The Antibiotic's Beneficial Effects Treating COVID-19 Most Likely Result From This Anti-Fibrillic Property
Minocycline corrects neuroinflammation in young, pre-plaque Tg mice. (A-C) Representative western blots for iNOS, COX-2 and IL-1β (typical markers of microglial and neuronal activation) in control, Non Tg Placebo mice (Non Tg), Tg Placebo mice (Tg Pl) and Tg mice treated with minocycline (Tg Mino). Note the significant up-regulation of iNOS and COX-2 in Tg Pl compared to Non Tg. Minocycline restored iNOS and COX-2 to levels similar to those of Non Tg, and significantly reduced the levels of IL-1β (* P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, one-way ANOVA with Tukey post-hoc test). See main text for the values of Non Tg treated with minocycline. (D) Schematic illustrating the sampling of images in the CA1 area of the hippocampus and from the lateral posterior thalamic nucleus as utilized for the morphological study represented in E-G. (E) Representative micrographs illustrating the ir of Iba-1 in microglial cells in the hippocampus of the Non Tg, Tg Pl and Tg Mino mice. Note the altered morphology of the microglial cells in Tg Pl compared to Non Tg. In Tg Pl mice, we observed an enlargement of the soma size, polarization and thickening of the microglial processes, which are classical indicators of microglial activation. Minocycline treatment resulted in correction of microglial soma size (note the small, roundish morphology), with some residual thickening of processes and increase in spiny processes. (F) Representative micrographs illustrating the ir of Iba-1 in microglial cells in the lateral posterior thalamic nucleus of the Non Tg, Tg Pl and Tg Mino. The cells were notably smaller and less ramified than in the hippocampus, but no differences in the morphology could be observed between experimental groups. Scale bar for E and F: 20 μm. (G,H) Quantification of cell soma size and density of microglial cells from hippocampus (G) and thalamus (H) in Non Tg, Tg Pl and Tg Mino. Note that minocycline treatment resulted in significant reduction of microglial cells soma size compared to Tg Pl in the hippocampus (G). No significant differences were observed in the soma size of cells in the thalamus (H). As previously reported [23], no significant changes in microglial cell density were observed between Non Tg and Tg. This pattern was not altered across experimental groups in any area. (* P < 0.05, one-way ANOVA followed by Tukey post-hoc test). Non Tg: Non Tg Placebo mice; Tg Mino: Tg mice treated with minocycline; Tg Pl: Tg Placebo.
A recent paper from China describes how the antibiotic Minocycline is useful as an adjunctive therapeutic in COVID-19 disease:
In silico screening of minocycline as an Mpro inhibitor and the adjunctive therapy value for the treatment of COVID-19
However, I maintain the COVID-19 and Long COVID are both hyper-accelerated Amyloid Deposition Diseases. I believe the reason Minocycline may be a successful therapeutic for COVID-19 resides in the fact that the drug is also a potent ANTI-AMYLOID!
For example:
Inhibitory effect of minocycline on amyloid β fibril formation and human microglial activation
Degradation of insulin amyloid by antibiotic minocycline and formation of toxic intermediates
Minocycline corrects early, pre-plaque neuroinflammation and inhibits BACE-1 in a transgenic model of Alzheimer's disease-like amyloid pathology
Loving your constant research, dear Walter.
Keep it up!
Thank you, dear Walter! I got--and recovered from--longhaul covid (PASC) which I came down with in early 2020 and managed to clear by mid-2021. I attribute much of my success to being intuitively guided to start taking daily supplements of natural anti-amyloids. I felt huge improvement when I started taking Quercetin, and I also began taking Curcumin, Green Tea Extract, and Resveratrol. I chose to not add any more spike proteins to my body once I experienced hundreds of debilitating symptoms of longhaul covid--sometimes facing family, friends and neighbors demanding I 'protect myself' with the jab. I chose to not go that route, stating I'd already had far more than enough spike protein, thank you very much.
Here's an intriguing research article dating back pre-pandemic, sharing some natural anti-amyloid substances that can be good nutraceuticals we can include in our healthy diets (such as: Curcumin, Green Tea Extract, Quercetin, Resveratrol)