Hello WMC,

Been reading & edifying myself & friends for quite some time on your dime, so I became a payer, today!

Thanks for your determination against all that the Dempanic Plandemic has thrown against you, & all others who continued to followed actual science, & told the truth.

Now, as a layman, with only some schooling to be a Respiratory Therapist back in the last Century (1982-84), which I only worked at for a year, & then went into $Sales$, I can grok about ½ right away, but The Book of Knowledge (internet) is a great Encyclopedia to edjumicate me on what I need to define.

I may have missed it here, but I wonder if you can spell some important & relatively easy things out, like in vitro/vivo testing, exactly how much of the given medication, drug, etc was given per unit of time, & for how long?

ie - We can see that Quercetin plays an important role in a number of fashions here, but what are you, or others saying about what the recommended prophylactic or acute dosage(s) & concentrations are per kilogram or pound?

Is that too much? Please let me know


Molon Labe

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Hi Molon, Thank you for supporting my work. Greatly appreciated! If you read the referenced studies, they discuss the dosages that were used. I am a researcher and not an MD, therefore I cannot provide any medical advice. If you are curious as to how to use Quercetin (in relation to SARS-CoV-2), or any supplement you may consult your primary care provider, or may I suggest any of the doctors in the Independent Medical Alliance.


Best wishes!


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Hey WMC, thanks for your informative reply, & while I wasn't asking for actionable med advice, it did kinda' sound that way, when I re-read it! :-D

I will wander amongst the linked articles to see what the researchers used, & look forward to more of your missives.

Kind regards,

Molon Labe

"Semper Certa Bonum Certaman!"

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Thank you! The research that you present always fascinates me. Quercetin has been mentioned in Long Covid groups as a possible treatment since the beginning.

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Dr. Vladimir (Zev) Zelenko managed the early outbreak of Covid in Rochester, NY and informed the White House and world at large of his work...When HCQ and Ivermectin was attacked by the Establishment. Quercetin is the gun firing Zinc into human cells...Greatly enhancing absorption. His work saved many people.

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First the historic Zelenko letter "March 23, 2020" "To all medical professionals around the world:" https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SesxgaPnpT6OfCYuaFSwXzDK4cDKMbivoALprcVFj48/mobilebasic?usp=gmail - then

Cut to the chase - Hydroxychloroquine administration for most treatment of covid IS BEST DONE VIA NEBULIZATION for exceptionally rapid effect bringing high levels of HCQ to the target areas with very little systemic absorption hence with very little to no systemic side effects. HCQ pills can also be taken if systemic distribution is also sought.

Dr. Zelenko, shortly before his passing, clinically demonstrated nebulization of HCQ for the treatment of people sick with covid.

David E. Scheim, PhD did the gumshoe work working out the details showing doses , amount absorbed , lung tissue concentrations which show that 1 or 2 or so many HCQ pills can be simply converted to HCQ nebulization solution, at home, then nebulized to rapidly achieve the the same lung tissue concentrations as many more pills taken over numbers of days. .

Zelenko's "Nebu HCQ" c19hcq.org/zelenko.html

"Nebulized Hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19 Treatment: 80x Improvement in Breathing" Vladimir Zelenko M.D

