what role does the PCR nasal swab rammed far up the nasal cavity play?

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I should think it hasn’t much further to arrive at the brain stem.. best route would be to drill a hole in the top of the skull and pour this wonderful life saving poop straight onto the brain.. but I guess trepanning is not considered modern medicine now.

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You would be surprised about nowadays trepanning, they’re coming after it psychotropics is trepanning it’s final outcome is frontal lobotomy by bio chemicals (Breggin; Götzsche)

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Yes disconnecting the front from the back seems to be a useful way to interrupt empathy and compassion.. breggin tells some scary stories.. and sums up by saying you do not need to be a brain surgeon for this practice .. just a butcher.

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a butcher is too crude, it’s more sophisticated as a soft euthanasia surgery

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I was quoting Breggin.. but yes chemical methods have been used for the last 5 decades...and no one bats an eyelid.

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Antidepressants, SRIs seem to have this effect as well. Is this class of drugs included?

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Yes definitely Yes a good source recently published is Deathly Psychiatry and organized denial, P. Götzsche he talks about it in lengths but the whole point he brings forward is denial, as in vaccine injuries and deaths, the same formula - denial all over.

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Looking it up. New information source for me.


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Lipid nanoparticles bypass such primitive brain drilling requirements...

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Yes .. I was using sarcasm because even our latest medical procedures seem barbaric.. we might as well use medieval techniques because none of the experts actually know why things help or hinder.. it’s just monkeying around hoping for the best... often causes more problems than the one they are trying to fix.

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and yet, the true believers continue to have faith. Not only the elderly these days are taking drug cocktails for hypertension, cholesterol, diabetes, aches and pains, glaucoma, anxiety...... unbelievably sad.

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The real doctors know that the first part of healing is deprescribing the drug cocktails and getting back to nutrition, meaningful life, and social connections.

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No - not all of us “elderly” take drug cocktails. Not me, anyway.

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Good for you! do you know any others like you? I mostly know people who are on at least one, daily prescribed medication -- and many of them are on several. I'm the only person I know in my (older) age group who takes no meds whatsoever. And I know an awful lot of younger people who are on multiple meds these days.

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I thought this immediately as well and am concerned. Isn't it odd that it had to go so deep into the nose right where the olfactory nerves are? Could the tests cause later sads ( especially the ones in sleep etc) by damaging the brainstem? And now they say we need a nasal vax...

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Weaponsystem includes virus and vaxx AND? THE PCR NASAL TESTS

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remember all the cdc supplied pcr tests recalled after finding them contaminated with cv1984?

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What is ov1984?

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the george orwell virus that took over the world for the wef?

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Yes what is cv1984?

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the george orwell virus that took over the world for the wef?

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What is it?

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the george orwell virus that took over the world for the wef?

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Immediate deaths during sleep (within, say, 72 hours of vaccination) were IMO more likely caused by fatal episodes of extremely low blood pressure caused by cytokine release heavy in cardiac depressants. However, I think many of the later SADS cases could have involved the mechanism you are proposing. Dr. McCullough has written about a strictly in-the-heart mechanism that could occur after subclinical myocarditis. I think we are probably seeing SADS from a handful of different mechanisms.

I have to wonder whether the entire bioweapon massacre was carefully tested and perfected by the Chinese and their WEF "friends" in Chinese prisons or concentration camps -- or were the evil-doers behind the COVID massacre just diabolically lucky to have so many mechanisms of harm working in their favor? (Am I "too paranoid"? Is there such a condition these days?)

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I do not know of anything with so many mechanisms of harm but this spike and virus creation. It has clearly been created to kill in many different ways and in a delayed fashion. They must have tested this for decades on humans somewhere.

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FYI 🎯 Qtip_P.C.R= ear jabbery ... Ethylene oxide in test Qtips... naturalhealth365.com /covid-rapid-tests-3448.html

COVID Rapid Tests Contains Toxic Chemical...In late October, a Cyprus-based union group named Isotita (Equality) called for the suspension

of a COVID rapid test after it was found that both PCR and rapid test nasal swabs contained trace amounts of a “toxic and hazardous” substance called ethylene oxide.

