So if we are unvaxxed and got infected 6 months ago without any visible long Covid symptoms , r we at same risk for microvascular damage etcetc

Break it down clearer please and so should we be still on any therapeutics just in case? Should we get D dimers or other bloods checked?

Any studies showing clots and cancers n sudden deaths etc rising amongst the unvaxxed?


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Some of us are recovered/recovering covid-19 longhaulers, and part of our regimen is likely good for everyone to be following. I put together a video of some top tips that can be helpful in staving off the worst of what the C-19 spike protein has to offer, with the help of my friend, Shane, who was not a longhauler (yet), and was concerned in keeping it that way. Here's a link to the video of how I recovered from longcovid, and what China seems to know that they're not saying--and yes, much of this came thanks to the amazing work of Walter M. Chesnut. I was (and still am) unvaxxed, since I did not wish to add any more spike protein in addition to what I was already dealing with. Thanks to Walter's research, this decision increasingly made more and more sense to me.


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Thanks a bunch Cynthia for your kind and thorough explanation

!.. I watched all yr vid and even subbed! I'm glad I'm already on most of those supplements, aside a few.. don't want to overdose on natural drugs either hehehe

But so glad it helped you from yr long Covid and you are helping others now.. I learned much on amyloid from yr links. Thanks again

But I noticed some concerns and had to unsub. And I say this in love because what good is it for your body to prosper and be in health while your eternal

Soul is lost forever..

" How God can I get"🚩

" people are awakening to their identity" " 🚩

shamanism "🚨

"This reality right now is a dream"

I'm sorry this reality is not a dream nor are we " reality shifters"

Our true identity is found in Jesus Christ alone .. He loves you, do you know Him?

I figured you must be a New ager and looked to other vids that confirmed this..


" astral travel"

Lucid dreaming

Starfish technique

Raven technique



Mandela effect

Knowingly or unknowingly you are dabbling into the occult, demonic realm. It's a false Light, and Satan is a master at imitating the true and deceiving many.


While you are awake to Covid truth you are still in darkness about the spiritual world and eternity.

I say the latter is much more important than the former.

I would love for you to just look up Doreen Virtue , a top Ex newager now Christian.. she's taught all that you teach and now shares her 🚩in a loving way.

As does Top exnewager and astrologer Marcia Montenegro from Christian Answers for the New Age

You can write them on fb or by email and they will reply with any questions or even to debate as they've lived in that world for decades, not me.

They are sweet older ladies and will steer you to the right Light!

You helped me and I'd love to help you too..

Or anyone reading this.. be careful that we don't deceive ourselves following a false light, false hope into utter darkened.

Like anything even sin, it feels good at first until Satan is finished with us, and we are utterly destroyed.

Please don't play with fire, you will get eventually burned.

Praying for you for complete healing , body , soul and mind.


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Thanks for your comments, which I appreciate. Most of my work is one-on-one with clients, and most of what I do is help people experience the closest possible relationship and experience with God / Divine Source / Creator. I mention this so hopefully you won't be overly concerned by topics I've discussed. I was born remembering existing before I was born, which is called "Born Aware" as discussed in the book by that name, by Diane Brandon. Diane interviewed me for one of the chapters, entitled, "Whoops! Wrong planet!" The title comes from my early childhood experience longing to be back in heaven, with God. I end most all my videos and talks by inviting people to join me in asking, "How good can it get?" And I live each day of my life by this question, with focus on keeping my own heart, soul and spirit pure in God's love.

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I know you mean well in helping others,( as did Doreen Virtue and Marcia Montenegro ,top famous newagers I mentioned above, ( whose heart and work was only to help and bless others), but they met Keaua and their eyes opened to the deep darkness masquerading as light. they weee dolling instead. now warning others of new age present n eternal dangers.

There is absolutely no way to bring folk "closer to God" than thru his Son Jesus Christ. Is that what you are doing?

