Yes, but how much better would natural Vitamin D complex (D1,2,3,4) help p53 compared to the isolated and synthetic cholecalciferol D3? Something to think about.

Thanks as always for your work.

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How is Calcifediol, the VitD analog? 25OH ?

thanks for your considered opinion.

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I don't use any vitamin analogs, isolates, or inorganic minerals.

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My daughter, (31), has the TP53 gene mutation. She had genetic testing done in 2022 for the BR-CA gene mutation, for which she was negative but tested positive for P53 mutation. Her gynecologist never told her, so for a year she was oblivious until she started having serious abdominal issues in September of 2023. She was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer with metastasis in her liver. Basically a death sentence. After six months of immunotherapy which further degraded her liver, she started on chemotherapy. She had three Moderna shots in 2021 and we firmly believe that the spike accelerated her cancer. It’s so incredibly sad. She’s still here but I welcome hearing about alternative information as possible treatment. I was excited to see this. Hoping she can get her Vit D levels checked and start supplementing.

Thank you Walter.

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Dear Suzanne , may your daughter be one of those miracles.

I would heed Dr. Negri's suggestion of the natural Vit D complex , and honestly which foods to eat would take more research. Synthetic VitD is toxic in itself , I refer you to Agent131711 on Substack , he has a quite profound wealth of research into vitamins and minerals and other supplements , anyway , Turkey (the bird) and sunlight are two good sources.

Just like pseudo-viruses , no vitamins have ever been purely isolated , they're even smaller than those fear factors. Definitely get her away from 3-4-5G and any wi-fi.

Stay the hell away from Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine , toxic as can be.

Maybe look at Hulda Clark's treatment for cancer and to my knowledge Ozone treatment is very helpful. Also Dandelion and Milkthistle - again , not in a pill , it's got to be the real thing !!!

Just sharing my knowledge , I understand your agony.

And look for any plants for at least to use as a tea , things like Gumbi Gumbi and Moringa , that have a high frequency that can assist in healing.

All the best. Michael

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Wishing you and your daughter all the best Suzanne

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thank you walter!

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I wish I could copy and paste this in response to the latest Medpage article telling everyone to get out and get the latest booster. Honestly, most of the medical "providers" writing in the comments see no reason not to urge their patients to get another booster, the shots being "safe and effective" in their minds. Other docs ask, if they are so safe, why are they still under a EULA.

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Beyond helpful! Thank you.

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Thank you Michael, for the suggestions. There are so many differences of opinion out there, and I appreciate your input. Dragging a millennial away from her phone is like cutting off a limb-I wish she would toss it out her window but that won’t happen. Hoping I can convince her to move it further from her bed, and to turn off wifi at night. That would be a small step. 🙏🏼

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Excellent article many thanks

Clear explanation

,much appreciated..

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