Practically every article, Walter, screams bioweapon, when taken together.

Have we checked spike protein for latent radioactivity? Just kidding, but what exactly does it not screw up? How could anyone even attempt to claim this is some "therapeutic agent."

"Oh it's OK, we're putting defibrillators in all the grammar schools."

"Another 10,000 defibrillators are being installed in British schools and public places to normalise heart attacks and to make the gullible think that it is normal to have heart attacks at the age of 16 (and to make them believe that the heart attacks are nothing whatsoever to do with the toxic covid-19 jab). Most of the defibrillators will be useless, of course, because no one will know how to use them properly." --Vernon Coleman

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Defibrillators are essentially "plug and play" nowadays. However, it has been suggested that defibrillators are not reviving the people who collapse. Makes sense if there is an occlusion of fibroid material rather than a blood clot.

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I have read that before, that no amount of attempts to restart the heart in the ambulance or at the hospital have been effective. Not sure of %, but many collapses are electrical conduction/rhythm, rather than clots.

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Oct 14, 2022Liked by Walter M Chesnut

Ouch. Is this likely to happen in not - severe covid also, with lasting cellular screw-ups under the surface, unnoticed while people feel like they've recovered?

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Yes, that is a concern.

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Oct 14, 2022·edited Oct 14, 2022Author

Thank you. The Metaplastic hypothesis can explain clotting abnormalities.



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Okay but read Ana’s substack! You are missing all of the spicy parts!

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Thanks Joel! And yes, was reading when I checked replies! Also, thank you for being an academic of great integrity. That means the world to me.

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Interesting mechanism u propose but similar could also be said for other toxic agents/pathogens. But the vax na have the ability to increase the speed of aging in this way. Let’s hope we are wrong though.

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The mechanism for accelerated aging is already explained by the retracted paper describing the genetic effects of spike within the nucleus of liver cells.

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Yes, explained but theory is not always fact. While it looks more real than just theory, I hope for all our sakes it is wrong.

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Yeah me too. Although understanding the mechanisms of pathogenesis could be a path towards saving a lot of people, which is why I try to thank Walter for his hard work.

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I don’t think I have heard anyone recently say as Prof. Delores Cahill did that everyone who received a jab would die in the next five years!!! Do you agree? This is so mind-boggling to even consider but she feels people should know rather than not. Perhaps then a cure can be discovered!!! I am so shocked she said this and can’t get my head around it being true although I respect her involvement from the start of this madness 2.6 years ago.


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Dr. Alexander said he was told 5 to 5 1/2 years by people he was working with!

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Mike Yeadon was the first person I heard say it, so long ago I can't recall if he said it in 2020 or 2021. The rate of growth in numbers of excess deaths is still accelerating.

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Haven’t heard him say it. Wonder if some of our heroes have decided its too disruptive & sad to tell people this horrific possibility since there is no cure!!! Some of them do at times seem overly unhinged. Dr. Suchrit Bhakdi who seems to care greatly seemed a bit off. Maybe the knowledge they have is getting to them. Its getting to me and I only partly comprehend it all. The “end times” of the Bible is making the most sense to me nowadays!!

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I heard him repeat it in another interview early this year, so his opinion hasn't changed

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I first heard Dr Luc Montagnier mention the SARS-COV-2 relationship to HIV in 2020 and the 5 year limit in 2021. Although spoken in French with English translation, so I am not 100% positive.

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it comports perfectly with what these few others have said publicly

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It's my understanding that the first human trials of MRNA tech was rolled out back in 2012 on 200,000 unsuspecting sufferers of various autoimmune diseases. At first it was being called a miracle because nearly all subjects were getting better, then, about 2 years in, people began to die. One of the surviving test subjects said he was recently told by his Dr. that he is one of the last of these people left alive. He is covered in scars from all the surgical interventions that have kept him that way and is only in his 20's! This could all end up being like the Vedians and their Phage on Star Trek Voyager. A terrible thought......

