Aug 30, 2022Liked by Walter M Chesnut

SPIKE. is. Spike and thats the bottom line.

thank you for all you do!! God bless!!

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I know that the spike protein itself is a toxin, fair enough. But it is an interesting data point that we only started to see this type of injury after the injections were rolled out.

Prior to that, it was clearly acknowledged & stated (even officially) that covid was generally not fatal, or even severe, in younger people - only the elderly & immunocompromised. (They did try to talk up the risk for younger people & kids after the jabs were rolled out, to encourage people to volunteer for the experiment - but even so, they had to really try hard to find examples to scare us with.)

Now we are seeing excess mortality affecting primarily the younger age groups, NOT the elderly (who are still dying of covid from time to time).

To me, this difference is the biggest smoking gun pointing to the injectable version of the spike.

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If young people are dying today from shots they received last year, perhaps this type of injury takes a while to manifest? Or maybe most of them dying today actually contracted covid early on (pre-shot) without knowing it and it's the repeated exposure to spike that makes things worse? Many variables, but I know I will continue to try and avoid both bioweapons at all costs.

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Aug 30, 2022Liked by Walter M Chesnut

There is a useful principle known as "Occam's Razor", that states that the simplest hypothesis that explains all the facts is usually the correct one.

In other words, when you find yourself having to torture the data to fit your hypothesis, you are probably on the wrong track.

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It's not torturing the data to say that ALL spike protein is bad and that there may be a cumulative effect.

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I see Mark's point. And I know for sure, that the truth is being extorted by both sides: pro and anti vaxx. Spike protein is different, and I believe more dangerous in the original infection. We can pretend, that that "red flag" doesn't exist, looking for "less complicated theory", but finally everyone will be solving his health problems alone.

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A thought- what if it's affecting younger people more because many older people are on all types of prescription medications that help hold the damage at bay for longer? Blood thinners, etc?

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That may be true. It may also be that older people have less reactive immune systems, which protects them to some degree from the vax spike damage. (This would be my own favoured hypothesis, but there is no real evidence one way or the other.)

But still we have higher mortality rates in the older age groups than the younger ones for the virus itself.

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Death by a thousand cuts. The cuts are from spike. The tissue scars, becomes fibrotic and damages the organs. Doctor Nowak told us the graphene hydroxide is the agent that causes this. Then they killed him.

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Aug 30, 2022·edited Aug 30, 2022

The micro vascular damage seems to do the same as Dr. Chestnut says here. These injuries are cruel. I saw how Hyperbaric oxygen is being used and helping many of the jabbed. Dr. Paul Harch has helped many. Very promising for the jab injured. One result is creating new micro capillaries which sounds like what is very much needed when so many are fibrotic and damaged from the spikes. See video on this with Dr. Kory. https://covid19criticalcare.com/

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My 1st cousin just completed her HBOT. 6 weeks of it. Worked beautifully and she gets to keep her legs. Clot shot caused a 3 foot clot from groin to ankle. After stent put in, they tried HBOT and it worked!!

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Aug 30, 2022·edited Aug 30, 2022

That’s wonderful. Was it the type of clot seen in autopsies by embalmers where its long and rubbery like? This is the biggest coverup and travesty in history !!!

I hope more people can get the treatment that need it!!!!

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Sharon, I don’t know. I would imagine so though. The doctor told her he’d never seen anything like it. My other cousin just had open heart surgery to remove a clot from his aorta. He had a heart attack and two strokes. He “died” three times in 2 days. He is alive as well. Neither of them truly believe they have been poisoned….. they just don’t get it.

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Wow. And they'll no doubt get the Extra Strength Super Booster Shot...

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Aug 30, 2022·edited Aug 30, 2022

pls we all have family and close relatives who continue to get these shots. they have been pressured and lied to. none will take poison knowingly. if you cant help, at least have some sympathy and compassion for others.

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They got Zelenko too, cancer? He was the one that said, "We're all the Jews this time." Regarding this global genocide from the shots.

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Aug 30, 2022·edited Aug 30, 2022

Thank you for sharing all your hard work. It’s invaluable. This whole thing is a slow motion train wreck, but I keep learning every day. Staying informed is important. It’s criminal that the info is censored. Most people don’t have time to search out the back channels (as I call it). The average American is working, raising a family, & can’t meet a $400 unexpected expense. The daily pressure is real. People rely on the news to inform them. I don’t fault people for not being critical thinkers. We are all just acting out our lives based upon our prior experiences, belief systems, & capacity/motivation to learn. I have a history of being harmed by Rx’s (caused seizures, paralysis, etc which resolved when I removed all pharmaceuticals). It made me realize I should be cautious & question authority. So when I heard warp speed, consistent cold temps required for storage of product & then never mentioned again, mix n match the products is ok, mandates for an EAU product, no informed consent, etc , I was concerned enough to take a wait & see approach. Time is important. Let things unfold. But I was fortunate enough not to be mandated, I admit, so taking a “watch & learn” approach was a privilege for me. I quietly continue stay the course despite attacks.