1 Timothy 2:5 says:

For there is one God, and there is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus,

Unless you are sharing the gospel and Jesus Christ, I'm sorry it's another gospel, false light, false peace, false hope, that is leading folk straight to present darkness and bondage and their soul to eternal damnation.


14:12 says

There is a way that seems right to a man, But its end is the way of death

There are a million roads into hell. There are no roads out.

You say, " I love each day

keeping my own heart.. pure before Gods love"

But Proverbs 20:9 says,

"Who can say, “I have kept my heart pure; I am clean and without sin"?

"God is not expecting a reply from the lips of sinful man when asking... "Who can say, 'I have cleansed my heart, I am pure from my sin?'"... for every mouth is silenced before our holy and righteous God. Every boastful thought withers before His purity.  But neither is this a cruel accusation from God. He knows we are born into a sinful race and are incapable of changing the blackness of our sinful nature or cleansing our heart from its inner darkness.

God in His grace has made a way to cleanse man's heart and forgive man's sin. Cleansing the heart and purity from our sin only comes through faith in the sacrifice of Jesus on the Cross, Who paid the penalty for our sin. God in His grace provided a way for our hearts to be washed clean - through the cleansing power of Christ's precious blood. He alone can purify us from sin - by covering us in Christ's righteousness, which only comes through faith in Him.

But He has given us volition. God has endowed us with a free-will to choose between good and evil. We have the autonomy to humbly admit we are sinners in need of salvation or refuse to accept that we are dead in our sins and at enmity with God. We have the freedom to acknowledge the Lord as Redeemer and humbly accept His free gift of salvation by grace.

This question in Proverbs 20:9 is designed to help man recognise he is a sinner in need of cleansing. It is to make each one of us realise our heart is not clean before God, and that no one is pure from their sin or innocent before Him. It is a schoolmaster to point us to Christ for only the Lord can cleanse the heart of the sinner. No amount of self-effort or self-cleaning can wash away the guilty sin that enchains each one of us.

God alone can declare the guilty sinner righteous - but God will only proclaim a man righteous when they trust in Christ as the propitiation for their sins and saviour of their soul. But too often, the proud-heart of rebellious man, will not admit his sin, or acknowledge his need of salvation preferring to trust in his own self-righteous acts to cleanse his conscience and wash away his sin! 

Source: https://dailyverse.knowing-jesus.com/proverbs-20-9

All I ask is that you ponder this, just like we ask Covid vaxxed to ponder the other side.. we dare not be wrong about eternity.

Cry out to Jesus to reveal himself in your own room.. listen to Doreen n Marcia's powerful testimonies.. they were in yr same camp.. they be done it all and taught it all.. and now warning others in the new age about its false deceiving light.

Lastly I want to thank you actually for I was clueless on so much that folk were dabbling in. I spent much time last pm warming others on YouTube who were into this "dream escape" excited to take flight into hogwarts .. astral projection etc some scared and some hesitating.. my heart breaks to be honest.. as I see that sly old devil still using his evil charm to deceive young n old,

To bring them

Into his fold. I think I may have found my new mission field! .. but imagine the amount of people you could reach if you would just

Bow yr knee to Jesus Christ , the only true saviour of our souls and only true peace giver.. that's true enlightenment! That's "how good it can truly get", for you and yr followers!

Carpe Diem💐

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Thank you Cynthia, you are a sweetheart!

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We were playing anti-vax game too long time. The amount of information which relates to unvaxxed people, who got covid becomes also alarming. I know for that some people have a guilt, but it is understandable, considering social pressure and all emergency circumstances. Now we should accept a very sad truth - everyone is under attack.

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the beginning I noticed oddly that many of us unvaxxed were feeling superior almost, calling selves purebloods🚩mocking the " moronic "jabbed 🚨, feeling untouchable and then even proud to have "natural immunity".🆘

I kept saying in many substacks , "This old Christian unvaxxed n infected nurse ain't rejoicing just yet at being infected ..we ain't outta woods either , nor do

I want more infections.. This ain't just a cold " like many were saying, who knows what's happening in our own bodies even if to a lesser degree than the jabbed"

.. as Walter said.. spike is spike.., and that should keep us ALL humble"

"Pride goes before a fall and a haughty spirit before destruction.".

