At this point no one in their right mind would take the new booster.

But that still leaves a whole lot of people left..

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Sep 1, 2022Liked by Walter M Chesnut

there are lots of good, smart, hard working people who just don't cant imagine such evil could exist, and this is the majority. otherwise, what is going on wouldn't have been possible.

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Extremely smart people in my circle have gotten the shots. I don’t think they have the time for research & can’t imagine why the US would promote harm. Plus, censoring by MSM & Google are making it impossible for busy people to easily find info. We are a fast paced society. People only believe what they can Google in 15 seconds. Many are unaware you can download another non-censoring browser. They don’t even know Google, etc censors. If you control what info people have access to, you control their beliefs.

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Sep 1, 2022·edited Sep 2, 2022

exactly right.

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Many smart people spend more time on Yelp looking for a restaurant than on the shots.

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Not smart and certainly not street smart.

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That seems to be the case in certain places in Europe: lacking street smarts to mistrust voices of authority, because of the luxury of growing up somewhere generally very functional, reasonable, and benevolent.

Then a fox hops into the henhouse from the other side of the ocean....

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J'habite en France. Un nombre important de la population a connaissance du "fonds de l'histoire" avec la pression des US sur l'Europe.

Mais un nombre important ne reçoit aucune information. Les chaînes de télévision sont subventionnées par l'état. Depuis 2020, c'est un narratif de PEUR que nous n'avons jamais connu. Les médecins sont interdits d'exercer ou appelés en justice, s'ils énoncent un discours contraire au narratif.

Les plus avertis savent les affaires Fauci, gains de fonction etc... Mais la plupart ne connaissent même pas le nom. La culture est tellement différente. Nous sommes "choqués" du manque de "valeur" du business américain. Nous le vivons comme un stress maximal, une dégradation de toutes les institutions, santé (autretoifs, si belle en France), éducation. Mais nous n'avons pas dit notre dernier mot!

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It's a funny mix in France. In the early 2000's, they were physically destroying crops to prevent biological contamination. But as you say, there is a strong "pro-business" narrative, right in line with The Economist and London institutions.

I see good medical publications coming from there.

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yeah right on, put the blame on les americans. look at makaroni over there, macron is probably worse than biden.

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My daughter's new teacher and my husband's best friend. Both got boosters this week. Just makes my heart ache

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Où habitez-vous? Vous en êtes à combien de doses dans votre pays?


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suppose is still fourth dose. fifth dose coming next week

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Thank you for saying that. I hope so. These are really great people who are just clueless.

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Sep 1, 2022·edited Sep 2, 2022

cant blame them.

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Sep 1, 2022Liked by Walter M Chesnut

Shared in The Vigilant Fox and Steve Kirsch Telegram channels.

Thank you for your hard work, Walter!

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Sep 1, 2022Liked by Walter M Chesnut

Walter: for these patients with brain stem injury in addition to some delirium wouldn't we also be seeing balance problems? Physical coordination problems appearing like drunkenness or perhaps resulting in driving mishaps?

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That can be part, yes. I am more concerned about the respiratory centers.

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I saw substack from someone showing videos of about 15 deaths around the world, it looked like. They ALL seemed to have balance problems - on their way down. One guy just kept spinning around. OMG - my heart just ached for them all. One moment they are fine, and then - they just drop. Disgust for the powers that be is just not strong enough word to cover it. And complete astonishment for people still defending and TAKING the jabs - no words.

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I remember a post you done re end of peak oil, your correct

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YES! THAT's the one! Thank you. OMG! 💔 Heartbreak.

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Yeah I saw that, not normal, not a normal seizure ( if a seizure) . Have witnessed aneurysms popping causing similar symptoms. The end result always the same though. Horrific

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One video was clearly not a simple fake given the man fell under a train.

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Sep 1, 2022Liked by Walter M Chesnut

A nurse who lives across the street from me stopped by for a chat this evening. She was 'excited' that the new shot has 'all the strains' in it. I may have given her a strange look. I'm not sure. How can any nurse be excited about this? Are they really that out of touch with what's happening? I am always amazed with Walter's take on the data. I just became a paid subscriber. Keep up the great work Walter!

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Thank you, Linda. Immensely appreciated. I agree. The world is split into an immutable dichotomy. Which scares me as much as the Spike.

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The spike was also a wedge.