Literally everyone I love has taken the products. Several are mandated or will lose their job. All are highly educated. Some in healthcare. Some too young (25) to have had enough life experience to question the narrative. Most are naively swimming in the kool-aid. Too young to even understand that reference. But my priority is my relationship with them & I won’t let anything get in the way of that. If and when they are ready they will come to me for help. When the student is ready, the teacher appears. In the meantime, I will continue to become informed so that I am prepared to teach.

Love your people hard, and forgive them for not being able to understand more than they do. Best to all. ❤️

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Good reminder about the ultra-cold temperature requirement. That was (supposedly) because the mRNA wasn't stable and began to degrade below -80C to -60C. Then, the change:


"The FDA approved Pfizer's application for a change in policy that allows its coronavirus shot to be transported and stored in ordinary freezers." The reason?: "The move could make it easier to administer shots from more locations around the U.S."

Are some of the bad reactions from boosters due to being jabbed with degraded material?

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That the authorities have no clue whatsover is a BIG alarm bell. Luckily no-one has discovered anything dangerous mRNA in any of the untranslated regions.... oh, sorry, it seems that they have. Oh well, bury that littl' nugget ASAP...

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Aug 30, 2022·edited Aug 30, 2022

Wondering how this ties in to the endothelial damage? Do the clots occur bc the endothelial walls are fibrotic and lead to clots?

Kirk Herbstreit recently revealed he was diagnosed with blood clots in his lungs and ankles in April.

In a wide-ranging profile by “The Los Angeles Times,” the ESPN “College GameDay” analyst, 53, revealed how his outlook on life changed just four short months ago.

What started out as a calf pain - he thought it was a pull - turned in to pain in the right side of his chest when he would lay in bed. That was followed by shortness of breath. At that point, per the report, he called a cardiologist.

“Your heart arteries are crystal clear, look great,” Herbstreit recalled the doctor telling him. “But, you’re not going to believe this: You have clots in your lungs.”

RELATED: “GameDay” crew gives CFP Final Four picks

Herbstreit followed up with a scan of his calf, which revealed additional clots.

“Somehow they got into my bloodstream, went through my heart and into my lungs,” Herbstreit says. “Once it got into the lungs, it’s like a dead end. They’re in your lungs, but they go through your heart. That’s where people die. … And so I was just like, ‘Damn.’ "

The former Ohio State quarterback was feeling better after a few days of blood thinners. It is also, according to the “Times,” why he sat out ESPN’s NFL Draft coverage.

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Great article. I have two very good friends - one 35 one late 40's... very fit... both with ongoing cardiovascular issues. The usual tests bring up no damage.

I have suspected some sort of general inflammation that is causing their problems.

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This is the exact reason why I go so crazy every time I talk to someone who just had Covid or the vaccine and they brush it off like it’s not big deal. Unless you clear that spike from your system you have no way of knowing what kind of damage is being done behind the scenes. Quercetin, olive leaf extract, NAC and serrapeptase are MUST HAVES after infection and for the love of all avoid that vaccine like your life depends on it... because it does.

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How long after infection do you take above, wish we knew how long to clear virus..

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Some evidence NAC involved in tumor formation and growth. https://sciencenews22.substack.com/p/treatment-for-microvascular-disease

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It appears that the mice in that study were given literal elephant doses (the equivalent of a 150lb human taking 7400mg/day) so I’m not surprised that there were adverse effects observed in some.

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I’ve heard NAC depletes selenium causing an imbalance of antioxidants allowing for free radical formation

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We are surrounded by disinformation. It's everywhere. When you see side effects - more than 50% cases just means: "It helps, but medical establishment doesn't want to confirm that."

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Some NAC supplements come with selenium added for balance.

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So is "covid toe" a very mild indication of this very process?

Is loss of smell & taste an indication?

Is vertigo an indication?

Is SVT an indication?

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I believe I have SPED from original Wuhan covid 2020 and covid vaccines (the latter destroyed my health) from a lived perspective my arteries and endothelial function and general blood circulation feel horrible. The whole body feels wrong. The condition is exacerbated by carbohydrates. I think a good tell-tale sign are the compromised arteries and blood vessels in one's hands. Lots of people with LH and Vax injury have this seemingly small and innocent symptom, which seems nothing but in my view. I think it may be a tell-tale sign of SPED. I also have poor circulation in the feet, and Pots, dysautonomia, and ISVT, and likely myopericarditis. The situation is a shit-show. My hand and whole body is BURNING UP IN THE FIRE. It's great to see Chestnut cracking the case. It's good to know what one is dying from. This information helps me live each day well, knowing things are not looking good long-term, by any stretch of the imagination.