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Where was this done? I know of an elderly man who received mrna for prostate cancer but in recent years and his retired nurse wife thinks its what kept him alive.

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All I know is what this survivor says happened to him and also a friend of mine knows someone in San Antonio who participated in this and is now dead. The victim I saw in a recent vid, showing all of his surgery scars, says it is now difficult to find anything online about this "study" at all. It was never advertised that all those people were dying. His current Dr. had to dig to find out what occured. This "treatment" apparently never went beyond this study phase. It is now being memory holed. My best guess is that this was the preliminary test on what they are doing now. This guy has been suffering from heart problems and other maladies since about 2014. This needs to be exposed big time!

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I think I saw the video you're referring to. Don't know if I could every find it again. How do we know it's true? Though your friend knowing someone else helps to corroborate it. Just trying to understand. Of course, I know that this technology is extremely dangerous but we just have that video from that guy and no other information.

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There was a health advisor from somewhere in Eastern Europe that on live TV said 1/3 of the vials are indeed tainted, and she stepped down and said she will not go along with this. I’m sure the video has been taken off the web, but I remember watching it last spring. So maybe 1/3 will die in the next 5 years.

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Have you considered that some of the early rapid damage to the endothelium is due to massive LNP transfection and destruction of cells by the immune system as Marc Girardot outlines in his theory that a percentage of the injections are going directly into veins and are particularly damaging if injected too quickly as a bolus if needle not aspirated.

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Thank you for your work.

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I’m agnostic, but I have yet to see anyone refute the blood analysis of any vaccinated person as she shows with her own blood

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we need wide ranging comparisons of a number of categories: jabbed and then infected, infected and then jabbed, infected and recovered, maybe never infected, and of course all the different numbers of jabs, and time since the injections

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Absolutely this. My first infection was awful, but I didn't;t get quite so swept up in the excitement of the vaccine saviour, so I declined. its madness the different groups of mindsets out there in social media. The groups that refuse that "Long Covid" is purely a result of the jabs, and will not believe the problems Covid infection gave me. I really feel sad for the Long Covid people who feel they have been made worse by the vaccines. One can only wonder if they would have made an almost full recovery if they had stopped and thought for a second? Was interesting tonight at work an older customer in his early 60's just had his 4th vax and flu booster in prep for his Cruise in December. Then out of nowhere seems to get angry about anti vaxxers, saying if it want for the vaccine we would still be in lockdown. He feels safe knowing his immunity is topped up. For a scientist he has a very closed mindset. So far after 4 shots he is fine , i hope it stays that way for him, but was very dismissive when I mentioned that some vaccinated still go on to develop Long Covid. he was reply was 'some" compared to the 'millions" supposedly saved by the vaccine? Well those 'some" are important to me, they are people, not a statistic, they need help whichever way they develop Long Covid, its horrible, life limiting/ disabling. Hence just because I feel not too bad right now doesn't;t mean I'm going to walk away and think of only myself. No I will keep looking and listening for answers to try and understand this utter shit show, so if any knowledge I gain from the likes of Walter may just help someone in need.

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fwiw, Robert Malone took the jab because he had long covid and there was data showing that it would help. Don't know what he thinks of that dataset now, and if he would still find it persuasive. Pierre Kory is mostly seeing long covid patients and treating them with a recovery protocol, and he has been able to help most, but not all.

We do not have data that say millions have been saved by the injections. We have data that say the vax does not help with infection, transmission, hospitalization or death, outside a very brief period after the second vax, then it turns down too. More than 600 studies say hcq and ivermectin would help reduce all those numbers. I have forsworn trying to convince anyone. I will still throw shade at it though "why did they include a spike protein in the bivalent, from a strain that went extinct two years ago?"