Nebulized hydroxychloroquine as 150 mg HCQ (amount of hcq in one 200 mg pill) in 6 ml (25 mg/ml) of isotonic sterile solution within the first five (5) days of COVID-19 symptoms (" Nebu HCQ ") has resulted in immediate improvement (<1 hour after use) in breathing in COVID-19 infected patients. Nebu HCQ served as a rescue medication with an 80x improvement in time and efficiency when compared to HCQ tablet (400-600 mg per day) combination therapy or Ivermectin combination therapy. No adverse events were reported outside of a bitter taste that quickly subsided. Average time of clinical improvement of pulmonary compromise precipitated by Covid 19 Covid-19 is primarily spread through the respiratory system and may result in significant pulmonary complications. Left untreated, a subset of patients will progress to acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) and/or pulmonary infarcts. Oral HCQ and Ivermectin combination therapies have proven to be effective prehospital treatments of Covid-19 and its associated complications. However, treatment with oral HCQ may take an average of 80 hours to achieve significant clinical improvement as well as 3-7 days to achieve optimal alveolar concentration of medication. [3] Nebu HCQ administered as microdroplets directly to the lungs achieves optimal alveolar concentration in approximately one (1) hour and is associated with faster clinical improvement, reduction in pulmonary complications and a reduction in medical costs. The clinical data presented in this paper was generated through the routine practice of medicine and is considered "Real World Evidence" according to the 21st Century Cures Act. [4] Innovation Dr. Zelenko notes that ACE2 Technology LLC ("ACE2") developed Nebu HCQ and that Dr.... ... ...

Nebu HCQ Whitepaper_Scheim.docx https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/e/2PACX-1vR_ZkSoL1bJI_Hj75SKoqtjsnGUYC_xCQkIwHvHSoz3y45CBhn8w7BSlsboE1avPw/pub?urp=gmail_link&pli=1

Nebulized hydroxychloroquine plus oral azithromycin for COVID-19 treatment: from days to hours for optimal lung tissue concentrations and viral immobilization

David E. Scheim, PhD


Background. More than 3,300 COVID-19 patients treated at southeast France’s main COVID-19 treatment hospital with hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) and azithromycin (AZ) had a death rate one-sixth the world average. But the unusual pharmacology of HCQ presents a key limitation. Optimal tissue levels can only be accrued with 5-10 days of oral dosage. Thus, HCQ has performed well for early and mixed-stage COVID-19 patients but has exhibited marginal utility in advanced stage cases.

Proposed combination treatment of nebulized HCQ and oral azithromycin. Drug delivery of HCQ through inhalation of nebulized microdroplets will achieve, in hours, lung tissue concentrations equivalent to those accrued over days of oral dosage. Nebulizers are simple, inexpensive and widely available drug delivery devices, and minimal risks of local lung toxicities are indicated for such HCQ drug delivery. Furthermore, HCQ is effective in blunting the damaging effects of pro-inflammatory cytokines in the lungs. The combination treatment of nebulized HCQ along with oral AZ and possibly also ivermectin and zinc could provide a rapid reversal of the progression of COVID-19 both in the respiratory tract and in other body tissues."

This paper has blood plasma HCQ levels from nebulized HCQ "Nebulised Isotonic Hydroxychloroquine Aerosols for Potential Treatment of COVID-19" https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8399722/

my "non medical professional" note: imo I expect nebulization of such small amounts of HCQ, as is needed in this application, overcomes virtually all the common adverse event considerations concerning HCQ - probably "check with a covid treating doctor" even the concerns of HCQ use by those with G6PD and without incurring long QT risk in the vulnerable subset of people with HCQ associated risk for long QT. . G6PD link https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/22556-g6pd-glucose-6-phosphate-dehydrogenase-deficiency note: Professor Didier Raoult was screening for G6PD and all wore wrist positioned monitors for long QT in his oral HCQ trials with thousands of patients.

Note: I bought the Philips Respironics InnoSpire Elegance compressor nebulizer system which is the 100% duty cycle version of the 50% duty cycle jet nebulizer system that Scheim used.


What Is G6PD Deficiency?

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You’re seemingly well advised and up to date with information about this general topic. What’s your bona fides?

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Inner Knowing - The Outworking of Events - Common Sense

I am not a doctor or person otherwise credentialed in the outer world.

I AM one of many forced to become their own researcher and "doctor" because "they" enacted "their" long planned evil plan for denial of known Real Prevention for covid for the mass of Americans and denial of known Real Treatment for covid to create the FEAR FEAR FEAR they needed to force mRNA injections in these evil times.

Premeditated Depraved-heart Mass Murder of Millions

I received a good education in a top public school system and in a business school then rated #4 among the top business schools in America., I received a good education in so far as that type of education goes, I became a seeker "going with the flow in search of Reality" - then I found and pursued "The Path".

