Crazy times. Also, good thing I'm taking Quercetin+Zinc daily since I got sick from covid, it might be in fact this what helped me get over the neuropathy and chest pain symptoms, had my hands and feet go numb randomly along with some pain. All of it stopped suddenly a month after, about 4 days before seeing the doc and getting an ECG (all normal).

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May try this (i have no connection or financial ties) https://www.lifeextension.com/search

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This is excellent Walter! Thank you: am forwarding this immediately:)

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Thank you for your efforts. When Dr Marik & Dr Fleming said "Don't give up hope. We can fix this" it was the best news I'd heard in years. I haven't taken the experimental gene therapy injections but lots of friends and family have so I'm hoping for their sake some vaccine damage remediation protocols can be developed. We're going to need them badly.

Your work in this area is critical as you understand the disease (natural or injected/generated spike protein) better than most.

Thanks again.

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It appears that fiestin may be more effective than Quercetin. Life Extension has a Senolytic Activator with both

Fiestin here


Supplement details. I just switched to this one from Quercetin/zinc combo


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“1. Fisetin has pharmacological properties such as antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective. It can induce tumor cell apoptosis, affect tumor cell signal transduction pathways, inhibit tumor cell proliferation, and inhibit tumor cell migration and invasion. play an anti-tumor effect.

2. Studies have shown that fisetin can also exert an antidepressant effect by inhibiting the monoamine oxidase of the serotonin and norepinephrine systems.

3. It has obvious protective and repairing effects on liver damage caused by hepatitis.

4. Can significantly improve the activity of immune cells.

5. Fisetin can stimulate signaling pathways and improve long-term memory.”

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Fisetin: A bioactive phytochemical with potential for cancer prevention and pharmacotherapy

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“Fisetin is reported to be effective in attenuating IR injury by delaying the clotting time, preserving the mitochondrial function, reducing oxidative stress, and inhibiting GSK 3β. But it failed to protect diseased cardiomyocytes challenged to IR. As discussed in the current review, fisetin not only acts as a conventional antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent to exert its biological effect but may also exert modulatory action on the cellular metabolism and adaptation via direct action on various signalling pathways that comprise PI3K, JAK-STAT, Nrf2, PKC, JNK, and autophagy. Moreover, the dosage of fisetin and co-morbidities like diabetes and obesity are found to be detrimental factors for cardioprotection.“

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Do you mean fisetin?

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Yes, thanks, Fisetin, for some reason I cannot seem to commit the spelling to memory.

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I don't think any link to NIH articles is a reliable source. They might be 70% right, but there are no criteria which allows discriminate right and wrong information upon official government websites... the system is broken.

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Ok. Search Fisetin studies on duck duck go and find a publisher you like.

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Oh, Robin, I did not want to express any specific concerns about your information, that was just a rhetorical about NIH ....

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Agree re all published work - to include NIH

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which one did you switch to? It just brings up a generic search.

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A dear friend was recently diagnosed with Chronic Lung Fibrosis after his 2nd jab. He now is boostered at least once, most likely twice. Lung function 50%. On O2 for sleep, walking, and traveling. Only 60. They also said his Lymph Nodes are swollen. Plus he had a hiatal hernia.

In fairness, his father died at 62, of this disease. I still can't help but wonder if the jabs excellerated his condition 🤷‍♀️

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yes, because the toxic content causes it (graphene and other toxic ingredients) :



The natural routes of entry of nanoparticles into an organism are inhalation, ingestion,

and dermal. As a result, some toxicological studies in animal models mimic this natural

contamination pattern by directly bringing nanoparticles into contact with organisms. Others

choose to administer GO by intravenous, intraperitoneal, and subcutaneous injections

(Figure 11). These injections are also used for biomedical applications [89]. Studies have

shown that intratracheal administration of GO in mice developed fibrosis in lung tissue

after 21 days. Besides, in cells, GO increased the rate of mitochondrial respiration and

the generation of reactive oxygen species, activating inflammatory and apoptotic

pathways [90]. In addition to respiratory exposures, GO, after entering the body by

intravenous injection, could also be retained in the lung and induce the formation of

granulomas and pulmonary edema [91]. Also, inhaled GO nanosheets can destroy the

ultrastructure and biophysical properties of pulmonary surfactant film, which is the

host’s first line of defense, and reveal their potential toxicity [92]. Once deposited at

the bottom of the pulmonary alveoli, nanoparticles can be taken up by macrophages

[93] or eliminated by respiratory mucus via the action of hair cells [94] or, for the

smallest of them, pass through the pulmonary epithelium and end up in the interstitial

liquid [95].

