Thank you, dear Walter, for doing the best research possible into just what, exactly, is going on. I whole-heartedly agree with your intention to get to the bottom of this,in order to be able to seek and find a true solution. A thousand thanks and blessings to you!

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Thank you, Cynthia. I believe we must protect the Endothelium. And heal it. I will keep working.

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Would you (in your spare time?!)) dedicate some thoughts towards treatment for C19 exposed (not vaccinated) - e.g. HBOT, ozone, far IR therapy in addition to supplements? Thank you very much.

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I was one of the first longhaulers, having caught what must have been covid-19 in late January 2020, and coming down with longhaul covid immediately. I created a video sharing what worked for me to treat this C19 exposure (and I am not and do not plan to ever be 'vaccinated') with tips I gleaned from cutting-edge researchers, including our own most wonderful and amazing Walter M Chesnut! Thank God for Walter, since it's largely thanks to his diligence that I've been able to stay properly focused on ways to heal and recover. The video I created with my friend, Shane, is mostly focused on healing from longhaul covid, but astute readers of Walter's articles will comprehend that this actually includes everyone--not just longhaulers--whether people know it yet or not. Here's a link to that video, which also delves a bit into what my friend Shane was fascinated by, the question of what China seems to know that they're not saying (Hint: it's what Walter knows, and has been warning us about!):


Some of the treatments you are mentioning I am currently doing and I would recommend, including HBOT. HBOT definitely helps, and since it assists the body in creating stem cells, this may be a good thing for anyone to do proactively, in order to offset some of this horrific C-19 spike protein damage. I am also utilizing simple IR treatments at home, which helps and I can see the difference on my body's largest (spike-protein damaged) organ--my skin. The HBOT and the IR both help make my skin look more normal, and less like I'm falling apart and death is imminent. I'm now past the 2.5 years mark since I was originally sick with Covid-19, and I have truly felt that my life and health were at stake, so I've been doing every smart thing I can find to help my body recover and heal itself. I'm motivated! Something else that definitely is helping bolster my immune system is called CellFood Liquid Concentrate, which I found on amazon. It instantly boosts my oxygen in my body from around 94 back up to 97, and I feel much more energized, and it also produces a positive, visible improvement to my skin tone, texture, color, feel, and appearance.

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Thank you Cynthia!!! Can't tell you how many people I've seen asking, including me, for information like in your video.

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HBOT is amazing, can definitely recommend it.

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The link did not work for me , is this the one ? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=feqoj_5aRJk Channel :

Cynthia Sue Larson 53.27 minutes

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Have you explored food grade hydrogen peroxide treatment? There's an inexpensive book on how to use it to increase oxygen. I don't know how it compares to the mechanism of the CellFood supplement.

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What brand IR panel did you purchase? Thanks 💗

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I'm not (yet) using an IR panel--just IR lights (small ones), which seem helpful

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ALL of the lab animals died in the hot shot experiments.

The hyper-speed micro clotting speeds up death by the spike bio-weapon. Working your heart hard speeds up the process.

Finding a hyper clot mitigator would be one step to healing people maimed by the spike...

Blood thinners really aren't the answer. The damage being done to us is beyond blood brain barrier...deep in our DNA structure. It's fucking scary.

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EO 9066, please go to my article and make these suggestions, with links to detailed information on them, in the comments.


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Like how we heal from many things, the cure is time. Unfortunately, the hot lot shots speed up death in so many chimeric ways that time is no longer an option.

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I would like to listen to a discussion about this topic with you and Sukarit Bhakdi.

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Me too ,the meeting of 2 of the greatest minds of today would be absolutely fascinating.

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Walter, you are a gem. You are a warrior for mankind. There will be a special place in heaven for you, I’m sure. Thank you for providing this information...& thank you for providing it for free so I can see it. I’m just a mom down in CA, currently going thru a divorce & seeking employment as I haven’t worked outside the home for 20 years while I raised my kids...so my financial situation isn’t the greatest...& I have been obsessively reading for the last two years about this whole attack on us people (most likely by a small, but powerful group of elite globalists, in my opinion)...so I appreciate knowing this information SO much! Although I (& my kids) didn’t take the jab, we all know SOOO many people who did, so this is all just so sad, I could weep for all of us. I didn’t know before this that people existed on the planet who were capable of such evil. It has been such a disheartening realization. I’m 51, & I guess I was fairly naive, carefree, & innocent. I feel a changed person now, sadly. And, I don’t know if the unjabbed are actually safe anyway because of the self-spreading/shedding possibility, so you said it...God help us all. And, God help us cope with the grief & loss if we lose those we love...& God help us confront & conquer the new world these evil people have in mind for us. Thank you & God bless you, Walter!

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Thank you, Monica.

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I’ve been a SAHM for 17 years now. I am considering making some moves to return to the workforce in 2 years when my youngest will stop being homeschooled and enter into middle school. I really wish you luck finding your path out there for work after so long out of the game. I know how challenging even taking those steps can be.

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As a mom who homeschooled from K through high-school my first and has more coming up, just want to encourage you that you are coming to the time when homeschooling gets easier than those early years and may be even more valuable for your child.

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I don’t know if this is an examples of what you are describing but my neighbor who was in her late 60s was fine until one day she started having internal bleeding. They got her into emergency surgery and she was bleeding from so many places internally that they stopped the operation and she passed away on the table. It was one of those “died unexpectedly” cases.