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I may not be the brightest spark on the planet. I did my degree a long time ago in Theatre Set and Costume Design, its all about interpretation of text and thinking about how that text works on many levels and areas. And all I can say the supposedly legitimate interpretation of the covid text , most of it to me seems very "off" right from the start. Things weren't;t making sense to me, way back in Feb 2020 and from there thats when I started looking and listening elsewhere to hear what others had to say, to build my own picture. And thankfully my journey brought me across the path of Walter et al on twitter. Last Summer was a real test for me. My gut feeling was so strong to think twice about this covid vaccine, in a time when people were telling to to "just get the jab", laughing at me, scolding me. Bearing in mind covid made me very ill. Its buggered my hands up, well my thumbs now mainly. I cant tell you how annoying pain in thumbs is. I had moments when I nearly thought I was being silly,, and there really was nothing to worry about. But Sadly what I believe I am seeing since last Summer only confirms to me I made the right decision to abstain from the vax .

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I can relate to the sore thumbs, I had a sudden onset of severe osteoarthritis (not usually immune related) in 2018 after pneumonia. My right thumb was so swollen the distal joint would not bend for three months, and the joint capsule at the base of my left thumb was destroyed. I had cortisone injections in almost every finger. I finally had the trigger finger on the right hand attended to this summer. Still have a couple of painful fingers, but everything works after a fashion.

I happened to belong to Chris Martenson's Peak Prosperity when the covid started, and as he had been a pharma exec, he learned very early what this bug probably was, and nobody had to tell me 'bioweapon' twice. Fauci lied to us about the masks, and if he would lie about something small, what else was he lying about? Lots, as it seems to have turned out. So sad I was only able to convince my oldest daughter to wait for data before thinking about taking the jab.. All the rest of my children, siblings, and large extended family have taken it. I pray some got a placebo or degraded lot. At some point, I think the uninjected will have to find each other and make new friends.

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Two things that I hope are helpful to you and your family members who might be open to it:

1) The documentary of Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s book, The Real Anthony Fauci, which has sold over 1 million copies (21,389 reviews on amazon), and has NOT had any lawsuits against him for defamation because those monsters in the book could never win and they know. It will be online for free for 10 days starting Oct. 18th. You might want to share the link:


2) Zeolite is helping people I've mentioned it to who have adverse events/symptoms from the vax, I'll explain why. Zeolite (in the powder form not liquid form), is an amazing honeycomb crystalline mineral which is negatively charged and when ingested it binds to positively charged substances in the body and removes them. I've researched and found that the spike proteins, which are glycoproteins, are positively charged and the lipid nano-particles are also positively charged according to Dr. Ryan Cole (he mentioned it in an interview with Del Bigtree). So, it is possible that zeolite can be a positive option for those who have been inoculated. Do not get the liquid version. It doesn't work at all or well. The powdered form is the only one that works well (it's great for everyone to take because those not inoculated are around those that are and might be shedding). Also, it's got to be natural not synthetic and the Clinoptilolite type. A good article on it: https://supplements.selfdecode.com/blog/zeolite-benefits/ Of course, one should be taking several different types of supplements to help their cells detox and heal and their immune system get stronger. Also, intermittent fasting helps cell damage by causing autophagy. Might be something to look into. If you can find a holistic practitioner who has an understand of this stuff (not always easy to do), that would be the best approach. Also, this is a helpful book: Dr. Howard Pieper's book: Zeolite [I recommend you get this book. Easiest place to buy it is amazon (unfortunately) for $6.95. https://www.amazon.com/dp/1710309911/ref=cm_sw_em_r_mt_dp_BQ1G1ND0310WT6B7ZT0S] . Also, he has a website called zeolitedosing.com which helps people understand how much to take.

Hope that helps a little.

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Not jabbed, not infected. Although I am fairly certain that I did have the OG SARS back in 2003 when I returned from a trip to Toronto.