In ALL masks there is GRAPHENE: (https://www.google.com/search?q=graphene+masks&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiK-rqulvD5AhUuMlkFHTvyDoEQ_AUoA3oECAEQBQ&biw=1035&bih=526&dpr=1.5)

Biodistribution and toxicity of radio-labeled few layer graphene in mice after intratracheal

instillation | Particle and Fibre Toxicology | Full Text (biomedcentral.com) Published: 11

February 2016

When considering the potential human health risks of nanoparticles, inhalation is

thought to be the exposure route of highest concern [6–9]. The calculated deposition

fraction of few layer graphene (FLG) with different lateral dimensions ranging from 0.001 to

100 μm in the nasopharyngeal, tracheobronchial, and alveolar regions revealed that there

would be substantial deposition of these nanoplatelets throughout the respiratory tract [6].

Findings from several recent studies indicate that graphene and graphene oxide (GO) may

induce the acute inflammation and pulmonary fibrosis in mice lungs [6–9].

Nanoparticles may translocate to extrapulmonary organs and may be redistributed to

other tissues after deposition in the lung [10–12]. Thus, knowledge of graphene

biodistribution in mice after inhalation remains a key research gap.

FLG may pass through the air-blood barrier into blood and then be delivered to liver

and spleen, or enter into the blood via adsorption through the gastrointestinal tract.

And this is "Covid":

Continued: Biodistribution and pulmonary toxicity of intratracheally instilled graphene oxide in

mice | NPG Asia Materials (nature.com)

Because the inflammatory responses caused by nanomaterials are often associated

with oxidative stress,18, 19 we examined the degree of oxidative stress in the lung by

measuring the levels of two antioxidants, superoxide dismutase (SOD) and glutathione

peroxidase (GSH-PX). We observed a dosage-dependent decrease in SOD and GSH-PX

activities in the lung tissue (Figures 5a and c). In addition, the SOD and GSH-PX activities

were progressively reduced after the exposure to NGO, reaching a minimum at 48 h, followed

by an elevation until 1 week (Figures 5b and d). These data suggest that oxidative stress has

a significant role in NGO-induced ALI.

NGO was still present in the lung at 3 months. NGO caused dosage-dependent ALI

characterized mainly by cell injury, lung edema and neutrophil infiltration. The NGOinduced ALI was progressive, as it was most severe at 48 h and was then alleviated.

The NGO-induced chronic pulmonary lesions were characterized by diffuse pulmonary

fibrosis. The NGO-induced ALI was related to oxidative stress and could effectively be

relieved with DEX treatment.

The fact that inhaled NGO is harmful to animals might raise environmental concerns,

particularly under the context that radioactive species may be carried by these carbon

nanomaterials. Nanoscale, ultrafine particulates (<100 nm in diameter) from natural and

anthropogenic sources have become the cause of rapidly increasing

concern.21, 22, 23, 24 Severe adverse health effects of inhalable ultrafine particulate

matter have been demonstrated in both pulmonary toxicity and epidemiological

studies.25, 26, 27 There is a body of evidence that particulate matter can penetrate

deeply into lung tissue with larger numbers and stay longer than fine or coarse

particles (micrometer size or larger).25, 28 Because of their small sizes and high ratios

of surface area to mass, carbon-based nanoparticulates are highly adsorptive to toxic

substances, including radioactive species, which has attracted significant recent

concern.9, 10, 22 Given that the biodistribution of 125I-NGO varies greatly from that

of 125I ions, it is possible that nanoparticulates can deliver radioactive isotopes deep

into the lungs. These nanocarriers may also alter the biodistribution of the radioactive

isotopes, settling in numerous ‘hot spots’ that can result in mutations and cancers.

