
It took a biopsy to diagnose her.

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Jun 22, 2022Liked by Walter M Chesnut

I wonder why these studies so fastidiously omit mention of the vaccine where the vaccine would be expected to lead to the distribution of the spike protein throughout the body and into tissues not evolved to cope with the inundation.

They also do not explain why they assume the source of the spike protein is SARS-CoV-2 and not the mRNA injections.

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The media and Drs. (Under corp medical thumbs) And 3 letter agencies and govts agencies, most politicians have been bought or too scared to standup. All coordinating together in this hellish continued scheme of lies, censorship, etc. in order to bring in the “Great Reset”. I read Soros had bought up all the Spanish media in Miami recently. Surprised it took so long since most of the American media has been bought and controlled by the Globalists to take over the world. We only hear what they want us to hear on almost all TV news.

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They have their "orders".

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We need to establish an alternative medical system and fight for much broader rights to treat our own ailments. The establishment is that untrustworthy and dangerous at this point, to say little of the fact that most of us are ill because of the drug lord-dominated system to begin with.

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They did a biopsy of Danielle? Did they confirm the cause of death?

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Was wondering the same thing.

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I’m worried millions will die soon…

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You should be.

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Further diagnostic notes:

Martinez-Naharro, A., Hawkins, P. N., & Fontana, M. (2018). Cardiac amyloidosis.

...Clinical presentation reflects the varying multisystem deposition of amyloid. Examination findings may reflect soft tissue and small vessel amyloid infiltration and include macroglossia, periorbital pupura, submandibular gland enlargement and nail dystrophy. Fatigue and weight loss are common. Hepatic or splenic infiltration may cause palpable organomegaly. Renal dysfunction is common, usually presenting as nephrotic range proteinuria.

Early cardiac amyloidosis is a major diagnostic challenge. The classical features of ‘right-sided’ congestive heart failure may not be evident until cardiac disease is very advanced. Elevated jugular venous pressure, a third heart sound, hepatomegaly and peripheral oedema may be very subtle or absent in patients who have already started diuretics.

Peripheral neuropathy is relatively common, presenting with paraesthesia or dysaesthesia typically in a ‘glove and stocking’ distribution. Autonomic neuropathy is an important diagnostic clue, manifesting as orthostatic hypotension, alternating diarrhoea and constipation and erectile dysfunction.


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Jun 22, 2022Liked by Walter M Chesnut

My best friend's MIL fell in her bathroom this week (she was 72) and the cause of death was not the head injury she sustained according to the medical examiner...it was a large clot in her lung. She was still awake after she hit her head and told her husband she couldn't breathe. Is a large clot in the lung a sign of amyloidosis? And also a few days ago my neighbor's husband also fell in the bathroom and hit his head on the claw-footed cast iron tub and suffered a brain hematoma. No one has investigated why he fell (they are treating the brain injury instead), but now he has full-blown dementia and he also developed pneumonia whilst in the hospital. He is 82 and things aren't looking good even though he was a mechanic who worked outside and seemed just fine before this happened (he has had 4 jabs, by the way).

Just looking for a reason why people seem to be falling a lot?

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Jun 22, 2022Liked by Walter M Chesnut

Found my neighbour (age 71) upstairs on the floor. She fainted, hit her head on dining room table. Keeps passing out, b/p 85/?. She took three jabs and a fourth booster, and kept telling me “we must do as we are told”. She was fit and healthy until this passing out episode began. I am afraid for her.

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This whole situation is a total nightmare. Nothing is definitive other than the vaccines making people incredibly unwell leading to many peoples early deaths. Three friends of mine - fit healthy and fairly young died sudden deaths with no warnings. Suggestions of full autopsies rigorously denied - we are about to see tens of millions of deaths of that l have no doubt. I am unvaccinated by choice but, like many, are wondering if or indeed how the Spike Protein can transfer to others and will it behave in the same way? Any answers folks?

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In my opinion (non-scientific but using my engineering brain), it is likely that Spike Protein transfer (shedding) is happening, but the quantity you will get by proximity or regular human contact is orders of magnitude less than that obtained by the jab. I would expect it to behave in the same way, but at a much reduced level. Thus it would still depend on your immune system to resist the effects. However, I think this is why a natural infection or shedding is still likely to age one a little faster than would otherwise occur in a spike-free environment.

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I really wish we knew more about shedding. I read a couple of weeks ago that it has been proposed that when we are shed upon we not only get spike but also the antibodies. Hmmmm. Not sure if or how that helps.

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Any exposure and symptoms will be transient depending on length of exposure to transfected folks.

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Last I read, transferred via bodily fluids. Have you seen anything different?

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Jun 22, 2022Liked by Walter M Chesnut

Does taking doxycycline help after amyloidosis? Is it a continuing occurrence or does it only happen shortly after infection and/or vaccination?

