Jul 17, 2022Liked by Walter M Chesnut

Walter, my deepest concerns lie with the fact that most doctors, do not know any of this. Because if they did, they would be prescribing alternative treatments from those currently being used such as covid boosters, remdesivir, paxlovid, intubation. Living in the UK. Majority of people here, brainwashed and believe more covid vaxx is better, mask mandates must be brought back, would be thrilled to see a return of lockdowns. And while we were distracted most recently with the resignation of Boris, and fearmongering about hot weather and told to stay indoors, the ONS published stats showing 91% of those who died in the UK between Jan and May ‘22, were triple vaxxed. I have an autoimmune disease. I requested a medical exemption. It was denied. My faith in the medical profession is zero.

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The same in Australia. No way (at least available to me legally) to get any treatments mentioned in FCCC or in threads here. I can garggle Povidone and do nasal saline wash and that is it. If I have to go to hospital i have no say in what my treatment protocol would be.

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Be careful on the road, watch for tailgaters, if necessary pull over when possible. Check brakes and brake fluid. Check tyres. Tyres will go off after 3 - 4 years. They harden and you will notice that in the wet. Apart from that it should be easy to avoid hospital.

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^ noted that you're a terrorist

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Do you have ways to get early treatments "illegally"? Like get things mailed to you?

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Nova 123 Sometimes yes the other times no. Example a few days ago I ordered nitrix oxide spray approved in Israel for covid but not in Australia. I got it 17 July on Sunday via DHL Ivermectin ordered 3, 4 and 5 months ago from different online stores still hasnt arrived.

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Oh wow, that's a long time!

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Not in Australia. I have never done any internet money transactions.

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you were cured with niacin now pushing neurotoxic FLCCC trash?

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Also UK I share your concern Mary Ann. Still shielding now broke.Also have autoimmune & zero trust in docs.Bought some IVM from India hope I don't have to use it.

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So basically, don’t catch it and don’t get vaccinated for it….it maybe too late for some, so moving forward,

A. if you’re not vaccinated but you’ve had covid and recovered…what should you do?

B. If you’re vaccinated but haven’t had covid…what should you do?

C. If you’re vaccinated and had covid…..what should you do?

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D. If you're not vaccinated and you haven't had covid - what should you do?

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Don’t get any spike protein, no vaccine shedding, use a spray painting respirator. (Cop any abuse on the chin don’t worry). Make sure you have all essential minerals vitamins, essential oils etc, organic food. Antiviral and anti inflammatory etc. Nasal wash with diluted iodine. Paul Alexander (Substack) has an excellent one on this. I was using eucalyptus spray, always had for flu season with success. I recommend what he says.

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Possum Steve Kirsh wrote an article on protective equipment. How realistic is to live like that? No air plane traveling, no indoor socialising theatre, opera.

Nothing. As humans are we able to live a full life & protect ourselves from this virus for the rest of our lives?

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Discover the joy of camping, bushwalking and surfing. I love the opera too and listen to the best performances relaxed in the garden, also travel and camp in a car. Can go anywhere anytime and costs nothing. It is probably be hard if you are used to planes and motels. Try the gypsy life for a holiday, gypsy violin is also fun.

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Possum - exactly how are spike proteins shed. Is that an airborne exhale? What? Am I breathing spike proteins in when I'm around people who have been jabbed? How exactly are the ways this is done. Thanks for your answer.

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Jul 17, 2022·edited Jul 18, 2022Liked by Walter M Chesnut

We use nuclear bomb without knowing all the details "exactly" how, why etc it "works". Who knows, maybe Covid cure might emerge from contexts/ notions of solutions we are not looking at yet.

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Jul 17, 2022·edited Jul 17, 2022

my two cents, walter needs to be left alone to his devices, that is when he produces best. we are thankful and thank God we found him.

one thing is certain whatever WMC has discovered, it is much worse. we just dont know what is inside these so-called vaxx. walter try his best under difficult circumstances. i think he is pretty much on the ball and the fact they kicked him out of twitter for writing amyloidosis is confirmation.

here is smt to get a flavor of what we are up against ... this guy knows what he is talking about, all that singapore history and role singapore/china plays in world economy is close to see what the real power is.


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Exosomes are filled with spike and exhaled/secreted.