Although studies of such potential risks of radioactive nanoparticulates are still rare,



possibility to reduce the NGO-induced toxicity by optimization of its sizes and surface

coatings should be explored in future studies.

So here you have mice inhaling it 21 days - we inhale it 3rd year. This is a crime beyond comprehension!

For Graphene-based materials (GBMs)

Occupational exposure to graphene based nanomaterials: risk assessment,

DOI: 10.1039/C8NR04950E (Review Article) Nanoscale, 2018, 10, 15894-15903

Summary of the existing knowledge on GBM (Graphene-based materials) toxicity in animal

models. As signs of toxicity, data of inflammation, granuloma formation, fibrosis and necrosis

reported in the revised literature were considered. Data are divided between the main

occupational exposure routes.

For example, some graphene nanomaterials aerosols can be inhaled and substantial

deposition in the respiratory tract, and they can easily penetrate through the

tracheobronchial airways and then transit down to the lower lung airways, resulting in

the subsequent formation of granulomas, lung fibrosis and adverse health effects to

exposed persons.

Researchers discover that once graphene enters the lungs the immune system has

trouble getting rid of it.

Graphene nanoplatelets can penetrate deeper into the lungs than their size would

suggest, say UK researchers. And once there, the body’s natural defenses cannot deal

with them effectively. Chronic exposure could therefore lead to inflammation and

disease in a similar way to asbestos fibers.

To explore the time-dependent toxicity of graphene after intratracheal instillation, H&E

and Masson staining were applied to examine pathological changes of lung tissue. As shown

when control Fig. 6 (a) is compared to Fig. 6 (b), moderate interstitial and parenchymal

edema was observed in H&E stained lung sections after exposure for 1 day. Severe

inflammatory cell infiltration were also observed, which was characterized by

substantial quantities of cells in the pulmonary alveoli. Though the severity was

reduced, minimal pulmonary edema and inflammatory infiltration was also observed

after 7 days (Fig. 6 (c) compared to control Fig. 6 (a)). However, no obvious abnormal

pathological changes and lung structure damage were found in lung sections 28 days later

despite the continued presence of approximately 47 % of the initial FLG dose in the lungs

which are observed as small black areas in Fig. 6 (d). Similar results were previously reported

for graphene platelets which only caused minimal inflammation in mouse lungs after 6 weeks

exposure [9].

A panel of graphene-based

materials, including few-layer graphene, graphene, graphene oxide, and reduced GO

did not induce irritation unless they were prepared with irritant surfactants such as

sodium dodecyl sulfate and sodium dodecyl-benzenesulfonate [44]. Nanoparticles

could also reach the lungs if nanoparticles are not firmly embedded in the face mask

material. Acute effects in humans arising from inhalation of silver nanoparticles

include lung failure, increased heart rate and decreased arterial blood oxygen

pressure [45].

Of course, in all "vaccines" is the same crap:

In particular, after repeated intraperitoneal injection (8 injections in 4 weeks) in female

Wistar/cmdb outbred rats (6 weeks-old), GO (4 mg kg−1) was accumulated as large

agglomerates (up to 10 mm) along the injection site, as medium dots (around 2 mm)

along the mesentery and as small dots (<1 μm) in the connective and fatty tissues of the

liver serosa.40 After an acute intravenous injection of small or large 125I-GO (1 mg kg−1) in

male ICR mice (age/weight not specified), a different distribution of the two materials was observed: small GO mainly accumulated in the liver, with few particles in the lungs and

spleen, whereas the lungs became the main storage depot for large GO.41

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Outraged Human... I almost dropped of my chair when I saw the graphene masks; I thought that MUST be an exaggeration... That would explain the "mandates"!

You have so much information; have you considered writing your own substack? This would help you focus your... rage :)...

I'd subscribe :)...

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Yeah, it is a pandemic of graphene.

Masks, flu vaccines, PCR tests, food, other drugs, including saline solution, chemtrails...