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Jun 22, 2022Liked by Walter M Chesnut

Would be interesting to know? I was given Doxy on Day 11 of infection, after Clarythromycine made me sick. Day 11/12 were my worst days of infection, but after 2 days on Doxy , Day 13 did feel better, although took me 18-20 months to kind of feel my normal self again. Second infection Nov 21, took me by surprise as symptoms very different to first, thought it was more flu, Dr shrugged it off as lots of things going around, had Doxy again on Day 16 much better quickly. I'm wondering at what point Doxy would be a good time to start in an infection? I'm not going to be fobbed off again. Covid has caused me numerous problems that through trial and error I'm battling through it, and better than some people who are literally disabled. Im also unvaccinated as hmmmm gut feeling back in April 21 when I was still in Chronic fatigue and joint pain, didn't think it was a good idea.

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OMG, spike protein taking up space in all organs and tissues rendering that section non-functional? So the more jabs, the more tissue/organs are being compromised until something major stops working. Invasion of the body snatchers! Brought to you by Fauci. Mass murderer.

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Walter, I’m trying to find a way to talk to you. I think it’s Adrenaline mixing with the amyloidosis and pushes the fatal death sequence. What do comedians have in common with soccer players? Adrenaline rushes. What happens during sleep if you have stress? Adrenaline release… https://www.alzforum.org/news/research-news/shot-adrenaline-amyloid-v-sparks-tau-cascade


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Doxycycline, will work for some but not all. Some will actually be worse off with it. Reason being it will depend on their existing metabolic function.

There is common mechanism theme in all those Amyloidosis hindering therapeutics.

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Would the effects of amyloidosis show up on an ECG or doppler?

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ECG for heart should.

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So an ECG will determine if one has amyloidosis?

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It can. My comment referred to the heart specifically. Likewise with Doppler. However, different organs may be harder to tell and need different diagnostics. Personally, I would begin with D-Dimer and see if the body is potentially microclotting, the see from there.

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Hi Mr Chestnut,. Following a while I wonder if you can elaborate on how to detect amyfibrolis and what would be some way to tackle it despite quercitin or Curcumin. And an other question: is the natural infection also giving the people this sick on the same level as the mRNA injections?

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Based on my (imperfect) read of the (imperfect) understanding we have thus far... spike exposure is like radiation; you've got single dose exposure limits and lifetime exposure limits. Beyond either, you're in a world of hurt.

In a recent podcast with Walter, it was discussed that the amyfibrolis are a symptom, so even clearing them likely doesn't address the underlying cause (so they could reform). So even clearing out the amyfibrolis isn't necessarily a fix.

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Serrapeptase, nattokinase, and lumbrokinase. Pick one for good, two better, all three best. They’re probably the only natural stuff that can clean up the amyloids. Do you own research.

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Nope. They are not the only things. Also what do all of those things have in common?

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I stand corrected. There must be many other things, but these are enzymes that are used by some people who want to dissolve blood clots and scar tissues.

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Yep they can do that. So does Heparin. They are also anti-inflammatory action....

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Fibrin dissolving?

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And who sells tafamidis (in graphic above)? Our Pfriend Pfizer

Are the giant clots we are seeing (from embalmers) amyloid proteins as well? Or are they something else? Why the heterogeneous manifestations of this phenomenon? It seems very random….but then I guess much in biology is.

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Amyloid plays a big part in those - along with some other mechanisms that combine with the (of spike / amyloid) process to create the clots. Check my substack (in the future, nothing there yet) which will have major H/T to Walter and many others!

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There's Ozymandias's TUDCA (recommended June 11 comment for ER support and liver support) well done Ozy.

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The brain is affected first because it is the most metabolically sensitive; lots of mitochondria, sensitive to hypoxia, can’t run on ketone bodies*. It doesn’t take a lot of amyloid to tip the balance 😰. The liver is ‘tougher’ but definitely has parallels, and again, has a LOT of mitochondria, and is the first organ to take hits from the spike, autoimmunity. Hence the hepatitis outbreak in children which continues despite the news blackout. Am glad you have a platform for research after 🐦 - and the ability to speak much more freely. The 🐦 platform SERIOUSLY needs a ‘fan account’ for you though! 🙏

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I am extremely interested in the relationship between 5G and C’vid .. when examining the effects of both on the body, l was intrigued to note that both have much in common - you could almost compete an “overlay” I live in a new build SMART home and have never been so unwell in my life .. all classic symptoms of C’vid and all the classic symptoms of Radiation Poisoning. Turned OFF all devices and as much electricity as is possible as you cannot switch off the entire house .. l felt much better but still unwell - When house turned back on l left to stay with a friend who lives in woodland near the coast .. no 5G - no devices - she simply won’t have it - result? Within a week l felt amazing - all Radiation Poisoning symptoms vanished! Am now looking to move - l live in the UK - and it’s not going to be easy to find somewhere relatively low 5G and surrounding Towers etc .. l am also very interested in Geo-engineering and what we mere mortals and all plant, animal and sea life is being sprayed with. I sent off samples to Switzerland to a trusted lab and the results were shocking! Anyone want to open up the conversation about Graphene Oxide and it’s enormous conductivity too? Love to hear your comments folks!

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I am not vaccinated. My body my choice. I hope you respect mine in the way l respect yours.

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Change the "m" to a "b"

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A boosted friend got covid along with most of extended family at large, very populated outdoor gathering. He was quite sick for about 9 days. He said the antibody test showed 2500. Normal was .8. Also, the phenomena of purple blood is unique to covid. No one is talking about these that I have heard or read before??? Wondering what they mean????

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