I worked as an independent contractor in the painting and construction trades and throughout my life have had an interest in and ability to "research" and to figure out how to do practical things, as many working people do. These served me well at the start of the pandemic as I owned a full kit of 3M respiratory protection and had a substantial stock of 3M 8210+ N95 masks, specifically for pandemic preparedness, which enabled me to give Real N95 masks to family, friends and neighbors and protect myself and to be able to take the time to "research" and find out what Real Doctors and Real Researchers had figured out about sars-cov-2 and covid.

Yes to "repurposed drugs".

Yours Truely,


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Don't care if you're an Autodidact...That's the most advantageous method to learn and all humans are to be 'self-taught' throughout life.

My discipline was intersected with health and I've taken much time in pursuit of hidden history and research with variety of substances to enhance our health for myself and family as well.

Enjoyed reading your data.

In the end, WE ARE ALL RESPONSIBLE FOR OUR OWN HEALTH and people really MUST grasp that fact quickly and willingly open their minds to learn and act to protect and serve one another with alternative therapies and options concealed and cancelled by the Establishment Medical Complex.

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"In the end, WE ARE ALL RESPONSIBLE FOR OUR OWN HEALTH and people really MUST grasp that fact quickly and willingly open their minds to learn and act to protect and serve one another with alternative therapies and options concealed and cancelled by the Establishment Medical Complex."

100% AGREE - yet ongoing and now, with respect to airborne covid virus. many are now programmed against N95 Truth and ignore simple prevention measures allowing for their continuing exposure to the slow kill bioweapon inserts and slow kill bioweapon genetic modifications built into sars-cov2 and the sars-cov2 spike protein.

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TO INCREASE ABSORPTION of quercetin and hard to absorb "herbs".

I first learned about Quercetin from Dr Zelenko as a less effective substitute for the zinc ionophore activity of the "banned" Hydroxychloroquine. " Zinc ionophores increase the intracellular concentration of Zinc ions causing significant biological effects." Quercetin helps zinc enter the cell and zinc interrupts viral replication in the cell.

I read up. Please offer corrections if you have better information. There is a study showing, via measuring blood levels for Quercetin, that there is a short ~8 hour window of bioavailability after ingestion. This would suggest taking whatever daily amount is desired divided into perhaps three doses. , particularly in such as the circumstance of early treatment for covid where Quercetin is relied upon to also aid zinc entry into the infected cell and the best practice of 1 or 2 pills worth of Hydroxychloroquine taken via nebulization is not available.

Quercetin Patents reveal that its absorption can easily be greatly increased and the time of its activity in the body easily extended. Hopefully MAHA ongoing will really define the simple "how to" of the many wonderful herbs that we have been given for our health on Our Planet Earth.

TO INCREASE ABSORPTION of quercetin and hard to absorb "herbs". "In Ayurvedic medicine you take remedies together with ghee and honey - fat and sugar." (Elizabeth)

From some reading I am thinking that some? basic simple process of coating with a sugar and then a fat? or a fat then a sugar? or all at once? would substantially increase absorption of many harder to absorb herbs and the like.

"While searching to find how to increase absorption of quercetin I found two patents. The first is an Indena SpA patent concerning "Quercefit"- "Quercetin Phytosome" In their earlier application documents ( only the final 2020 patent seems easily available now) they made an interesting revelation that a simple mechanical mixture of quercetin and maltodextrin or fructose (or other sugar) and lecithin (they use sunflower) in the range of 1-1-1 or any number of ratios increased absorption by 10 times while their lysosomal/phytosome product where they dissolve all in 190 proof ethanol which, at that time, they said increased absorption by 20 times. Now in the final document they claim that that their full process increases absorption by 50 times and they make no mention of the efficacy of the simple mechanical mixture but they do put a graph at the very beginning of the document which shows the low absorption of quercetin, the higher absorption of the :"physical mixture" (mechanical mixture) and the highest absorption of their "solid dispersion" which is their alcohol dissolved and dried "phytosome product Quercefit. That graph is best seen in the pdf US20200.... They say the use of the "sugar" is important.