We've been poisoned. Free radicals and oxy radicals, oxidative stress, because of toxicity of used substances - and acute oxidative stress leads to apoptosis (death) of the cell, thrombosis, organ failure, "long Covid" - brain fog is TYPICAL for oxidative stress, low saturation, obviously, ARDS, strokes, heart failure, aggressive cancers, etc.

Corona "virus"


"Intravenously injected nanomaterials can adsorb a wide range of proteins in the blood (39). The bio-corona of blood proteins is rapidly formed, and it has been shown to affect hemolysis and thrombocyte activation "

CORONA VIRUS ... https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-58861-8_2 https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9298084 DCCORONA

https://projects.ics.forth.gr/_publications/CORONA2015.pdf CORONA



Nose-to-Brain Translocation and Cerebral Biodegradation of Thin Graphene Oxide Nanosheets


Thin graphene oxide sheets can translocate from the nasal cavity to the brain

Translocation is size dependent, with ultrasmall nanometric sheets translocating the most

Kinetics of graphene oxide accumulation are time dependent and brain-region-specific

Brain-accumulated graphene oxide undergoes changes consistent with biodegradation

The nasal route represents a means by which nanomaterials can gain access to the brain in exposed individuals.14 Per the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) model of fractional depositions of inhaled particles,15 the aerodynamic diameter of an inhaled particle can influence its deposition in the pulmonary tract. Nanometer-sized particles are expected to deposit predominantly in the nasopharyngeal and laryngeal regions. Considering the anatomy of the olfactory region in the nose, which connects directly and indirectly with the brain,16 nanoparticle deposition in this region may result in nose-to-brain translocation. In support of this, epidemiologic studies, clinical trials, and animal experiments exploring the biodistribution of inhaled nanoparticles have identified the materials in extrapulmonary organs, including the brain.

Several modes of transport by which nanoparticles may enter the brain from the nasal cavities have been considered, including transport via axons of olfactory (olfactory neural pathway)31 and trigeminal (trigeminal pathway) neurons or via spaces between neuronal axons (paracellular transport). Other pathways include paracellular or transcellular transport in relation to olfactory sustentacular epithelial cells.16,35,36 Nanoparticles may also undergo absorption into the systemic circulation and then permeate the blood-brain barrier (BBB) to access the brain. The latter pathway remains unlikely due to various defenses of a healthy BBB, including efflux pumps and narrow tight junctions.

https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fnsys.2018.00012/full - Interfacing Graphene-Based Materials With Neural Cells

How to Reach the Brain: G-Based Nanocarriers and the Blood-Brain Barrier

Common mechanisms of cytotoxicity of G nanosheets have been reported in literature on different cell types, and include the physical interaction with cell membranes (Seabra et al., 2014); disruption of cell cytoskeleton (Tian et al., 2017); oxidative stress due to production of reactive oxygen species (ROS; Chen M. et al., 2016; Mittal et al., 2016); mitochondrial damage (Pelin et al., 2017); DNA damage, such as chromosomal fragmentation, DNA strand breakages, point mutations and oxidative DNA alterations (Akhavan et al., 2012; Fahmi et al., 2017); autophagy (Chen et al., 2014); and apoptosis and/or necrosis ... . It is clear, however, that G nanosheets may cause adverse environmental and health effects, leaving open the debate about their use as biomedical platform





HOSPIRA is the saline solution used by Pfizer:

IV saline in bags manufactured by both Hospira and Baxter contained 1600-8000 microparticles/mL and 4-73 × 10⁶ nanoparticles/mL in solution. When IV immunoglobulin was diluted into the IV saline, 3700-23,000 microparticles/mL and 18-240 × 10⁶ nanoparticles/mL were detected. During processing of the solution through the IV system, in-line filters removed most microparticles. However, there were still 1-21 × 10⁶ nanoparticles/mL in IV saline and 7-83 × 10⁶ nanoparticles/mL in IV immunoglobulin diluted in saline.