This didn't catch Almighty God by surprise. While we should try our best to be stay healthy as can, let's not panick either. God is in control. I will continue with some therapeutics I'm

already taking and eat healthy and leave the rest in Gods hands. Careful that we don't cling to these temporal bodies or this life as if it's all we live for. Look up! God is not caught by surprise by all this..not will Covid wipe out the human race as some say

Let's pray and be ready to meet our Maker any day.. we could take our last breath tonite whilst crossing the street.. Covid or not, today may be our last, tomorrow is guaranteed to no one!

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Thank you for telling the truth. There are many reasons why this segregation happened, and why unvaccinated people have started to overcompensate their stress via bullying people who have taken jabs. We could also see many examples of how 70% of normies were consolidating in the social networking, and how AI was making their fascist opinions more visible to propagate agenda of biological experimentation on people.

We passed through the terrible time... God bless you, Truth Wins.

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I don't have confidence that the terrible time is over, just because we made it past the jab propaganda

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I thought D dimer tests were an ineffective measure for the types of unusual rubbery clots created by the spike because the spike clots, even though they are in the blood, are not primarily made of blood?

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Would really appreciate attempts by Walter or other experts to answer Truth Wins' questions one and three here. "Not that I am aware of yet" is a useful answer for number three if it comes from someone looking at a lot of more scientific vax-skeptic literature.

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I think we are at the beginning of the most alarming discoveries. Thank you, Walter. It's better be prepared and think, that the rest of life wont be easy.

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I was telling at the beginning. Chinese considered Covid-19 as an act of biological war, and they acted accordingly. I don't think they new about accumulated exposition, they just were sure, that this biological agent was developed for military purposes.

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Even if Covid was originally developed using US money and expertise (Fauci, Baric, Daszak, EcoHealth etc.), the Chinese government and Wuhan were certainly involved in some way. They may have even been doing their own GoF research based on Moderna‘s work.

They probably know as much or more about the lab origins of Covid 19 than Fauci and co. do.

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I think they all know more than they have said; the alternate research crew is left to study their papers looking for clues in the previous published research, and build from observable labs and symptoms. Wuhan is known to have destroyed lab notes long ago.

I literally wonder if the bat lady is still alive.

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makes total sense.

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I wish we could know about the spike protein status of those who are unvaccinated, got Covid, but took Ivermectin immediately and recovered promptly. I have many friends who did just that and *seem* fine?

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I would love info on this as well. My son and I took it day one and felt better within hours. Back to normal by day 3.

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we need studies; this article seems to indicate there are still pro-inflammatory markers. The presence of those is indicative of some chronic ill health, and they age you; are present in autoimmune disorders.

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I wonder if someone could start a survey to glean insights regarding this and related questions? We might make significant progress going forward, thanks to running surveys that can sort out some of the most promising and intriguing factors.

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maybe they should take the recovered protocol a couple days a week?

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Developed covid Jan ‘22 FROM being enclosed with a ‘vaccinated’ client for hours whom developed covid as well. Hadn’t been around, but one other person the entire week who didn’t develop infection. No illness before then or since. Olive Leaf tincture broke my fever/joint aches/head pressure within 24hrs. Developed head cold w/loss of smell a few days after. Energy returned within 10days to prior status. Avoid the vaccinated when ill at all costs!

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Sort of confused. R u saying that the vaxxed person you were enclosed with was non-symptomatic at the time but later became symptomatic with covid and that is how you figured you had gotten it from them?

Are you warning against being around vaccinated bc they could be asymptomatic but contagious to others???

