As if it isn't already bad enough.

I have just come across these reports some of which is from a while ago, but it was heavily censored. You maybe have seen it all already. If you are able to look on Twitter at Pathologist Prof. Arne Burkhardt MD (Fan Account) @pathnoerror ? There are lab results which seem to support the work you have done on endothelial damage. Also studies showing Spike gets into cardiac muscle, they use nucleocapsid as a control and demonstrates that natural infection behaves differently.

I have spoken to a couple of people today who have had covid again after having it in June. They had boosters and then got covid, they said it was mild.

I just sound like a madwoman. when I try to explain the issues. They still think the vax is protecting them.

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My unvaxed RN daughter has covid again...this time it has acted like an entirely different virus (except that she was extremely tired both times). She is Ivermectining etc. but still just wants to sleep. Reading this stack makes me SO concerned.

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The same thing happened to me with this variant. I'd sleep 12 hours each night and take a 5 hour nap

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I had that one earlier in the year. Extra quercetin, black seed oil, pom peel tea, etc helped me get through it in a week or so. Migraine and sleeping 12 hours plus naps amounts.

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Your story came to mind when I noticed Dr. Eric Ding's post regarding CDC not telling the public of the new antibody-evading variants:


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Geert was right and has been all along, and Karl Sirotkin.


*I just added the Twitter Thread to my post, thanks. Escape variants are the Geert concern.

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I know and it's so frustrating to watch the current clowns run the show (the same monsters are also most likely behind the pathogen).

It's difficult to be happy for Dr. Geert etc. when the whole population is at risk and most were tricked into taking the experimental gene therapy (I'm still happy we have these honest and brave people, who've tried everything to get the message through).

I live in Finland and I get bullied trying to inform people about the risks and how everything they were told about the "vaccines" was not true. Will post my first substack article shortly regarding to the lies that are still up on our national health service website. It'll be fun! (But in Finnish to better reach my fellow citizens).

Readers here may be interested in this recent video where a Boston area data analyst John Beaudoin shows the massive fraud and how they've faked the vaccine deaths to "covid". He's been using VAERS and other registeries after noticed things don't add up. The actual presentation starts at ~20 min mark:


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Thanks 🙏 regarding Geert Vanden Bossche, it isn't about being happy for him, it is about listening to him. That was the focus of my post, early treatment is prophylactic treatment without having to wonder why you sneezed. Also I added negative ionizers and intranasal spray or rinse as two other steps of precaution. Clean the air can help reduce quasiswarm risks, Karl Sirotkin's work. ~ Harvard to the big house, on Substack

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Yes. My unvax friend got COVID and did not use therapeutics but recovered fine but she does seem to get sick often. She exercises daily and is pretty healthy but then she’ll get sick and it takes her a week or more to recover. She does not test for cv when she gets sick.

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How often does your friend intermittent fast or practice any kind of fasting (fruit fast, water fast, leafy green veggie fast, &c)?

How much sunlight and deep sleep does your friend get?

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I’ll have to ask about fasting. She’s in the sun a lot either by walking or working outdoors. I think she gets plenty of sleep and from what I know eats pretty healthy.

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Thank you for the call out of Pathologist! Great information. I understand the frustration of trying to inform friends an family - they can't bear the truth so I don't mention it. Makes for a bit of a lonely world.

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I seriously hope this affects mostly/only those getting the death jabs, otherwise the whole world is completely fucked.

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Geert Vanden Bossche’s ( forgive any misspellings here) latest video released today addresses directly your concerns. In brief: the unvaxxed should be fine.

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I read GVB's transcript instead of watching the video. Here are both:



The vaxxed better start following a prophylactic protocol, e.g. FLCCC Prevention Protocol:


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Preventive treatment by those in positions to do so could also help air quality - negative ionizer. I wrote a post yesterday sharing Geert's - Geert says we need to treat everyone - and I agree. Intranasal rinse or spray after being in high-risk settings is also preventive, but once infected is not treatment. It helps stop it in the nose but wouldn't treat the lungs, etc. https://denutrients.substack.com/p/geert-says-we-need-to-treat-everyone

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With Geert's video, It seems, we will not reach herd immunity considering that our governments are still mandating vaccines. Grim future...

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Passive exposure to jabbed people is a risk to the unjabbed and big crowds of immune compromised people can be a big risk to anyone else if a bad variant develops and spreads to the crowd. Karl Sirotkin's quasiswarm work. Negative ionizers in busy settings would help sterilize postively charged spike from the air.

Chimeric spike is affecting multiple species - we (humans) are f'ing the world with this.

I wrote a response and spread the word post about Geert's and it has link's to Karl Sirotkin's work (@Harvard2bighouse) https://denutrients.substack.com/p/geert-says-we-need-to-treat-everyone

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Agree that exposure to jabbed is doing something. A visit from a friend brought on my cycle *again* ten days early. Just little blobs of clots at first. Unjabbed and 1x CoVid infection during Omicron.

