Wow! This is truly cutting edge, amazing investigative research! Thanks to the work you are doing, have done, and are so dedicated to continuing, many of us are doing much better than we would be otherwise. You have definitely tremendously helped improve my quality of life, thanks to the brilliant observations that you have shared. Wishing you and yours all the very best this holiday season, and in the new year

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Thank you, Cynthia. Your kindness and support keep me going. Very best to you and yours as well!

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Walter, you are my HERO! I speak about you and your amazing work with wonder and gratitude almost daily, and feel we got our best Christmas present today, now that you're reinstated on Twitter (where I first found you). Love and blessings to you and yours this holiday season, and best wishes for a very happy new year!

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Dec 22, 2022Liked by Walter M Chesnut

Thank you very much Walter. May God bless you and guide you in your work. Thank you for loving and caring for your fellow man. Merry Christmas. ☺️🙏

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Thank you, Steve. Blessings to you and your family. 🙏

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In light of this information, and having learned much more of the curative effects of fenbendazole on cancer, I am wondering how effective it might be in reversing/mitigating the similar effects of the spike protein.

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As with ivermectin, better to acquire supply now before the prices quadruple. Who knows what lies ahead wrt health matters. To me, it is worth the investment.

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Would you try to get the human variety from overseas or would you suggest at the vets? I bought ivermectin but I am unsure watch out for (or how to) purchase fenbendazole.

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Right off of amazon. FenBen Labs is the one I have purchased. There is a 222mg tablet version and a powder version also.


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Thank you so much for the link. Do you have any suggestions on how much to stockpile?

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I've no idea, I have nothing on which to base a quantity. I've got 120 in my covid med kit for an 'in case' scenario.

Links you may find helpful:




I've also run across mention of albendazole, a similar drug which is also considered for cancer treatment.

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I have not read that fendazole was used for COVID, just for cancer. Do you have a link? I ordered some powder from the source you gave me which I can put into caplets.

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This post ties the two together.

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Does anyone know if Canada allows this to be shipped?

I read they are stopping ivermectin so I didn’t try ordering as it’s expensive.

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Dec 22, 2022Liked by Walter M Chesnut

Wishing you a few days rest over the Holidays Walter. I hadn't used twitter for years, but then fell out of love with Facebook for the censorship. I am so glad I stumbled across you on Twitter. I think it was a post you did on mitochondrial dysfunction that sort of gave me a light bulb moment in understanding what the hell I had been experiencing post covid infection. And I have stopping reading your posts since. I may not be a scientist but little by little I try and learn the terms and get the gist of what you talk about, even though at times its a bit ruddy frightening. But you also offer posts of hope too. I also read all the comments too. So yes a huge big thank-you to what you are doing when you've been up against deplorable censorship. I am grateful atm the moment I am sort of okay, but don't hold my breath, but certainly trying to look after my health and immunity a bit better than before. And I won't stop looking for answers because even though I kind of recovered from Covid, I know there are some severely disabled people and vaccine injured people, lives destroyed , and it really concerns me there are some Drs giving talks and basically saying Covid has mutated into nothing more than a cold. And I wouldn't be quite so hasty in making such bold statements just yet. Not when humans have jumped in and done the biggest mass experiment on our immune systems in history. I may not be able to help everyone because not everyone asks questions or wants to listen, but if there is anything I can pass on from what I have learned from yourself and your supporters that may help people to not end up with Long Covid, I will. Sadly contrary to those Drs spouting Covid is a cold now, there will be new people in a few months time at the beginning of their Long Covid journey. I've read account this year with people upset they have been ill for 3 months, and its heart breaking when you know they are in the early days and could be permanent or years before they start feeling better. In 2020 I thought I was a rare breed in my post covid experience, I knew of no-one young or old in my circle who were as ill as me. But now since this Summer I am seeing more people displaying Long Covid symptoms. But they aren't joining the dots. Anyway thank-you thank-you from the bottom of my heart, you are a true beacon of light in these troubling times. Merry Christmas.

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Dec 22, 2022Liked by Walter M Chesnut

Eleanor you sound like such a sweetie.

I've had ME/CFS or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome since 1992. It was caused by Big Pharma and the doctors, a drug I should never have been prescribed, if I had known then what I know now.

Have you looked at this info https://covid19criticalcare.com/treatment-protocols/i-recover-long-covid-treatment/ might be worthwhile.

You are right the censorship has been astonishing. My own lovely Dr told me she couldn't prescribe Ivermectin in case I got Covid as she would lose her licence, unbelievable. a Dr with over 30 years experience.

So yea people ill for 3 months, that sux, but I'm at my 30 year anniversary.

Merry Xmas and Blessings for the New Year, it looks like it will be wilder than even this one.

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Dec 22, 2022·edited Dec 22, 2022Liked by Walter M Chesnut

No matter who you are.                           

No matter what your background is.                         

 No matter what you believe.                   

    To me, this is Santa.                         

 You exemplify Santa.                                     