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That is not good news. Exhaled. Thanks for answer. Do we know yet the time frame post vax that spike proteins are shed? How long after?

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I don’t yet know precisely, however, from what I know so far, outdoor picknics or bushwalking are good for socialising. Be aware of the breeze direction. If they have just been jabbed I think it is good to avoid them. I don’t yet know how long shedding occurs after being “vaccinated”. The vaccine doses vary according to the batch numbers, very sloppy. Michael Yeadon spoke of this. I nearly got caught after I picked my car up from the garage. Open the doors and windows before driving off. Be aware and don’t worry. And protective eyewear. (Thanks James Kringlee).

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At least 60 days per a Euro study in the mid 20-teens per R Lee Merett. I'd refer you to my Twitter thread, but my account was nuked from orbit.

Also, the Pfizer docs themselves acknowledge shedding, and it seems the cruise ship outbreaks confirm this.

However... personally I'm not overly concerned so long as it's been weeks post-vax and especially if your outdoors. This is based on nothing more than personal experience and the want to live a human life.

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Which protective eyeware would stop the virus entering through eyes? Maybe if we keep exposure short we wont get much viral load and would be safe?

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I use large frame optical glasses, not ideal but better than nothing. If there is coughing and sneezing I pull my hoodie up. Welding glasses one may think, should be ideal. Industrial protection is far superior to medical protection. I agree to keep exposure short. I use a spray painting respirator, much easier to breath from apart from doing the job. You can customise the filters. Pre filters N95 then particulate filter then vapour filter, all replaceable.

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Good place to be.

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I am not a member of that group. Is that information available elsewhere? It looks legit:)

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If you are unvaccinated - reduce chronic stress and obtain Vitamin D/UVB - naturally.

If you are Vaccinated - reduce All stress!

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Yes. That sounds good. And sleep - get enough sleep.

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Yes - the hormone of light and the hormone of the night - work wonders!

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flush niacin, creatine monohydrate, TMG, and B-Complex

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Get some ivermectin

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to fry your brain? or ruin your kidneys?

flush niacin, creatine monohydrate, TMG, and B-Complex

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Could you so be kind and point us to studies that show that Ivermecin "fries your brain" or "ruins your kidneys"?


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Dr Kats no play fair when it comes to anything other than Niacin. That said, I do flush 1 gram every day.

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Then I'm sure you are aware of these:

1) Long-term niacin treatment induces insulin resistance and adrenergic responsiveness in adipocytes by adaptive downregulation of phosphodiesterase 3B



2) Niacin induces miR-502-3p expression which impairs insulin sensitivity in human adipocytes


I wouldn't use it daily myself. YMMV.

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Aug 16, 2022·edited Aug 16, 2022

lol so insulin resistance which literally by definition = too high of a TG/HDL-C ratio, which flush niacin is proven as unsurpassed in lowering, and so further proven to halve incident risk of CHD as proven in two trials (in subgroup analysis of those taking it as monotherapy w/o statins), is induced by flush niacin in humans?... or by EXTENDED or SUSTAINED-RELEASE niacin in humans, as was reported by Bruce Patterson (noted 'niacin' in title, but Niaspan was used)! Further, the first paper is study in rats with rare inherited trait mutation not expressed in humans ... and the other one is in cell lines at non-physiological doses ...

and these statins? smh


Seriously - flush niacin is the antidote - for WELL-beyond COVID too... why do you not take this seriously?

"The output of the LSFS algorithm is the Laplacian score for each gene. The three genes, TNF, PTGS2, and BCL2, are identified as the three top genes with the highest scores selected by the LSFS algorithm. Studies have shown that TNF could be a key driver of inflammation in patients with severe COVID-19 Zhang et al (2020). It could be targeted by existing immunomodulatory therapies. In Li et al (2021), the results of molecular docking analysis indicated that niacin showed effective binding capacity in COVID-19 and could help in COVID-19 treatment. One of the important pharmacological targets of niacin in COVID-19 was BCL2 and the other was PTGS2."

