How many cook with herbs and spices?

Instead of packaged sauces

Whether rosemary or thyme

Garlic, cumin or cinnamon

Or fennel, basil, sage, turmeric or coriander

And anything else you might find in your spice rack or garden

Herbs and spices are so potent with phytochemicals and antioxidants you can literally taste them

Coupled with a decent amount of roughage

Fibre builds the habitat for the microorganisms in your gut

Without a reef you have no fish

Without the trees no animals

Roughage is essentially the building block of the ecosystem

And without the bacteria

You don't process these phytochemicals

Or absorb them nearly as well

Or produce a healthy quantity of neurotransmitters

It's sort of ironic, that the old wives tales of eating your veges

And adding a pinch of herbs and spice and everything nice

No bells and whistles

Just tried and true, old as time itself

Really can make a big difference to your health

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Without a reef you have no fish.

I love that so much. Thank you. I used to eat a lot more fibre and your comment has put me back on track!

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Before I developed CFS/ME I used to love spearfishing

And you don't see many fish in sandy bottoms, a few but not like the rocks and reefs.

That's where all the best fishing is.

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Wow. Thank you Walter! Have a great weekend. May God bless you. Peace.

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And pomegranate season is here again. Many active phytonutrients on those lists are in the peel and a little less concentrated in the fruit.

Baicalin/ scullcap is also multiactive

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Thanks Jennifer. Since I started reading your SubStack, I have been eating a lot of pomegranate. For the first time, I purchased a pomegranate juice: Lakewood, Pure Pomegranate Fresh Pressed - it looks like is has bits of little goodies in it. I buy the actual fruit when I can; I may plant a tree in my yard - I live in south Florida. FYI, Dr. Mercola has been posting a lot about energy balance and the work of the late Ray Peat. I have been watching the Energy Balance Podcast on Youtube. Thanks for all the great info. Have a great day. Peace.

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Wonderful! Peace to you too Steve.

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As is knotweed!!

An invasive weed screaming to be eaten

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Note how useful Quercetin is .

It's a wonderceutical!

But... The average apple contains 4.4mg of quercetin. An average onion contains 50mg. The quercetin capsules I have right here contain 600mg each. (I know this dose to be effective over time).

Let's just round things off & say you'd have to eat 100 apples or 10 onions once or twice a day to get an effective dose of quercetin if you have an autoimmune inflammatory disorder such as Crohn's and Rheumatism. But less is required to maintain existing good health. The old adage, "An apple a day will keep the doctor away" rings true, especially if you drink concentrated apple juice often. Or concentrated onion juice.

The key with neutraceuticals is time. They don't work like allopathic toxins concocted in a lab. Like beginning an exercise program after many years of a sedentary lifestyle, they take time to have a positive effect, to help your body help itself. The good thing is, concentrated supplements rarely have side effects. And any one may notice are like the equivalent to being sore after exercise. They're a sign of change, of healing, and they'll dissipate. The other good thing is once you're better, you can taper off them to a healthy maintenance dose. From 100 apples a day to one.

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More than anything, the thing that astonishes me is how many healthy pathways there are. Almost as if nature was a loving supportive force as well as a temperamental destroyer

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Walter!!! What a gift this weekend! Whether it’s Good news or bad, you’re doing God’s work. I’m glad it’s good news this weekend!

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Thank you , Awesome summary Walter , enjoy your weekend to you and your family 🙏

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Nice reference Walter

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I’ve had multiple MRI’s, one with contrast. The er doctors said everything is perfect and I’m fine. Today I saw my neurologist for the first time. Within 5mins, he asked when I had brain surgery? I told him I’ve never had any surgeries in my life. He was in shock, and said he can’t see my pituitary gland, or very little of it. He said something is up, and ordered a bunch of new blood work. He said that could be the cause of a bunch of the issues going on. It controls blood pressure, and a bunch of other hormones in the body. Make sure to get 2nd opinions, if a doctor says everything is fine. You might catch something important.

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Any guesses as to what happened? Covid? Disease? sv40?

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Not yet. My roommate got the shot, I found her dead on my floor the following day. A little over a month after that my heart started going crazy with palpataions and tachycardia. Then tinnitus, dizziness and so on. I’m unvaccinated.

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oh no! what a shock to you! hopefully you can calm your vagus down and find some answers.

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Some other spike-related interactions include Furin, CD147, ORF8, ORF3, Heparin, Cathepsin, N-glycans, mir-155, Vimentin, AT1R, IRF3, HSP90, IGg4, PD-1, TLR4 and cholesterol-rich lipid rafts.

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Vaccine In






Two Words:

( Okay One )



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So useful!

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Thank you for providing this valuable information freely...

Deeply appreciated.

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Excellent ... thank you!

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Does anyone know of anything that removes the lipid nanoparticles from the jabs out of the body?

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Great summary, I like the way you broke them down! I can feel the hard work that went into this (as well), so much thanks!

My short list of additions of things widely available for people to buy (as food items or as supplements, to more accurately control intake):

- punicalagin, precursor to ellagic acid - from pomegranate peels (ace2 blocking, Mpro inhibition), https://elifesciences.org/articles/84899

- oligomeric proanthocyanidins (OPC) - from grape seed extract (TMPRSS2 inhibition), as above

- taxiflolin, from French pine bark extract (pycnogenol) (MPro inhibition), https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35439707/

- myricetin - from strawberries and (baby) spinach, as above

BTW, green coffee beans/supplements from (so, unroasted) is a decent high source of chlorogenic coffee. Always buy organic / clean source though, as there are some serious pesticides and even mould toxins in many coffees.

Also, a decent source of pinocembrin compounds is propolis, oregano and ginger root. Just remember that all those are also antibiotic (oregano esp. strong one), so go easy on the gut, don't take them for long, or supplement with strong probiotics (esp. bifido strains).

Further, it might be useful to warn AGAINST using strong systemic proteases during an acute infection. These include papain (papaya), bromelain (pineapple) and many of the systemic (serine) proteases that can increase virus cleaving (infection) like nattokinase, lumbrokinase and serrapeptase. These protases have been found to be useful AFTER the actual infection, during the clean up phase of viral protein fragments, but imho cannot be recommended as prophylactics or during an acute infection.

Your work is amazing, thank you Walter!

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Resveratrol? Seriously? It’s obvious you study, you come up with some terrific research. Here is some food for thought on the resveratrol front, i don’t think anyone wants a leukemia: http://haidut.me/?p=192

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Everything is about balance. Most plant compounds are optimally used as a short course, as pulsed therapies, then backed off for a long time.

Using any plant protective compound continuously and at pharmaceutical doses that rarely appear in nature, like that multi-company-grifter David Sin*cough*clair suggests, is not wise.

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