Thank you for your work, Walter! Grape seed extract was the major ingredient in my arsenol to reverse chronic sinusitus and it helped me immensely with long lasting effects (I successfully avoided imminent surgery). I take it orally and add it to the daily saline rinse in my Waterpik.

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You use it for the teeth?

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Fair question! I use the Water Pik with a nasal attachment to irrigate my sinuses.

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Ahhh very creative👌maybe we will use ours for that too!

We've used Neilmed nasal bottle for decades and can testify how this natural intervention helps keep sinusitis away and clears them faster too.

Not one doc recommended it tho, just antibiotics.. but we found info on tv on Oprah and dr Oz show long before the internet around:)

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Very very odd the grapes you can buy nowadays are mostly(!)seedless, did they know or just coincidence? Nah they knew.

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God’s Work Walter!

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Good to know, I've been taking grape seed extract for years!

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How have you fared during this whole pandemic? Did it protect you against infection?

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Maybe it helped. Cant say for sure as I did get covid once. Lost my smell and taste for quite a while but no other symptoms such as cough. Not vaccinated.

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Loss of smell and taste can also be attributed to heavy metals. I lost mine while using oil colours for painting-- particularly cadmium reds and yellows.

Detox guided by a Naturopath restored them.

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My same symptoms as you and unvaccinated also. I also have brain fog and unintended weight loss. Trying everything I can to possibly reverse this but it has been a struggle for 32 months now.

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Thank you Walter! Have a nice weekend. Peace,

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Since tannins are found in tea, can just drinking tea not achieve the same result? If this is correct, then countries such as India that consume a lot of tea should not have recurrence of covid.

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What brand and dose are you taking?

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Grape seed extract provides all the benefits of the much more expensive Pycnogenol (see: https://www.pycnogenol.com ) for a fraction of the cost.

My preferred form: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01JX5KT8A/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1

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I thought linoleic acid was inflammatory?

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Would be nice to see human data in vivo...

But there is some pretty good data on gse for other conditions

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Sep 30, 2023·edited Sep 30, 2023

I take so many different things, but this may be one reason I never had symptomatic covid. I also drink a lot of black tea.

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This is great news. Does anyone know if GSE would cause issues if a person has sensitivity? I had to stop drinking wine because it inflames my nasal tissue. I looked up why that might be and it can be caused by the tannins in wine. I'm concerned that this supplement would do the same. Unless I was actually sensitive to whatever yeasts or molds are on the grapes which aid fermentation. 🤔

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I think sulfates in wine can cause this.

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Oh, maybe.

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