I don't think it affects covid infection but would really account for the clots seen in the vaccinated, who produce spike much longer and at much higher levels - depending on the rate of production from the mRNA signal which has a huge biological variability.

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All covid injectables or just the messenger class🤔

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Specifically asking for a friend who held out for the Novavax...

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Had to post this straight away. Wife's friend works in a neuro depot UK. Not awake. Chatting in general, I mentioned about amyloidosis, her reply, we are seeing a huge increase in cases

You are spot on Sir Walter

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Thanks. Of course, I wish I wasn't.

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Welcome to the club. My opinions where banned on twitter.

Make sure you look at jean-claude perez report on Monkeypox closest match he has so far: It's worse then I thought. I think he could use a hand.



video and scenario that came out late last year before engineered Monkey Pox hit:

This was financed by council on Foreign Relations called Nuclear Threat initiative with Gates foundation as a primary financier


It has a time line the last line says, "3.2B cases/271M deaths by December 2023"


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Is amyloidosis happening in both vaccinated and unvaccinated? Or only in the vaccinated as they are producing only the spike?

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the virus and vaxx contain same spike protein, so both i suppose. the vaxx contains much more spike protein which is the worst toxic human have ever made.

people are being injected with something that is causing them to produce a prion generating protein.

each vaxx produces approximately 30 trillion spike protein, at least, since the body is being turned into a spike protein factory.

One is needed to start the process in any organ which works like this: spike protein, misfolded protein, fibrils, amyloids plaque, amiloidosis.

it could be in any organ, previously a rare disease none even thinks about it and not easy to diagnose.

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The documentation I've seen states 40 Trillion per shot of 30ml (Moderna more at 100ml?), but you're on the money!

And for those wondering, here's the receipts (references/papers in Twitter 🧵):

The vaccine puts ~2 orders of magnitude higher infectious virons into your system as a natural infection:


~40 TRILLION spikes w/75% free-floating all over the body PER 💉 versus 3.4 trillion bound to virions so only a small fraction biologically active.

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Catching covid or taking the vax both cause spike proteins within the body. It is what it is.

The good news is that it looks like the sick only produce spikes (via hijacked cellular machinery) when actively ill, i.e. during viral replication. This is unlike the vax which can keep producing spikes for months since the vax's altered mRNA doesn't degrade quickly.

The sicker one gets with Covid the more spikes so the key is not letting covid get a strong foothold. We do that through a strong immune system (healthy weight, real food, clean water, good sleep, exercise, fresh air, sunlight, targeted supplements) and early treatment at the first signs of illness. I like the FLCCC protocol and have it on hand so there's no delay if needed.


Long covid is almost certainly the result of spike damage, be it from severe covid or the vax. Don't let either happen. If it's too late for that look into the FLCCC's vax recovery protocol and anti-amyloids such as nattokinase.


Covid is here to stay unfortunately, particularly since we completely bungled the opportunity for herd immunity with the disastrous leaky vax campaign. We can cower in fear or use the brains God gave us to learn everything we can and be prepared. Our family is doing the latter.

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Any thoughts on shedding? how it works and what should we do ? thanks!

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Yeah, be careful who you exchange body fluids with!

In all seriousness, shedding is inherently self-limiting. The vaxxed may shed spikes but those spikes are dead (in a viral sense) and can't replicate. So they are a potential toxin to others but they are not infectious (i.e. can't multiply within the body). But consider that any spike exposure from shedding is a huge order of magnitudes less than what is going on inside the person making spikes.

The dose makes the poison, and unless you are in intimate contact with a human spike factory, the dose is tiny IMO.

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Had friends round for dinner one night. Mike developed MS shortly after his 2nd AZ, his wife seems to have got away with initial double dose. Anyways, they came around 1 week post booster, I got covid 3 days later. I’m gene therapy free, 2 days and done, but I knew it was the virus as my teeth felt electric, so trigeminal or facial under attack. No residual effects I can identify. Aware of what Sir Walter ( I’ve knighted him as it’s the jubilee of the elite in our country for his sterling work) has advised with the spike, so hoping the process ain’t going to be as fast as the jabbed. I want to see this through, there are scores to settle. Thx Sir Walter of Chesnut, great work

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Careful as this is not necessarily true, even per Pfizer's own docs: https://twitter.com/thecnner/status/1437584532312494085

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There is zero hard evidence shedding is a real problem. Unless regularly swapping bodily fluids exposure will be infinitesimal. Seriously, is there a single piece of concrete evidence this is a real threat?