...According to EU Regulation No 215/868,

the maximum residue level of ethylene oxide is 0.05 mg/kg

—but the Cyprus union claims

that the rapid swab tests are contaminated with 0.36 mg/kg of ethylene oxide,

more than seven times the maximum amount permitted by the EU.

On its Safety Data Sheet

– which you can find with a quick Google search or on the Occupational Health and Safety Administration’s website

– ethylene oxide is classified as a “toxic and hazardous substance”

that has been linked to a wide range of health problems in both animals and humans, including: Cancer Reproductive effects Mutagenic changes (genetic defects)




...The long swab inserted into the nasopharyngeal cavity

all the way to the roof of the nose to

collect remnants of viral RNA from the nasal mucosa, the tissue that lines the nasal cavity, damages the fascicles of the olfactory nerve, which, as it turns out, has dire consequences for human health and lifespan because the olfactory nerve is one of only two windows in the cranium through which viruses and bacteria can move from nose to brain,

thus can cross the blood-brain barrier, the other one being the trigeminal nerve.

...The PCR tests, therefore, serve two important roles for the depopulation program. In the

short-term, by repeatedly damaging the olfactory nerve with nasal swabs the incidence

of viral and bacterial infections is rapidly raised and this helps

governments create and sustain the impression of a pandemic.

[pg6 scary pic]

...Some will argue that if a nasopharyngeal swab test is performed properly,

thus at an angle of

no more than 30 degrees from the horizontal, it shouldn’t touch the olfactory nerve.

However, if performed at an angle

within 30 degrees from the horizontal the swab can touch

the trigeminal nerve,which would affect the sense of taste and even sight.

Moreover, to damage the sense of smell and/or taste the swab need not harm either the olfactory or the trigeminal nerves, it need only irritate the mucosa of the nasopharyngeal cavity, since the two are closely interrelated, which would also affect the entire limbic system...

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I'm weeping for all of us. Even if we knew not to take any PCR tests, even if we knew not to take any vaccines, even if we were lucky enough to avoid all of that, this touches every single one of us -- if it is not us, it is a loved one. So many.

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Thank you for posting that link to Galalae's report. People think they are safe after having a "PCR" swab rammed up their nasal passage and that the CHILDREN are OK after being forced to do this time after time in the effing school systems! I have been telling people for 3.5 years (DO NOT COMPLY)......this paper is a nice graphic way for them to understand. It is too bad that it can't be published in a peer reviewed journal! Why? Because the journals are as captured as the agencies...

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I was in hospital for something not related to covid, but they tested me anyway. They tested everyone. No taste or smell impairment, but trigeminal neuralgia shortly afterwards. Hmmm....or possibly it's not related at all.

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Well...the cribiform plate is fairly fragile, and the olfactory nerves are right on the other side.

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Reports of loss of sense of smell with C19 "infections"

Related to your statement?

"Perhaps the most striking and disturbing aspect of this discovery is that the mice had VERY LITTLE INFECTION in the LUNGS. And, the virus entered the brain via the OLFACTORY BULB.

Herein, we use these mice to show that virus enters the brain primarily via the olfactory bulb, and infection results in rapid, transneuronal spread to connected areas of the brain."

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I’m unvaccinated and completely on the side of those fighting the WEF and governments who push this poison. That said, here’s my personal experience with COVID: Around March ‘22 I started having symptoms and quickly got on the FLCCC protocol including ivermectin. My symptoms were mostly “brain zaps” that felt like electrical charges, and lingering (for months) tinnitus. I’ve never taken a PCR test so I’m “presuming “ this was COVID since I was pretty rampant in my area at the time. Then in December 2022 I’m confident I got it because my symptoms were much more textbook. I was utterly exhausted for about two weeks. I suddenly and completely lost my sense of smell overnight. (Thank goodness it’s come back!). And I had a lingering cough for many weeks. I again followed FLCCC protocol and felt a bit better each day about an hour after ivermectin. Now (knock on wood) I feel totally myself again. But that tinnitus had gone on for months and a recent hearing test leads me to believe I’ve lost some of my hearing unfortunately.

