plant.
The plants grow from seed easily, well over two feet tall, and last over winter indoors even without central heating, and produce a great profusion of tiny seeds from the sticky oily plants that have little bell-shaped slightly greenish yellow flowers.
From Wikipedia; 'More specifically, N. rustica leaves have a nicotine content as high as 9%, whereas N. tabacum leaves contain about 1 to 3%'.
Thank you so much for that info very interesting indeed. Would you send me some seeds I will pay you for them and the postage.
Sure, no need to send me any money, it will be a pleasure to send you some. Please email me an address where I can post them to you.
Your an Angel, many thanks to you , shall i wait for your next substack then email back a reply to it?
You will be able to email me privately using the facility on Substack without your address showing up publicly, but check you are using the right app before sending.
I’ve just got an email from you your new substack just came out, I answered to it, hope that’s ok.
🔥🔥🔥 WATCH THIS … just seen this posted, everyone knows, people have been paying attention..
ooh thank you. i grew tobacco once, many years ago.
is the Aztec tobacco a N rustica?
would you consider sending me some seeds from your plants, if you have any to spare?
i found the rustica and 2 hybrid varieties for tobacco production and wasn’t sure how to choose.
Hi, yes, it is indeed, the same one as the Wikipedia quote refers to. I would be delighted to send you a bunch of them, just let me know some address where I can send them to and I will send you a bunch, I have thousands of them spare.
oooh! thank you so much!!! ❤️🙂
i have subscribed to your substack and i will reply to the next e-mail with a mailing address.
this is SO precious a gift!!! i absolutely love getting plants or seeds as part of a lineage of growers.
hi. i sent a reply e-mail through substack. i just wanted to make sure you got it?
Hi, sorry for the delay in replying, I am wondering if the email was sent via substack to a messaging system within substack or if it was sent to my email address. I think I came across an email address on my site here for messages to be sent to me, but am not sure about this, would you send the message again please and then it will show up in my new emails if it comes in my ordinary email account. We will find a way together to get the seeds to you.
ok. i just re-sent it. thank you!
Negative on the nicotine for me personally. Didn’t reduce infection or long term consequences.
did you use it alone or with proteolytics and chelators?
What are proteolytics and chelators?
here are my notes from Dr Ardis, Dr Ealy and Dr Group
Tobacco, Heat, an Alkaline environment helpful (bicarbonates)
Ashwaganda, Licorice root, Vitex (Chaste tree), Mucuna pruriens, Ivermectine, IVIG (i don’t know what this is tho), Monoclonal antibodies
DISSOLVE (break down)-
Proteolytics, Nattokinase, Serapeptase, Vitamin C, diluted food grade hydrogen peroxide (dr Ealy advocates working with a health professional for supervision of this)
hydrated bentonite clay, psyllium
don’t use all of everything. research, and pick one or 2 from each category.
and take the other stuff before the dislodging, that way your ‘removal system’ is in place before it’s released.
also, intermittent or better yet several days of fasting, activates the body’s clear out of damaged cells and misfolded proteins.
Thank you - this is extremely helpful.
you are very welcome!
proteolitics break down proteins. bromelain and papain are 2 that we know from the culinary world for tenderizing meat by breaking the protein, but there are others.
chelators ‘grab’ molecules so they can be safely carried out of the body. like activated charcoal pumped into the stomach in alcohol poisoning. it absorbs the toxin so it can’t be reabsorbed by the body and carries it out. clay (Bentonite or montmorillonite clay) are another. they will draw toxins out (think clay mud masks or clay baths). garlic has some chelation properties. but clays are super.
again, there are several options within each category.
the idea is simply that once the spike protein is dislodged (heat -sauna- and nicotine are apparently effective) it can re-absorb, so we want to break it down, neutralize it, and bind/grab it for safe removal.
there are 19 receptors that spike can do the damage ... nicotine blocks only one ... in any case the way i understand it, is not good to block receptors.
receptors receiving chemicals happens. hormones do it. food does it. plants do it. a glass of wine or riding a rollercoaster does it.
i bet taking an aspirine does it. smelling our favourite person does it. hearing a baby cry or a person laughing does it.
can you provide a reference to learn more about the 19 receptors you mentioned?
to each his or her own, i’d personally rather dislodge a poison by temporarily blocking one or more receptors with a molecule that actually has some positive if temporary effects.