https://www.alltherisks.com/trade-secret -



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FYI, Now there are articles that this woman, Poornima Wagh is a fraud. I am taking about the Expose article and video on Rumble on studies of the vax content. That she didn't finish two doctorates, that they checked her out, etc. I wonder if this is not an attempt to kill the topic in the bud, to discredit the people who are going in this direction, because they know that a lot of people already know about graphene - if this is true, and the people behind this crime fabricated this (to discredit subject of graphene) or if this lady is insane ( because such people also may appear, such fraudsters) it still does not change the fact that graphene and other ingredients are everywhere in this "Pandemic" and in these injections. It actually looks like this is an attempt to discredit the subject, by discrediting the person

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I still don't have my substack, but I want to share with you this my comment, as it is explanatory:

The secret to do it is very simple:

I came about the research of Dr. Niwa and Nagase:

"One of the most experienced free-radical researchers, the Japanese biochemist Yukie Niwa, estimates that at least 85% of chronic and degenerative diseases result from oxidative damage."

And after tremendous research I've done, yes, this is EXACTLY my conclusion!!!

I studied toxicity of graphene and realized that Covid aligns 100 % with toxicity of graphene poisoning. People do not die of virus. If they have low saturation, organ failure, etc., they've been poisoned by graphene (chemtrails, masks, food, flu vaccines, PCR tests). Plus, they get protocols that kill them - Remdesivir, intubation, etc.

Oxidative stress needs to be addressed. Free radicals and oxy radicals are doing this damage in people's bodies because of toxicity of those undeclared ingredients, because they're being poisoned

This is also demonstrated here:


After over two years, it would be NICE if doctors could recognize disease and treat it. People who are poisoned, are susceptive to infections and those infections, as additional oxidative stress - and hardship for their already struggling organism, may be lethal for them.


I wondered what all adverse reactions have in common: At first those 22 listed on the FDA website:

https://www.fda.gov/media/143557/download page 16: FDA Safety Surveillance of COVID-19 Vaccines :

DRAFT Working list of possible adverse event outcomes the slide read as follows –

“FDA Safety Surveillance of COVID-19 Vaccines: DRAFT Working list of possible adverse event outcomes ***Subject to change***

-Guillain-Barré syndrome

-Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis

-Transverse myelitis

-Encephalitis /myelitis/encephalomyelitis/meningoencephalitis/meningitis/encephalopathy



-Narcolepsy and cataplexy


-Acute myocardial infarction


-Autoimmune disease


-Preganacy and birth outcomes

-Other acute demyelinating diseases

-Non-anaphylactic allergic reactions


-Disseminated intervascular coagulation

-Venous thromboembolism

-Arthritis and arthralgia/joint pain

-Kawasaki disease

-Multisymptom Inflammatory Syndrome in Children

-Vaccine enhanced disease”

As well as recently presented almost 1300 of them (https://phmpt.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/5.3.6-postmarketing-experience.pdf p.30)



What it means is exactly what Dr. Niwa discovered: that at least 85% of chronic and degenerative diseases result from oxidative stress damage - or you can say from ACUTE OXIDATIVE STRESS.

So now you know how to treat MOST of the diseases.

You don't need to pay them for their secret that I just reveled. Their allopathic medicine in fact is based on this same principle. They KNOW IT. But they extract some substances, and destroy the synergy.

Interestingly, it was known even in the ancient times:

From Ayurveda:

Like humans , plants need to protect themselves from toxins and pathogens that come from both inside and outside . Like human bodies , plants produce chemicals for this purpose . Not surprisingly, these chemicals can also benefit the human body, which is well known to both Western and Ayurvedic pharmacology. Ayurvedic pharmacology (called dravyagu na) differs in fundamental ways from modern pharmacology. Dravyaguna uses plants (or parts of plants) as they are found in nature, with all their components. Western pharmacology - which uses a "machine" model of the body - isolates active ingredients from plants and then (usually) synthesizes them. Most Western medicines are derived from natural substances in this way. For example, Western researchers have derived acetylsalicylic acid from the painkiller willow bark, and the antihypertensive/antipsychotic drug reserpine from Rauwolfia serpentina, an herb prescribed in ancient Ayurvedic texts for mental disorders. Medical science tends to assume that replacing natural herbs with synthetic active ingredients is a clear leap of progress. However, the active ingredient approach violates any synergies that exist between organic ingredients, which can be significant. In addition, many seemingly inactive ingredients have been shown to play significant health-promoting roles. For example, the medicinal value of bioflavonoids (a class of molecules found in plants) was often disregarded by early researchers, especially those who favored artificial vitamins, which they considered to be active components of plants. Since then, however, many bioflavonoids have been shown to have significant benefits. They act as antioxidants , anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, anti-cancer, anti-ulcer and hepatic...

