no human is that clever or that wise, or that evil to design something with this far reaching consequences, but many humans are blind, deaf and ready to do whatever it takes for money, i.e. useful fools, servants of Evil

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Why poison your customers if your goal is money?

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Most people who seek money only remain fixated on short-term solutions. Just as the vaccinations have resulted in myriad problems ranging from heart to neurological, the "Covid vaccination," although killing huge numbers, resulted in many new patients. Moreover, a short-term interest gain can be quickly rerouted into venture capital for another enterprise which might well generate enduring profits.

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Why not just give them another version of the relatively benign flu vaccine?

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Honeybee just explained, COVID vaccine will reduce average life span in the long run, the average was approaching 80 very fast, if you survive 80-82, 100 is very possible.... I have seen interesting graph recently about proteins aging, and 44 and 80 were spikes, hence my theory. So average life span is now 76, and why? the pension system is UNSUSTAINABLE, there is huge liability! and that would be a collapse of the system. So one leads to another. One lie leads to another as one serial killer, young girl explained..... in my text about Love

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I have no idea, Eddy. You'd have to ask them.

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Or you could say -- 'I was wrong ... it obviously cannot be about money because otherwise they would not inject their customers with a toxic concoction.'

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If they wanted to save governments around the world because their large, aged populations are pulling down pensions and healthcare costs that dwarf the budgets for arms, which are needed to quickly destabilize boundaries and leaving natural resources to rape and pillage, those few people in the way are inconsequential to their enslaving what's left with a rent-to-live lifestyle.

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There is way more money in keeping people sick for as long as possible and keeping them clueless as to the cause. Quickly killing (or curing) your customers is not a self-sustaining business model. Honestly, I think you are both correct.

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Hey, hotshot. You're ignorant as hell. Scientists experimented with mRNA vaccinations for well over a decade prior to Covid's advent. The FDA, for that time period, refused to approve mRNA vaccinations because all the monkeys died in Phase 3 of their trials. Capisce?

Why do you, bright guy, think they used an "Emergency Authorization" for a treatment which never passed trials and which 100s of scientists, studies, and analyses are now proving is not only dangerous but lethal. This lethal treatment ONLY received authorization BECAUSE they called the "crisis" an "emergency." Under an "Emergency Authorization," experimental and dangerous drugs can be used.

You're naïvé at best which is why I didn't want to offer any further response to you. You haven't read. You aren't educated on this topic. Your insights are myopic and stunted.

Why they didn't use a reformulated flu vaccine? Because mRNA is a game changer. Contrary to CDC/FDA assertions, the injected mRNA material alters genetic structure. You weren't listening, Slow Eddy. The CDC admitted right out loud when they rolled out the injections that these were TRIALS. Remember Tuskegee? Did they tell the men involved that they were conducting an experiment?

Why don't you read? mRNA is now the delivery system in every vaccination of any type. The CDC/FDA admit this fact. In fact, they BOAST of this fact.

Moreover, if you would broaden your horizons, you'd read innumerable Substacks which are using Darkfield Spectroscopy and have determined that mRNA delivery systems are in all injections (including dental anesthetics) as well as in prescribed medications such as for diabetes and heart irregularities.

It is about BOTH money and extermination. Do you really think they're that stupid? How do you think they retain and increase the power they have? Through acquisition of ever more money.

The LARGEST transfer of wealth in the world occurred during the so-called "Covid Pandemic." This is a fact and stated in report and analysis everywhere on web.

This is why I didn't respond. You don't know anything...so how does someone who has read extensively; reads the scientific research; keeps up with financial markets; etc. talk to you? They can't. Yet, you have the gall to intimate that I'm wrong. Go to hell, Slow Eddy.

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Wow! Been a long time coming but WMC Research finally throws down the gauntlet!!! This is like 9/11 raised to the umpteenth power. Instead of planes we got mRNA packaged into LNP. We all know what happens next to society after taking repeated hits from mass transfection events. Crazy Times for the Don to once again assume the throne as we awaken to discover we have already been ushered into the next level of hell. Hat tip to Virgil for providing a useful allegorical roadmap.

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Warp speed

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Scotty died after his last mandated booster shot and there is no one else qualified to run the engine room. But no worries, I'm sure the writers will come up with a new script to keep the enterprise going.

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I intuited the same thing that she wrote about I’m not a scientist at all, but I got poisoned in 2022 and my body slowly has changed at first. It was syncope

Felt like something was happening in my brain and into my vagal nerve, and cardiovascular system.

I’m on a methylation diet now and I take one supplement that contains choline B6 B12 folate and it’s a complete organic supplement.

It definitely helps with some of the issues, but I’m not sure.

I never took the vaccine. Might have gotten shed on

However, January 2022 for seven hours I shake and shiver with an immense amount of pain in my midsection and then it went away. I thought I was bitten by a copperhead is the only thing I could relate to.

A poison .

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you have classic long covid symptoms, read my blog to learn more, what you do is not enough and will take 3 years or more

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I have seen people recover from 3x vaxxed this year, so it took them 3 years, what the future holds no one can tell, but this is the case of 80+ y old. I mean introducing new virus in the game, is not a joke, people would not have been dying if this is just another cold.

