1) Cells produce more ROS damaging more DNA leading to more cancers.
2) They also struggle to undergo apoptosis, programmed cell death, as this function is heavily influenced by the mitochondria. Immortal cells = cancers
3) And cells of the immune system, white blood cells etcetera are lagging, tired and slow to act as they are not producing enough energy, and are unable rid the body of the now excessive level of new mutations/cancers occurring.
Right, and in the multi-injected, boosted and reboosted, as much as 50% of T cells being produced are IgG4, signifying an attempt not to rid the body of the oncogenic spike protein, but to live with it. An immune appeasement.
Anybody unaware of the globally orchestrated 'Group Think' associated with that little propagandized meme had to be completely comatose. THAT is always a measure indicating suspicion valid.
Yes. Cancer is a metabolic dysfunction of energy metabolism and mitochondrial disease more than a genetic disease. Healthy mitochondria can correct much DNA damage, and initiate apoptosis if it can't be fixed.
She's a smart one. I read her book some time ago and it was very eye opening. She's definitely up there with the best but I guess she gets less coverage because she's theoretical, not clinical. A shame!
My sister had stage 1a myeloma 3 or 4 years ago and was recently diagnosed with metastasis to a lymph node. I had been hearing the term "turbo cancer" and so reading this article about aneuploidy caused me to google "aneuploidy and cancer." It turns out that the more aneuploid cells you have, the better the chance that the tumor will find one that will be resistant to the treatment. The powers that be continue to recommend the jab. Here is the link: https://www.cancer.gov/news-events/cancer-currents-blog/2021/aneuploidy-cancer-treatment-resistance
Thank you. She has had two immune therapy treatments and surgical removal of the node. It will take a couple of weeks for the results to come back to see if it is clear. They gave her Opdivo and she has had a tough time with some of the side effects, but that stuff is supposed to slay the monster. Her 36 year old daughter develped POTS and we suspect that condition probably resulted from the covid vaccine. My mother is in a senior living place and all her friends are lining up to get the shot again. I feel like we are in a horror movie. Thank you for your reply.
No kidding! What else CAN you call a diabolical attack on the entire hunan race with a premeditated mass-murdering Bioweapon shot cynically promoted as a "vaccine"?
I think there is a lot more to it than that author's proposed thesis. The graph on that website that is being used to promote the idea of scarcity of diesel & jet fuel isn't taking other aspects of supply and demand into consideration. For instance, the dip of 2008 was caused by lower demand because of the severe recession, and the next big dip is from COVID. As for the one around 1980, I suspect it was related to the economy also with an added effect of rapid increase in Third World population due to improved agricultural production. That graph is based on world per capita output NOT on actual amounts. BIG difference!
Don't kid yourself, we ARE in a 'Horror Movie' and the contract all of our Birth Certificates really are didn't specify a salary for the terror to paranoia or an 'Ending' to this 'Graveyard Smash'. This is one time your feelings are correct and there is no logic to anything as all is upside down.
It's sad to read about the events occurring in your family. Impossible to believe the older folks are waiting in line to become 'Death Statistics' and can only hope your Mom is listening to you about the danger. There is no option for any of us in a certain age-group; VIRTUE MUSTWIN, without a doubt.
Some people I see in the office , can’t wait for their next one . Here’s a funny one from today ….(lady 67 y/0 history right breast cancer 2013 ) , tells me all her shots are always in left arm , so the shots ( Covid , flu , RSV ect ) so not to affect her right breast cancer . 🫣😱😫😳
Quite often it appears to be self limiting as the fused cell is no longer replication competent, but not always:
...Giant cell tumor is one of the most common benign bone tumors, occurring in young adults ages 20–40 years with a high recurrence rate and a potential for aggressive behavior. It is most commonly located in the metaphysis or at the epiphysis of femur or tibia.
I disagree. Vaccines shine needs to be tarnished. It is plain we have been misled about the safety and efficacy of all vaccines, but especially sub-unit type so common on the childhood schedule now.
They all get a bad wrap and we start over. They have real trials and proven manufacturing processes or we get rid of them all and most especially the legal protections for vaccine manufactures needs to go for all vaccines.
There is a lot of damage pfizer, moderna, merk, and the rest should be on the hook for over the last 40-50 years and not a slap on the wrist and some small compensation paid out by taxpayers. Every executive in those orgs should be on the hook as well. Not another free pass like the Sacklers.
They are all vaccines. Legal protections for all vaccines must end for designers, manufactures, distributors, and those who administrate them incorrectly.
