Thank you for all that you do to keep us informed with Truth.

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I receive all my health care at the VA.

At NO time, did the VA recommend increasing levels of Vit D to us veterans.

Or even, make a concerted effort to check Vit D levels in all veterans.

They are still pushing the covid death shots and boosters. Even boosters and flu shots the same day.

Pump them full of poison juice that was tested on 8 mice.

And, they still make all of us wear a mask.

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Might I add, the standard lab tests for allopathic medicine do not test for vitamin d because insurance will not pay for it. But if you ask for an add on vitamin d test it is $29.

There is no $ to be made in people with hearty immune systems...

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There is no real insurance charge for those of us who use the VA health care system. All bloodwork is done in-house at labs in the VA hospital. Very few tests are even sent out.

Most veterans pay nothing for their health care especially if they are "service-connected." That means any injury or illness that was incurred while on active duty.

So, the VA system doesn't work like regular civilian health care. The only veterans that are charged for medical care are the one who do not have a service-connected injury or illness and their income levels are too high, or if they have private insurance. It was a law passed by Congress that the VA must recoup $$$ from the private insurance of the veteran.

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That is because the evil powers don't want you to be able to join and lead the resistance of taking our Country back.

You are armed. Trained and will be the front line leaders of the movement to reclaim our Country.

Think it through.

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Beautiful work! I love reading the way your mind works out these amazing connections. Thank you for also pointing out how my high d levels (>40) have been part of my own personal shield not only from other diseases but kept me Covid free for almost 3 years despite (and also because) my unvaccinated status.

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From what I've read, and from d.velop's vitamin D level test, 40 ng/mL in the optimal range, 29 - 61. My 68 ng/mL is rated just above the optimal level. Some others say we should strive for 75 to 85 as it gets consumed during infection.

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Yeah when I started to go outside of the medical industrial complex to a "natural" doctor (D.O. turned nutritionist) I had undetectable levels of Vitamin D. Mine now ranges between 40-70 depending on my diligence of taking it and I no longer have trouble holding up my arm on the steering wheel to drive (too tired before). I've also discovered not all vitamin D's are equal and have settled on Natures Made (USP Certified) 5,000IU twice daily to keep me in top shape even if I forget or don't feel like taking it for a few days or weeks. (haha pharmacists make poor patients and worse pill takers sometimes). I definitely don't think the 80 range is too high so keep it up Mr. Beers!

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I might also point out that most people in today's world *probably* have undetectable levels of Vit D unless they work outside or spend significant time outside all day every day (or they supplement--this includes children). When I ask people if they know what theirs is they either do and are supplementing or attempting to, or they are clueless and are probably in the zero range, thus explaining why they are sick all the time while I (who am exposed to them every day at work) am not (even tho I am older than many of them).

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Yes and the recommended supplemental dose of 400-800iu SID is far too low to make a dent in someone with chronically low vit d

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My long covid doc says she sees LC patients with lower vit D levels. Also says patients with lower vit D levels are at a higher risk of developing long covid. Just an anecdotal piece over here.

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Thank you very much Walter! I sometimes skip my D3 supplement; I no longer will skip, thanks to you. Thank you for all the great information and research. :-)

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You should be taking 10,000iu with two split (am/pm) dosages/day (5,000) during the winter months.

30-60 minutes sunlight/day without sun screens & 5,000iu during warm weather months.

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I am a firm believer of taking Vitamin D3 but everyone should take a blood test first and gauge their individual requirement. Keeping our levels at around 120nmol/l will be protective against the effects of respiratory infection. Dr Malcolm Kendrick is a solid, knowledgeable resource.

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Thanks James Beck

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More important, you should test levels of it. You can have too much of a good thing and hypercalcemia is never fun.

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It's ok to skip if you are getting plenty of sunshine. From May to September I don't don't take vitamin D, but I never skip October to April.

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I agree. Sunshine is the preferred route for getting vitamin D. I use the "D Minder" app - it seems pretty accurate. I ma lucky to live in Florida around the 27 degree line of latitude - plenty of D in the Winter.

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And that beings us back to "d"...a hormone...an easy to take hormone!

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Thanks for this

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Vitamin D cannot possibly work, it is not patented and is low cost. Also, consider the impact on the EUA! Think about all those shareholders, the value lost would be tragic.

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It’s said Ivermectin, NAC, Lumbrokinase and Nattokinase all inhibit clot formation, too.

I say throw it all at it and see what doesn’t stick 😉

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Is K2 needed along with vit D3 so the body can use it properly?

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Yes and zinc

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Do you have any suggestions on amount?

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My reading suggests 100 micrograms/day, which is the amount in many preparations that are readily available.

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Covid-19 Mortality Rate Close to ZERO Could Theoretically Be Achieved at 50 ng/mL 25(OH)D3: Results of a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis


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I can’t remember.... what am I supposed to take with vitamin D? Not k2. I know that. But there was another supplement and I can’t remember.

Was it calcium? Zinc? Vitamin C? It was something about preventing calcification I think?

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You might be thinking of magnesium.

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Yes. Magnesium.

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AHA. Thanks. I think that’s what it is. I read an article and couldn’t remember. Lol. Thanks!!!!

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R U Kidding me? 🙃

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Test so you don't go overboard with it. Too high vit D can be not good.

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Vitamin D and curcumin form a good anti-cancer combo, and I reckon it will form a good anti-bioweapon combo too. Unfortunately it's cheap and not patentable.

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Thank you for this report. I have been taking Vit. D in large doses (12,000 iu/day) since beginning of covid - and have been healthy throughout. The benefits of this Vitamin have been downplayed for way too long!

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I have been warned that too high a level is detrimental to your calcium level and as a woman that leads to a bone density issue. I have a homeopathic doctor who is telling me this and advised me to stop taking it until my level dropped. Makes it confusing for sure!

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