Dr. McCullough points to nattokinase to destroy the spike protein in the blood. Still under study. There are many pathways to autoimmunity, see of course #pathogenicpriming - the cross-reactive antibodies to self vs. non-self via molecular mimicry seems clear in repeated viral infections, but they won't study rates in the unvaccinated only (can't find any that have not also had COVID-19). But we have pre-covid rates. Multiple exposures in the vaccinated likely lead to more autoimmunity than multiple exposures in those with just natural immunity, but that's just a hypothesis. Cheers, Walter!

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Grazie, Signore!

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Walter, I just picked this up in a different ‘stack. Is this the study to which you were referring? If not, you might want to check it out:


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No COVID, no vax, no medication in this body. Sensed from the beginning that jab was too dangerous for someone with a TPO-Ab up to 5,200. Now also have TG-Ab out of range and IgM too high. What the...? What is going on? Broke a leg 01-2020 and had complications (blood clots and then cellulitis). Can't get the CRP down to 3; it keeps bouncing up into the double digits. Wish I could get a more precise diagnosis than Hashi's, Sjogren's and 2 kinds of cancer (colon 2010 and bone 2015) but MDs are cornered by WHO nd henchmen and in any case don't usually know enough, and just try finding a specialist who doesn't wear blinkers around one's specialty. I'm taking the prophylactic supplement protocol for COVID, buffered by lumbrokinase, hawthorn, glutathione and the odd LDN. Feeling 'way better than 2015. People think me 10 years younger than I am (74 and planning on centenarianship). I'm curious as to whether I've been endowed with ye olde spike via shedding, however. There must be more people like me willing to help out your study.

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Have you tried Ivermectin?

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Many people are trying to battle the ill effects of spike proteins and although that is essential to assure a longer life, the battle will not be won until the mRNA programing injected into the DNA strands are eliminated. This doctor claims to know how to do it and he’s seeking out other physicians who want to learn. You can find Dr Goyetche at Twitter and Facebook. Everything you need to know is in this document. He is curing all of his myocarditis and pericarditis patients. https://arrowd.substack.com/p/the-cure-for-genetically-damagedtranscribed

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I am neither injected nor had COVID.

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Feb 27, 2023
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> Anyone avoiding the extermination will starve to death because the global economy will collapse as the die off gets into high gear.

Unless we all have our own source of food and clean water.

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I would also want a reliable energy source.

I worry that a crossbow and some ammunition will be needed at an early stage of "The Great Reset."

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And a strong belief in God's mercy and grace. With God all things are possible.

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Your private source of food and clean water will be raided by roving hordes in a nanosecond. Now what?

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I think you underestimate the number of people who took the clot shot. Hordes will be short-lived, and small, reducing daily. :)

Did you see Pfizer's new mascot Clotty? https://babylonbee.com/news/pfizer-introduces-new-mascot-clotty

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If I may suggest...Find an online job, move to a safe area of Mexico, get a place with a big garden, w/chickens/rabbits. They won't force-jab you, they'll leave you alone.

The place I am has awesome weather, not real hot or cold, 8 solar panels, solar hot water, and a little casita near my home to rent out for some income or guests.

If you own your own place, your living /survival costs will be low. You could live frugally on $500/month.

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this was dr yeadon's fear in one of his first passionate interviews... that it would induce illness that could not be attributed back to vax... a diabolical scheme... if dowd is correct we are seeing this in the rise in disability. methylene blue is part of flccc recommendation for removing spike

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I had a nasty bout of covid 5 months ago. I am a 57 year old unjabbed female. For the past 4 weeks I suddenly have zero saliva. I have been for a CT scan but there were no tumors and only one small salivary gland stone that would not explain zero saliva. I am thinking I have Sjogren's but am still waiting for a diagnosis. It is very debilitating as it is hard to eat, taste, swallow, talk, and digest whatever food i manage to eat. My tongue, teeth, gums, and throat hurt constantly. I will probably never find a doctor who will understand this and know how to treat. I am in Canada and all of the doctors still push the jab.

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I’m so sorry for what you are going through. My husband has suffered Sjogren’s for decades. He also suffers peripheral neuropathy, and wonders if *that* is actually a, or the, mechanism affecting his salivary glands. Re: peripheral neuropathy, we just discovered lumbrokinase enzymes as a very affordable possibility for eventual restoration. It’s too early to tell if it will help him. But I wanted to offer it up to you.

We discovered it as an alternative through Bruscha Weinberger’s Substack, in which she is describing alternative cancer and spike protein treatments at length.

My best to you.