“Our results show that these genes have the most in common with various types of cancer, diabetes, and autoimmune diseases. As another measure, we reported some of the significant disease pathways like Hepatitis C, Influenza A, and Tuberculosis with significant p-values that contain disease-associated genes that have a lot in common”

Using unsupervised learning algorithms to identify essential genes associated with #SARSCoV2 as potential therapeutic targets for #COVID19


^ This is just one recent one of A PLETHORA of relevant papers

Like - do you think this is a joke?


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I was not aware.. I will look at the references. I use Niacin in place of a statin to normalize blood lipids. Thank you!

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How do you feel about blackseed oil?

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I’ll have to study this. Thank you. Just a thought, vaccine induced viral immune escape variants x vaccine induced cytokine storm x down regulation of the immune system and DNA repair x ADE. Gain of function spike protein in virus and vaccine. They knew all along.

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Jul 17, 2022Liked by Walter M Chesnut

Walter - This reminds me of the Mast cell connection to Covid or more accurately the PGE2-EP2-mast cell axis.

“Role of Janus kinase 3 in mast cell-mediated innate immunity against gram-negative bacteria”




Because TLR2 is involved in mast cell activation against infections - “TLR2 Regulates Mast Cell IL-6 and IL-13 Production During Listeria monocytogenes Infection”


EP2 is involved in inflammation

Eg. UVB -

PGE2-EP2/EP4 signaling is mandatory in UV-induced acute skin inflammation


EP2 reduces fibrosis - “Activation of the prostaglandin E2 EP2 receptor attenuates renal fibrosis”


EP2 is involved in amyloidosis -“Prostaglandin E2 Stimulates the Production of Amyloid-β Peptides”


EP2 reduces ferroptosis - “COX-2/PGE2 Pathway Inhibits the Ferroptosis Induced by Cerebral Ischemia Reperfusion”


EP2 acute and chronic inflammation - “PGE2 induces acute inflammation through mast cell activation via the EP3 receptor. PGE2 also induces chronic inflammation and various autoimmune diseases through T helper 1 (Th1)-cell differentiation, Th17-cell proliferation and IL-22 production from Th22 cells via the EP2 and EP4 receptors”


EP2 - immunosuppression - “PGE 2-EP2/EP4 signaling elicits immunosuppression by driving the mregDC-Treg axis in inflammatory tumor microenvironment”


EP2 - senescence/ageing - “The cyclooxygenase-2-prostaglandin E2 pathway maintains senescence of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease fibroblasts”



Autoimmunity via EP2 regulation of Th17 - “Prostaglandin E2 regulates Th17 cell differentiation and function through cyclic AMP and EP2/EP4 receptor signaling”



The actions of PGE2 and EP2 can be viewed as physiologically protective as they help to reduce DRP1 mitochondrial fission


“EP2 prostanoid receptor agonism coupled with protein kinase A activation attenuated mitochondrial fission in PAH PASMCs by inhibiting the activating phosphorylation of DRP1 whilst inducing its inhibitory phosphorylation”

But, they can also be pathological - eg cancer

PGE2 regulates fever, kidney function, pain, mucosal integrity, blood vessel homeostasis, and inflammation. In pathological conditions, as in cancer, PGE2 is produced by cancerous stromal cells and enhances tumor cell proliferation and survival, promotes angiogenesis, and induces metastasis


And neurodegenerative

“PGE2 directly induces neuronal death through activation of the E-prostanoid (EP) 2”


And also as an alternative pathway for ADE - “Infants with multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C) associated with COVID-19 may also have ADE caused by maternally acquired SARS-CoV-2 antibodies bound to mast cells.”


So, how does this link in with FcγRIIB?

FcγRIIB is expressed on Mast cells along with other cells of the immune system and (excluding B cells) reduces phagocytosis and pro-inflammatory cytokine release.

and it is thought -

“This diversity of its expression and function underlies the importance of FcγRIIB in regulating defence against infection and susceptibility to autoimmune disease”.


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Flush niacin kills PGE2!

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Jul 18, 2022Liked by Walter M Chesnut

Why do you want to kill PGE2? It plays some very important biological roles.

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sorry - modulates it back to homeostasis* google it

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In a recent interview, Paul Marik (FLCCC) noted that the spike protein inhibited/interfered with autophagy (eating of the cells to process the debris). Some other research shows that the PASC (long covid via infection or vax) is likely the result of the persistence of spike protein.