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Oct 14, 2022·edited Oct 14, 2022

A friend back in Early Feb was told he had “black blood” or “covid blood” during a regular blood draw. He was like WHAT???? She said that’s what we call it! He had 3 jabs by then. He thought back to Jan after a dental procedure when he felt sick for several days later. He then realized he likely had covid then. He also decided TO NOT GET THE 4th jab. I had tried to pre-warn that the jabs were unsafe. He had resented me for being “anti-vax” which I wasn’t but tried to explain this was “gene therapy”, not a vaccine. Since he had Dr in front of his name, he originally got very perturbed at me but did thank me for the warning after the “black blood” incidence bc it also played into his decision to not get #4 jab. Months later in May he had another bout with covid lasting for 10 days. It was worse, like a really bad cold.

I have only heard of “black blood” once since then and wondered how common it really is??? Anyone else heard of this? Its actually dark purple, not really black! Less oxygen in the blood makes it look dark from what I understand.

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I heard of that in an article -probably a year or more ago- that included a photo of blood vials side by side, and the 'black' blood was ridiculously darker than the other vial. Have you seen a photo of washed blood cells, where some of them look gray, because they contain no heme? I saw that one within the last 6 months, so a more recent article.

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I did see something like that but it wasn’t saying in the article that the jabs cause black blood because of....or it didn’t make a connection between jabs and black blood. In other words, I have not seen or heard with all my reading and even have asked 3-4 times when I had my own blood withdrawn whether they had seen black blood before when drawing blood. They all said no. So, that is why I am wondering if others have heard this? It’s perhaps more rare than “everyone jabbed has black blood”. Or maybe it goes back to a theory of 15% of jabs are bad. I don’t know what to think but know my Dr. friend would not have told me his black blood story if it wasn’t true, and in one blog a mother described her daughter as getting sick after the jab and had dark blood.

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I agree that it would not be universal, but is another sometimes seen side effect, that might be eventually identified with certain batches, or with a particular type of biological event in the individuals that have it

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Some good news in a world full of bad news: https://twitter.com/ANT159694954/status/1580619752661078016

Natural cancer cure.

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And we also need everyone who knows how to do chemical analysis and microscopy to tell us what is in the poison shots both in the bottle and in the bloodstream.

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Two of the best & most credible (IMO) sources of what's in the shots are Karen Kingston, (ex Pharma and amazing work) and Sasha Latypova.

Sasha's team of pros, are called Team Enigma. Associates run the website, How Bad is My Batch. Lots of info there and updated regularly.

You can go to Bitchute and put in Karen or Sasha's name, then screen for most recent.

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For you to say, that means the world to me!

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Maybe a dumb question but for those who need a liver transplant due to spike, wouldn't the new liver have to be spike free? Or am I missing something?

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and wouldn't the new one get contaminated from residuals?

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This might be of interest, if you have not already reviewed it:


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           Schizo cells.  Love it!         

Wondrous Walter just presented a new study finding that ROS has been found to cause cells to transform themselves for self-survival. Cells go schizo.         

A July review study  "..... discusses the consequences of endothelial cell exposure to damaging stimuli (haemodynamic forces and circulating and endothelial-derived factors) and the cellular and molecular mechanisms that induce endothelial cell senescence "  https://www.nature.com/articles/s41569-022-00739-0          

And how about a food agent, such as butyrate, that has been demonstrated  to ameliorate endothelial cell damage?  It turns out that a 2018 study found that butyrate helped to inhibit the invasiveness of glioblastoma cells by inducing senescence.  https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29434841/       

 Schizo butyrate in cancer cells?         

While prudently adding butyrate-containing items to assist the endothelial, should we be incorporating such things as quercetin to help mitigate senescence as well?       

 Thank you!

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Curcumin has been shown to bind to spike, although that is not an endorsement, it also helps in cancers.

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Mr. Chestnut, is there anyone who could locate the posts where you discuss possible therapeutics and group them together? I thought I had seen a post where you discuss nattokinase but I cannot find it now. I have been looking for almost an hour and cannot find it, so please don't think I am lazy! (Although it is hard to stay focused; I keep getting sucked into old articles as I peruse them for therapeutic info.)

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