Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving, Walter! And thank you for all you do for us.

I remember reading decades ago to put a little eucalyptus oil on a handkerchief each day and keep it in your pocket to keep from getting a cold or the flu. Either it works or I've had an unusually good immune system.

Not sure which.

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Happy Thanksgiving to you...One of my new friends this year; ONLINE.

You've provided much wisdom and food for thought in your research and search for therapeutics.

Eucalyptus is one we used in a Cold Vaporizer when sick and it always seems to clear the air of impurities and helps with respiratory infections and flu all the time.


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Wonderful stuff! I've just recently been using food grade eucalyptus essential oil to treat and regrow my receding gums.



I put a drop of it on a stick of gum and let it seep into the sugar free gum and then chew it for about 20 minutes a few times a day.

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Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family Walter…. Eucalyptus aromatherapy is awesome . Used it in my call room at the hospital when I worked ☺️

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I started using it in the waiting room in 2020.

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Thank you so much, Walter. I hope your family and you are enjoying a stellar week-end! So interesting to read this article. I remember quite a while back reading about eucalyptus oil. I read too much sometimes and promptly forget what I read or to follow up on an idea. Very thankful for this report from you because, particularly as I age, I find two significant factors. Despite an advanced age (70s), I don't get sick often. I think if someone's immune system is healthy as they enter older age, they benefit from the many colds and flus which built their immunity. Two, as I age, I note that my body doesn't respond well to aggressive treatments...even natural ones. I'm becoming more interested in subtle treatments like aromatherapy which I used to dismiss for myself as silly and ineffective. I'm just getting over an apparent gastric flu which resembles a cold but with some gut issues...which I found quite surprising. I've been healthy for so long that I didn't even recognize the symptoms of being unwell!! I've never been sick during this Covid period nor for years prior to March 2020 with colds or flus. I had many in my 30-40s. My feeling is that recuperation is the most essential part for old age; that is, it should be longer, more gentle, and more thorough...so I'm getting some eucalyptus oil!! Blessings to you all!!

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Very nice article thanks.

Most of the Eucalyptus Oil sold in Australia is imported.


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Happy Thanks-Giving to you, Walter! Your work is a save for so many. Blessings to you, too!🙏💖

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Correct! I have always used eucalyptus oil pre C19 to successfully ward off flu. (only time I got flu was years ago when I got conned into a flu shot). Used it for successfully warding off C19 (+colloidal minerals, diet etc, couldn’t get ivermectin). Always have it in the house, bushwalking (ward off ticks, mozzies & ants etc). Use Bosisto’s Eucalyptus spray, spray before going out. Breathe a little bit up the nose. Spray around my head. Take care as some varieties of eucalyptus leaves are poisonous to Koalas. Would never be without it. Great post. I found it works. Now I know how! Thank you!

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Happy Thanksgiving!

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Thank you for this information !

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I love to use it for any colds that we have and I have been using it since i was a little child myself. It’s called Olbas Oil. Check it out!! Highly recommended.

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Have you seen this folks? Is this Geert's antibody dependent enhancement?

'Translation: if you got the mRNA jabs, you’re screwed. You don’t know it yet because Omicron is so mild, but you are. Your immune response is hopelessly biased towards a version of SARS-Cov-2 that no longer exists.

Pray - quietly but fervently - all future variants remain mild.'


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Happy Thanksgiving and thank you for all your work!

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I always believed eucalyptus can kill anything,.......I may be right if not used properly.

I have noticed the eucalyptus coming lately isn’t half as strong . Apparently it has been on the list for “products for GMO” this year again.

We have to find an organic supplier!?!

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I've used these for years. https://www.nhrorganicoils.com/

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