Yes. Part of this bioweapon delivery, IMO, has been the Fear Porn 24/7/365 imposed on the peasantry by our Ruling Psychopathy in the West. This induced anxiety/stress - dysregulation of the ANS - plays a huge role in COVID-19 courses. A large study of severe COVID cases months and months ago showed that ANXIETY was the number 2 co-morbidity behind morbid obesity (all of whom are massively Vit. D deficient). It seems obvious that this created bioweapon is also causing dysregulation of the ANS with the attendant symptoms one might expect. Fascinating report of symptom reduction with sympathetic block. Thanks for sharing. BTW, this is also one reason cannabinoids are effective in reducing COVID//vaxxx symptoms as they return homestasis to the ANS. Dr. Campbell (PhD, RN) had a great Youtube last week on CBD and its anti-viral effects - worth a watch!
Yeah, the bioweapon is only part of the tale. The fearporn is another vector of disease and death.
Beware the invisible killer everywhere, even the kids may kill you! Oooh aaahh.
Even if true, people fucking die, but not everyone who dies lived. I see it, a HUGE component of this plandemic has been efforts to completely erode previously-existing sources of trust, so that an entirely-new set of disease-state responses COULD replace them among those who were ALREADY not proactive, discerning and MOST likely to be traumatized, panic.....
Yes. It is an entire biowarfare operation - planned and executed by our own USG. The documentation is massive and inescapable. "They" actually are trying to kill most of us and the war appears to be proceeding nicely.
Very interesting. Do you have a link to the Youtube video you refer to? I found many videos about this on YT but didn't know which one it was.
Stress cpmbined with the SP is lethal. Just look at those dying from heart damage who stress their hearts. Fascinating and terrifying.
Dr. Chestnut, i owe you an apology. I just read the headlines and thought "Well, who with an IQ of above 80 and can think critically doesn't experience chronic stress from what is going on now?"
I humbly apologize, and ask for your forgiveness, for when I clicked on your article, you went straight to the chronic stress caused by PAIN (which I have years of experience with), and it wears you down and kills you early. And the cause of the stress being spike.
I will now go out in the back yard and eat worms.
Yes, I know it is Chesnut, but it is hard when typing not to put the t in it.
The more we learn about the impact of Spike load, the more diabolical we come to realize it all is & has been. Not only do the ongoing revelations confirm our worst long-held suspicions, they reveal layers of physiological & neurological effects that we never previously imagined.
Walter, Is there any way to test to find out if a person has spike circulating? Is it possible to have spike circulating and have no symptoms? Thank you.
There are blood tests to look for circulating spike. I believe you can have it circulating without immediate symptoms. Much like you can have coffee brewing without there being a full pot.
Just as a sidebar, I have noticed that people that have been vaxx'd start to loose their arm fat/muscle. I don't know how to explain it, but their arms aren't right anymore. And their faces start to hollow out. Back in the day they were called auras, don't know what they are called now, but their auras have changed as well, at least in my friends and family. Same people, just different feel and energy to them.
Sometimes I want to go up to strangers and ask them if they have been jabbed just to see if it is my imagination or not w/what I am noticing. Also have noticed people are getting more stupid by the day.
I like B3 Niacin to take out ROS - NAC and Bromelain should take care of spike protiens.
and adding nicotine to dislodge the spike. then the NAC/Bromelain, etc. will go to work degrading it. Ashwaganda is helpful to bind to it. and will help reduce stress!
then add a chelator to carry it out of the body.
Ashwaganda is good for some and absolutely awful for others. Use caution.
I wanted to take it but have thyroid disease, everything I read said ixnay if you have thyroid problems, so I asked my Endo about taking it and she recommended that I don't take it. So yes, use caution. Just because something is natural doesn't mean it is safe for each individual, especially if you take other medications.