   "Santa Claus is any one who who loves another and seeks to make them happy, who gives himself by thought or word or deed in every gift that he bestows."                                                  

 Edwin Grover

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You are amazing, Walter. Your work is priceless and I am so very grateful for you. May God rain down blessings on you and yours this day and all days. Merry Christmas!

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Okie, Spiro! And I know it takes hours on end to do this research. I appreciate your knowledge as well!

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Odd question here... the last couple of months or so I’ve noticed a ‘sick smell’ you could call it, when being around certain people. It’s been happening more & more lately. It’s truely yuck. To describe the smell, if you’ve ever been in close contact with someone who was reaaaally sick with the flu, they smell sick. As if there skin is emitting a different smell than normal.

Does any of these biological mechanisms give off a different or distinct odour from the body? And has anyone else smelt what I’m talking about? Go for a short stroll on a busy street and you’ll get a good whiff passing certain people over and over again.

I have never ever smelt this smell so much being around people who otherwise look healthy in my entire 38 years of life. It’s literally everywhere.

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I know what you are talking about, I think you are smelling people's breaths. From my personal experience (going back years before pandemic), I would know when a person is getting sick just by their exhalation. If I smell it in a store, I would hold my breath and distance myself. It really is a putrid smell, a category on its own.

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I have smelled that many times, get out of there as soon as I can and do deep cleansing breaths out in fresh air.

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Not sure if you're aware of this but smell forms part of diagnosis with Chinese medicine/traditional healers. You're probably onto something. Also airports were using 'sniffer dogs' to smell out potential Covid infections. We live in very strange times :)

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I used to notice this very much during flu season. This also in aged care homes and hospitals. Since I have been aware of shedding for a couple of years now, I wear a spray painting respirator in the shops, sometimes a hoodie, don’t care what people think and can’t smell this. What you have described is very real. When exposed, I used to go home, shower, wash hair and spray down with eucalyptus oil. The only time I got the flu and ridiculously sick with it, was just after a flu shot (it was called shot prior to C-19). This I was conned into about 7 years ago.

Another factor is food. If the food is clean there is never any need for deodorant.

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Hi Possum, Its good you wear a respirator, we need to reduce our exposure as much as possible for as long as possible, Its the first time I've been glad I'm single, as unvaxxed I haven't yet, as far as I know been infected, and I've been on domestic and international flights.

As far as shedding, I am not offering qualified opinion but I think what there is of anecdotal experience its hard to see how the nasty 'spike' on its own without the mRNA or the Virus, its hard to see how it could be toxic to cells, how would it get into the blood stream ect....

Its amazing to see now how the media or what there is of it, is starting to introduce articles about Vaxx harm. This next year is going to be wild. peace

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Sucharit Bhakdi warned about shedding about 2 years ago. I'm inclined to avoid this. The downside of this I see (I have disposable N95 prefilters) is immune deficit where my adaptive immunity is a bit rusty and out of practice. All I can figure at the moment is to socialise with unvaxed, the vaxed outdoors and use plant derived colloidal minerals and vitamins, diet etc.

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Dr McCullough has a new article about the blood supply, and he said that we have at least 95% of the population with antibodies; either from a shot or infection with the virus. He said probably not wise to use blood from people vaxxed within 60 days, and I think we should stay away from anyone newly vaxxed for that long, whenever we know about it. But there has been poor uptake of the bivalent, and anyone else who wanted to be shot probably has completed that by now, so we might have seen most shedding done by now.

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You have a seriously sensitive nose! I’ve never smelled anything like that.

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My husband died long ago of lung cancer; before he was diagnosed, he spent a summer with a hacking cough, and I am not proud to say I told him his breath smelled like death. I have always been able to smell green boogers on my kids, and others.

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People with sinus discharge can have bad breath. That would be my first guess. And for some people this is very strong.

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Dec 22, 2022Liked by Walter M Chesnut

You are the best! I always enjoy reading your articles. I learn so much from you. I am grateful you are dedicated to this important work. You are a great thinker! Happy holidays. 😊

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Dec 22, 2022Liked by Walter M Chesnut

I too will add my thanks for your continued deep dive into the science behind this madness. My wish for you is to be surrounded by those you love this holiday season…. And a little “disconnect” time. From one of your grateful readers…💝

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Walter, do not forget the suppression of the p53 protein which further exacerbates cancer.

Can you take gander at this article of mine and chime in?:



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Dec 22, 2022Liked by Walter M Chesnut

Thanks Walter for all the dot-connecting. Happy Holidays.

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Dec 22, 2022Liked by Walter M Chesnut

Thank you Walter , enjoy reading your work immensely. Merry Christmas and happy holidays to you and your family .

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Dec 22, 2022Liked by Walter M Chesnut

Friend just told she has a brain tumor... sad

Walter, thank you for ALL your hard work!

Merry Christmas!!

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Your research leads us to the same place as well. Thank you.

