Interesting. I've been drinking chaga tea for about three years. I have had COVID zero times. I was attributing that to turmeric, but these things all work together.

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Thank you for the write-up Walter... really good stuff! I recall in the earliest days of the "official" pandemic, very early 2020, Cliff High was reporting that he was hearing from a traditional Chinese herbalist in the Wuhan region that his clients who were taking his formulations (via tea I think) that contained Chaga, even those who were elderly, seemed to be well protected from the effects of the virus. This was before Dr. Zelenko was even talking about HCQ. I ordered a large batch sourced from Northern MI and have kept it on-hand ever since. I think that mushrooms in general, and these tree concs like Chaga, Turkey tail, and Agaricon, are powerful immune boosting medicinals that we need to study more...

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I have no idea why they call it a mushroom doesn’t resemble mushroom at all. A fungus yeah.

It’s a black on the outside orange on the inside and very hard, grows on the truck of birch trees, I have some on the property I live on in northern Wisconsin. It’s about 15 feet up on several trees. It looks like a wound on the tree, the picture you having your post looks more like a horse hoof fungus, or Amadou.

I’ve read a good time to harvest once the temperature gets below 20°

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Over the past four years I’ve been using Fennel Seeds, Dandelion and Licorice tinctures/teas for the very same promised reasons. Also powdered Chinese Skullcap added to the mix. I have no evidence I’ve ever been Covid infected.

I wonder if adding more elements helps increase protection. I suppose if these things deliver the hoped for protective benefits, synergistically they may be even more powerful.

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If i had a nickel for every in silico study that showed promise I would be rich

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