Are we talking organic loose tobacco? Where would one find that?
i’d grow my own or obtain it from someone i knew who grew their own. organic tobacco can be found but i’d rather know my source.
for nicotine, there are oral sprays, lozenges, gum, patches. 2mg is the dose that dr.Ardis mentioned. small doses. a few times a day. i would not use it for a long period. 3 days on with 1 day off or 5 days on with 2 days off.
Think about adding Resveratrol as well.
I haven't had the jab, but long story short is anyone working on a test to see if those of us not vaxx'd have had exposure to the jab either through shedding or food supply?
Dr Ana Milhacea (MD) is on Substack and Rumble; she's been working with several different medical doctors worldwide and researchers. It doesn't look good....And Karen Kingston is also indicating the food supply (meats and plants) has been 'spiked' (pun intended). I think we need to 'act as if' regarding exposure to the bioweapon, and detox in any way possible.... (I'm a biologist, but not an MD). This has been an extremely convoluted playbook to decipher for the past 3 years.
Would love to know the answer to this as well, great question.
Unfortunately, until a spike detection assay is covered by insurance, and commonly available at diagnostic labs, getting widespread data is pretty unlikely.
The end is approaching:
What If the Fed Has Lost Control?
When this bubble bursts, there will be no fourth or fifth bubble, there will only be rubble.
The US economy and its financial system operate under the implicit belief that the Federal Reserve controls the direction of the economy and finance. This belief isn't in Fed influence, it's in Fed control: the Fed can reverse a stock market decline on a dime, it can reverse a recession, it can do "whatever it takes" to keep markets stable and expansive.
The history of the past 30 years seems to support this belief. Every time a financial crisis has manifested, the Fed has "saved the day" with some new policy extreme, changing the rules, jacking up its balance sheet 10-fold, and so on.
The flaw in this confidence in Fed control is the three speculative bubbles that have inflated and burst in the era of Fed Control, 1995 to the present. These bubbles could not have inflated without a "dovish" Fed pushing interest rates down and juicing the financial system with liquidity / credit. Since all speculative bubbles eventually burst, the Fed is forced into "rescue mode" which requires ever more extreme manipulation, oops, I mean intervention, to stabilize the bubble bursting and inflate the next bubble.
What few entertain as a possibility is the Fed is losing control of the economy and finance for systemic reasons that have nothing to do with Fed Policy per se. In other words, it's not a "Fed policy error" that brings the system down, it's much larger forces: diminishing returns and second order effects.
The big picture theme of this report is: The Fed Is Losing. They are losing control of the markets. They are losing their credibility. They are losing their ability to craft and control the narrative. They may even be losing their institutional freedom as recent moves by Congress reflect the fact that they have done a dreadful job, and tough questions are being asked.
all according to plan.
Thanks for that link! Eustace Mullins also wrote a fantastic book, "Murder by Injection," which I was fortunate to read PRIOR to the plandemic...I never have trusted the medical INDUSTRY, which led me to Peter Goetzsche's book, "Deadly Medicines and Organized Crime".
So getting a SGB will not resolve the issue of the spike protein? It relieves symptoms but the spike continues to circulate, replicate doing damage? For those of us suffering with long covid ( not vaxxed) is there still hope for us on a full recovery? Is there hope that we can rid our bodies of the spike? I am in the process of getting chelation therapy-- will that help break down the spike protein?
Hi Walter,
Great stuff. I was wondering if you could elaborate on the statement "First, confirmation that the effects of the disease (read Spike) are genetic." For example, what is meant by "genetic" in this context, and how did the doctor's experience lead you to this inference? Thanks.
It’s fascinating how the anti - aging literature/ research ties in with the psyops we are living through.
Interesting N =2 study, but we need so much more data here.
Need to determine what biomarkers to test before and after procedure. Need to know whether it matters if it's a stellate block or thoracic SGB (is the anatomy important?). (For that matter the sphenopalatine ganglion contains sympathetics, but I digress.) Need way more subjects to make the data meaningful.