Our disagreement would be that I think the name "vaccine" should be embraced. I know technically they were not a vaccine....though since the definition has changed to bring them under the umbrella of products with legal immunity they are.
They should be called vaccines and all vaccines should be stripped of legal immunity.
Call them vaccines and do it voraciously. Pharma has hit an iceberg and to me, they look more like the titanic than an ice breaker.
Ok, then I agree we disagree. Vaccines are harmful, but this stuff is an outright poison intended to kill people and alter the genetic composition of their offspring. To me it's a new quality.
HPV vaccines, anthrax vaccines and bill gates's tetanus and polio vaccines might help to bridge the gap between toxic and genocidal. I'd consider it a continuum, hence the term 'vaccine' is justified IMHO.
Now they are putting vaccines in the meat, which means spike proteins in the meat. But some are fighting this.
Beef Company CEO: "I'll Shut Down the Company Before We Ship a Single Bag With mRNA-Injected Meat". Quickly but quietly, Big Pharma, Big Food, and various state governments are working to inject beef and dairy cattle with mRNA “vaccines.” https://vigilantfox.substack.com/p/beef-company-ceo-ill-shut-down-the
Hi, Walter - definitely believe your instincts about this are 100% reliable but, occurred to me last night that even genetically-constituent amino acids THEMSELVES have biologically-corruptive PIEZOELECTRIC potentials - MY area of primary investigative focus, query for these past three-plus years and before; sure ENOUGH, they DO......
Would very much welcome talking with you (or anyone else GENUINELY interested) about this at comparatively-greater length and as your time permits; please email me at: ogam5_2001@yahoo...... am hopeful I can complete the larger overview articulating every aspect of piezoelectricity's FOUNDATIONAL relationship to MOST disease states by sometime next month.....
Ah! So many possibilities I envisioned with the roll-out of the injection have been and are being realized. I say that with no satisfaction. I knew the human genome would be changed.
You have long been expressing that infection is causing the same health issues as the jabs but I haven't wanted to believe it but I might have to. For the past 7 years, my Bible study group of 7 has been meeting weekly. There are 6 men and I am the only female. Ages from 55 to 75. Nobody got jabbed but everyone got covid. Two have had turbo cancers in the last 1.5 years. One already deceased and the other on his way, unless God answers our prayers for a miracle this time. Everyone previously athletic, healthy, and on no medications. I just couldn't make sense of it and I've been reading a ton of substacks.
As an unvaxed person with long covid I can tell you the damage is happening on both sides. After two years of being part of long covid groups online and observing the symptomology of both v and c injured people -- it’s the same thing imo. Both the vax and covid cause the same damage and those of us who were smart enough to smell the rat in this situation and not take that dangerous shot still didn’t escape the damage. My dad took all the shots and nearly died of blood clots and I’m extremely ill and have accepted I may never recover or die soon. This is a disaster of immeasurable proportion.
I am so sorry. I did not get the shot, but I had some terrible symptoms after I came down with covid the second time. I started taking high doses of vitamin C and Dr McCoullough's spike protein formula along with a few other vitamins and I improved greatly after about 6-8 weeks. I am still worried about long term brain issues. I have friends who are sick and I have lost friends. I am worried about my kids and grand-kids.
Mitochondrial DNA damage/dysfunction
1) Cells produce more ROS damaging more DNA leading to more cancers.
2) They also struggle to undergo apoptosis, programmed cell death, as this function is heavily influenced by the mitochondria. Immortal cells = cancers
3) And cells of the immune system, white blood cells etcetera are lagging, tired and slow to act as they are not producing enough energy, and are unable rid the body of the now excessive level of new mutations/cancers occurring.
1+2+3 = Turbo cancers
Right, and in the multi-injected, boosted and reboosted, as much as 50% of T cells being produced are IgG4, signifying an attempt not to rid the body of the oncogenic spike protein, but to live with it. An immune appeasement.
What could go wrong?
Safe and effective...
Anybody unaware of the globally orchestrated 'Group Think' associated with that little propagandized meme had to be completely comatose. THAT is always a measure indicating suspicion valid.
Oooo! But he got it a bit "wrong"! It isn't just "Safe and effective", it's:
"Safe and Effective,
Safe and Effective,
Safe and Effective,
Safe and Effective,
Safe and Effective,
Safe and Effective", and so on!!!!!!!!!
You know, from The Talking Head Parrots! Lol!
Thanks...Giggles help.
"An immune appeasement."
Very apropos!
Yes. Cancer is a metabolic dysfunction of energy metabolism and mitochondrial disease more than a genetic disease. Healthy mitochondria can correct much DNA damage, and initiate apoptosis if it can't be fixed.
