Remember when food was made and flavored with herbs and spices

Not sauces and preservatives from the plastic bottle, smothered in sugar and various hostile additives?

Let food be thy medicine...

Or poison...

The choice is yours

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Ooh, look - it's also in cranberry!


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7.2.12 Ursolic Acid

Ursolic acid (Figure 17.1) is a pentacyclic triterpene acid present in many plants, including apples, bilberries, cranberries, elderflower, peppermint, lavender, oregano, thyme, hawthorn, and prunes.

Sha-Wing! Great catch!

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TYVM Walter for your ongoing efforts on our behalf. RE: apple peel, Jen @DENUTRIENTS has been touting the benefits of pomegranate peel, perhaps they share the same mechanism?

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Be sure to use hot water to remove at least some of the "food grade wax" that apples are coated with...(& who (WHO?) knows what else or what type of "wax".... Beware of Apeel!!!)

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Pomegranate peel contains ellagic acid, if you want to research the mechanism.

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Wondering what the heck organum was, I did a search, and all it told me was about polyphonic music. I tried searching on "organum plant", and, lo and behold, it corrected to origanum, which is oregano. (I note the authors of that paper did not speak English as their native language, which is probably the issue.

Wonderful to find out - I am already growing all of these. I've been harvesting the hawthorn berries - perhaps I should grab some leaves as well!

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Do you have to buy organic hawthorn berry plants?

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They grow here naturally. I don't use any chemicals on them.

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Tulsi/Holy Basil extract is very high in UA. Easy to get in extract too

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We have understood the anti-microbial properties of many of the essential oils (EOs) of plants that contain ursolic acid but this finding or perspective vis a vis UA per se is worthy of special note to be sure. Thank you once again Walter for your impeccable work as always.

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In apple peel... Wonder if that is why Gates wants to put his artificial coating named "Apeel" on apples?

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And also because he gets the biggest kick out of taking innocent human life.

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I don’t remember the source but I’ve learned over the past three years if you combine Apple Pectin powder (or the peel itself) with NAC and Selenium you’ll apparently push your Liver to make its own Glutathione.

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It may have been Dr. Bryan Ardis

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That could be the case; I really like him and Dr. Henry Ealy a lot.

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Walter, Thanks; I'm pleased that it is found in spices that my 3x jabbed son enjoys. Now, a tangential question (I have no medical-health background). What does the Spike do when it is blocked access into an AC Port? Does it just move on until it finds another unlocked door? Does the original spike that enters a cell (that makes a baby) die in that cell, or live on, leave and go after another cell. In other words, if each jab carried 12 trillion spikes, could a person have 24-trillion spikes in a relatively short span of time (say a month or so)? Jessica rose taught me a lot, conceptually, about the IgG functions, that I equate (by personal metaphor or analogy to a pro-football team with IgG4 as the quarterback, then the front line, and running backs and Ends to two more Ig's, and then the team's Special Teams to the last one. Is IgG4 just waiting for anti-viral foods/supplements to reduce the numbers of Spikes? What do we know about Spikes, whether they die (become permanently inactivated)? I'm asking general questions, not about your specialty pathways and components. My impression is that there is already so much cellular damage in bodies, far beyond the body's ability to correct it, and (equated with cellular aging far beyond a person's growth years) that this whole subject is hopeless...BUT, that God created nature foods are what we need now to buy us time, and for your Friday helps, again I say, Thank you.

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Oh for christ's sake, just eat fruit , organic of course. Apple peel or other skins are more risky for glyphosate residue from water, soil, and even air. Stop wondering what this new finding is, just eat organic fruit and other health giving nutrients. We know about the herbs, 5,000 year old traditions, made new again...

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Richard Urso will be pleased!

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A logical and well informed observation. Thank you. It would be very easy to boost the ursolic acid from natural foods but more research might cast further light on the benefit of supplements.

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The Apple peel source is quite problematic since the Sinisters insist on wax, insecticides and more corrupting those peels- thoughts. How are we to take the herbs suggested? Do they fight the Vaxx spike or just the SARS cov-2 version?

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Curious; it seems logical for Essential Oils of the Herbs and Fruits mentioned to contain this Ursolic Acid...Or not? Does it remain as a nutrient stable over time or not?

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It might not.

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extracting w/ sunflower oil seems to be good -- at least for cosmetics... I did not read the whole thing to see if there was any testing as to stability once extracted but if you wanted to do it yourself... https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9952326/

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Ursolic Acid isn't a known entity for me...Would have to begin and do time studies to ascertain stability as chemical changes with fermination could negate this nutrient even if present following a cold press with any one of several oils or alcohol in an extract process or tincture.

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that article says how much they were able to extract... do you mean it could become inactive? trying to understand this and I'm not a chemist!... is an oil extraction... say just letting it soak in sunflower oil for 6 wks or whatever... is that considered a fermentation? I've always thought of fermentation as letting something get sour -- like a beer or sourkraut...

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Yes, you're correct. In the beginning, a raw product is a raw product and can ferment. There's any number of possible directions to procede with this and I'm not adept with Chemistry beyond Undergrad. So, I really would have to seek somebody more knowledgable in chemistry...But, for my own purposes; it's not so important to be so precise. It is vital it not become some kind of poisonous substance.

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Does ursolic acid come in a supplement?

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Holy Basil is often standardized for it in extract

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