I'm no medical expert, but have been suspecting that the harms from catching Covid and from injecting spike proteins (and the whole lot in the "vaccines") speeds up the aging process. Sadly, as time goes by, I'm convinced it is the case, and I take it that your view is the same. Would you please elaborate a bit more on the MCC950? Thanks.

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Mr Chestnut I just found your Substack a few days ago and have learned so much. You see, I have been suffering from “Long Covid” for 18 long months. I am absolutely certain I suffer from Cachexia (65 lb unintentional weight loss in 18 months) after having Covid in Dec 2020. My primary care physicians can’t find anything unusual and MRI and CT Scan didn’t show anything alarming. Bloodwork seems decent as well. I don’t know who to turn to. The doctors just seem oblivious to the effects of Long Covid. I don’t know what type of specialist I should go see. Do you have any idea what kind of physician (specialist) I should seek help from? I’m down to 116 lbs now and feel I am literally wasting away. I can’t add any weight and I am very confused and frightened. Thank you kindly for any suggestions. God Bless you and your research on this debilitating condition.

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I see the wormwood too in your document so will share my expierence/experiment with it. I have done some parasit cleanses ( have no health problems but did it cos I agree that more or less we all have some of them). Another reason was after I found a confirmation to what I suspected that the viruses are parasits too. I was reading some publication/book about nano-technologies (wanted to understand all that hype around them) and at the end of the book there is a glossary explaining the specific words used. And there was also an explanation for a word VIRUS, starting with: Virus is a parasite...

A little back in a time, I had Covid (or whatever they call Covid) in february 2020. We had no mask rules then, even no one was taking it seriously then but Im sure that was what I had. I had a different understanding about Covid, different from all the info seen/heard around. I thought that Im only one who think about Covid in a different way...until I found writtings of Sandokhan but that's another story.

So, after parasit cleanses I had an idea that would be good to ''clean'' my head too, just in case... And I did try...Ordered Sebor Absinthe with wormwood, they write that there is the maximum legally allowed dose of wormwood. Not sure about anti parasit meds but the life has proven that alcohol do gets in our heads.

Im not alcohol lover and the only way I can take it as a drink-a half of pint of coca cola (yes, I know that's not the healthy drink but I drink it with a bit of alcohol) leaving about a 1cm high space for an Absinthe. Slowly, sip by sip, until it's done. For me it's enough with a glass, sometimes it takes 2 until I feel that my brain has got a ''hit''. I did it every evening before bed until the bottle was empty. If honest, I started to like it.

Now, the interesting part of this experiment. I never thought that I had some parasits/viruses in my brain and did this Absinthe ''ritual'' just as a prophylaxis cos theoretically it shoud do the work. Have to say that my head was ''full'', ''heavy'', ''dull'' for a long time but I took it as normal cos I work every day, no days off at all, start at 7am, finish after 10pm and that's not all. When pandemic started, I used nights to follow corona research, to make notes, to collect usefull information. Im just the one who wants to know/understand everything. (reading books also happens at night time). So, I havn't had a normal sleep not one night for few years. That's why I took my heavy/dull head as normal, with my lifestyle it just can't be otherway or I thought so...

The results: first 2 or 3 mornings after my bed time drink of an glass or too of Absinthe I slept well ( I always sleep well) but had to wake up with a feeling like I have drunk all the bottle. But shortly starting my workday my head became lightweight and clear. And is the same all the time now. I still use nights for doing other things instead of having a good sleep. Mostly I sleep just 4-5 hours but....my head is not heavy/dull anymore. It feels clear, lightweight, I would say-empty. Not totally empty-my brain is still there...lol

Only after changes in my head I started to think that, probably there was some ''rubbish''in from the time I got ill in 2020. Now I know that not having a normal sleep does not make my head feel full and dull. And I like the Absinthe now. Going to repeat my ''ritual'' time to time.