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Thank-you, Walter, for your tireless and relentless pursuit of truth and presenting it to us.

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There may be hope for stabilizing the genome. See my talk this Saturday. I'll be speaking at the Water Conference in Lisbon.



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Oct 14·edited Oct 14

i wonder if there is an antidode ...

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Yes. Lots; Ginko, eugenol, methylene blue, NAC, sunshine, healthy nutrition and positive state of mind and no jabs.

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I believe water fasting, 100 hr every other month is the best spike detox & body system repair for the body poison we find ourselves embedded with.

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thanks, you might be right. wonder what walter thinks about it ...

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Thank you for your thorough, leave no stone unturned, research and the cures like eugenol, Ginko, methylene blue, NAC,

I can understand why people would want to stay in Pleasantville, to avoid all this head scratching, but membership requires constant jabs for them and their families. Is the cognitive dissonance worth it?

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Dr Ardys said that the spike protein contains snake venom and is shed on us in many different ways

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My suspicion is that those who have funded and initiated these projects deep within DARPA bowels care naught that the human genome changes because they envision a transhuman in the future. A "super soldier" could, in reality, be a scrawny, light-weight kid with super-duper AI-driven mechanisms instilled within the body changing structure and purpose=the mechanistic human.

I've been an admirer of Dr. Seneff since being exposed to her work on glyphosate.

Research definitely needs to head in this direction because the DNA is being changed. Some will want this change; others won't. Do know that, in the future, likely humanity will break into two classes as often predicted: those who accept DNA change and transhuman technology within their bodies and those who don't...who will be classified inferior. I don't see the latter being conscripted as servants as some do. I think the transhumanist will have robots to serve them and little to do except exercise their brains. In fact, many may have their consciousness downloaded into robot-like bodies.

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Two peoples in the future. Homo sapiens and Homo sapiens mutans. One will be genetically pure, the others may turn into morlocks.

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Only one people….no people or post human area

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Dr. Seneff is as understated as she is brilliant: "sobering" may well be the understatement of ALL time, not just *our* time... Mindblowing Walter, your reference to Boulez's Pli Selon Pli in this case could be interpreted as Mis-fold by Mis-fold (prionically speaking :o )

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We humans are obviously dealing with two ongoing disasters. One being Sars-Covid Virus, the other being the So called "Vaccine"and its adverse effects. I made this comment on Steve Kirssh's substack titled "US data shows COVID vaccinated kids 5 - 18 die at a 5.7X higher rate than their unvaccinated peers" this morning: What needs to be studied now that we are 4 years in on covid mRNA injections and many people are having babies, is what effects these injections will have on the future generation. Without having these specific injections themselves, will there be permanent genetic changes? Early cancers? Shortened lifespans? Disabilities? These children need to be followed for years, decades even.

Your article makes my comment even a more critical topic of study.

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Are we ?? my personal experience with medical techy guys is they often exaggerate or plain make stuff up. Are you sure they could even make these things ? a jab that injures or sickens you i could easily imagine , but the hi tech viral stuff ?

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Both Kirsch and Chessnut are showing published articles in support of their claims or research. So it behooves you / us to look into the articles and perhaps differential opinions.. That you are reading this substack indicates you have interest in Walter Chesnut's research.

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I'm not convinced personally , at this stage. Its a very gritty subject.

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Skepticism is good. Gritty subjects indeed. That is why I read from multiple sources. Because I am not a scientist, my own inquiries have to rely on a number of researchers coming to similar conclusions or opinions before I form mine. But, we always must be willing to pivot as new information comes out. These researchers are seeing much of this for the 1st time themselves.

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I’ve spent years studying such things and immunology is fascinating and complex. I’ve asked many of these researchers why they are so convinced by spike arguments. Its frustrating to have so much disagreement still . I think we can agree the jabs are bad.. I’m not hugely convinced by virus claims and even less by mrna claims but its very complex. Our main problem is that officialdom are very unlikely to allow us to criticise any of it . We havnt time to debate the fine print. it looks like what will happen is that various folks will make money treating supposed side effects of the medications we are forced to take, :(

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I am interested as to why people mandated this to begin with. It’s as if Covid was created for the mRNA remedy. I recall Biden said as such at the G7 summit in England. You’ll have a hard time finding it online but I heard it on live tv. The purpose of the MRNA shot? Why do people who had the vaccine now emit Mac Id numbers?

The evil perpetrators telegraph what they are going to do and it’s out in the open. Watch the Goddard tunnel ceremony, or the Olympic opening and closing ceremonies. At the England Olympic ceremony they had nurses dancing around children laying in hospital beds with a large demon holding a shot. The last Olympics in France were blasphemous and mocked the last supper. They also welcomed Apollo with the ballad of Apollo playing. If you aren’t aware in the book of Revelation Apollo comes up from the bottomless pit. That is what CERN is most likely all about.

We are in a spiritual battle - good vs evil. Most of these people in power aligned with the WEF want the multitudes as surfs, to usher in global ID, digital currency. It is biblical.

Many thanks to Dr Chestnut for really battling against this evil for all of us.

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