Jan 5Liked by Walter M Chesnut

The good ole Chicken Broth (homemade) we always drink when sick. I always knew the old fashioned remedy is something good for your body!

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While chicken broth may be helpful I don't think it is the same thing as boiling down a large (healthy) cow bone and getting all that marrow.

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We roast the marrow and eat it out of the bone (with salt) before it goes in the stock pot. Best thing to remineralise teeth too. I get many pieces and reuse (freeze) them until the bone becomes soft enough to crumble at the touch. Always makes me think of the children's nursery rhyme 'Fi fi fo fum, [...] Be he alive or be he dead I'll grind his bones to make my bread.' By the time the bone is properly spent it's like flour.

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Bone roasted for some time, marrow scoooped out, bone boiled down in pot for broth? Ok i like your recipe. How long for roasting?

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It takes about twelve to fifteen minutes with smaller osso bucco-sized bones, sometimes twenty if big pieces. Some butchers will slice bones lengthwise which would take a good twenty five minutes, and once that's done and eaten, roast potatoes (45mins) and garlic (20 mins) in the residual fat, they're incredible. Or just save it for later, idk.

I salt beforehand which melts in to the fat... which hits the spot in the brain that chemical engineers replicate in the lab for cheap (slow poison) Dorito flavourings etc..

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Bone broth is good whatever. Bone broth doesn't have to be boiled bone water! Proper soups are based on bone stock, we always use the bones for stock for the next meal. The poor modern excuse for 'soup' is nothing more than grain thickened flavoured water. - Slop. Bones are good.

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Love this! I just set a pot of bones on the stove 15 minutes ago to start extracting all the goodness. What a nice article to open. Thank you for this Friday hope.

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I was literally drinking a cup of chicken bone broth when I saw this headline!

TYVM Walter!

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Me too Ol’ Doc Skepsis

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Thanks for this very informative article. Would collagen have similar benefits to bone broth?

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Collagen literally translates to ‘gene glue’ and is a protein, but broth has more minerals plus the collagen. I use collagen in hot chocolate for example and broth as a meal substitute, and to cook the children’s rice etc. Similar benefits, but not the same.

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See the book called nourishing broths which is available on Amazon.

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Well damn. I knew I should have cracked open the jars of bone broth we have when I was sick a few weeks ago! Kicking myself rn.

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Thank you Walter. Happy New Year. Peace.

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Great stuff here, Walter.... as usual. So, I’m drinking green tee, diluted methylene blue, Kumbucha and now, bone broth. Just one question: do you have a financial interest in Depends(tm)?

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Judy says to stay away from green tea because it pushes wrong cytokine. I agree with her.

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I've heard that too....but to be honest, I was just kinda' ribbing Walter with my post.

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Oh right.... I'm thick, Walter needs the ribbing.

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Is this true for Yerba mate as well? In curious as I drink mate every day.

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It was my outside observation that mate was addictive before i ever drank it. I like mate and it seems to be way more tolerable to me than green tea and provides better energy than from coffee. And I don't think it's addictive and I can't remember if it ever gave me a headache.

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Could you point me where to read about this? I drink matcha every day...

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I wish I could. I'm reading it out of my notebook and I can tell that it was from around April 2020. It was a presentation that I guess I watched on You tube but didn't record the title. CB-1, CB-2, stem cell niche, NRF-2, TRPV-1, TNF-(gamma), GPR-55, Capsaisen, IL-10, IL-8, IL-6, IP-10, MIP-1a, MIP-1(beta), TNF-(alpha), IP-20, clonal TCR(gamma) rearrangements, 2-5(A)RNaseL antiviral pathway, pattern recognition receptors, toll like receptors, CB-2 receptors are G- protein coupled receptors that behave like channels, they can regulate the amount of: Na, K, Mg+ in and out of the cells. Hematopoetic stem cells, macrophage is the driver of immunodeficiency. Elevated TGF-(beta) is very bad in all these diseases (XMRV associated).

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Belated thanks for this good advice.

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I have a question you reccomand bone brooth before.Sorry my english is not so good.When now the animals are vaxxed als is it helpfull to make bone brooth?Nobody write it on the package that animals are vaxxed today.I am very sick and surching for help.I was contamineted with graphene after a pcr test and harmed after the jab also.Now I am magneticed in my face at my forehead.I have fever and pain every day.No one doctor help me,they dont want to tread me..The most doctor here in Germany dont want to talk even about the harm of jabs about graphene contaminetion,hydroge in the pcr test or the spike protein from the jab.Or they talk only and tell you you should look for a Protokoll from Zelenko in the Internet.But the supplements I found they didnt work I am stil very veryl sick.I am gona die without help,so please if somebody read this help me.

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