I’m not making any scientific claims...just reporting my story. Maybe I was in too-close contact with vaxxed people. Maybe sh*t just happens. I’m glad to be recovered and hopefully have the natural immunity that comes from getting and surviving a virus.

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So I believe they said the vax can cross the blood/brain barrier.

So the vax could cause the same issues? Infected with spike with no brain swelling?

I’m wondering because 2weeks after my second vax I swear my brain was swollen/affected and I was a zombie for 2 months. My vision was blurry on and off too. Some days I couldn’t pick out the item I was looking for on a table. I slept mostly on and off.

I couldn’t even process I was ill to seek medical assessment at the time. I only realized what happened slowly as I was coming out of it.

I am still struggling to get rid of my chronic brain fog. I have done several protocols with fasting that helped me physically but my brain is still affected. I can’t get rid of it. Grrrrrrrr

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Do the Dr Ardis protocol.. low dose nicotine patch .. it kicks off those peptides that came with your vaccine... they hijack you natural nicotinecreceptors and cause brain fog tinnitus Lisa of taste and smell.. I “woke “ my mum up after her third jab.. she was a zombie .. two days in 2 mg patches and she suddenly came back .. aged 87 !

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It's important to know that Dr. Ardis's protocol isn't *just* nicotine. He recommends simultaneous use of substances to mop up and degrade the dislodged spike proteins. (I don't have details on substances and doses, so can't provide this information here.)

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Let me help you...

NAC ( increase glutathione hells liver detox)

Quercetin and zinc (stops viral replication)

Olive leaf extract (natural antiviral antibiotic)


Vitamin C

Astaxanthin (best all round antioxidant)

Pomengranate extract( mitophagy repairs damaged mitochondria happens every time high viral load)

Bovine Colostrum ( rebuilds igG1 which gets hijacked when multi posted by igG4)

Melatonin and Andrographis ( kills cancers)

Valasta ( astaxanthin bound to glucose) cancer loves glucose .. cancer hates astaxanthin... and oxygen)astaxanthin is more powerful than vitamin C Vitamin E and CoQ 10.

Best vitamin E are Tocotrienols delta and gamma..

Nattokinase reduces fibrinogen

Serrapeptase does that and reduces inflammation and biofilm resistant to antibiotics.

Flaxseed oil.. reduces blood pressure and the better omega3 after astaxanthin.

Did I miss anything out?

Did I miss anything out?

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I was trying the chewing gum with my son, but the taste is awful, so maybe the patches work better. He lost part of his sense of smell and he is feeling more anxious, as of lately.

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Patches are much more gentle.. use 2mg patches or equivalent .. stick to rib cage alternate sides left 2; hours then right.. warning... if you overload nicotine .. your body throws off too much peptides.. hence nausea and toilet trips .. going slowly means no huge symptoms.

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Thank you! Will try.

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You should simultaneously take something to degrade the spike protein that the nicotine "knocks loose." The Wellness Company sells a formula called "Spike Support." Brian Ardis (originator of nicotine use for dislodging spike protein) has suggestions, too.

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Interesting. Thanks

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Have you tried methylene blue and/or a spike support formula like the one McCullough sells on his “wellness company” site? Not trying to hawk for him, I’ve never had the need to buy it, but for someone who needs assistance, it might help. Cheers and best of luck. FLCCC has a vaccine and long Covid recovery protocol too.

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Thanks for your reply.

I looked at methylene blue and it sounds worth trying....But it scares me! Lol. I looked on Amazon and I wish someone sold it already properly dosed in capsules. Lol. I’m in Canada and the options are limited to what I can buy. Just a lot of bottles.

I bought nattokinase even though it says on line if you have had DVTs you shouldn’t take it. I had a cardiac cath on femoral artery and scar tissue has narrowed there? 12 hours after taking natto I had terrible throbbing at the site and took several aspirin ASAP to stop any clotting. So I have a full bottle of natto that I’m too scared to try again. I’m getting a Doppler on artery tomorrow to see what is going on.

My doctor is explaining it all away as fibromyalgia but ignores when my issues started.... 2 weeks after getting vaxxed.

Sigh. I’ll look back at protocols as you mentioned and see if I missed anything. Thanks!