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Treat yourself is my recommendation. I get shingles now - after passive exposure illness in May 2021, not after CoV in March 2022.

This is like a latent intracellular infection that relapses, like Lyme's and tuberculosis.

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Society can't function if 50% or more get very sick or dead in a few years.

It's over.

Ever wondered why some civilizations seemed to vanish without a trace?

They erase civilizations to move on to the next one.

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Europe survived davastating population drops from plague.We may be able to if God allows.

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I'm not vaccinated. My friend Pam is not vaccinated

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Oh wow! I hope y’all are recovered! I live on the same water y’all were on, but about 4 hrs South (unless you take the ferries)Thanks for clearing this up. You know, it’s all one big IQ test, and we’re all doing our best. I’m glad you talked with Walter.

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I'm from the Southern Outer Banks. That will always be home 💗 My specialty in autoimmune disease and autoinflammatory conditions keeps me in Durham. After this entire situation that has occurred, I think I'm going to resign my position and work for an independent labs. My friend and I are recovered from covid symptoms. This strange aftermath with blood abnormalities is very concerning. That part has not been solved

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My wife’s from Plymouth. I do love Eastern NC. Best folks in the world. I wish y’all the best! I hope this nasty episode is behind y’all for good.

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Has Pam received mAbs as well?

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Yes. She recieved them on the same day as me. August 6th

We both recieved EVUSHELD and we had a significant cocktail of medications that we started on day one

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When the majority of the world got the jabs, that is still not much better. Thank God for the remnant who will be the firebreak for whatever will unfold from the jabs.

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Neither one of us had the gene juice

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Interesting. So you had one of the original flavors in March 2020, antibodies remained and no Omicron until XBB? Is that a correct summary? Did you take vitamin I or HQC or both? One more question - the extended family you had contact with - do you know their vax and / or virus recovery status?

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@prima__facie looks bot-y.

No activity since 2014 until yesterday, and an apparent recent handle-change (no wayback for current handle). Grammar errors in document. And what is "My mining hobby is very labor intense at some locations" supposed to mean.

(On the other hand, there's simplicity and genius in "Walmart. WHERE DREAMS DIE..." https://twitter.com/prima__facie/status/174694013423718401 )

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I've been banned on Twitter multiple times so I'm using my original account. Ask Walter, he knows who Dr Kat PhD typer of typos is. Stop being an imbecile. You sub 70 IQ'ers are something else

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My IQ has nothing to do with my time being wasted not being given that information before your tweet was linked. I think this sub is too careless with reader time. Have fun mining intensely.

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Seems a little harsh. I don't know much about gem mining, but I seriously doubt you do either. Her point is she is fit, yet had all these ill effects.

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Look at my reply to Walter. Before he list his account on Twitter we used to exchange it of information.

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In her thread she surmises they caught the virus while kayaking and wondered if it was water contamination: “we did pass by different wastewater plants while kayaking.”

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My own Kayaking Diary is nothing if not a wastewater plant circumscription journal.

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They’re spraying heavy over towns and cities. This isn’t a “conspiracy”.

Who knows what all they spray on us. https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/

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She had in her Twitter bio that her hobby is gem mining.

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Oct 10, 2022
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Exactly - I never caught a whiff of TM until Omicron 11 months ago, and everything I've seen since then has been consistent with an op to reverse the "imacold" narrative.

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Oct 10, 2022
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It's not a f-cking psyop. Walter knows who I am. I had a PhD in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. My specialty is autoimmune disease and autoinflammatory conditions.prior to Walter. being kicked off of Twitter, him and I exchange a lot of research Information. Would you like to engage in a scientific debate Mads? Btw, I'm not vaccinated and my friend is not vaccinated. Your comments make you sound like you're in a. The left has a cult and the right has a cult. It's disgusting

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I'm sorry these people are harsh. After all we've been through the past couple years, some have become suspicious of nearly everyone. And I think most of us have some areas where we just don't know what to believe. But your account is sincerely shared and suggests to me the possibility that the U.S. labs in their "study" (messing around) with Covid have created some new varient, some Frankenstein they don't want anyone to know they are responsible for. Please keep sharing what you learn!

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Thanks Walter, it's early days but we think it may be mediated by sustained tumor growth factor beta.

Non antiviral antibodies after the class switch: autoimmunity

...The specificities of the antibodies generated remain to be identified, but most of them are not specific for the spike protein, its receptor-binding domain (RBD) or NP.

...Moreover, enhanced TGF-β expression has been described to be a hallmark of continued activation of Th17 cells3.

...Furthermore, SARS-CoV nucleoprotein (NP), which is 90% homologous to SARS-CoV-2 NP41, can directly activate SMAD3, enhancing TGF-β-mediated gene expression

SARS-CoV-2 in severe COVID-19 induces a TGF-β-dominated chronic immune response that does not target itself

Marta Ferreira-Gomes et al. Nat Commun. 2021.


TGF-β-induced epithelial to mesenchymal transition https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4720263/#:~:text=Accordingly%2C%20EMT%20is%20considered%20as,EMT%20in%20various%20epithelial%20cells.