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I misspelled her name, like a champion 🫤. She shares very many alternative cancer treatments, and spike protein detox methods. Here’s a link to her Stack since I can’t spell tonight:


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I have been taking lumbrokinase for a year or two, since I had blood clots after surgery in 2020 for a broken leg at age 72 (have to get the lumbrokinase from the US, b.t.w.). I don't notice any difference but then, there are 42 pills or squirts of helpful stuff in my supplement arsenal. Lumbrokinase is supposed to balance one's fibrin; thus helpful against blood clots.

Still going strong 7 years after I should have died from bone cancer. (Thank you, supplements and far-infrared heat) Odd side-effect? The patch of eczema I've had for 70 years has recently healed up and gone away! Skin is definitely doing better but I watch it like a hawk because I suspect these weird skin events are messages from the liver that all is not well just yet.

W.r.t. Sjogren's, I was diagnosed with that as part of fibromyalgia in 1992 and was recently re-tested only to be told I no longer met the SJ criteria, which have apparently changed--tightened up, is my guess--in the meanwhile.

I share the suspicions about the connection between Sjogren's and autoimmune disease like Hashi's (that's me!), Graves, diabetes, MS, myasthenia gravis, and all the other File 13 "diseases" that really boil down to a dysfunctional immune system, usually over-active rather than suppressed. (Although, what do I know? I'm just a dumb lawyer, not a smart doctor. How supplements like lumbrokinase work for people who are taking allopathic medication or drinking the CoVAX Kool-aid, I have no idea. Ask your physician...and have fun with that.)

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Thank you for this -- I will look into! My best to you too.

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clarification please, you are using lumbrokinase enzymes to heal peripheral neuropathy? I've been searching for a solution and haven't found anything that helps.

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I’m sorry for the delay responding. Yes--we are experimenting with lumbrokinase, which we purchased off Amazon. We have no dosage guidelines to start with, so we’re kind of shooting in the dark. But as he loses sensation in his hands, feet, his hearing, and etc--we have nothing to lose trying it.

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Acetylcholine needs to be raised, perhaps? Lower the cortisol; raise the acetylcholine? That's what I remember from my Heartmath training. Get into the Zone to rebalance those puppies. You do it by meditation and mindfulness of your heart rate, down to 60 bpm. Heartmath (look 'em up) helps a lot but isn't everything. To those suffering the dry-eye thing, do you also suffer ptosis? That's droopy eyelids and is that ever annoying! Seems to be associated with memory loss, nerve damage, etc. Cause might be the levator muscle (I had cataract surgery a year ago); it might be associated with Sjogren's...anybody got a nugget of knowledge, insight or wisdom on this one?

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you have tried all the gums, candies, ice? and it is definitely absence of saliva, and not just a reduced flow that needs prompting; they have drugs for both? Has your pharmacist ordered you any saliva substitute? Run a humidifier if you are not, especially in your bedroom. When I developed an autoimmune disease years ago, I took ALCAT full panels, and got rid of all foods and environmental exposures that cause inflammation. It helped tremendously.

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The gums and candies don't seem to work for me -- they just stick to my cheek because n it is so dry in my mouth. I haven't tried ice. I bought some spray saliva but have an intolerance to xylitol so it doesn't work great. I am totally open to trying a special diet but first I need a diagnosis.

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I'm trying water. A medical intuitive I know (this one's also an MD, DC, ND and more) says drink 3 liters a day. Your kidneys will thank you for it, but maybe stock some good books in the can. I found Kangen water, b.t.w. Don't know if it's effective but it sure tastes better than even our water, which is already among the best in the province.

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Wow. What are major foods that cause inflammation?

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Sugar, probably

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Yeah, that's maybe how processed foods can turn a nice person into a big, fat monster==sugar and all those bloody chemicals..

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it depends on the person's sensitivities. There are some common offenders like peanuts, shellfish, dairy, wheat

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Processed foods, sugar and gluten. My daughter and I must learned from the Whole 30 elimination diet that she's super-sensitive to the cane-sugar-gluten combination.

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For Sjögren’s symptoms, drink or eat something every hour. Biotene products also help. They make mouthwash, toothpaste and lozenges. Also, xylitol (sugar free) sour candy gets salivary glands to work. Taking a sip of water before using these products helps them work even better.

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I too am unjabbed and had a bad case of covid Jan 2022. I also had zero saliva for about a week, coinciding with lack of taste and smell. I could only eat liquids and moist creamy things and had very little appetite. Since I also had vertigo, I was unable to walk without a walker for about 3 weeks, then gradually improved. Now all I have is a chronic annoying cough and fatigue, more than a year later. I can't imagine your condition lasting so many months. Have you tried a course of prednisone? It might help if taken at a medium tapering to low dose.