So, getting out of the grip of death should be easy once we know

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You have very good information with links to studies we can read for ourselves. I like that. I hope you will consider getting your own Substack. Don't worry about misspelling things, it happens. Focus on getting the information out there.

More info and studies on toxic graphene here: https://sciencenews22.substack.com/p/graphene-is-toxic

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I started the substack, shall see with my time, but I will post some important info

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THANKS, SO MANY PEOPLE SUGGEST IT - for me to start my own substack, hm...

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Wow, thank you so much for taking the time to share this vital information. ❤️

This definitely explains his rapid decline, post jab

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Yes, and there is a causation which THEY deny - while NOT TELLING US the full CONTENT of those injections

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i am so sorry. prayers for all of you

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thank you, but its ok we dont speak much and never on that subject :) be safe and hav ea nice eve

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I am a 55 year old British woman who is over-weight. Had no major health issues.

I refused all Covid vaccines because I noticed that within weeks of the lockdowns/Covid hysteria beginning in March 2020 - significantly some politicians were saying

"Only a vaccine will get us out of this".

I knew from Professors John Ioannidis and Knut Wittowkski that the IFR was not even approaching justification for any of the hysteria in general, so I became suspicious of the "miracle" vaccines that were incredibly prescient it seemed.

I have been taking a daily protocol of Vitamin C, D3, Magnesium, Zinc & QUERCETIN since 2020.

Haven't been at all seriously sick though a couple of viruses* have made me a bit ill for 4/5 days max in the last 2 years.

*I have never used any Covid test as they're a central part of the scam.

I will keep taking Quercetin.

Thank you Walter for all your work.

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Same here. 52yo man, stopped taking the flu vaccine in 2016. Suddenly I stopped getting the flu. My employer didn't require the jab, otherwise there would have been a lawsuit. So no COVID jab for me. After reading many studies and pages about vaccines in general, I will not get another vaccine again. The history of vaccines is really shady, and the vax industry tried to have much of this suppressed. When they suppress something, that's a pretty good indication that there's some truth to it. So I focus on reading the suppressed material.

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You are a rare minority, Paula, and because of people who are keep sticking with their own observations we have a hope to survive as humans.

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Same here, 54yo : no test / jab / infection. Same for my mother too : 77yo (cancer + COPD). We are not a minority we are just invisible :) I take the same protocol as Paula, with antihistamines everyday

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Thank you, DS, I will!!!

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Same here UK based, 55yrs old. Been on a protocol recommended by Dr Shiva Ayadurrai I saw on Twitter (briefly) around May 2020. Vit A, C (10K IU), D3(4K IU), Zinc, later added magnesium, quercetin, after further reading. Last respiratory ailment was November 2019, until I got something mildly flu over this Xmas, which was nothing. Very strange as I always got whatever was going around, in the last 3yrs, I’ve had 1 PCR test (negative) required for a medical procedure, and 2 antigen blood tests (I paid for thinking they were more reliable, and not in invasive), in Dec 2020, October 2021, both negative for antibodies.

Everyone I know has had covid, and many of the vaccinated more than once. Me? I appear to be immune. I don’t know why. And I don’t feel smug about it, as I fear almost everyone I know is going to get really ill as I think they may have been poisoned, and if that is the case and goes mainstream, I think everything is going to fall apart. The God knows where any of us will be. I tripped over a YT video last night with anonymous NHS staff testimonies that the NHS is not a breaking point, but has completely broken down and this ties in with the experience of a colleague and his wife had locally, so I know to be very careful not to ill or injured right now.

