Walt, military people say “you only get flak when you’re OVER TARGET.” Keep fighting! We’ve “got your six.”

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Last night, someone messaged me claiming to be Tim Robbins writing from his private Twitter account (@TimRobishere, which appeared legitimate as the start date was 2009, and the account has around 3,500 followers). This wasn't entirely far-fetched because Tim Robbins (@TimRobbins1) follows me on Twitter, and we have exchanged private messages. I asked the imposter to paste in the last message I had sent him on his other account (as well as an earlier message Tim had sent me), and he acted like it was going to be too hard because there are thousands of messages there and it's managed by The Actors' Gang. I then said I would send a new message, and he could respond at both accounts to verify it was him. That shut him up. Real Tim Robbins informed me it wasn't him, so I reported it as an impersonation account. Hope he doesn't trick people into giving him sensitive information as the first thing he asked me is where I'm located.

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On a lighter note, Jessica Rose is referring to you as Walnut. Don't know if she thinks your full name is Chester M. Walnut, but it may well be 😂

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Now that’s funny!

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WAL~ter Ches~NUT = Walnut ♥️

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Both are healthy nuts.

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They're doing it on all of our stacks. Mine happened about 12 hours ago.

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Obviously, only Substackers of substance are being hit.

Thank you!

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Probably DoD or DHS.

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or Mossad. Dod has an entire Comm battalion of trolls, Israel hires huge numbers

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Yes! I reported it.

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Thanks for the heads up Walter. Have a great day. Peace.

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Jan 19, 2023·edited Jan 19, 2023

It's happening because Substack comments are where real debate can happen like it did before most news sites shut their comments down and Twitter is inferior because of the character limits.

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The medico's 'watch' ferritin go up as a marker of inflammation and do not consider it something to treat. I ran into this attitude - very strong, confident - know-it-all attitude - with ICU doc for CoV and with a cancer doctor.

They don't know what they are doing is the biggest problem.

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Had each of these COVID-19 cases been treated early with therapeutics/supplements, I wonder what the "short- and long-term risk of cardiovascular disease and mortality" would have been?

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I scanned through the paper looking for some mention of vaccine. They only looked at data from before the time mRNA jabs were available.

The invisible gorilla in the room is what is the damage from repeated Covid infections? All the patients in the study should have developed immunity from covid. Immunity subsequently erased by any mRNA jabs. No repeat infections included by design.

It looks like the study was done to generate a paper so the covidians could blame the heart problems on the virus. Included in the list of sponsors was, Pfizer.

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I think as Walter has mentioned, all spike protein is bad. So regardless if it comes from the vax or from the bioweapon. Even the autopsy article put out by MidWestern doctor seems to suggest this https://amidwesterndoctor.substack.com/p/do-the-mysterious-fibrous-clots-really

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Steve Kirsch had major bot issues a couple weeks ago in his substack which is massive.

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Sorry you are all having problems, there must be too much Good going on here. Prayer for a hedge of protection and for discernment. I appreciate substack so much!

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Sorry this happened to you. I reported it as well.

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Lee, kindly tell me, how do we report it? It just happened to me.

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The account and comments will probably be taken cared of, but you hit the three dots by the comment, select Report, and provide explanation.

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It wasn't me Walter but good to know how to spell your last name correctly - I have been wrong all along. Brain typo corrector at fault - automatic spell check in action.

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Same here. If I had written Walter’s name out, I would have spelt it with the “t” added.

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Well if he doesn't type in caps when he gets excited, then we will know for sure.


Good point that others made, its' a sign that you are worthy of pulling away some of your followers.

Stay sharp bro.

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Will be on the look out - but easy to spot l would think NO-ONE dear Walter could possibly produce content like yourself and for which we are forever grateful!

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It sounds like a pro-vax fanatic or public health bureaucrat. A lot of them are compulsive and would think they are ethically justified. It's sublimated hostility and correlated with sadism. It would be someone a lot like Bryan Kohberger, the Idaho murders suspect and ethical vegan.

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Maybe check what time it's happening to see if you can identify where it may be the attacks are originating from. My first thought was that it seems like a jab worshipper acting on personal motives but on reflection I'd be more likely to suspect it's someone who's being paid to do it. Now who might have the money and inclination?

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Steve Kirsch and JD Rucker also had trouble with trolls the last couple of days. Someone impersonating them in the comment section would answer a comment with a response and asking them to text to a number for more info.

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