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Borax is documented as working against nano tech but I would explore NAC for glutathione , zeolite for heavy metal detox, magnesium/Epsom salt baths , and not wearing Graphene hair filled masks like food grade masks or really no masks ;)

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Do you off the top of your head recall the name of the person who has promoted Niacin flush esp. for C19?

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Dmitry Katz ? Several others as well as molecular docking analysis proves niacin’s ability to deal with the s protein

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very nice! thank you for doing that.

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So many links with incredible info! Thank you for sharing this, and for compiling it, if you're also the creator.

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This is incredible, thank you so much. Have many people I will share this with. Thank you!!!

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Thank you for this generous document 🙏

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I also have long-Covid and am a retired Pharmacist, living in Canada. I lost 60 pounds in 2020 after an infection, and had to retire. I am now back to 170. I have written a book on Viruses called Pandora’s Box, out in January 2023. I did lots of tests but only one for CRP came up positive. I started taking Zinc, Quercetin, Tumeric, EGCG an ivermectin. I started to work-out every day, do deep breathing, swimming or resistance training and hyperbaric, and kept up my faith and read a brilliant team of scientists and doctors on Substack.

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Make sure you post in the comments when your book comes out so we can order it!!

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If i had something like that i would contact Joette Calabrese. She's probably the best homeopath in the world. I haven't seen anything she can't improve.


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Thank you so much

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I’m not a doctor, but I would suggest a very experienced naturopath and a nutritionist/dietitian to start with.

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Thank you. Would you happen to know if Insurance covers these specialists?

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Insurance almost never does, not if you are going to get any real help.

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I’m guessing you live in US? I live in Australia where the system is different so I can’t really say. Maybe you could contact your insurance provider and ask.

Or you could try contacting Dr. Rima Laibow and ask for advice.

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Thank you so much

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I’m so sorry to hear this. I hope you find some help/are well soon 💛

I have found Ayurveda and Chinese medicine to be very helpful when doctors don’t know.

All the very best x

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Thank you kindly

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Stephanie - I am putting together info for my friend who is also vx injured (long haul is pretty much the same, I think). I keep coming upon ozone as a preferred treatment. Dr Mercola has several podcasts and articles on his website.

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There is also a disease called malabsorption syndrome that causes tremendous weight loss. Your intestines don’t absorb nutrients from food, and you literally starve to death even though you’re eating well. I have a friend who has it. It was hard to diagnose, but she is doing better now. You might go to a gastro doc and be checked for that just in case.

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Dr Mercola had a recent podcast on Methylene blue!

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😎 I should give it a listen!

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What is it? I'd love the link of you have it.

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And Asa in the thirty and ninth year of his reign was diseased in his feet, until his disease was exceeding great: yet in his disease he sought not to the Lord, but to the physicians. And Asa slept with his fathers, and died in the one and fortieth year of his reign.

2 Chronicles 16:12-13

The Lord is the Great physician. Have you tried Him yet, or are you going to end up like King Asa?

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Any chance "MCC950" has a food source?

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Yes, it was also known as CRID3 sodium salt, and I've found one place offering it for sale, at rather astronomical prices:


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MCC950: C20H24N2O5S

CRID3 Sodium salt: C20H23N2NaO5S

(One less hydrogen atom).

Under "Licensing Information" on that page, it says "Sold for research purposes under agreement from Pfizer Inc"

Ahh, it all circles back to the wonderful Pfizer!

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I literally took an audible gasp of incredulity when I read this! How it fits together with Walter's findings. Stunning!

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Me too. Chillingly stunning. Have to keep reminding myself that fear & worry wont change anything.

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Me too. Last Autumn I was seriously upsetting my family with all of this. I couldn't stop. At one point, for the first time ever, at 55, I felt I didn't want to be here anymore, or at least, I reserved the right not to stay and put up with it. I now realise I was going through a grieving process. I came out the other side feeling stronger, though still angry. Thanks goodness for people like you, like Walter and all the others, who are having these conversations. We don't have to always agree, but communication is the thing. And letting go of the fear and anxiety and anger (I'm working on that one!) Although anger can be useful!

