For those with long Covid and/ or vax injury, these Friday Hope articles are wonderful. Informative, hopeful and a kindness knowing there are people not giving up on this community when the majority of mainstream healthcare professionals are nowhere to be seen. Thank you.

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Yes thank You

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We're consuming almost all the foods mentioned here and have through whole lifetimes for generations. Even planted a Gingko Tree 12 years ago before consuming Ginkgo and learned a few years later of the value of the Gingko Tree. It's magnificent to have simple substances easily grown, stored and consumed to provide stronger healthier bodies well into Senior years.

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Quercetin, a flavonoid found in many plants and in the human diet, has several potential effects on fibrin and blood clotting:

Inhibits fibrin formation

Quercetin can directly inhibit fibrin formation and suppress blood clotting by inhibiting the enzymatic activity of thrombin and FXa. A review found that quercetin has one of the highest antithrombotic actions of all flavonoids.

Promotes wound healing

Quercetin can improve wound healing by regulating integrin expression, which can decrease the need for extracellular matrix to heal. Quercetin-impregnated chitosan-fibrin composite scaffolds (Q-CF scaffolds) have been shown to accelerate wound healing when applied topically to open wounds. Q-CF scaffolds also have good bactericidal activity against Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli, and are non-toxic and suitable for tissue engineering.

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It is amazing how many foods and extracts help with the damage from Covid and the injections. I always look forward to these Friday Hope articles and I save them as pdfs , because they may help me and my wife and friends when we get ill or have problems

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Dr Mercola sells and promotes Lumbrokinase enzymes, which were first derived from earthworms, but are now synthetically produced. I have tried them and they are very powerful, you only need to take one versus multiple pills of nattokinase.

Chinese medicine used earthworms as a treatment for various aliments including cancer and recommended eating the worms before a way was developed to extract the enzymes.

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I’m using Lumbrokinase. I didn’t know it’s not coming from earthworms anymore. That doesn’t sit right with me. Do you have any more info?

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I take lumbrokinase too!

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Serrapeptase will do more than food.

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There qre currently a out a dozen different companies selling lumbrokinaise .Some claim they use earthworms -- like Double Wood, available from Pure Formulas. I cannot verify.

Most vitamins today and foods kike nutritional yeast are made by bacteria.abiut 95 percent of all cheese is made with GMO enzymes. Rennet is considered a bad boy.

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Very useful


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many of these have been espoused for LC interesting.

i find i feel better with ginger, natto, and some others.

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@WMC , on killer kalamari klots

Follow Greg on twitter- (@Greg21143362)

( the following vids are rare-Greg is not known to make an appearance on this type of platform)



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I had an ultrasound machine tell me I have 34 mm of scarring in the brain stem. I suggestions on how to treat this?

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