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Essentially yes. Vaxed client tested prior to night out before I was around them(Thurs). They didn’t show sore throat symptoms until Sunday. I urinated a noticeable difference Friday, but thought nothing of it. Sat afternoon came down with fever/aches. Looking back client had the heat a few degrees higher than usual so we both didn’t notice those initial symptoms. Thankfully I didn’t expose anyone else. It’s hard to avoid, but your senses should be on alert. Also post covid sneezing(non-allergy related) has been coming up, & I’ve experienced bouts.

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“Urinated” a noticeable difference??

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The day after(24hrs) I was exposed I was urinating every 45mins or so w/out excess water or sugar intake. Stopped the night before I fully came down with covid.

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Ok. Didn’t know that was a precursor but makes sense. You know your body.

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Zero new ICUs, Hospitals, Morgues, Cemeteries... just "quarantine camps".

What's coming?

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What is pasc?!

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PASC is the new official term for Long COVID.

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Post Acute Sequelae of Covid

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my family and I didn't get vaxxed but we (kids included) all got covid last summer ...no one has PASC. so how to stop the circulating SP? Or are we all doomed? this is very concerning!

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PASC is just a temporary definition. And your question is very alarming. Because millions of people who do not have symptoms actually have a ticking bombs inside...

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Very interesting, alot of my friends including me have developed autoimmune conditions in the last year, most of us are in our 30’s, trying to stay healty and eat well, avoid exposure, here in Romania most of us stopped at the 2nd shot but still it pretty f’ed up our system!

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I think the best sign of whether someone has brain damage from covid is whether they've stopped caring about covid damage, after having cared in the past. I know loads of people, all vaccinated as it happens (since everyone I know is vaccinated), and once they catch covid, they stop caring. It is like toxoplasmosis (which makes rats stop fearing cats), or the flu (which makes people more sociable); the virus primes people to be vectors by harming their brains. So if you're here and reading Walter's posts, there is still hope for your brain.

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This is an excellent broader discussion to have, as to how much of this behavior is viral initiated, (as with the flu) how much is the damage initiates a form of depression that may be temporary, or how much is psychologically induced by social engineering, as people were under so much mental stress and lied to, that if they just held out and took the vax, they wouldn't get sick. At some point, the lie is seen for it is, and it's not surprising some form of "Induced Helplessness" begins.

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3 or 4x jabbed clients got covid & finally said it’s a scam. Tried to warn initially & was told “I don’t want to hear anything.” Said they’ll never get another shot. The man developed thrombocytopenia after 2nd shot. Still hasn’t made the connection. There are literal brain blocks for some with their ‘everything’s been ok thus far so it’ll be ok in the future.’ I can’t help these people catch up to where I’ve been for 20yrs. A few will pull through, most will not. Just care for yourself as best you can.

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Or how much of this is people who are addicted to doom and gloom catastrophe drama.

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If it weren't for the excess mortality stats coming out of Britain and other European countries that keep excellent records, I agree that we could say that here we have children scaring one another with stories in the dark. But given that data, to call it an addiction to doom and gloom comes off, alas, as denial of a really grim reality.

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During the whole 2020 they pitched that immunity was long lasting.

(Natural immunity back then, before the \/s were rolled out.

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I ...just.... can’t even......

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As a layman in this field, can you tell me if I'm reading the study correctly: The paper says on line 214/215 that most individuals in the analyzed groups received at least one vaccination. I'm reading that to mean that 'not vaccinated' is defined as either receiving 0 vaccinations, or 1 but not completing the vaccination series.

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It would be important to know the answer to that.

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Do the current omicron variants still possess the same or similar spike protein capable of doing this continued damage? Or are these only observed in those exposed to the earlier variants, Alpha and Delta etcetera?

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I guess we'll find out when the Covidiots start lining up for the new "bivalent" shots.

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Maybe. I reckon the newer variants from omicron don't have the same teeth, they're tamed and relatively benign. But that is just gut feeling not based on evidence. It is an assumption based on the idea this was deliberately released. And how those who released this actually planned to keep themselves safe.

Eg. Initially they isolated by going to remote countries with strict border controls. Escaping infection from the earliest strains.