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Say, the FLCCC document for the vaccine injured, on page 22 I think it is of that document, it tells how to dose MB and it gives a link or two to a pharmaceutical grade MB. I only take 2-4 drops in my smoothie each day. It’s not enough of a dose for brain fog, but I was just trying to see if it helped my alertness. Haven’t noticed much, but I’m inconsistent with it. I wish you the best of luck, RU!!

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Ooooooh. Ok. Thanks.

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Lumbrokinase alleged to be way better than nattok... Not in Canada (what a surprise!) but readily and efficiently available from Dr. Merc. I'm also Canadian, no COVID so far, no jabbery, either, but am plagued with Hashi's and 2 bouts of cancer so far; had blood clots after broken leg during scamplandemic, not to mention cellulitis. supps, including lumbrokinase have saved the day. Good luck, friend!

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I've read that bromelain supplement is also effective, to take on empty stomach.

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"We need to perform tests and studies to determine if the S Protein is also present. Of course, you know where I stand on my prediction of those results."

As Walter suggests, the S Protein will likely be present. And I would surmise in far greater quantity than the N Protein from infection by virtue of the mRNA "vaccine's" superior payload and the ease with which the LPNs facilitate the payload crossing the blood brain barrier. What puzzles me is why some SADS deaths are virtually immediate and other months after the vax...

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Perhaps they are vaxxed and slightly affected. But get real covid infection later? The extra spike puts them over a limit and becomes fatal?

Lots of doctors died. Were these doctors heavily testing themselves with nasal swabs helping covid spread to the brain?

Idk. So many possibilities.

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"So many possibilities."

You are correct!

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Immediate SADS deaths: (1) Sudden dramatic stimulation of sympathetic division of autonomic nervous system in absence of adequate parasympathetic reserve can trigger a fatal heart attack. The sympathetic stimulation comes from the body's recognition that it has just been injected with a great threat. This mechanism, not the faulty "cholesterol-clogged cardiac artery" mechanism, is the cause of many heart attacks unrelated to COVID jabs.

(2) Major release of cytokines, heavy in cardiac depressants, also triggered by sudden appearance of "a great threat." This can lead to fatal episode of extremely low blood pressure during sleep. ("I'm so tired...I think I'll take a nap/go to bed early" and never wakes up.)

I studied the publicly-available portions of VAERS records for the first 66 deaths post-spikeshot reported out from VAERS, and could easily spot both of these mechanisms among the deaths, even from the very limited information provided.

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I have to think if we were doing autopsies, delayed SADS-like deaths could be identified with very specific causes/conditions.

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Spike protein can; LNPs can. Spike accumulates in brain - might take longer to flush it out.


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AHA!!!! That’s it.


I won’t give up hope then. I hope if I continue what I’m doing I’ll eventually get rid of it!!!

Thanks so much. I have something now to show my doctor.

Mwah 💋 lol

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I would say that loss of smells and taste is clearly an indication of neural infection of the olfactory bulb. Prolonged loss of smell indicates CNS damage.

Humans evolved being led around by their noses. We have the ability to recover from this type of damage if it is not prolonged / too severe and we are healthy with sufficient nutrition.

There is no treatment I am aware of short of growing new nerves. Easier to do in young people.

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Huh. Very interesting. I've had anosmia for...two decades? Sometimes smell returns for a brief moment and it scares the heck our of me--seems as if something's wrong. The upside? I wouldn't know if the anosmia alarm bell is ringing! thanks for that insight about anosmia indicating CNS damage--there's been spine damage as well as bone cancer in me (no worries--I survived all that and am verging on 3/4 century in this old-car body.), I worry a lot about shedding of the spike protein, however, and now, since this article, about the one PCR swab test I took. We need better and more accessible assessment of the spike protein in us. Jeez! They owe us THAT much!

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Ok, now that I've turned stark white, HOW DO WE KNOW IF THIS IS HAPPNING???

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Me too. Can barely breath contemplating the implications.

How many human days equals one mouse day?

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I recall reading way back in 2020 re rapid prion spongiform encephalopathy causing death in 2 weeks in mice, equating to around 2 years in humans.

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I give us 3-5 years. I have had long covid for 3 years now. It is a slow, but very persistent decline.

