Apr 8·edited Apr 8Liked by Walter M Chesnut

I think you’re on to something. I understand only a fraction of what you say, but I have no question about the excellence of your research. I had severe Covid two years ago. Up until that time I was a fit, healthy and young 60 something. I am convinced that I have aged significantly in the past 18 months. I look older. I feel older. I’d love to pretend that isn’t true. I would love to pretend that it’s only the vaccinated who need to worry. I’m tired of hearing people say that Covid is just a cold and that viruses don’t exist. Anyone who had a severe case of Covid knows that it is unlike anything they’ve experienced before. Remaining naïve about this truth is tempting. However, I would rather live in reality. That is the only way to begin to mitigate the damage caused by this man-made toxin.

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Apr 8Liked by Walter M Chesnut

Walter... Thank you for this. Devastating findings. This does clearly reveal, however, the diabolically evil geniuses behind this on-going war on us all. "They" created this multi-dimensional bioweapon and released this intentionally. I am certain that "They" have known all along about these latest reveals. This is just one more lethal component built into this weapon system.

It would be nice to see true justice dispensed to the perpetrators of this madness in my lifetime, but I fear it is unlikely to happen in our collapsing empire.

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Tiny micro point in the midst of this great work that shoows you are way ahead of the pack:

"The reason the activation of these TEs must be paid attention to is that, in and of itself, it represents an entire form of again. This is known as the Transposon Theory of Aging.


should read:

The reason the activation of these TEs must be paid attention to is that, in and of itself, it represents an entire form of AGING. This is known as the Transposon Theory of Aging.

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Would this not also result from the mRNA "vaccines?"

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This condition is due to the bioweapon injections, not an unidentified "virus". The covid

"virus" has never been isolated by anyone, anywhere. Millions of dollars were offered for proof of isolation, but there were no takers. Because it only existed on a computer screen. Poisons and foreign DNA and Modified RNA that lasts forever, plus nanotechnology, were injected into naive and trusting people. It is killing them now, as planned by the orchestrators of the democide. This is just unfathomable evil. Heartbreaking to witness.

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Wow Walter this is horrible information to learn . Thinking we were ahead of the game in not taking the shots , being healthy at 67 & 76 with no morbidities , myself taking no medications , exercise & basically a very health style, it did cross my mind that they would get us all eventually one way or another . The future does not look bright for humanity .

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I have not wanted to believe this, ever since I first read your articles. But I'm beginning to see it in those I know who are not vaxxed. They are saying that by 2030 everyone will have cancer in their lifetime. I think life expectancy has now been cut down to about 70 yrs. Recall that we were already told that those in the 40 and below age range would not live as long as the boomers. Sounds planned to me. Eat drink and be merry!

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Very interesting.

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Why hasn't Ralph Baric and Peter Daszik been arrested? Baric knows what's in COVID and the shots and how he avoided getting sick or this aging you described. We need to go to the source. All these years of research with MDs and others trying to figure it all out baffles me. Arrest these people. Also this shows how clearly COVID was a bioweapon that did more than just make people 'sick'. It had to have been deployed in various ways all over the world, how do you deploy something this nefarious? Spraying, subways, air vents.... Somebody knows. Who led this- besides DARPA or the DOD?

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"We have every intention of stopping that through continual research into truly safe and effective therapeutics."

"truly safe and effective" prevention of covid infection is still necessary as is prevention of covid repeat infection.

The how to for BASIC PREVENTION of covid infection was known long before covid. The opportunity to truely refine this BASIC PREVENTION so that it would lessen the little actual imposition necessary upon the individual while maximizing it's effectiveness, as well as making the little supply actually needed to accomplish "prevention" available to all, truly but a few dollars - considering - was most certainly easily achievable. This course would have turned this covid "pandemic" into a passing inconvenience now far in our rear view mirrors.

This course was not only deliberately not chosen by the powers that be, it was, in fact, obfuscated to better force use of mRMA "countermeasures" and to condition "control" ongoing.

Create fear, deny prevention, deny Real treatment at every stage of covid - this was the Depraved-heart mass murder course chosen by the powers that be to force mRNA countermeasures and condition "We the People" toward the total control state. see definition of Depraved-heart murder at wickedpedia here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Depraved-heart_murder

I have just rewritten the BASIC PREVENTION which worked for me over the last 4 years. It could well be refined by others or myself ongoing. Ask and I will post it as a reply. Yours Truly, James

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You win some.

You loose some.

Still beats the living fuck

Out of being vaccinated.


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What about GHK-cu (Copper Peptide)? We know with time human genes lose their youthful settings and the diseases and conditions of aging set in. Now many have the Spike protein added. GHK is thought to reset the human genes to a younger and healthier condition. Most current theories and therapies to treat disease tend to target only one biochemical reaction or pathway. But for human aging, what if we can simultaneously reset hundreds or thousands of genes to protect at-risk tissues and organs. GHK may aid in this resetting goal?

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So if this aging theory applies to people who’ve had Covid but not the shot, AND those who’ve had the shot, between the 2 groups there’s scarcely a person left on the planet who would be unaffected. So how will we know if we’re aging more rapidly if there isn’t a control group big enough to account for those who neither had Covid, nor the shot?

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Are there some articles about jab-diabetes connection? I suspect my hubby has developed diabetes and I would like to show him articles!

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