A mortar and pestle is the obvious choice.I first used the back of a tablespoon against a plate to grind together the quercetin and the maltodextrin (sugar) then the lecithin.

I have since dissolved the "sugar" (nutricost organic maltodextrin "TapiOK" brand - note: export records show this product being shipped to pharmaceutical/nutraceutical concerns) in a bit of water then mixed in the harder to absorb "herb" then mixed in the Now brand sunflower lecithin then added olive oil. I wonder would it be better to dry the maltodextrin herb lecithin mix then add olive oil? Dissolving the maltodextrin does seem more effective way to "attach" the "sugar", and lecithin does attach to both water and fat and may, then, help present to a fat receptive absorption site in the body as does the maltodextrin absorb easily into the body as per its use by elite long distance runners (some like straight maltodextrin and some like 3 parts maltodextrin and 1 part fructose in water +++ for fuel and hydration during the run)

the other patent US8440704B2 helps inform the usefulness of taking quercetin with B3 and C. https://patents.google.com/patent/US8440704B2/en

"Additional and related surprising observations include that a combination of quercetin, vitamin B3, and vitamin C maintains quercetin levels in plasma up to five times those of quercetin alone or a combination of quercetin and vitamin B3; and that a combination of quercetin, vitamin B3, and vitamin C results in a quercetin half life in plasma twice as long as that of quercetin alone and about one and a half times that of a combination of quercetin and vitamin B3. ..."

"Preferred ratios include about 1:0.02:1, about 1:0.04:1, about 1:0.08:1, about 1:0.05:1.5, and about 1:0.16:1. Typically, a subject can be administered, once or periodically per day, with the composition in an amount that provides 100 mg to 2 g (preferably, 250 mg to 1 g) of quercetin. ..."

"In one aspect, the invention features a composition containing quercetin, vitamin B3, and vitamin C, in which a weight ratio between quercetin, vitamin B3, and vitamin C is 1:0.02-1:0.2-2.5." This looks to mean 1 part quercetin -to- a range of parts of B3 from 0.02 parts to 1 part -to- a range of parts of vitamin C from 0.2 parts to 2.5 parts

My takeaway - take vitamin B3 and / or a vitamin B complex and take vitamin C when taking quercetin.

Indena SpA patent concerning "Quercefit"- "Quercetin Phytosome"



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"It is going to be a very cold and snowy weekend here in northern Vermont. A good, hearty beef stew with plenty of onions and broccoli comes to mind for a natural Quercetin boost combined with midwinter comfort.

Thank you, as always, for your dialogue, readership and support. I am, also as always, insatiably curious as to what other therapeutics we have discovered may be providing far more benefits and protection than we currently realize. I will continue to discover. Please have a blessed and beautiful Valentine’s Day and President’s Day weekend."

Thank you Walter. More stuff like this please.

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Thank you so much for your diligent research, which is lifesaving!

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I have been on hydroxychloroquine for 16 years for an autoimmune illness. I just googled that quercetin and hydroxychloroquine are cousins. "They have similar chemical structures". I also have been taking vitamin D for that long. I can't say if they've helped me from not getting covid so far, as my husband and I are also covid cautious. I think it might be the latter. In all those years of taking hydroxychloroquine and vitamin D, I have had many colds. But since the pandemic started, we have been covid free. We mask indoors, don't eat in restaurants, avoid crowds and meet people outside. Thank you for all of your hard work and informative research. I look forward to every Friday!

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Thank you

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Didnt Dr Z originally use it as a specific option/substitute for ivermectin?

I am curious also about eugenol nicotine and methylene blue. (Have been taking most these substances 5 years now, nicotine just began... re dr. Ardis.) Any opinions? Thanks for this work!

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