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Dana, there are protocols coming out to beat this thing. Supplements have kept me COVID-free, I believe. Interestingly, the anti-COVID protocol overlaps to a large degree with the Hashimoto's protocol I was already taking whe the scamplandemic started: Vitamins B-1, C, D3 _ K2, quercetin, NAC, Find a naturopath.

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Well nerves are used as roads for viruses so i learned lately. So anybody who thinks sticking stuff up the nose is no big deal should know the olfactory one if the cranial nerves, goes straight to the brainstem like all cranial nerves. So does the vagus nerve as well which connect intestines and brain. So even whats in your intestines can travel the longer road to the brain eventually arrive there snd wreck havoc in brain stem. So even oral 'vaccines' can be dangerous for the brain.

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I had electrical nerve conduction testing done some years back for suspected autoimmune induced neuropathy in extremities. Man, that sure was a barrel of fun (not!). I can't imagine that sort of testing would be a good thing to do to a brain / brainstem, as a lobotomy isn't a desirable outcome.

Anyone know if there is any (non-invasive) way to test for myelin degradation in the brainstem while people are still alive, or is it autopsy only? I'm unjabbed, but I think I probably had a mild case of covid in 2021. I never went to the doc to get tested/remdesivir poisoned - just took my IVM & C/D/Z/Q and rather quickly got over whatever it was on my own. Did not want to deal with the malign medical system unless absolutely necessary. Sure hope those who experienced it "in the wild" and recovered normally are not also at risk for this time-delayed de-meylinization sneak attack.....

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I’m wondering if anyone can tell me if the “N Protein” is revering to nucleocapsid? I’m guessing S is for “spike” ... I am wondering if there are other proteins not categorized as S or N? I am a layperson who has learned a little rudimentary knowledge during covid ... I appreciate your patience and time 🙏

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Yes, N is Nucleocapsid, S - Spike, E- Envelope.

and there are bunch of non-structural proteins (nsp), RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) AKA nsp12

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My understanding: N is nucleocapsid. S is spike. Common logic used is that if you find S only then the source is the gene injection also known as the vaccine. If you find N then the source is viral infection. There are other proteins not categorized as N or S. E and M are the other structural proteins. The total is 29 proteins. I'm going on open source information and am also not in the space. Haven't seen any of it in real experimental/lab terms.


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Blue light can further exacerbate the issue as it destroys B12, critical for nerve function. I wonder if structured water combined with sunlight could be a potential solution. Montagnier was onto something with water: https://romanshapoval.substack.com/p/water-insulates-emf

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And what is the behavior of the spike in other corona viruses? Maybe they have been behaving the same way in mice brains in the lab and this is nothing new?

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Most viruses are tissue specific. Covid-19 can infect most tissues, particularly cardiac, blood vessels, and neural. It is atypical in this attribute.

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My son is unvaxxed and 14 years old. He's had one infection (that we know of ) with covid in May 2022. In Feb 2023 he started having headaches and chest pain, then fainting episodes in March (unconscious for 3 hours first time). They have done neurological and cardio tests and find nothing. I'm convinced that it is a result of a covid infection, perhaps it took that long to manifest or he had a 2nd very mild infection recently. What you write really scares me as no doctor here in NZ has a clue, and they certainly don't think it has anything to do with covid. He's had no PCRs. We don't have access to IVM here in NZ, so we have been taking vitamins D, C, quercetin, zinc etc since 2021. We thought we'd done well to have mild cases of covid but I agree that spike protein is much more dangerous than I originally thought. Don't regret not being vaxxed knowing how bad spike is.

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I have successfully ordered IVM from India. Perhaps you could try that? They state no shipping to Australia but nothing about NZ.


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This confirms my resolve to keep taking my full stack of supplements. We are all at varying degrees or risk.

