The ..WORLD......Needs to Know this ! ! ! These deceptive " -------" have to be .. BROUGHT TO JUSTICE ! I feel heart sick over those Children who have lost their Mommy or Daddy criminally on purpose for....Money.!!!!
That is my understanding too; repeated exposure to the spike protein, by any means - obviously, mRNA transfection is the worst because your body becomes a spike factory. Peace.
Walter, Bruce Patterson's work suggests that the Spike protein subunits ingested by immune cells derange these cells (especially monocytes ) by switching off apoptosis.This leads to deranged monocytes containing spike subunit persisting for 18 months.
I have a question that I have not heard anyone talk about. Under the category of What Fresh Hell Next: What happens, given the increase in turbo cancers and reemergence of long remitted cancers amongst the SARS-CoV-2 "vaccinated" if there some nukes used in the current wars? I don't mean all out nuclear war, which would wipe out most of the world population, but, so called, tactical strikes. We already have experience from Hiroshima and Nagasaki. and from Chernobyl. But these don't add the element of the "safe and effective" jabs and the multiple adverse effects people have suffered.
We all know the reason the paper was retracted…. truth must be silenced to protect the criminal intent.
Thank you as always.
In vitro anti-cancer activity of a polyherbal preparation, VEDICINALS®9, against A549 human lung adenocarcinoma cells
The ..WORLD......Needs to Know this ! ! ! These deceptive " -------" have to be .. BROUGHT TO JUSTICE ! I feel heart sick over those Children who have lost their Mommy or Daddy criminally on purpose for....Money.!!!!
Are you saying it's Covid and not the vaccines that are causing the increase in cancers? Or both?
To my understanding it can be both
That is my understanding too; repeated exposure to the spike protein, by any means - obviously, mRNA transfection is the worst because your body becomes a spike factory. Peace.
as bad as covid could be, it does not goes directly to your blood. it still has to pass through your immune system.
vaccines go directly into your blood and spike protein does the damage everywhere. dr michael palmer ...
Amazing work thank you
This makes very good sense.
Walter, Bruce Patterson's work suggests that the Spike protein subunits ingested by immune cells derange these cells (especially monocytes ) by switching off apoptosis.This leads to deranged monocytes containing spike subunit persisting for 18 months.
I have a question that I have not heard anyone talk about. Under the category of What Fresh Hell Next: What happens, given the increase in turbo cancers and reemergence of long remitted cancers amongst the SARS-CoV-2 "vaccinated" if there some nukes used in the current wars? I don't mean all out nuclear war, which would wipe out most of the world population, but, so called, tactical strikes. We already have experience from Hiroshima and Nagasaki. and from Chernobyl. But these don't add the element of the "safe and effective" jabs and the multiple adverse effects people have suffered.