What is the effect of imbibing wheatgrass, for gluten-intolerants/celiacs?

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It is gluten free. Gluten is found in the seeds and wheatgrass is harvested very young - you can see them cut it from those flats they grow it on. Like how you can easily grow your own as well.

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It just occurred to me that because the wheatgrass is harvested before the seeds, which causes gluten intolerance, maybe the same could be said for the linoleic acid content, since seeds seem to be the source…?

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Thanks, I've grown my own.

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I don't know but I wonder if it is void of pesticides so one might be ok?

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Wheatgrass seems so beneficial, I want to start taking it again. However, lately I have been raising awareness regarding my intake of linoleic acid/omega 6 in foods. If you’re not aware, we only need a little bit of it and too much is very toxic to mitochondria, etc., even instigating metabolic syndrome. LA is most prevalent in seeds, nuts, grains, and oils that are made from such ingredients. I wonder what the linoleic acid content is for wheatgrass?

Thanks for this great research, Walter. I am enjoying late summer weather in Vermont, too.

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Ha did a shot of wheat grass years ago … almost didn’t live to talk about it , severe allergic reaction….😰

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Do you have celiac disease as well? Cause I do and this was my concern.

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Best explanation of oxygenation with barley grass ~ chlorophyll o2 in center almost the exact same molecular structure as blood with Iron in center they merge beautifully! Barley green and high doses of Vitamin C for a year pulled me out of Epstein Barr in 1986. Sorry I can’t post diagrams here. 😢

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I'm not a health nut though I should be. I've been drinking wheat grass for about 2 years on and off. I would describe it has drinking a shot of pure nature although earthy is not a bad descriptor. This is the one "Garden Greens Wheat Grass Liquid with Real Ginger Extract, Nature's Perfect Superfood, 32 servings" on Amazon. I have two in the fridge right now. No reactions allergic or otherwise. As noted above it's like taking a shot of nature.

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I love rutin! What's your thoughts on fisetin?

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It’s also said wheatgrass may protect against cataracts.

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