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It would be good to see more precise statistics on the shedding of the spike protein, since it is capable of jump-starting all these terrible diseases--turbo-cancer, prion disease, MS, auto-immunity, and of course the myocarditis and other vascular conditions. Do we need to stop hugging the unvaxxed as well as the jabbees? It would be great to see a safe, confidential, uncomplicated way of having our blood assessed for the S protein. There are treatment protocols out there now (I've been on one that, oddly enough, overlaps hugely with my Hashimoto's prophylactic protocol, and have had neither DIVOC nor the probably erroneously named GNOL DIVOC, nor signs of receiving the iniquitous S) but we certainly can't trust the allopathic med community to test us safely and honestly any more. We need to develop unhackable back-up systems for feed, water, medicine and education, and we need to do this a.s.a.p. And you wonder why I've taken to calling this decade WWIII?

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"It would be good to see more precise statistics on the shedding of the spike protein" - or even any reputable statistics. So far, we're just speculating that the dose acquired by shedding is less than if your cells are making it directly.

"We need to develop unhackable back-up systems for feed, water, medicine and education, and we need to do this a.s.a.p."

100% agree.

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Some studies now of the genetic code revealed rabies code in covid virus code. Rabies is known to use nerves to travel to the brain and brainstem, takes time but eventually it infects the brain. Is the rabies code responsible for the affinity of nerve travel of covid like using the olfactory nerve for example. And therefore loss of smell because olfactory nerve gets infected?

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Ok, so there’s a Biomagnetic Pair Therapy spot for rabies and my son, who lost part of his sense of smell, has been tested and found positive for the rabies pair.

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I think I just read about a moyamoya death after covid injections. (In Mark Crispin Miller's sudden death posts)Brain stem rare condition. We knew someone prior to covid that had moyamoya & kept getting sent home from the ER & told she just had migraines -until her mother insisted she was having strokes (at age 17) and forced them to do a scan. She was indeed having strokes. She was able to get life saving surgery in time.

Thank you for this information.

So many people around me that had covid didn't have lungs / respiratory symptoms.

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I had a nasty bout of covid in October 2022 (I'm not jabbed). Zero respiratory symptoms but massive headaches, fatigue, nausea, loss of appetite, loss of taste and smell, and fever. Took 2 weeks to recover and now I have heart flutters on and off, which I'm thinking is post-covid damage.

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My family, too. None of us got shots. We all couldn't eat for almost 2 weeks (no appetite), fevers, night sweats, fatigue, & some of us had weird insomnia, and severe loss of taste & smell . We had it in August of 2021 ("Delta variant" - after the shots rolled out fueling that version IMO). Only my husband had respiratory symptoms when sick with covid, and he has asthma.

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So I guess we are screwed just like the jabbed?

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I've been thinking & wondering about that a lot, too. It really seems like our immune systems are damaged ever since.

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Walter has been saying that from the beginning -- it isn't just the jabbed but covid too.

I keep wondering how the perpetrators are staying safe though as you can avoid the jab but not covid.

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Not covid, not the shedding from the vaccinated.

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I've sent my heart palpitations packing with the use of good old hawthorn. It's delightfully inexpensive, too. It did take a few months' use; so don't quit early.

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Thanks, I'll look into that!

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Do you think some of the sudden deaths were related to respiratory arrest at the brainstem?

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Try sudden blockages.. no blood flow .. that usually becomes fatal... once the brain dies .. everything else kinda stops too.

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We could only find out if autopsy is performed. Much forensic evidence was eliminated via cremation.

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My only family member, my daughter, and I have agreed to order an autopsy should one of us die. Knowledge is power, however unpleasant the news. For the sake of humanity's future, incorporate this instruction in your will.

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Thank you again, Walter! ❤️

Apart from nicotine (patches or chewing gum) and ivermectin+supplements, is there any other thing that may help recover the damaged brain stem?

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Brilliant Walter... I've forwarded this many times already this morning... Essential and overlooked detail, really appreciate your diligence on this topic, thank you for your hard work.

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the excuse to make orwell's fictional 1984 non-fiction.

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Oh, it never WAS fictional...😶‍🌫️🫥👻🤖🤠🤡

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thank you

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I remember reading an autopsy report detecting virus presence in stem… in 2020…

How this virus gets from olfactory bulb to brain stem?

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As someone else suggested maybe “firm swabbing”? Yikes!

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My question was about 'FROM olfactory bulb TO brain stem'.

and virus gets to olfactory bulb even without swabbing.

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