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Hi, thanks for sharing your experience.

Currently a lot of people I'm friendly with or know, are sick. Non-event colds are now chest infections requiring antibiotics, arthritis flares that require GP/hospital. All vaxxed & while noone can say for sure, it seems the spike protein worsens whatever a person is either suffering or is predisposed to. A fiendish bio-weapon indeed.

Yes agree, this is a time to be staying as healthy as possible & keeping clear of our health system.

Stay well. All the best.

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Since the pandemic started I've had intermittent periods of exhaustion. I haven't been vaccinated and as far as I know I haven't caught covid (I test weekly for my volunteer position and I've never had covid symptoms). I tried quercetin but there was something about it that didn't suit me, so I stopped taking it. Instead I recently started taking hawthorn, and it has greatly improved my energy level. And I just discovered that hawthorn contains a lot of quercetin!

I realize that this is just an anecdote, but so be it.

Here is an article about the "Immunomodular effect of Hawthorn extract in an experimental stroke model" (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3022819/)(Hawthorn extract helped alleviate pro-inflammatory immune responses associated with I/R-induced injury, boosted IL-10 levels, and increased Foxp3-positive Tregs in the brain, which may have aided in suppression of activated inflammatory cells. Such treatment also minimizes apoptotic cell death by influencing STAT-3 phosphorylation and Bcl-xL expression in the brain.)

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Long covid can have very subtle symptoms, but it can also allow a latent Epstein-Barr infection to activate. Most of us have EBV but it shows no symptoms until times of stress. EBV activation is often marked by great fatigue, possible sore throat, possible dry cough.

An Unexpected Virus Culprit (Epstein-Barr Virus) is Found in Long-COVID. Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is a bigger threat than we thought, and we still don’t know how to treat it. This is not surprising since EBV can be activated under times of stress, much like herpes viruses. https://shinjieyong.medium.com/an-unexpected-virus-culprit-is-found-in-long-covid-3318f8367460 The study: https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2022.08.09.22278592v1

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Which means, everyone who has long covid, we also need to take care of our emotional environment. A hygiene of mind....

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It may well be a combination of the current social environment of PHE/Govt./media propaganda and gaslighting which is in itself enough to raise stress levels for those who do not subscribe to the nonsense AND possibly the high levels of circulating virus causing repeated exposure to numerous variants. Maybe the latter don't cause full-blown symptoms in the unvaxxed or naturally infected but the constant activation of the innate immune system could be indeed be taxing.

If you are in the control group take care of yourself mentally and physically. This isn't over by a long shot (no pun intended).

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Dear Walter

Thank you for all your ongoing focus on SARSCov pathology.

You probably heard about the two drugs (below) and I am wondering what are your thoughts:

1. Azvudine is a thymus-homing anti-SARS-CoV-2 drug effective in treating COVID-19 patients

2. Prof. Nadir Arber developed a molecule  called CD24.The Phase II trial was conducted in Athens  “Some 93% of 90 coronavirus serious patients treated in several Greek hospitals were discharged within 5 days.

The principal investigator was Greece’s coronavirus commissioner, Prof. Sotiris Tsiodras.

Any thoughts?

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Did you check for those drugs here? 1800+ studies on COVID-19 treatments. https://c19early.com/

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Also, what are your thoughts on AEROSOL version of peptide fusion inhibitor Gallaher&Gary created to keep themselves safe ? It is still not available commercially but they kept all their lab staff safe.

Wouldnt a standard intranasal spray be less effective against SARS -Cov2 which could attach to the lungs in a far greater quantity due to the Furin cleavage site - not much point using any intranasal spray, correct?

In addition , many people commented on

Maj Gen. Chen Wei who become the 🇨🇳 chief Bio-weapon expert as she invented an "interferon spray inhibitor" for SARS which kept 1400 staff safe during pandemic. Eco health ordered them not to release a spray to public but instead to develop a vaccine. Apparently, many people still think that GGL and D- peptide inhibitors from HIV-1 gp41 could be used as potential inhibitirs for SARS -CoV entry. What do you think?