Marik suggested that early treatment and nutraceuticals, as well as intermittent fasting, stimulate autophagy and promote viral cleanup.

All in all, it seems to me that, outside of living in a bubble, the best thing one can do is promote one's innate immune system, possibly with the of use nasal washes to limit viral load (thus minor exposures will train the innate aspect without overloading it).

Everyone's reaction is going to be different, though. I, personally had a sucky case of it (technically mild/moderate), but got early treatment (well, a little delayed) but it cleared up nicely. My second full exposure, half a year later, from 2 vaxxed coworkers (with their 2nd and worsened infection) resulted in no more than a slight sniffle for me and feeling not so great for one day. I have returned to using the iodine nasal rinse, here and there after a full day, just to tamp things down but I'm not going to live in a bubble or wear a respirator (or a cloth mask). That's just not worth it, to me.

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FC Receptor binds Antibody--Infected cell complex -----> Antibody-mediated Phagocytosis , also of brain

In other words, self-cannibalism

Cannibalism -- Prion / Amyloid

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So basically, all but the 5% who’ve never been exposed to the spike protein are doomed? Would one of you brilliant folks translate for those of us who are not in the scientific/medical field, please?

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Jul 18, 2022·edited Jul 18, 2022Liked by Walter M Chesnut

From what I have learned these past 2 years from Walter, Geert, Dr. Malone, etc is that natural immunity is very important for our body to battle the virus and the spike.

Geert has been 5 steps ahead of every one. He has been right since 2020 and this is confirmed in Walter's findings. Geerts latest is now is he's looking for ways to do mass testing to check if those vaccinated still has natural immunity left. Why? Because (IMO) doctors will soon need to choose to treat only those still with natural immunity and those with none --- you get the point.

Here's the video. Please tell me what you think.


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Geert urges people who still have natural antibodies to get infected and then take antivirals. I may be mistaken but I think Walter thinks that contracting the virus and vaccination both have severely deleterious effects.

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I've never heard Geert discuss any of Walter's theories. Geert is far more invested in the potential for the vaccines to drive immune escape. I think avoiding infection is clearly the best approach, but if you get the illness then you can probably assume that the levels of spike protein in your body were much lower than some who received 3 or 4 injections. It's a question of increasing risk with more exposure. Walter has also highlighted that there is research showing curcumin and quercetin are beneficial in destroying amyloids and prions.

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That vid you posted is uniquely seminal if true...as is this stack.

I hope Walter rejoins.

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Jul 18, 2022·edited Jul 18, 2022

Is there another link? I no longer use telegram:/

And thanks!

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If you read the comment sections in his previous posts there are lots of suggestions on how to combat this:).

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flush niacin, creatine monohydrate, TMG, and B-Complex

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Some heavy duty biology here -

Ok JJ ( Couey ), can you help all us layfolk out here, please ?

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How does this explain all the biology being talked about from walter and the cited papers ?

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Walter, what do you think about getting monoclonal antibodies then? Likely bad news from what I’m reading. What to do to try and remedy this?

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There are comments on a recent thread of Walters re: IVIG; intravenous immunoglobulin, which is functionally polyclonal antibodies. Short/short version: not good as the blood supply is tainted.

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Jul 18, 2022·edited Jul 18, 2022

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Nice work Walter!

Niacin would be quite promising here. Be well.

"niacin treatment remarkably reduced the expression levels of these MPO, IL-1β, IL-6, and TNF-α

Activation of GPR109A significantly promoted the formation of autophagic lysosomes

These results indicate that GPR109A mainly promotes autophagy through AMPK"


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"Walter" is paid off to not say word about this flush niacin...

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Thanks, Walter for your written every word since early of 2020! It has been helping me a huge for understanding the spike protein as a major toxin. So far, antidotes are the only way for either infected or vaccinated person, I think.

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flush niacin, creatine monohydrate, TMG, and B-Complex

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Thanks Walter! 💕 Are all the viral spike immune complexes also on the mRNA injection spike?