I remember watching a lecture early in 2022 by a German doctor who also was describing the radiation effects from the mRNA. If I remember correctly, he was talking about the positive charge being released when the mRNA entered the cell and created free radicals? I thought it had to do with the nano particles but it’s been so long since I watched the lecture. I could be remembering it incorrectly. I haven’t heard much about that until your article here. I look forward to hearing more. Delores Cawhill has been trying to warn people that they would pass within 3-5 years of taking the injections. I was hoping she was exaggerating. Many people that I know and love took these. Will be watching for more information. Thank you for your investigation.

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I was remembering it incorrectly. It was a Canadian doctor named Michael Palmer. Here is an article by him and the radiation like effects. https://naturalnews.com/2022-01-27-mrna-vaccines-designed-to-poison-people.html#

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Thank you, Walter. You’re very brave relentlessly to push on in the face of such potentially devastating outcomes to so, so many. I hope you are taking good care...this work has to be tremendously difficult on one’s psyche. ❤️

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My friend’s dad died the other day. I took my time to “investigate”. He suddenly collapsed due to aneurysm rapture... so I looked farther and yes he was vaxed.... family shocked because there was nothing wrong with him; he was 2 weeks in the hospital and they couldn’t save him

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I'm so sorry for your loss. Terrible.

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Hello Walter, I wrote a post for you: IL-6 and Vitamin C and Ferrotopsis, https://denutrients.substack.com/p/il-6-and-vitamin-c-and-ferrotopsis

and then a second one: SPED meets Retinoid Toxicity - Round One. https://denutrients.substack.com/p/sped-meets-retinoid-toxicity-round?sd=pf *Round One, figuring there is more on the topic ;-) This may break the bank/bankers.

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Appreciate your candidness. Prayers for all. Thank you for your work.

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Walter, you are right - it is a systemic irradiation of those areas of the body with the highest energy needs (highest mitochondrial density) - unfortunately “Fear” will only serve to increase the damage to the mitochondria and epithelium and further deplete energy resources.

Of course Boron should be considered for its radiation shielding properties.

However, I still maintain that the radiation will be within the UV range and will offer one very simple intervention to help - CO2!

ventilation and death were associated with low CO2 levels https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33585382/

Fear/panic causes hyperventilation - panic attacks can be corrected by the old fashioned brown paper bag rebreathing technique to increase CO2 levels and reduce respiration rate and catecholeamine levels.

Similar to how meditative breathing helps to induce relaxation.

If my hypothesis is correct then this should work because -

“Carbon dioxide inhibits UVB-induced inflammatory response by activating the proton-sensing receptor, GPR65, in human keratinocytes”

GPR65 otherwise known as T-Cell Death-Associated Gene 8 Protein or Psychosine receptor - is an acidic PH proton sensor for histidine.


Look where else GPR65 is expressed and involved


It is also involved with oxidative phosphorylation in the mitochondria.

Mitochondrial Oxidative Phosphorylation Regulates the Fate Decision between Pathogenic Th17 and Regulatory T Cells


And a decrease in OXPHOS in Covid decreases GPR65


GPR65 inhibition is also being looked at for Cancer and autoimmune treatment - however these guys are again messing with evolution.


One popular technique to increase CO2 is called Buteyko breathing - I have had patients use this to reverse their asthma symptoms.


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How often should one bathe in Borax? You mentioned Boron.I have recently heard about Borax and what it could be used for. I’m just missing more detailed information about how to use it.

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Unfortunately Borax is banned in the UK, so I have no experience with it.

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I was able to order it to Sweden from USA but it became expensive with customs.

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Fabulous work putting the pieces together and explaining it clearly. I have to look up about 5 terms/acronyms per article but about 80% of those are easily found.

I don’t recall seeing anything in your work about prophylactics like HCQ as zinc ionosphores to prevent spike entry into cells, via ACE2 or perhaps other pathways. All I know is that we’ve been using it successfully since July 2020, no covid. My wife developed anxiety, sometimes severe, since her 2nd Moderna February 2021. I have heard of other such cases and wonder if your analysis suggests a causative agent.

Thanks Walter.

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Yikes. Reminds me of the cell phone signal weapon in The Kingsmen….

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I have an unjabbed friend, age 67, who just died. He was diagnosed with stage 4 kidney cancer last year after being previously very healthy and on no medications. They did 2 of 8 planned rounds of chemo, which attacked his heart so he had to stop and have a pacemaker installed. About 3 months later he was hospitalized with covid pneumonia, which took 2 months to recover from, although he was never on a vent or remdesivir. A month ago, he was dizzy and not feeling well and they found a small growth in his brain. He had gamma knife surgery and felt really good afterwards. A week later, he had a catastrophic brain bleed, was rushed to the hospital, and died. If he had been jabbed, I would have blamed all of this on the jab but he wasn't. His wife had 2 jabs though. After reading this, I'm wondering if covid sped up his demise and affected the outcome of his gamma knife surgery?

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It would be interesting to see if the sp!ke pr0te!n mimics radiation by PERSISTENTLY generating increased Reactive Oxidation Species

This paper saw increased ROS 1 year after irradiation mainly because of deranged mitochondria and increased NADPH oxidase


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Thank you again Walter. It is not fear mongering to me...and many of your readers. If someone is suggesting that, please ignore them as tools.

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Greetings W.M.C.+F.,

I continue to faithfully follow,

Parsifaler! As they say in the

desert, “Peace be upon You”.


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I remember you pursuing this line of inquiry months ago, proved right again I’m afraid.

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