"Neutrophil extravasation is a multi-stage process: rolling, activation, adhesion, and transmigration, requiring complex interactions of PMNs or other leukocytes with the microvascular endothelium. Normal blood flow velocity is extremely fast in microvascular beds (≥1 mm/sec), preventing sustained interactions of blood cells with the microvessel wall. Under normal physiological conditions, leukocytes in the blood circulation will contact the microvessel wall and interact temporarily through interactions of membrane surface receptors and integral membrane glycoproteins present on both leukocyte and endothelial surfaces. Leukocytes (and platelets) express selectins on the cell surface that bind to sialylated and fucosylated glycoproteins on the endothelial surface, reducing the velocity of leukocytes by approximately 100-fold and causing leukocyte “rolling” along the endothelium

"Leukocyte transendothelial migration occurs in response to bacterial invasion or tissue inflammatory injury. In the presence of a compromised microvascular endothelial barrier, leukocytes can become immobilized by firm adhesion to the microvessel luminal surface.

------>>>>>>>"This process requires more stable attachment to the endothelium and involves increased expression of adhesion molecules including selectins: endothelial (E)-selectin and platelet (P)-selectin expressed on the surface of endothelium, binding to leukocyte cell surface glycoproteins including P-selectin glycoprotein ligand 1 (PSGL-1). Firm adhesion is then mediated by binding between leukocyte cell–surface integrins (discussed in a subsequent chapter) and additional cell adhesion molecules on the endothelial surface. Firm adhesion and interactions of endothelial and leukocyte surface adhesion molecules facilitate leukocyte transmigration across the endothelial wall."


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Old GP-120

"HIV-1 gp120 is able to up-regulate ICAM-1 expression in glial cells through the activation of protein kinase C and tyrosine kinase (Shrikant et al, 1996). Peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) cultures exposed to gp120 have a dose-dependent increase of ICAM-1 expression (Capobianci, 1996). HIV-1 gp41 could also enhance ICAM-1 expression on H9 monocytoid cell line (Chen et al, 1994). In addition, gp120 could enhance monocyte adhesion to the exposed endothelial cells of both human saphenous vein and internal thoracic arteries in vitro


"Our findings indicated that the interaction of gp120 with CD4 is mandatory to induce the cytokine burst, but this can be by-passed by an engineered recombinant gp120 protein spontaneously exposing the co-receptor binding site.

"Production of chemokines has also been reported as a signature of inflammation. The mechanisms of chemokine burst in the context of HIV infection have not been thoroughly assessed. Here we decided to use engineered recombinant gp120 to evaluate different regions in gp120 in the induction of IL-1, IL-6, IL-10, TNFα or CCL20 cytokines. Importantly, our data show that decreasing CD4 interaction by introducing the D368R mutation in gp120 abrogates the cytokine burst. Thus, CD4 is a first necessary step in the induction of the cytokine burst. Of note, despite that the CD4 binding site is highly conserved among different HIV-1 isolates, we cannot rule out that differences might be observed using gp120 from additional strains."


"Chemokines may have originated from proteins with essential intracellular functions through gene duplication and selected mutation at a relatively recent evolutionary stage. Some chemokines and their receptors may have evolved to fight specific infections. Conversely, some microorganisms such as the human immunodeficiency virus-1 or herpesviruses have evolved mechanisms to exploit the chemokine system to promote their survival in the host. Dysregulation of chemokines and chemokine receptors has also been implicated in various autoimmune conditions

"The consequences of chemokines binding their receptors have been studied extensively both in vivo and in vitro. One effect brought about by all chemokines involves the chemotaxis of the cell expressing the receptor toward areas with higher concentrations of the chemokine. The receptor for chemokines with transmembrane domains like fractalkine may also induce adhesion and migration in a manner analogous to adhesion molecules."



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"In this study, we demonstrate both in vitro and in vivo that the SARS-CoV-2 surface proteins spike (S) and envelope (E) activate the key immune signaling IFN pathway in both human and mouse immune and epithelial cells independent of viral infection and replication. These proteins induce reactive oxidative species generation and increases in human- and murine-specific, IFN-responsive cytokines and chemokines, similar to their upregulation in critically ill COVID-19 patients

"these viral surface proteins, specifically E, induced peribronchial inflammation and pulmonary vasculitis in a mouse model. Finally we show that the organized inflammatory infiltrates are dependent on type I IFN signaling, specifically in lung epithelial cells. These findings underscore the role of SARS-CoV-2 surface proteins


Get you stressed, give you a bioweapon...

"The stress hormone, cortisol, synergizes with HIV-1 gp-120 to induce apoptosis of normal human peripheral blood mononuclear cells

"Results demonstrate that cortisol and gp-120 induce apoptosis of lymphocytes from normal donors... Concentrations of cortisol and gp-120 that did not produce apoptosis when used separately, induced significant apoptosis when used in combination. Further, gp-120 induced DNA fragmentation was significant in the CD4+ T-cell subpopulation compared to the CD47 subpopulation. This study suggests that the stress-associated neurohormone, cortisol, synergizes with HIV peptides in causing apoptosis of normal lymphocytes."


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Any chance the cachexia (which is a wasting disease) is found in CWD that is prion-related?


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Any relation to the development of large lipomas? Fat cells just don't know how to behave properly?

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Common n benign even before Covid

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