Dr. Judy Mikovits has repeatedly discussed Syncytia since day one. She knew and tried to warn everyone in the very beginning.
Yes she did... and did Seneff?
She's a smart one. I read her book some time ago and it was very eye opening. She's definitely up there with the best but I guess she gets less coverage because she's theoretical, not clinical. A shame!
did you see our preprint? https://osf.io/mjc97/
My sister had stage 1a myeloma 3 or 4 years ago and was recently diagnosed with metastasis to a lymph node. I had been hearing the term "turbo cancer" and so reading this article about aneuploidy caused me to google "aneuploidy and cancer." It turns out that the more aneuploid cells you have, the better the chance that the tumor will find one that will be resistant to the treatment. The powers that be continue to recommend the jab. Here is the link: https://www.cancer.gov/news-events/cancer-currents-blog/2021/aneuploidy-cancer-treatment-resistance
Very hard to read...Hoping your sister meets the challenge and beats the monster. 🙏🏻
Thank you. She has had two immune therapy treatments and surgical removal of the node. It will take a couple of weeks for the results to come back to see if it is clear. They gave her Opdivo and she has had a tough time with some of the side effects, but that stuff is supposed to slay the monster. Her 36 year old daughter develped POTS and we suspect that condition probably resulted from the covid vaccine. My mother is in a senior living place and all her friends are lining up to get the shot again. I feel like we are in a horror movie. Thank you for your reply.
"I feel like we are in a horror movie."
No kidding! What else CAN you call a diabolical attack on the entire hunan race with a premeditated mass-murdering Bioweapon shot cynically promoted as a "vaccine"?
I think there is a lot more to it than that author's proposed thesis. The graph on that website that is being used to promote the idea of scarcity of diesel & jet fuel isn't taking other aspects of supply and demand into consideration. For instance, the dip of 2008 was caused by lower demand because of the severe recession, and the next big dip is from COVID. As for the one around 1980, I suspect it was related to the economy also with an added effect of rapid increase in Third World population due to improved agricultural production. That graph is based on world per capita output NOT on actual amounts. BIG difference!
Don't kid yourself, we ARE in a 'Horror Movie' and the contract all of our Birth Certificates really are didn't specify a salary for the terror to paranoia or an 'Ending' to this 'Graveyard Smash'. This is one time your feelings are correct and there is no logic to anything as all is upside down.
It's sad to read about the events occurring in your family. Impossible to believe the older folks are waiting in line to become 'Death Statistics' and can only hope your Mom is listening to you about the danger. There is no option for any of us in a certain age-group; VIRTUE MUSTWIN, without a doubt.
My friends can’t wait for the next one. Eager for the feeling of protection from each one. They know how I feel and won’t discuss it.
Those refusing to awaken to the truth will die...Be culled from existence.
Used to feel so bad about those too terrified to awaken to the facts and truth.
Don't feel bad any longer.
'Courage of Conviction' is found in Jesus Christ and though there are times of
some fear as for all; it's NOT overwhelming.
Have cared for many seniors preparing for death; almost every one of my own
Grandparents on both sides...And from what I've seen, those of faith in God
while the two having little to no faith; certainly never living in faith,
were utterly terrified and literally clung to me at their bedsides
until death overcame them.
Don't know who your friends are; but pray for their conversions
as in that there is courage and comfort as needed.
Death shots still on the market , continues to boggle my mind . Thanks Walter .
Ppl still getting them is even further boggling 🤨
Some people I see in the office , can’t wait for their next one . Here’s a funny one from today ….(lady 67 y/0 history right breast cancer 2013 ) , tells me all her shots are always in left arm , so the shots ( Covid , flu , RSV ect ) so not to affect her right breast cancer . 🫣😱😫😳
FFS 🤦🏻♀️ We are living in a truly amazing/awful/unbelievable time.
It seems the globalists have unleashed their population reduction plan. My question: How are they protecting themselves??
Quite often it appears to be self limiting as the fused cell is no longer replication competent, but not always:
...Giant cell tumor is one of the most common benign bone tumors, occurring in young adults ages 20–40 years with a high recurrence rate and a potential for aggressive behavior. It is most commonly located in the metaphysis or at the epiphysis of femur or tibia.
Dear Walter,
If you would allow one tiny bit of criticism - Please stop calling them vaccines...
Those have been bad enough for the last 200 years, but this is something else.
I disagree. Vaccines shine needs to be tarnished. It is plain we have been misled about the safety and efficacy of all vaccines, but especially sub-unit type so common on the childhood schedule now.