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flush niacin, creatine monohydrate, TMG, and B-Complex

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practical implications. how to influence T helper 1 vs T helper 2 immune response. lactoferion?, licorice?, path to the stimulation of early interferon response? All I understand says says avoid the development of antibodies. Simple protocols, few realize, salt, iodine, baby shampoo, baking soda, ethanol, licorice, dandelion, basic eye protection and eye wash and eye anti-viral, sprays and nebulization real N95+ "masking" keep it out kill what gets in. tragedy for the many

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and film forming sprays

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film forming antiviral sprays-nasal -mouth -inhaled to coat as best for a short time

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What is film forming spray?

Which eye wash and eye anti viral you recommend? Is this something we should do daily or just if we "feel" we might be going down with something? Also, if you are in and out of the shops (less than 10min) do you need to wear a mask?

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Hello Bibi, film forming sprays for nose, mouth and throat are made using iota-carrageenan and / or xylitol in some strength of saline (or strong licorice tea?). ("interference with the early steps of viral replication, by inhibitory action on the viral coupling to the host cell")

I have made some steps to find a pharmaceutical grade iota-carrageenan source. I purchased Health Garden brand Birch xylitol as well as a 10 pack of Snoot brand 30 ml nasal spray bottles on amazon. I will be making up xylitol spray next. the snoot spray bottles have worked well with the .5% povidone iodine in standard saline I have been using for 2 years as well as standard vodka I have tried recently as a mouth / throat spray.

I use 1% standard Johnson's baby shampoo in homemade saline (close to NeilMed saline). I use this as an eye wash using my clean cupped hand and lots of blinking, and as a nasal flush with the 8oz NeilMed bottle following the youtube video "Dr. Adappa and Dr. Palmer teach you How to do Nasal Irrigation' as well as a mouthwash / gargle. (in shower or with towel handy)

Prescription Azelastine HCL eye drops are a probable sars2 anti viral - if you can get a prescription.

I purchased astepro allergy nasal spray (Azelastine HCL) from walmart this week. now sold without prescription. It is 3 times the eye drop strength. I will search out a generic eyedrop and try out a mix of 1 part astepro to 2 parts generic eyedrop.

When and what to do for prevention of infection or reinfection is the question. I have tried to open this discussion on drbeen's discord site. It was not welcomed.

Héctor Carvallo, in his study, chose to use the film forming nasal and mouth/throat spray first then add the anti viral ivermectin drops in the mouth 5 minutes later.

I believe the people who say this virus has evolved to be one of the most contagious and spread is via Aerosols. I do not believe the cdc bs that says you need to be in an infected indoor air for a certain length of time to contract covid which is possibly based on the idea that the virus is uniformly distributed which I do not believe. I believe one breath can easily breathe in an infectious dose of virus.

My covid prevention focus is to avoid breathing shared air. I appreciate this is not possible or desirable for most people. When I have made up the xylitol spray I will use it liberally before I drive to curb side grocery pickup then proceed as I do now with 3 sprays in each nostril breathing in and 4 sprays in mouth breathing in, then put on a 3M N95 and set out storage totes in front of my car for store staff to place my grocery without having to breath my "car" air or into my car. If I decide more is needed I will use up a couple of cups of 1% baby shampoo mix for cleaning eyes nose mouth or nebulize 8ml of vodka after I get home and sort the grocerys.

I have little exposure so I do not have any overuse concerns. By all means go all hands on deck at first sign of any symptom but appreciate for some who do "everything" some will still enter the inflammatory/clotting stage as can be seen here which I think is a valuable and sobering must read "Early Treatment With Colchicine, Not Ivermectin, Saved My Life From Severe COVID" https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/early-treatment-colchicine-ivermectin-saved-my-life-from-courtney James

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"3 sprays in each nostril breathing in and 4 sprays in mouth breathing in"

this is refering to .5% povidone iodine spray in saline

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Jul 18, 2022·edited Jul 18, 2022Liked by Walter M Chesnut

When someone lies to public about being a Doctor or having a PhD in virology, charges US$500 for a consultation, keeps hijacking other people substacks to promote their own "agenda" , calls their colleagues, world reknown & respected scientists, derogatory names every time when being asked any specifics regarding his education, published articles, protocols, "research", "testimonials".I feel like throwing up. I dont follow/ click on any links, consider any testimonials produced by someone involved in FRAUD. All please be very careful if you decide to follow the links and engage in any way with HOM3OSTASIS.