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Hi Bibi, I have missed your kind posts! So happy to read you again!

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Oh Sally thank you for letting me know how you feel! You are such a warm and kind soul. I missed you too. I enjoy when you notice my posts, share your thoughts and I deeply appreciate how we all interact here, in this space of intellectual adventure carved by Walter’s insights.

I feel some heightened susceptibility to joy when I read substack articles and interact with people through their comments. Quantum Physicists agree on one thing, which is that the reality comes into being through an interaction. I feel like I am really “interacting” with people here vs “keeping my walls up” with my friends in “real” life who are all vaccinated and still taking boosters. I feel so vibrantly alive when I read some of the articles and comments. It feels so refreshing, energizing and uplifting being surrounded with like minded people. Thank you Sally.

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"What on earth were people thinking that the Spike Protein would be useful? "

Regular me wants to think the inclusion of the Spike was seen as an acceptable risk.

Tin foil hat me thinks this was planned genocide of the West.

I sure hope Regular me is right.

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It might be all about the money. Inflate the normal flu to terrorize people, push a vaccine, make money on Pfizer and Moderna stock.

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Well said. I hope regular you is right too.

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I started developing erythromelalgia approximately one month after my first (and last) Pfizer shot. I am managing the symptoms with Quercetin. There was a notable improvement in my burning hand pain within an hour of taking it.

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Mitochondrial mutagenesis.

Or human herbicide as you have mentioned previously in another post. Because we are weeds apparently.

Mitochondrial DNA is damaged through a mutagenic processes when exposed to spike protein inside the cell. Almost all other symptoms we see are the result of those cells failing to perform their regular functions because they're "tired"

Eg immune dysfunction is damage to immune cells. Dementia is the damage to neurons. And diabetes is damage to pancreatic cells. So on and so on.

The toxicity does not destroy all the mitochondria in a cell. Just some. The cell divides passing this damage on to daughter cells and over time tissues are infected with underperforming cells with low energy outputs and produce high levels of oxidative stress as a symptom. Oxidative stress itself leads to DNA damage. Hence cancers.

This cannot be fixed in the ordinary sense. But we might be able to mark cells which produce too much oxidative stress (a symptom of damaged mtDNA) and delete them. Allowing only the healthy not effected cells repopulate the tissues.

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Perhaps apoptosis, brought on by fasting could help?

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Yes we can minimize the damage and that is a way.

1) Psychological controls, minimize stress, sleep well, stay connected with others.

2) Dietary controls. Focus on an anti-inflammatory diet high in prebiotics for the best possible gut health. Avoid inflammatory substances like alcohol or preserved meats. Lots of bright natural colors for antioxidants. Fasting.

3) Supplement/medicines. Various supplements or herbal remedies likely have useful effects. Curcumin (turmeric). Vitamin D. Nettle teas, ginger, rosemary, quercetin.

4) Physical controls. Gentle regular exercise. Gentle being the key word. Too much will produced too much oxidative stress. Not enough and your lymphatic system and circulatory systems are hindered. Avoiding addition exposures to the toxins by whatever means possible.

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A thousand thank yous for the work and guidance. There was no thinking by those that developed this "virus." The thought was of profit and sinister outcomes.

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We need people to translate these possible uses of drugs for COVID symptoms into plain English. So, it sounds like Quercetin (a supplement in the US) can be used to treat certain lung problems, but how do we know the cases or lung problems it will treat? I know someone who has COVID with a dry cough that just won't stop.

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Thank you, Walter. I have that paper pulled and saved and printed to read.

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Good to know things that can help - so thanks for your research. Most people I know took the jabs because I live in a very woke area and they are truly brainwashed - even most of the kids too, unfortunately. So far so good as far as I know, though I heard a couple folks had rashes post booster, one got hip arthralgia, and another one just got a UTI. Many caught omicron anyway so I hope they don't go for the new bivalent boosters. I think most people don't talk much about health issues that could be related to the jab - as it would be letting down the side, so to speak, or they don't connect the dots. So it may be hard to help them ....

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