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Thank you for your post. You have just made feel feel I’m not alone. Thank you.

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Agree on all points. I have more open conversations here than with 70% of my friends ( vaccinated). On one hand I feel the accepting is behind the grieving . It is good it is real. Grieving for the life we lost as we knew it before all of this. On the other hand, sometimes I just cant find peace in knowing that nothing will be like it used to. Seeing friends, family, loved ones, travelling between continents, summers in Europe...the care free life we used to have. It feels like overwhelming loss. Hope your anger is serving you well! Can be really constructive ❤

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Agree I have grieved for the loss of future esp as planned. I think we really are living in the moment more than we realise. Trick I think is to accept and try and let go of fear...not easy.

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I cycle through emotions. Rollercoaster. If we don't connect offline one by one I fear they have us as they can pull the plug on comms any mo.Scary times yet I'd rather be aware...I think lol.

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White Swan I understand. I feel the same. Cycle through emotions. We are dynamic systems cant be always up nor down. Frankly, i feel save sharing my contact deatails because I think that nobody who follows Walter can be evil. I understand that is my thinking error (generalisation) so i am in a pickle. On one hand I would like to stay in touch with all the wonderful people here and Walter in case they pull the plug, on the other hand, I am unsure what is the best way to do that. Also, anonymity, gives freedom to be open which is a huge benefit ( just think of power of confession). Scarry times indeed ...at least in Australia.

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This is mindblowing

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"This compound was developed by Pfizer for Cytokines & Growth Factors research. To learn more about Sigma′s partnership with Pfizer and view other authentic, high-quality Pfizer compounds, visit sigma.com/bsm-pfizer."

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you've got to be kidding me

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Sold for research purposes under agreement from Pfizer Inc 50 mg / $942

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Stan R is that for real? I cant believe it. How this is not enough for people to rise is beyond me. How can prosecutors, media, MOST POLITICIANS IN WEST REMAIN SILENT?

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Bibi, I just copied and pasted from the source.

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Thanks, some of the sodium salt ads came up when I did the term search but all seem like lab formulations. My hope was that it's in actual foods at some level that diet could supplement.

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One of the first things that made a huge positive difference for me in recovering from longhaul covid was breathing through a Himalayan salt inhaler. I felt immediate relief in my lungs, but also overall. I thought perhaps the salt was helping detox my lungs, and soothing my throat--so I didn't have the cough--but now I wonder if perhaps there might have been more to this. It's just a $10 item and each person just needs one and it likely doesn't need refilling, so it's quite the bargain. I got this one on amazon: https://amzn.to/3yA0aFV

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Jul 3, 2022·edited Jul 3, 2022

Thanks Cynthia. My husband has interstitial lung disease and I am always trying to find something to help his coughing. So far, inhaling H2 O2 mixture from Hydrogenie has been the most helpful. will try the salt as well...... this is better link to it: https://www.amazon.com/Nevlers-Natural-Ceramic-Himalayan-Inhaler/dp/B085JZDXYK/ref=sr_1_7?crid=1B3KCQRYO89MM&keywords=himalayan+salt+inhaler&qid=1656860563&sprefix=himalan+salt+inhaler%2Caps%2C255&sr=8-7

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Get your hands on some sodium chlorite. I bet that would do wonders for your husband.

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Ran across this one yesterday; it's from 2010 and published in the Journal of Respiratory Research by a multi-disciplinary team at Colorado University's departments of Medicine, Immunology and Pharmaceutical Sciences.

Hypertonic saline increases lung epithelial lining fluid glutathione and thiocyanate: two protective CFTR-dependent thiols against oxidative injury


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Wow that is really interesting.

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What is NAC?

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N Acetyl Cysteine a supplement

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Big time thanks for that and it's available from my oldest trusted formulator Solgar! :~)


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Cynthia thank you for posting about CRID3. I tried to order it two months ago but still did not receive a reply from distributor ....