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I had nausea and no appetite with my covid as well as loss of taste but no lack of saliva at that time. I had vertigo (BPPV) about 5 years ago and it took a year to completely clear. Itmwas awful so I feel for you.

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Similar with me. Been going on a year now. back of nose feels like i have a cold and mouth and throat is really dry, white tongue. It's now effecting my teeth.

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Would coconut oil help? It’s also anti-viral.

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I tried putting a tablespoon and leaving it in my mouth for five minutes before spitting it out. That helped for about 20 minutes but it left a weird film in my mouth for awhile.

There seems to be no good substitute for the saliva God gives us so I'm praying mine will come back.

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Yeah, I can see that.

Have you tried OraCoat XyliMelts Dry Mouth? They’re little stick on type mints for moisturizing. I use the cinnamon flavor at night for sleeping. They’re helpful for me. Very pleasant tasting as they slowly melt.

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This is what I would use first.. give it at least 4 weeks and use up to 3 months if necessary. Ive used this product for years.. It’s incredible. It can take down Big Pharma. THE GREAT AWAKENING WITH THE CURE:


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Many people are trying to battle the ill effects of spike proteins and although that is essential to assure a longer life, the battle will not be won until the mRNA programing injected into the DNA strands are eliminated. This doctor claims to know how to do it and he’s seeking out other physicians who want to learn. You can find Dr Goyetche at Twitter and Facebook. Everything you need to know is in this document. He is curing all of his myocarditis and pericarditis patients. https://arrowd.substack.com/p/the-cure-for-genetically-damagedtranscribed

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Well I haven't studied anywhere nearly as much research as you have Walter, but I concluded a long time ago that one wants to treat a covid infection immediately. Don't let that virus get a foot hold.

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The FLCCC Protocol urges us to rinse our nasal passages with saline and Povidone Iodine, gargle with Crest or Scope, in addition to other things. Whenever I come back home from being in a public building, I immediately do that and take a hot shower.

These actions apparently prevent any inhaled virus or shedded particles from taking a foothold.

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Hi All,

I'm one of these folks that have an "autoimmune-like" illness from the vaccine. I have flare ups and the only thing I can do to help my symptoms is follow a strict anti-inflammatory diet.

For those in my boat, I would reccommend checking out the Wahls Protocol. It's a very strict diet but it has helped me a lot.

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Thank you for your continued research on this damage. A YOUNG family member nearly died of ulcerative colitis and lost her entire colon at 23. She knew better than to allow the injection, but she succumbed to employer pressure. (I think she should sue the bastards.) The spike damage certainly could rip apart a colon....and this is just one of the 770 "adverse events" finally released by the criminal disease cartel (CDC).

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How terrible! I hope she's better.

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Thank you. We're working on helping her heal emotionally, which will help her heal physically and mentally, but she cannot regrow a colon no matter what, so that's a very difficult challenge for anyone. There is a lot of collateral damage to her organs as well. And you know, she is one of THOUSANDS who have been permanently injured by these psychopaths. Blessing and prayers to all out there who are dealing with deaths and similar 'adverse 'events' as Pfizer calls them. https://phmpt.org/Pfizers-documents/ will take you to the papers Pfizer did not want to release for 75 years. Ulcerative colitis is listed among the 9 pages of 'adverse events' (they also released a list few months ago, documenting the 770 injuries...did anyone see those in mainstream?) Look for "post-marketing" in the thousands of pages. That title alone should raise a red flag!

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2017-SPARS exercise. Look it up.

Spike Protein Auto-Reactive Syndrome ?

Spike was already on their radar since Baric did his research on coronaviruses and heart disease over 20 years ago.

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When I was deciding whether or not to get the vac and researching the effects of it on mixed connective tissue disorder I came across an article specifically saying to avoid it if you had Sjogrens. That was in 2021. And here again is another article specially calling out Sjogrens. Curious why you call it out vs say SLE, MS,MyaGravis? Sjogrens is less known than many other AI diseases (although just as damaging, debilitating and ignored). Is thee something unique about Sjogrens and the other AIs you mentioned with regard to the spike’s toxicity? Im very interested in your work on this!

I also find it exceptionally interesting the gov specifically encouraged people with compromised immune systems to get the vaccine. Did they honestly not know it would make them worse or was the point to cull the herd?

Thank You. For your work!

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As to the Government urging the immune compromised to get the Jab?

Depopulation is priority No. 1.