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Yes they are that out of touch. Some people call it "mass psychosis". https://sciencenews22.substack.com/p/mass-psychosis-and-the-western-mind

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At this point the only possible reason for this is that they are stupid.

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We get it, Fast Eddy. We get it. I run across your nasty posts on several of my substacks. By now we all know of your disdain for the vaxxed. Could you please just give it a rest?

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When the Vaxxed stop ridiculing and persecuting the Unvaxxed... I'll give it a rest.

I suspect you won't have to wait long -- when this Extra Strength Booster hits the streets the programmed response 'injuries are rare'... is going to leak like the Titanic... and the Vaxxed will begin to realize their deadly folly.

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I'm not looking forward to family dying. Also, I work in a shitty unventilated office so unfortunately will be drowning in their shedding

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It's looking like the ridicule has abated quite a bit to me. Still, they should be reminded at every opportunity.

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So here’s the thing.

At this late date: WE TRIED, AND TRIED, AND TRIED TO WARN PEOPLE. If they so willfully remain ignorant, EVEN until now, and take even more of these frankencocktails - I just don’t know what say. 🤷🏻‍♀️ They are truly choosing their fate.

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Sep 1, 2022·edited Sep 1, 2022

I wish I could have that attitude, but the unbearable thing is when it’s your young adult child who should know better since she grew up knowing that she had convulsions after her 1st well-baby shots & also a anaphylactic reaction to an unknown substance a few years ago that requires her to carry an Epi pen, but who is spreading her wings & trying to be independent from her Mom & rebelling a bit because she thinks Mom is just over-reacting, but if something happens to her, then her only sibling--her vax-damaged little brother who will require 24/7 care for the rest of his life--will be left in the lurch with no one to look after him after we their parents are gone. She got the first two jabs because her grad school mandated them and confessed to me after the fact that she’d gotten them, which was like being punched in the gut & brought tears to my eyes, but she reassured me that she would not get any boosters. However, when they mandated the booster this spring for her to be able to graduate, she gave in and got a booster. Now she’s got a new job working for a large medical center and I’m afraid they’re going to require her to get this diabolical untested bivalent booster. I have to carefully choose a few hard-hitting things to share with her about the dangers so that she can have informed consent as best possible, because if I share too much information or push too hard, it just seems to make her dig in her heels & propel her in the opposite direction. Thinking that I’ll share with her one of the recent great substack posts by WMC Research and a startling point made in Igor Chudov’s recent post on “the updated booster is medical quackery,” that may get her attention:

“Ba.5 Boosters may be Uniquely Dangerous. Our insightful reader Doorless Carp pointed out an article about a very important aspect of Ba.5 variant’s spike protein: it has 63 times greater affinity for ACE2 receptor than the original spike protein. Therefore, Ba5 spike protein, codon optimized for endless mRNA transcription, may bind to so many ACE2 receptors as to “trigger inflammation, thrombosis and vasoconstriction”. https://igorchudov.substack.com/p/updated-booster-is-medical-quackery?utm_medium=email

All I can do is pray that God the Father protects her, and that her eyes will be opened soon to the dangers & she’ll get off the booster merry-go-round before it’s too late . 🙏

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Same boat, mama. 🙏❤️ Praying a hedge of protection over all our children.

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I’m so sorry. It’s incredibly difficult and worrying. I read this article today and thought it might be a way to reach some of my family:


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Sep 1, 2022·edited Sep 3, 2022

the teacher will appear when the student is ready - and that is about it. if they dont want to hear it, there is nothing anyone can do about it, but we got to try our best.

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Sep 1, 2022·edited Sep 2, 2022

well said!!

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Am I a bad person for not caring what happens to people who get shots now? I’m worried about those that did before all this data came out.

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I like the way Dr. Christiane Northrup frames this moral dilemma: she advises that you can't follow everyone, even most of those you love, into a burning building and save them. You will get burned and they will fight you in the process. I do think you can refuse to enable in any way those in your circle making catastrophic health and life decisions.

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I say nothing ... it's futile... now I just wait for the next one to go down...

I have multiple friends with heart damage - an old friend died of Turbo Cancer two weeks ago.

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I’m sorry

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No. You can't help people who don't want to be helped. They make their choices and suffer the consequences. That's not your fault. There could be many more deaths over the next 4 years, I wouldn't blame anyone for trying to shut off their emotions to keep from being overwhelmed. It's going to be very tough for some people to watch most of their family die.

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Not at all... people are dropping left right and centre... and it's in the MSM...