We have plenty to be concerned about without inventing new boogeymen. I think many of us subconsciously want to view the vaccinated as a threat, just as they tried to label us. We are better than this, smarter than this, and more rational than this.

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“Dose makes the poison”

Not always as they explain in this paper - they now know low dose injected aluminum ends up in the brain, easier than larger doses.

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Should have said, "99.99999% of the time the dose makes the poison..."

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thanks! all hands on deck it looks like.

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I have a big thread on the topic. The videos are very interesting, particularly Dr Lee Merritt:


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is important WMC research spread to others ... people need to know.

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@Janiesaysyay has a thread up with multiple photographs of these amyloid. In one photo of one of these clots being removed from an artery, the thing goes on forever, like a measuring tape. Reportedly there were no symptoms to warn the artery was being blocked with this thing.

These things look like carrots branched out like trees and they apparently form so quickly you get no warning before total blockage. They form in completely healthy vasculature.


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Walter, are you aware of Beta Carotene as a potentially potent way to break up amyloids?

Would be very keen to hear your opinion on this.



THANK YOU for your work

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We definitely need a test to quantify amyloid buildup and begin testing many safe substances to see which ones reduce amyloid, as measured by the tests.

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So specific sp!ke pr0+e!n fragments are more likely to produce amyloid?

Remember that about 40% of RNA in the vaxxs is fragmented (perhaps intentionally), and these RNA fragments could well generate shorter protein fragments, precisely the ones that generate amyloid deposits.

Murder case (more like genocide) solved!

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Can enzymes such as nattokinase break up fibrils?

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I wonder the same.

I made a batch of Natto last week and have been incorporating into my diet. Fun to make, tasty (acquired quickly if motivated), and I figure no downside!

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Amyloid-Degrading Ability of Nattokinase from Bacillus subtilis Natto

https://pubs.acs.org/doi/full/10.1021/jf803072r ($40 to access the article!)

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We'll need to determine how much is absorbed orally, how much can be safely administered and if it still has amyloidolytic prperties at safe dosages.

The lowest concentration in the study was 0.10 uM

Who knows how much nattokinase needs to ingested to achieve that concentration, and if it's safe.

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how do you make it?

is the soybean which breaks amyloid?

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"Natto Dad" on YouTube has some good videos with detail. Basic steps: soak beans overnight, cook beans (steam or reboil is best), rest until warm to touch, add starter and mix, ferment ~105F for a day until stringy texture develops (I wrap loosely in parchment paper and put in dehydrator... Because that's what I already had and I'm cheap). Finally I store in freezer.

My understanding is the nattokinase enzyme is made by bacteria to break down bean proteins for metabolism (hence ammonia smell). That enzyme can break up fibrin. There is some debate if appreciable amounts are transported to useful places during digestion.

Soybean is traditional but black bean works quite well too (my preference).

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many thanks! will check out the youtube source. i like black beans too!

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Seems to be some thinking around a number of the *kinase's:

I saw this one on Serrapeptase in the last 24h: https://twitter.com/holmanm/status/1534489138405199872

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First, we'll need to determine which type of amyloid protein it behaves like, since there are several of them, and treatment is different.

Walter, can you please take a look at the connection between vaxx amyloid diseases and diabetes and see if you can connect some dots nobody else has thought about?

Current and future treatment of amyloid diseases


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We’ll stay as far away from the spike protein as possible!

Also, treating the virus, as soon as it starts, and throwing all the sink at it seems like a good idea.

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does the spike transmit from vaxx to unvaxxed? if so how?

i wonder what steps one should take until all this is figured out, if ever.

thanks in advance.

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Also really interested! There are lots of contradicting opinions on that.

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Take a look at my thread on the subject: https://twitter.com/thecnner/status/1437584532312494085

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Yes, but don't say "shedding" on Twitter:


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Is the "exact piece of protein which... is most likely to produce amyloid" generally conserved across variants? Alpha, Delta, Omicron, etc?

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In discussing the prophecy of Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche, Igor Chudov, inter alia, alludes to Walter's article.

"What if each case worsened amyloid clot formation and created cardiovascular problems and caused seemingly unrelated sudden deaths?"

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Just in case you needed confirmation of your research https://youtu.be/is_Hi1RVTnI

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page 7, 'an interesting observation...' https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8380922/

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