Sis in law took 3rd poke and 6 weeks later...dead. No previous health issues. A week after 3rd jab diagnosed with gallbladder issues. 3wks post, nausea and wt loss, ct scan found sm lesion on pancreas. 4wks post biopsy. 5wks post another ct scan finding lg mass and flash. 6wks post no life left.

Believe you are quite correct.

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I appreciate what you are putting forward Walter. Honest seeking of connections is very valuable in an era of agenda driven pseudoscience.

A friend of mine, a vax advocate, died of pancreatic cancer that was diagnosed about the time he would have had his first injection, I believe. Of course it is complex but we can’t get anywhere unless someone with the skills attempts to deduce the mechanisms of action. It is also unsettling to know the globalist mechanism of action, but know it we must. Hopefully this will lead to spike detox therapies down the road.

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Get the word out to get a baseline physical and blood work pre decision to inject. Also full body MRI would be helpful.

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Very interesting Walter thank you.

I recently started taking serrapeptase and nattokinase, got some high strength quercetin (500mg) and increased Zn (45mg) and Mg(300mg (suggested level was 1g)). After about 5 days I pretty much feel back to normal (pre 3x covid levels (no vx)). Energy has returned, no brain fog, I can multitask again, and feel much more positive. Using IR therapy now and again. Try to do Wim Hof breathing regularly to maximise oxygenation. Several people suggesting hyperbaric oxygen which might help others if they can get access.

This Japanese study makes suggestions regarding what to avoid after COVID-19 vaccination to reduce chances of adverse effects including death. https://www.mdpi.com/2076-393X/10/6/866/htm

"High-intensity exercise, alcohol, tobacco smoking, and baths promote inflammatory cytokines, such as IL-6, which may exacerbate the adverse reactions after vaccination. Japanese data show that deaths during baths are the most common for several days after mRNA vaccination".

"After Covid-19 vaccination, inflammatory cytokines, autoimmune involvement, eosinophilia, and the downregulation of ACE2 have been reported in relation to various symptoms and diseases. We should recognize these adverse effects and recommend the following precautions immediately after vaccination: limit strenuous exercise, alcohol intake, tobacco smoking, and taking baths".

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Thank you, Walter for this observation. I see how generalized ideas about spike protein and its role in creating cancer-like states in the tissues become more spotted on extra-cellular balance. It is difficult to overestimate the complexity of chemical processes you are extracting from the studies, and every new topic in your channel raises more questions than answers. I think, It reflects the real state of our knowledge, which is mostly being ignored by "official science", but the whole situation becomes closer to revealing something, which I sure was classified during decades. I wish R. Malone to start talking more about the biology he was deeply involved in.

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yeap, malone talks only politics, horses and friday funnies ... yeah well.

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Thank you, Walter, for all your hard work!

I just went through covid, only I mistook it for the flu and I noticed something was wrong when I started feeling stabbing pain in my pancreas at night. Fortunately, we use Biomagnetic Pair Therapy at home and I managed to stop the process really fast. Also, I immediately started using ivermectin, aspirin, zinc and hydroxychloroquine. Now, after four days of treatment, the pain is gone, the fever is gone. I also supplement with serrapeptase, vit. D, K, C, quercetin, olive leaf, r-alpha lipoic acid, blackcummin sead oil, honey, resveratrol …

I really hope that a combination of all that will help keep it at bay.

I’m also doing clean keto: wild fish, grassfed lamb, some organic fruits and vegetables.

Any more suggestions?

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I just was watching a mergonomics video where he said he came across a paper that suggested nattokinase was shown to get rid of the spike protein. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3tqwqEqOBe4


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I would put this research at the top of all conversations about the Covid S spike. I've read the study. The question now is: where the sources of spike protein located, and what is bioavailability nattokinase in those regions. The most important - endothelium. And we need to test in with high dosages on us, patients, to see the results.

I know for sure, in my case I can witness a slow reduction in inflammatory processes of the long covid during 2-3 weeks (2000 FUs/ day), but I was taking it with Serrapeptase (120.000 SPU) and Artemisinin (100 mg).

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livepets dot com sells a C60 product that contains serrapeptase. From my studies into C60, it does enter deep into cells throughout the body, carrying with it the other bonded molecules. A possibility perhaps. And niacin, B3, the flushing version only, will open up microvasculature and offers other benefits as well.

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I can't begin to comprehend the detail above, but I do know that a dear friend was just diagnosed with advanced pancreatic cancer which has already metastasized. She's 60 y.o. and was otherwise healthy and vibrant. I learned of this only days after another healthy and vibrant friend died mysteriously in her sleep. Both were multi vaxxed, of course. 😔😔

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I personally know 3 people who developed cancer post mRna treatment. Prostate, tongue and eye, a 4th developed AFib! All under 68.