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What is the price?

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I've recovered from longhaul covid, in part thanks to breathing Himalayan salt air through a Himalayan salt inhaler. It just costs $10 and it seems you just need one--and I felt a great deal better immediately when I started breathing salt air for a few breaths each day. Here's the one I got, and now I'm wondering if it's just close enough to this MCC950 (but without the Pfizer patent and price): https://amzn.to/3yA0aFV

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There has been a lot of discussion in the weirder parts of the web regarding Nicotinic Acid and Melatonin for COVID19 long haul treatment. One the main proponent's being the very peculiar Dr. Dmitry Kats.

Still, not wishing to dismiss the message because of the messenger, every article I read of Walters leads me to check against Niacin and Melatonin.

Here again I find that Nicotinic acid inhibits NLRP3 inflammasome activation via SIRT1 in vascular endothelial cells (Vitamin B3 flush), and Melatonin also inhibits NLRP3 activity.

If I was going to slow kill a few billion people with a virus that I and my family were going to catch, I would want the cure to be very simple with a supply that could be stored for the long term. But whatever the truth of it, Niacin and Melatonin require serious consideration.

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I thought the Kats protocol switched out melatonin for curcumin?

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Yes it did.

And then it switched to L-Methionine, and then it switched to vitamin B group and R-ALA and VitC, Zinc, NAC, Taurine, ALCAR, etc.

I think the current version is at:


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Yes, the idea to repair gut disbiosys to help the gut make its own melatonin.

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Walter, you were born for such a time as this. Your stacks read like mystery novellas (which have half the words are in a foreign language). There is Google translate for Portuguese...there needs to be one for Walterese.

It’s all good. I am learning!

You research constantly. Did you see my comment with links so you can have professional librarians (all have at least a masters) search world class resources for you for free? You obviously have mastered the search engine but a little help never hurts. Also, they have paid the fees so they can access every journal.

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Jul 3, 2022·edited Jul 3, 2022

Beta-hydroxy butyrate is an NLP3 inflammasome inhibitor. Butyrate is produced by gut microbes in response to intermittent fasting and prebiotic fibre

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Thank you Jacq - that's well worth knowing. Here's one you may find useful.

Identifying the essential nutritional requirements of the probiotic bacteria Bifidobacterium animalis and Bifidobacterium longum through genome-scale modeling - PMC (nih.gov)

relevant snips:

Vitamin K : Menaquinone (vitamin K ) is known as an electron carrier in bacteria .

Previous studies indicated that some forms of vitamin K, such as menaquinone, act as growth factors for bifidobacteria but cannot be synthesized by representatives of the genus .

The experimental results revealed an absolute requirement of BB-46 for menaquinone-4 (Fig. 3b)

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Thanks, good info here

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Wow... this is interesting. I know you are supposed to take a D3 supplement that also has K2 in it...

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Could you re-post the NIH link, it is not working. Thank you!

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Butyrate is one of Dave Asprey's favorite "supplements" .... he has been a proponent from way before C19

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Thanks for the butyrate tip. I see sodium butyrate is most popular for sales. Does anyone have an opinion on calcium+ mag butyrate or HMB calcium hydroxymethyl butyrate ? all as good as each other ?

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Very good questions that I do not know the answer to! He has only reference butyrate that I can recall in podcasts, but I may not be remembering the full story! Maybe do a search of his blog on his website?

I think butyrate is a byproduct of the akkermansia in the pendulum probiotic...

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You’re an amazing human being Walter 🙏

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Quickly found these potential NLRP3 activation inhibitors, other than the MCC950 research salt:

0) ginger (more specifically it's phytochemicals, esp. 6-shogaol)


1) Quercetin


2) Omega-3 fatty acids (fish oil, esp. DHA)




3) DHEA (NB! "DHEA induces abnormal autophagy and exacerbates pyroptosis in Nig-treated inflammatory macrophages via GPER activation.")