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I semi-cured my creeping long covid with an extended water fast, and then completely nicked it with an extended dry fast. It was my silver bullet which I don't want to share with the vaccinated sheep that called for our deaths. Petty, I know.

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A human without loving-kindness in their heart, are they really human?

We are called to love those most who deride us, anything else is effortlessly easy.

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How long were both fasts? Did you do them back-to-back? Is there a source you trust that explains dry fasting and safety issues? God bless. (Not petty for the vicious sheep; petty to deny the naive ones.)

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the simplest way is to read the phoenix protocol, you can find it on amazon.

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And if Walter sees this: Were you aware that β-hydroxybutyrate is released abundantly during a dry fast?

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Are you taking any of the (potential) remediators Mr. Chestnut and some other have mentioned? E.g., nattokinase, curcumin, resveratrol, and niacinamide (Vit B3).

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Dear Mr. Chestnut, keep up the good work and the deep explanation which shockingly in slow motion turns out to be true. Ill wonder if you have knowledge if any " how to detect" this dease bloodtest or something else? Any clue? And next would be some possible treatment... I personally take regularly vitmanin c infusion every two month, sun and vit d in winter. Niacin, NAC, zink and green teen. It keeps me OK and even better, despite a brief infection in April this year

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I'm wondering if a D-dimer test is indicative, even though it is measuring "traditional" clots, not these fibrous things. It may still be an indicator as the blood has to circumnavigate around these fibrous things and that may subject it to more micro-clots.

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IP10, CPR & Troponin blood tests

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Do you know if you have a negative troponin test can you still have heart damage/inflammation? Went to ER once after both shots with chest tightness/pain and had troponin done both at 0

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D dimer test

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My D-dimer is STILL elevated 9 months after a moderate COV infection that caused severe SVT as well as a dozen other miserable symptoms. Unjabbed.

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I believe I have SPED from original Wuhan covid 2020 and covid vaccines (the latter destroyed my health) from a lived perspective my arteries and endothelial function and general blood circulation feel horrible. The whole body feels wrong. The condition is exacerbated by carbohydrates. I think a good tell-tale sign are the compromised arteries and blood vessels in one's hands. Lots of people with LH and Vax injury have this seemingly small and innocent symptom, which seems nothing but in my view. I think it may be a tell-tale sign of SPED. I also have poor circulation in the feet, and Pots, dysautonomia, and ISVT, and likely myopericarditis. The situation is a shit-show. My hand and whole body is BURNING UP IN THE FIRE. It's great to see Chestnut cracking the case. It's good to know what one is dying from. This information helps me live each day well, knowing things are not looking good long-term, by any stretch of the imagination.

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... unless the hypnosis takes over - that is...

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So is this mostly a problem of the vaxed, or anyone who catches covid?

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Anyone who catches Covid could be susceptible. The spike seems to be the catalyst for problems. Of course, the more jabs the more spike so vaccination will invariably make things worse...

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So many different disease pathologies seem to be identified now and or emerging.

Are some false leads? Or are there really multiple toxicological effects?

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What I'd like to understand is when the mRNA spike protein chemicals get into the cell and divert the cell to make a spike protein, what was the cell supposed to originally build, in the first place?

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The ribosome in the cell makes all the proteins your body need to survive, like blood and immune cells etc, it they are too busy making spike protein.

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Spike protein induced endothelin damage, as per the title of the article.

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Any recommended treatments for SPED to improve symptoms and improve quality of life, Walter?

I am eating vitamin C from fruit and peanut butter. I read a paper that said it helps endoth/vascular function and helps improve symptoms. Carbs make it feel worse.

People are taking a lot about Nak and Serraptese? Do you think that would help?

I regret that I am in this position. My immune system dealt with Covid 2020 easily. First Vaccine destroyed my heart function and nervous system whole body. Second nothing. Third shot: SPED set in full force, I believe. Though everything was off before. Just turned the grill up and made the flames hotter. The combination of virus and vaccines I believe is extremely dangerous and have seen as much confirming this. The immune system doing it's thing and the bizarre death-shots seem to work against each other and cause Hell to open (in my experience, and I notice, almost all LH are similar, it's the combo, before or after virus and shots, that creates mayhem. Virus then shots, very poor combo, in that order.

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that is a great topic to explore further. none has the answers as this is still a developing topic.

if am not mistake, WMC has a substack on Quercetin and Curcumin ... great to hear your views.

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i'd say it's a rather miserable topic myself

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