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Thank you, Walter. We need to focus on supplemental treatments that scavange the spike out of people. Do you have any suggestions? Marine Pine Bark Extract and Nattokinese have been tossed around.

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Also Licorice Root extract, Dandelion Tea, Ivermectin, and EDTA Chelation are among things said to be helpful in clearing the Spike and other toxins.

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Mind the licorice - it has cardiac effects. Preferable to make fennel or star anise tea.

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Once you realize that they want you dead, then everything makes sense. Also, once you have taken the magic juice there is no going back. Spike protein is the least of the problem. The vaxx contains self assembling nano bots which will eventually connect the survivors of the Great Cull to the Internet of things for complete control.

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I too believe the virus can induce Autoimmune disease in susceptible people.

But I don’t think the persistence of the virus over time is the cause. I think persistence would change how the immune system handles the virus going from all out attack to more tolerance, as has been shown in the study on antibodies converting to IGG4. More igg4 would seem more likely to allow viral persistence without amplifying the immune response of autoimmunity.

I am not an immunologist but if there are any reading this, please correct me where I could be wrong.

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I got 3 jabs before I realized the mistake I made. Last jab 11/2021, came down with Rheumatoid Arthritis 07/2022. My immune system is probably compromised and I am hoping to get ahead of the curve and remove the spike before its too late. My limited research has found some supplementation may bind to spike or misformed proteins (some of which are mentioned elsewhere in this thread). I might be wrong about some of these but medical journal papers are avail on all: Nattokinase, Dandelion Root, Lactoferrin, Hesperidin, Fermented Papaya, EGCg, Andrographis Extract, Kabasura Kudineer. If there are any others, someone feel free to add it to the list. Thanks.

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Don't forget about how NAC helps the spike protein. It's n-acetyl-cysteine. It's easy to find on Amazon.

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I take it every day - NAC

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I developed AA after my second pfizer shot, i had not tested positive for Covid prior to the jabs! so i assume the vax was the trigger

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Sorry Catherine I couldn't respond to you. However, to answer how I managed.i read everything. At times I used prednisone for the Addisons disease.. then when it switched I switched..I treated symptoms as they came and I continued with antivirals ivm, high dose d3, c, olive leaf extract, quercetin, magnesiumin complex (several), taurine, milk thistle, melatonin, black seed oil, honey, hyperbaric oxygen therapy, low histamine diet, h1 h2 suppressors... not all at once... as needed and I stagger supplements throughout the day.. I am at 90% now but it's been a long year.. some weeks were very difficult. Reading Walter's results were sometimes helpful and sometimes depressing but always informative. I fundraised and recently bought my own hyperbaric oxygen chamber after doing 4 months at at a drs office and seeing the results. It's not one therapy but multiple therapies timed along with assisting your immune system. I am very concerned and try to avoid another exposure by using gargle and nasal spray as Dr McCullough or Dr marik have spoken of. Thanks for asking.

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You’re trying everything. You know how to fight!

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you have tried a lot and made some excellent choices.. for that last 10% you might consider this.

This is what I would use.. Ive used this product for years.. It’s incredible. It can take down Big Pharma. THE GREAT AWAKENING WITH THE CURE:


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Your link says: Page not found.

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We are witnessing new categories of LNP/mRNA induced diseases, multi-centric aggressive primary cancers, activation and acceleration of pre existing diseases, clotting/bleeding disorders, autoimmune diseases, neuropathy, encephalopathy to name a few not to mention sterility. Is the mRNA coded into the genome with transcription? Do most people have the biomachinery to shut the process down?

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Many people are trying to battle the ill effects of spike proteins and although that is essential to assure a longer life, the battle will not be won until the mRNA programing injected into the DNA strands are eliminated. This doctor claims to know how to do it and he’s seeking out other physicians who want to learn. You can find Dr Goyetche at Twitter and Facebook. Everything you need to know is in this document. He is curing all of his myocarditis and pericarditis patients. https://arrowd.substack.com/p/the-cure-for-genetically-damagedtranscribed

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This is what I would use.. Ive used this product for years.. It’s incredible. It can take down Big Pharma. THE GREAT AWAKENING WITH THE CURE:


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Anyone tried peptide T or Fluconazole? Both were used during the AIDS epidemic. Both seemed to help. I know there’s talks about the hiv envelope in the virus/shot. Lots of people were getting strange rashes like pityriasis versicolor. Fluconazole is used to treat that, and a bunch of other issues. You know if Fauci is involved, so is his baby HIV.



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That’s the exact rash I had. It’s what started my downfall. When it went away, tinnitus started. I’m unvaccinated, got Covid the week before lockdown and a year later.


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