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I work part time in a pub and also just over a thousand FB friends. I'm telling you I don't like what Ive seen this past year. This year lost 3 men from the pub, they were late 60's/ 70's . One was ravaged with cancer, one heart attack, one yesterday just got back off holiday, sudden death. On FB 4 women sudden death, and a few with serious illnesses, gall bladder, severe anaemia, my 40 yr old next door neighbour diagnosed with Ascites, liver failure, never drank alcohol, not overweight. It all looks so obvious to me something very wrong is going on, but people still think Im nuts for saying it could be vax related. Sadly this will keep happening more and more, just how far does this have to go before someone steps up and say actually we made a fucked up bio weapon virus and a fucked up vaccine to go with it??

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That is a terrible observation, Paul...

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Thoughts on the paleo diet? I hear it can do wonders in preventing, managing and in some instances reversing diabetes. All that unprocessed, unsweetened food, vegetable fiber and pre-biotic goodness and all.

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The pancreas is a delicate organ, and the spike protein collects there. My 79 y.o. mother recently developed pancreatic insufficiency; her pancreas no longer produces digestive enzymes, so she has to take very costly pharmaceutical enzymes. I think the injury to her pancreas was likely due to the vaccine or an asymptomatic covid infection - no-one in my family has ever had pancreatic insufficiency before.

I can't really follow Walter's chains of thought. However, I don't think he "owes" me a blog that fits my capacities. All that he owes anyone else is to be truthful, and that he certainly is.

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Have a friend who took one J&J and now is at MD Anderson with a Stage 4 cancer diagnosed from lymph node biopsy and they cannot find the primary source. In addition to swollen lymph nodes, exceedingly high blood sugar was present. First biopsy was needle, node removal pending. Could be another “rare” cancer?

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I am very sorry for your friend. This brings to mind another hypothesis I have. That the Spike Protein is inducing MICROTUMORS. In other words thousands or millions of very, very small tumors. Therefore, a PRIMARY tumor would not be found.

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Tumors vs clots (both micro). Are they similar or the same? Or does the word tumor suggest cancer? Either way, inducing millions of them in the body sounds nothing short of WAR tactics against Humanity. It’s beyond comprehension, the EVIL involved and still so many who seem clueless which adds greatly to this ghastly saga!

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Two friends just diagnosed with pancreatic cancer that has already metastasized. Friend’s 8 year old grandchild just diagnosed with type 1 diabetes.

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That is what my friend found--just diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, and it had already metastasized.

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Thank you so much!

 Any thoughts about the putative role of PRIONS?

First, prions may cause a prothrombotic state

.https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25749016/ Cell Calcium. 2015 Apr;57(4):300-11. doi: 10.1016/j.ceca.2015.02.002. Epub 2015 Feb 16.Prion protein fragment (106-126) induces prothrombotic state by raising platelet intracellular calcium and microparticle release

Second, prions may be a biomarker for the aggressiveness of pancreatic cancer.

//www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8611201/ CONCLUSION"The study confirms our previous data, highlighting in vivo in patients PDAC tissue the role of PrPc in PDAC aggressiveness."

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Do you have no sense of responsibility towards your audience? This is all guesswork, and on the basis of guesswork, you are terrorising good people. Sure, you might be right, but if you were in any way a responsible human being, you would not publish this stuff without potential solutions. I have ended my subscription to your stack. I don't need to be bombarded with speculative problems without solutions.

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Being unable to currently offer a solution does not mitigate a problem. I am thrilled you have ended your subscription to my stack. None of this is "guesswork." This is all follows from logical thinking. I am pleased to wish you farewell.

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I appreciate very much someone trying to honestly access & having the courage to say what they are finding even if its not yet known to be 100% proven? Food for thought!!! I have had enough of NOT KnowiNG & of being deprived of hearing true professional opinions!!!

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All real advances in any kind of understanding begin as educated speculation. Sharing it with others and receiving feedback is one of the ways of moving an investigation forward.

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Yep! My thoughts precisely!!!! This has been a major impediment to us in the last 2.5 years. Of course, all part of the Globalists playbook to take our freedoms away and subjugate us (humanity) to slavery and Serfdom to which the world has never known (technology)!!! And to which we had advanced beforehand to prevent!!! Now, it’s at great risk. How can we save it and US before its too late????

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Further, its only by normal collaboration (a thing of the past) that the truth eventually is determined. You are another of our current day Hero’s!!!!! Bravo to you and your work!!!

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Whether completely proven or not when presented to us, at the very least these are warnings without out which we are blind. We are more grateful for your work than words can ever express.