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I think there are multiple pathologies potentially occuring here. To be honest.

I think there is a form of prion or protein misfolding happening. This will take a long time to manifest if this is true. I suspect 10-30 years minimum.

I think there is in some instances but not all, the onset of a new autoimmune condition or an immunological habit develops based on the response. Primarily it seem the younger you are the more easily the habit develops.

I think a form of mitochondrial mutagenesis is occuring too as the spike protein destroys or damages some mitochondria in its path. Leading to aging and symptoms like brain fog, fatigue and exercise intolerance. Or diabetes or liver disease. Depending on which cells get exposed the with the most spike protein.

I think also the nano lipids themselves allow other blood borne contaminants, like particles of heavy metals or herbicides to more easily enter cells and cross barriers in the body. Leading to various complications additional to the intended. This is influenced by environmental factors with toxins in your own environments.

And there are still the issues and unknowns with this DNA transcription and also epigenetic effects.

So, does anyone have any good news?

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1) FL Surgeon general recommending against the vax for men up to 40. It's a

significant start anyway.

2) Tom Renz's lawsuit against Ralf Baric and Peter Dazak and 100 John/Jane Does.

They don't have protection for CARES act etc. for creating a dangerous viral


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I saw some mainstream coverage in Australia too. Sky news Australia had a piece on all cause mortality rates and why the government isn't interested

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Regarding prions, I’ve found it quite concerning that we have reports of dementia occurring in children in VAERS reports.. I’m unconvinced that it will take decades to appear.

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Hey Walter! This is Dr Kat PhD (typo of typos)if there's any other information you would like to have, you can email me at my backup account concernedmedic2021@gmail.com

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Maybe the sp!ke pr0+e!n induces EPIgenetic changes thus altering gene expression, which can cause cells to switch between different types?


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SARS-2, whether vaccine or natural targets the immune compromised, people with co- morbidities or immune senescent. In all other’s it acts as a latency disease like shingles and hides in reservoirs like monocytes, kidneys, lungs, heart, mostly guts. Natural immunity targets the nucleocapsid envelope without being exposed to the spike protein. Once your body is exposed to the Spike protein in never goes away, by design, and attempts to remodel your immune system into a pro-inflammatory state by activating the inflammasome. It can be managed, it is not hopeless, but once exposed to spike protein you must change your life style towards anti-inflammatory posture, by exercise, no smoking or drinking, NAC for lungs and Curcumin, Berberine, pomegranate peel and nasal wash and isolation if you get infected. Most of all keep informed and stay away from Main Street media. Walk your own path along the road less travelled.

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Note - Once monoclonal antibody treatment is tossed in the picture, the picture is muddy - it is no longer just spike effects in play.

(Aside/ Geert is right though - we need to treat the air, and ourselves, any of us willing and able to do so, https://denutrients.substack.com/p/geert-says-we-need-to-treat-everyone - large crowds increase the risk of variants developing in the air above the busy crowd. Karl Sirotkin's work.)

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Exactly. Weren't the mABs part of the same ebola trial as Remdesivir with 31% fatalities? Aren't mABs grown in in mice? Too many epitopes to the antibodies perhaps.

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it is not clear to me.... are the two COVID victims in the tweet unvaxxed?

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You’re never gonna get an answer on this. Ambiguity is their middle name.

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Have there been any studies with Fenbendazole and the spike protein? Would it be similar to Ivermectin? I’ve read about it killing cancer tumors, so maybe it might be helpful with this?

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Just google dead fish and you’ll see how they’re poisoning us. So many articles. I tested my drinking water and it said it had viruses. Not sure how accurate they are. I also tested alkaline water and regular bottled water, they came back normal. https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/

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Really curious if Fenbendazole can fight this stuff too. It’s helped with cancer, Lyme, and apparently AIDS. https://www.healingwell.com/community/default.aspx?f=30&m=4170101

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Why we never know in these stories if the ppl vaccinated? Because this is the only important in these stories afer all. Without the vaxstatus these stories means nothing.

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This was recommended to me. It adds to the “something more” thesis positing that there are extra mechanisms besides SPED causing damage. A bioweapon? Sad that I wonder.

I do plan to look up some of the patents. It will probably feel like a third grader attempting Shakespeare. Anyone more capable than I of reading her data have any insights?

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interesting indeed.

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Get out. Really? Yup that would be big.

That assumes Deagle knew the reactions countries would have to the jabs. Not so hard to predict N/S America, Africa, Europe. What do you make of China, Russia? Do you remember Deagle’s predictions?

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initially made in 2013 ...

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Walter, did you see the video with the parasite as carrier that enters the cells and that pfizer and moderna patent has them listed? Is this legit? Would explain all these different targets if illness and why Ivermectin works for the „virus“ https://rumble.com/v1nuvlg-mega-bombs-deadly-gmo-parasites-are-the-mrna-vectors-patent-review-with-dr..html

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