They got fake vaccines knowing full well the virus would quickly evolve/devolve into a less dangerous variant as it was designed to do. Once omicron was announced by media outlets worldwide, they could walk the streets amongst the commoners without fear of any chronic toxicity to themselves and tie up their social obligations and loose ends.

Concurrently trying to convince the world COVID was still out to get them. Not specifying between Wuhan, Alpha, Delta, Omicron, omicron BA4/5.. Just blanket description of COVID.

Yet we also hear there is now significant immune escape because the spike protein doesn't look the same, so antibodies developed are barely if at all effective against it.

The bivalent booster also still has the Wuhan spike code in it...

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fKG32c0EYrM. scroll to 28 seconds for the phylogenetic tree of Omicron. It does indeed predate all other variations. When Gates said "unfortunately, Omicron appears to be a natural vaccine" he may have given the plot away. I have long thought the elites and their 500 million slave 'survivors' got the antidote before the weapon was released, and someone decided to level the playing field a bit. I am also concerned about the presence of the Wuhan strain in new shots, not a good omen. I hope the skeptical community will wake to the fact that they truly want to exterminate us, are waging war against us, and we will have to return 'fire' in as many ways as possible. They have plans for ten years of pandemics, to match Gates' 'decade of vaccines'.

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This is from 4chan last year. It may be fiction, but it does answer several of your questions. Scroll down about ten posts to a set of posts from the same author, then go to the last post in the set. They had a known treatments from the beginning which explains why they they banned certain drugs - and partied their asses off when everyone else was supposed to be locked down. https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/330702296

This comes from EthicalSkeptic, jikky and the mouse gang: the term 'omicron' was used to confuse people as to the source of the mutations. Most omicrons were in no way related to each other - and were too far removed from previous strains to have had the time to evolve naturally. In fact, EthicalSkeptic did the mutational math, and omicrons were several years *older* than Wuhan, A, D, meaning the various omicrons were found towards the back of the freezer.

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Been following Ethical Skeptic on twitter. Puts out some solid data.

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I would love to take credit for their findings - but I can barely follow it, let alone do it. The relevant post in Telegram is this one: https://t.me/DrLynnFynn/650

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Thank you, Walter, for your continuing research and analysis. We absolutely need diagnostics and treatment protocols along with studies of the unvaccinated. Praying that this seed of an idea can take hold among our well known advocates.

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This ties in perfectly with Michael Yeadon's latest Rumble interview with Paul Alexander.

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I think I listened to that one but don’t recall mentioning anything related to this article??

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Extreme paraphrase here: “when the Club of Rome, WEF, Bill Gates and other globalists tell us what’s in our future, they mean to accomplish just that. “(Think global depopulation and 2030)

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Yes. But some positive news, a class action in CA against hospitals not allowing aspirins, steroids, Ivermectin, Hydrochloriquine and other meds that may have saved covid patients. We need more awareness of the atrocities but they did such a superb job of terrorizing humanity it makes me wonder if we are in Armageddon. The entire world terrorized and it was all pre-planned.

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Evil beyond comprehension!!

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Yep. And now I think we’re starting to comprehend it.

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There is not stratification by time since COVID19 or since vaccination in those graphs, so its entirely possible that over time the spike is entirely removed. I see that 66% of unvaccinated with COVID19 have no measurable spike, this is good news, if the remaining 34% are recently infected, or have some health issue, then maybe we can breathe a little easier?

In terms of the theory that the CCP are following a zero covid policy because they believe the spike to be an existential threat, for this to be true, then it must also be true that they vaccinated their entire country with saline solution. Their vaccine is dead COVID19 with spike protein, so they would not inject everyone with the same bioweapon they are protecting them from.

Perhaps I missed something in the article, but I'm not running for the hills just yet.

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This paper: “papers showed that the spike protein by itself (without being part of the corona virus) can damage endothelial cells and disrupt the blood brain barrier.” The flavonoid Luteolin is named as a possible intervention. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34100279/

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