They all get a bad wrap and we start over. They have real trials and proven manufacturing processes or we get rid of them all and most especially the legal protections for vaccine manufactures needs to go for all vaccines.
There is a lot of damage pfizer, moderna, merk, and the rest should be on the hook for over the last 40-50 years and not a slap on the wrist and some small compensation paid out by taxpayers. Every executive in those orgs should be on the hook as well. Not another free pass like the Sacklers.
They are all vaccines. Legal protections for all vaccines must end for designers, manufactures, distributors, and those who administrate them incorrectly.
I do not see where we disagree.
"Those (the vaccines) have been bad enough for the last 200 years, but this (the kill shot) is something else."
Our disagreement would be that I think the name "vaccine" should be embraced. I know technically they were not a vaccine....though since the definition has changed to bring them under the umbrella of products with legal immunity they are.
They should be called vaccines and all vaccines should be stripped of legal immunity.
Call them vaccines and do it voraciously. Pharma has hit an iceberg and to me, they look more like the titanic than an ice breaker.
Ok, then I agree we disagree. Vaccines are harmful, but this stuff is an outright poison intended to kill people and alter the genetic composition of their offspring. To me it's a new quality.
HPV vaccines, anthrax vaccines and bill gates's tetanus and polio vaccines might help to bridge the gap between toxic and genocidal. I'd consider it a continuum, hence the term 'vaccine' is justified IMHO.
I see your point. Still I see two major differences.
The new stuff is transfection which renders the guinea pig a GMO.
The new stuff might kill almost all guinea pigs within 10 years and makes lots of them infertile before AND poisons their offspring even before birth.
Very nice job and yet another plausible mechanism towards oncogenic transformation.
Now they are putting vaccines in the meat, which means spike proteins in the meat. But some are fighting this.
Beef Company CEO: "I'll Shut Down the Company Before We Ship a Single Bag With mRNA-Injected Meat". Quickly but quietly, Big Pharma, Big Food, and various state governments are working to inject beef and dairy cattle with mRNA “vaccines.” https://vigilantfox.substack.com/p/beef-company-ceo-ill-shut-down-the
Quick we better inject all the grass and trees! They need help to fight disease too. Save the trees!
Reductionism is for the mentally ill.
The genome graphic is the best 'a picture is better than 1000 words' I've ever seen!
Hi, Walter - definitely believe your instincts about this are 100% reliable but, occurred to me last night that even genetically-constituent amino acids THEMSELVES have biologically-corruptive PIEZOELECTRIC potentials - MY area of primary investigative focus, query for these past three-plus years and before; sure ENOUGH, they DO......
Would very much welcome talking with you (or anyone else GENUINELY interested) about this at comparatively-greater length and as your time permits; please email me at: ogam5_2001@yahoo...... am hopeful I can complete the larger overview articulating every aspect of piezoelectricity's FOUNDATIONAL relationship to MOST disease states by sometime next month.....
The Bureaucrat Plague is the worst plague, ever.
Ah! So many possibilities I envisioned with the roll-out of the injection have been and are being realized. I say that with no satisfaction. I knew the human genome would be changed.
You have long been expressing that infection is causing the same health issues as the jabs but I haven't wanted to believe it but I might have to. For the past 7 years, my Bible study group of 7 has been meeting weekly. There are 6 men and I am the only female. Ages from 55 to 75. Nobody got jabbed but everyone got covid. Two have had turbo cancers in the last 1.5 years. One already deceased and the other on his way, unless God answers our prayers for a miracle this time. Everyone previously athletic, healthy, and on no medications. I just couldn't make sense of it and I've been reading a ton of substacks.
If I am following, mere Covid-19 infection is causing rapid aging and turbo cancers. Am I correct?
As an unvaxed person with long covid I can tell you the damage is happening on both sides. After two years of being part of long covid groups online and observing the symptomology of both v and c injured people -- it’s the same thing imo. Both the vax and covid cause the same damage and those of us who were smart enough to smell the rat in this situation and not take that dangerous shot still didn’t escape the damage. My dad took all the shots and nearly died of blood clots and I’m extremely ill and have accepted I may never recover or die soon. This is a disaster of immeasurable proportion.
I am so sorry. I did not get the shot, but I had some terrible symptoms after I came down with covid the second time. I started taking high doses of vitamin C and Dr McCoullough's spike protein formula along with a few other vitamins and I improved greatly after about 6-8 weeks. I am still worried about long term brain issues. I have friends who are sick and I have lost friends. I am worried about my kids and grand-kids.
Rightly so, it is obvious though that some people appear unaffected though that’s encouraging.