SADS is the leading cause of death in many places....

If they cannot connect the dots then I say f789 em... they deserve whatever happens when they take the Extra Strength Booster

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That's all very well, but the society that you and them are a part of will fall apart and no longer exist.

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you can be a better person if you cared.

we all can and should.

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Sep 2, 2022·edited Sep 2, 2022

you are not alone. it is time to forgive them. it is not easy but got to leave it alone and forgive.

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spirako ... take it easy my man ... we are all in this together.

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At this point, when a reknowned medical journal says something is from the disease covid 19, I'm just gonna assume it's due to the injections and it's all just a big fat cover up.

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Based on the studies I've read, the disease itself causes some problems, but the vaccines are like an ultra-concentrated form of the disease and are much worse.

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Nice article, thank you!

We've been seeing the screen light up like bristley porcupines on some brain scans with all of the leaking. All of the imaging I saw in the last 2 weeks had signs of microvascular leakage [in a context where this wouldn't be shocking under normal circumstances, so you can't attribute it to one thing or another without a distinct before-and-after series.].

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Clickable link here: https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMc2033369

Please pin this for others to use.

My friend is jabbed. He now has microvascular disease. It affects his heart. The symptom was chest pain and he ended up in the emergency room.

We could use someone to translate this study into layman terms. I don't understand what they are saying. I would like to know what symptoms the person would have if they have damage to different areas of the brain, olfactory bulb (to do with smell?) and brain stem.

Would damage to an area of the brain from COVID kill a person's sense of taste? The sense of taste and smell are linked. Some people report losing their sense of taste before or during COVID-19.

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Can anyone confirm- is this regarding the new Moderna "bivalent booster" ?

Because I believe that is being rolled out here in the UK from next Monday 5th September!

I know people who will very sadly go & get it. My heart breaks.

But I also believe the NHS may jusy use up leftover Covid "vaccines" as boosters if they don't have enough of the new snake-oil.

Either way lose-lose imho.

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The study is about COVID-19 patients, not someone who is vaxxed.

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I had a quick scan and could not find the v status of those being examined.

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Sep 1, 2022Liked by Walter M Chesnut

I would imagine the conclusion is that spike is spike no matter the vehicle carrying it in. I would imagine that mRNA vehicle delivers more spike to more places for much longer.

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Are the C spikes the same as the V spikes? My understanding is that they are NOT the same. For example, I am not aware of C spikes causing myo and blood clots in the young. I have not heard of C spikes causing miscarriages and messing with menstruations.

Also their RNAs are different.

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I think the answer is the V spikes bypass your innate immune system and are injected directly into your body with around 50 billion lipid nanoparticles (Moderna) that turn your whole body into a spike protein factory, perhaps indefinitely. Whereas C spike encountered "naturally" could be only 10,000 viral particles or less and potentially addressed completely by your innate immune system, never even sero converting to make antibodies.

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Wondering the same

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Walter your comments caught my attention. However, the article you attached talks about those who had covid-19. Why are you concerned with the new combo shots? I have not taken any, nor am I planning on it. But what am I missing?

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Please read my recent posts.

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Also check Igor Chudovs recent post on the mice trial of the bivalent boosters and Geert Van Der Bosche's post on the new booster too.

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I read the new "bivalent" booster has 2 older varieties of COVID-19 which are no longer circulating. But you can bet they will have graphene.

How graphene in some vaccines can make you sick. Graphene in nearly every product is dangerous. Here are a few studies with additional links for reading, evidence for graphene in the COVID-19 vaccines. https://sciencenews22.substack.com/p/how-graphene-in-some-vaccines-can

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Not related to the topic, but I'm starting to wonder if they wanted memory B cells created from vaccination (via the th2 pathway), because without intervention the body would naturally opt for the Th1 pathway (Stanley Perlman). Because the monocytes are being dysregulated by spike via cd147 this can cause the cytokine storm. With memory B cells already primed, they will get to work first and release interleukins to quieten down the Th1 pathway. Just a thought.

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Per the Supplementary Appendix, the study of people who died was performed between March and June of 2020. One victim was as young as 5 years. None of these people could have been vaccinated. It does paint a picture of how horrible a disease Covid-19 could be. Is it your intent to show similar mechanisms of disease action with the shots and coming boosters? If anything, this study seems to have been done with a great amount of care.

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Walter, what are your thoughts specific to damage to the glycocalyx?



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