Katz made derogatory comments about Walter on Twitter then he hijacked Walter's account. And he has been caught (Jikky). Now HOM3STASIS trolls have come here to market their fradulent testimonials.

I have records and forensic evidence relating to everything I said here. Katz, threatens people with legal action or physical harm, when called out. I said to him on Twitter and repeat it here: "bring it on". I will not engage in any further communication regarding this matter. (and imho neither should anyone).

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How much Gates paying you? Does he give you just the tip, only 1x a year, or?

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What's up Walter White? You bout to be bum status soon my dude

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you still up drinking wine by the bottle, doing deep dives into how to ignore niacin and push prion disease-inducing IVM more?

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Aug 14, 2022·edited Aug 14, 2022

Libel yet again... would you like to see my official transcript, clearly showing all coursework with grades even, the successful completion of all milestones of the program, and the PhD in Epidemiology awarded? Also, here is a convenient link I got just for you (official from UNC) literally showing you here my virtual graduation during COVID-19 lock-down: http://uncg-gph.stageclip.com/clip/katsdmitry-doctor-of-philosophy-1ccah/

And these published studies of mine over 6 years into the top journals over my academic doctoral tenure at UNC were just for fun??


Do you know the blood, sweat, tears, and level of research I do? UNC is the enemy whom you support!?!?! My adviser supposedly emailed you personally when he was in hospice? You realize you said this, correct? And that no institution is allowed to share private student records with just anyone who fuckin emails them! Also, they suppressed my important research at the last step during presentation of it, as it would have thwarted their entire competing interests! For one - the continued hundreds of millions they get for Remdesivir (fake, toxic niacin: https://www.unc.edu/posts/2020/04/09/open-science-drug-discovery-partnership-aims-to-invest-125-million-to-prevent-future-pandemics/)... Do you have any idea what is going on, you IVM-pesticide popping filth? I will see you court... and they will be seeing you in criminal court soon too... co-conspiracy to pushing toxic Rx w/o an MD with these clown shills? You aren't fooling anyone. You can't even spell my name correctly!

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You don’t even know what my PhD is in… you don’t even know the difference between virology and epidemiology… Jesus help this lady… repent. ^_*

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hijacked Walter's account? you mean trolled it by adding a 1 to it to get followers - how many times have you gang-reported my account off now, you POS C++NT

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"He has been caught (Jikky)" - this is your fuckin evidence? And caught of what? You have NO idea what you are talking about .. and who is this Jikky? What is their name? Exactly... STFU - see you in court. Keep suppressing the truth, my struggle to get it to the public, its significance, impact, and pushing toxins for biopharma, bum ass biatch...


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Aug 14, 2022·edited Aug 14, 2022

these are "fraud"??? lmfao - are you smoking crack-cocaine? you are going to jail, lady. The only fraud is your continued slander.



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Aug 14, 2022·edited Aug 14, 2022

You're out here trying to libel me instead of saying a word of what CONTINUES TO BE SYSTEMATICALLY SUPPRESSED AND CENSORED FOR DECADES AND MOST ESPECIALLY NOW RIGHT UNDER ALL YOUR NOSES THAT THE MOST ELITE RESEARCH INCLUDING MINE TO THIS POINT HAS ONLY CONSISTENTLY UNCOVERED AND THROWN IN YOUR FACE - but you seem to think this Walter clown is showing you any of this and really doing deep dives? YOU ARE BEYOND RUDIMENTARY AND PATHETIC. Have you not seen - oh yes, we have multiple records of you having seen it all - doing nothing short of miracles for so many (including your own peers!!!) As you then pretend to complain and search, even pay money to this clown Walter who has known about niacin + cofactors for years now, to find solutions to help people? What are you even doing? You are this intellectually disabled or scum? Let thy records be shown!~ Also included in these many, many, various records -- the damage the Rx you all promoted induced to SOOO many!

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Adam Gaertner spoke a lot about prion disease early on. He has a lot of info on treatments including vitamin D2, nattokinase, methylene blue, etc

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Prion disease caused by ivermectin too...

Get flush niacin, creatine monohydrate, TMG, and B-Complex

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Saw a report that Johns Hopkins claims we can be vaccinated 'without our knowledge' by the PCR test. Can they be trusted? Who knows.

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