4) Chlorella


5) Ursolic Acid (from Rosemary leaves)


6) Curcumin


7) Resveratrol (in conjunction with Omega-3 Fatty acids)


8) Vitamin B2 (riboflavin)


9) Vinpocetine


10) Procyanidin B2 (specific apple extract)


11) Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM)


12) Sulforaphane (broccoli sprouts, seeds, as a supplement)


13) Astaxanthin


14) Melatonin


15) Silybin (from Milk Thistle)


16) Olive leaf extract


17) Raspberry polyphenols


18) Fucoidan


19) Luteolin


20) Nicotinamide riboside (NAD+)


21) Erianin (extract of Dendrobium chrysotoxum Lindl. )


22) Oridonin ( Rabdosia rubescens aka Donglingcao in TCM)


23) Fluoxetine (!)


24) Emodin ( from rhubarb, buckthorn, and Japanese knotweed)


25) Vitamin D3


26) Echinatin (extract from Dracaena draco, Glycyrrhiza echinata)


27) β-hydroxybutyrate (i.e. in BHB products, MCT oil, Caprylic Acid, or via a ketogenic diet)





Also, be careful with (i.e. consider NOT using)...

Statins (blood lipid lowering cholesterol medications)


"Statin activation of p38 upstream of IL-1β led to priming of this NLRP3 inflammasome effector in macrophages"

Caveat Emptor! This is just a quick list of HITS, not proven. FWIW.

This looks like a job for SIRT1-activators in general.

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Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Universe is wrong. Apparently the answer to everything is Quercetin

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I'm wondering out loud if diet of many Indians with various curries and teas was a solid part of why early on the country seemed less harmed by covid (based on big media "news" fwiw).

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Unadulterated adoration for all things/thoughts Walter

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Anti-NLRP3 Inflammasome Natural Compounds: An Update - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7912743/

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IV arginine could downregulate NLRP3 inflammasome:


And maybe caffeine too:


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Caffeine versus IL-1B gene expression.


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I guess...the elite did take a saline shot and booster afterall!!!!

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Love you but please explain this to me like I’m a child

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Walter - why not reduce the NLRP3- inflammasome and oxidative stress naturally with Vitamin D?


MCC950 has been looked at in mice for Covid - and on paper it looks promising - however, I would suggest caution because it acts by reducing DRP1 and therefore mitochondrial fission - this is an important quality control mechanism for the mitochondria and any dysregulation is likely to have adverse consequences eg pro-tumour effects, as well as beneficial effects.



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Found this article

Targeting the NLRP3 Inflammasome With Inhibitor MCC950 Prevents Aortic Aneurysms and Dissections in Mice

Lots of this happening lately. The Depeche Mode band member of the the most recent to die from it

Brilliant Walter

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Yes! I saw that. How on earth do you rupture your aorta without some sort of physical trauma? Unless, of course, you were exposed to experimental mRNA technology...

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I do know someone in her 40s it happened to just pre covid. A devastating loss as she had two young children and left her sister the only child of their parents. It seems some people are predisposed to it. Other family members should be checked to find if they are at risk. Of course it was very unusual.

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This information is wonderful, and offers such hope! Apparently, MCC950 was previously also known as CRID3 sodium salt. I've found one place where it is available for sale, at rather exorbitant prices: https://www.tocris.com/products/crid3-sodium-salt_5479

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Is it low sodium salt? I'm having trouble searching for it. . .

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I had a quick look. I don’t think you take it orally, it sounds like it’s an injectable. Might be good to speak to a pharmacist about it.

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J Inflamm (Lond). 2022; 19: 8.

Published online 2022 Jun 23

"MCC950 in 3% DMSO vehicle was administered intranasally in COPD rats at a dose of 10 mg/kg daily beginning on day 1 post-infection until tissue harvest, death, or recovery."

Influenza a virus triggers acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease by increasing proinflammatory cytokines secretion via NLRP3 inflammasome activation

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