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This woman is likely terrified. The truth is challenging. Only the brave are willing to see it. I don't enjoy hearing that my worst fears are coming true, but I'd rather look the truth in the face than cover my eyes hollering "I can't see you!"

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By her way of thinking one would go to the auto mechanic and immediately upon check in start yelling "why isn't the car fixed" prior to any inspection, observed behaviour, theory about what is wrong based on mechanical knowhow, and diagnostics. It boggles the mind. It should not even have to be said (the steps to fundamental problem solving).

Thank you for your expertise and making these connections. I'm glad that you found this particular connection. I made a mental note of all the buzz around sudden pancreatic cancers in comment sections all across the internet about a year ago. I thought it was a rare cancer so it surprised me to hear so many stories. I'd put $ on the rate being significantly elevated over baseline since about April 2021.

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Nothing’s ever going to be discovered if you already definitely know all the answers. I’m beyond being able to be scared. Thank you Walter, for your unique abilities in offering knowledge and consequently hope.

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Another thing, you think Mr. Chesnut is terrorizing us by his PROFESSIONAL studies anything close to those who are mandating EXPERIMENTAL GENE THERAPY or jabs to almost everyone they can FORCE, COERCE& FRIGHTEN to take them??? Jabs that have killed and maimed millions and likely to effect the health of millions or billions in the future!!!! What are you, COMPLETELY out of SYNC with the real world happenings???? You apparently are or perhaps you are one of the PAID TERRORIZERS to keep the lies, oppression TERRORIZATION of humanity going????

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I was about to say the same thing. People are already terrorized. Maybe she needs Snopes to fact check everything here for her to make sure no dangerous misinformation gets through that might upset someone. Seriously, she thinks a smart guy like Walter censoring his own work, published on his own blog, would somehow be of more service than just laying out his reasoning for everyone to see?

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Excellent! Thank you!

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Christine, the best approach for you is to do everything you can to avoid catching covid. Wear a N95 (fitted properly) when shopping, avoid crowds, don't eat out, use Xlear nasal spray, take a claritin a day, use nigella or ivermectin as a prophylactic. Plus zinc (in moderation, melatonin and some source of quercetin).

Other than that, you just need to make your peace with God, as we all do. Not one of us is going to live forever. If we die sooner than we might have due to covid, well, we were going to die anyway.

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Relax breathe the air take regular exercise, optimise your D3 levels. At its most serious, the average age of someone dying of/with Covid in the UK is 82!

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thank you Christine for the advice to shut our mouthes up, because some of normies can develop a cognitive dissonance, comparing their physical condition with the "Safe and Effective" mantra.

We need this "GUESSWORK", based on reading, analysis and collective capacity of humans to solve the problems. There IS NO potential solutions BEFORE understanding of what is going on. Walter is not a Doctor, who benefit from his advices. He is a Citizen, who tries to comprehend public threats on the level between the latest papers and well educated general public.

It will take years before his signals and knowledge will be translated into standard medical practices and protocols. Please don't be naive.

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It is more than guesswork! Burying your head in the sand will not help anyone.

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To be responsible is to choose. Choosing supposes 2 opposite versions.

We have the globalists' version. Walter offers us his compassion: enlightening through Knowledge. Many thanks to Walter.

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don't like it, move on. old news.

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That's what I say when someone leaves that your better off without. It was directed at Christine the "psychic".

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I sometimes get frustrated too by Walter's posts because it SEEMS (emphasis on the seems) that he is jumping from one thing to another, grasping at straws, like some sort of feral dog chasing after its own tail.

What I think is happening is that the understanding of the human body is so 360* degrees wide that everytime he corners an angle, another one emerges. Yet all these angles and mechanisms sort of embed the one with the other. Because I guess everything is interrelated in the body... Duh! Haha

Anyway, it would be nice to have overarching syntheses from times to times so we can have a high level view of all this cacophony of angles and hypotheses and viewpoints. There is so much confusion and chaos out there already!.. clarity is of the essence in this world.

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God created and designed our bodies.

It was a closed end system.

Got it ?

Forget the success of Trans-Humanism. Not going to be successful.

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Oh my gosh! 😩

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Thank you for this. Excellent scholarly treatment of this issue. (Meaning I understand about 10% LOL) I searched my email cache for "pancreatic cancer" and this post came up. I just had a friend diagnosed with pancreatic cancer that has metastasized to the lungs. Saw him on holiday just 3 months ago. Early 70's, in perfect health (snorkeled every day in the ocean). He's deteriorated just in the last few weeks, losing weight precipitously. So sad. He and his wife are fully vaxxed. I am not, but I am increasingly concerned that one's jab status doesn't matter so much. Injected or not, we must be proactive about attempting to stay healthy and cancer free.

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