Funny what an honest, talented researcher can run across when he’s not hindered by institutional diktats and human cowardice :)

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Is There a Test for Spike Protein Toxicity?

99.9% of doctors will tell you no, even those who specialize in treating it, but they're dead wrong and it could kill you




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The majority of these symptoms seem to be what GP's are calling long covid.

Gaslighting people into thinking its long covid when its actually adverse reactions from the experimental.

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But not every who feels they have long covid have been vaxxed

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But we know " covid" itself is bio weapon so people who didint take the experimental may have been piosoned this.

Also transmission is very real and also we are being bombarded with EMF which has many of the " symptoms " similar to those being described.

They are bombarding us from every angle.....🙏

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Dosage and other considerations are important.

The spike and SARS-CoV-2 are a bioweapon system.

Susceptibility is variable- recall that 80% of the Diamond Princess cruisers, who should have been optimum targets, did not come down with or test positive for Covid.

Now you are left trying to infer from very corrupt testing and diagnosis who actually was infected before the injections were imposed. Hint- likely 70-90% despite a recent CMAJ article -Skowronski et al., Oct 30, 2023- who did not notice that SARS-CoV-2 N antibodies decline over time.

Comment sections on Substack have reports from Long Covid patients who declined the Vaxxes. This is not surprising, the main press has reports from "Billions and Billions" of people who have (so far) noted no problems from their shots. Any who may have wondered about their symptoms have been reassured or gaslighted.

I just spoke to my niece tonight who works for the enemy- the BC Ministry of Health. At our last visit over a year ago she came to the door double-masked! This month she has contracted Covid after a meeting in the Ministry which was apparently a "Super-Spreader" event. (Is it rude to cheer for the virus and Spikes?) I didn't hint too vigorously that maybe the shots were somehow implicated.

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Well done for remembering the Diamond Princess. That was one of the most illuminating events of early 2020.

It's funny how these government people genuinely follow their own nonsense. It's because they half believe it's true and because they believe a civil servant has a moral duty to follow government edicts. Fuzzy logic, with disastrous results.

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Thank you for this article Jessica.

I have suffered from increasing symptoms following a brief dysaesthesia immediately follow my second AZ jab, which I reported on the U.K. Yellow card system. The peripheral neuropathy has increased with hyperaesthesia and burning sensations in my feet lower legs sufficient to wake me at night. I previously could have slept for England but now rarely sleep through the night! Strangely there is some loss of sensation in the soles of my feet.

I have become more and more exhausted with increasing exercise intolerance over the last two years with breathlessness on exertion and occasional dizziness and light headedness. Extensive cardiac investigations were recently negative and no explanation provided for my symptoms.

I have also become anxious and depressed with frequent extrasystoles (an extra heartbeat with a compensatory pause - a skipped beat) and attributed this to a reaction to my unexplained symptoms.

As a retired doctor myself I have been at a loss to understand the assorted symptoms but they have definitely occurred since I unfortunately had 3 jabs - 2AZ and 1 Pfizer - because of my age and strong medical advice on account of 2 bouts of cryptogenic organising pneumonia (COP or BOOP ) a few years before the pandemic. Your hypothesis appears convincing and somewhat worrying.

My profession appears extremely reluctant to consider post vaccine damage after any medical episode and I am not optimistic about getting a diagnosis or appropriate treatment - if indeed any treatment exists.

Thank you for stepping up to the plate and reporting your well researched and knowledgeable insights which have helped me and many others.

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Our profession put their collective heads in the sand. There was plenty of data to review early on (3/2020) that would have suggested that this gene therapy might not be such a great idea to distribute to all. I am a general pediatrician. I bought immunology text, and was in Pub Med 3 times a week looking for data. Due diligence. Part of the oath we all took. We did not take an oath that says "Take the money and run."

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Maggie....Amen. I agree with you 100%.

Somebody recently said to me (they are now awake to the harm) that they waited for the science which now suggests that there are problems with the mRNA vaccine. My response, “the science or lack thereof relative to the safety and effectiveness of these vaccines was there from the beginning for those who asked questions and wanted to see....rather than be driven by fear mongering and virtue signaling, while paying unwarranted deference to “experts” with obvious conflicts of interest.” What was required was common sense, some critical thinking, and being willing to ask questions despite neighbors, friends, family, and Hollywood calling you a “conspiracy theorist.”

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The problem was that for those of us who are not in the first flush of youth and that had co morbidities the fear propaganda was immense. I queried the risk of ADE and ERD and the risk of autoimmunity with my respiratory specialist who didn’t answer my questions but told me that I was at serious risk because of my episodes of COP and should definitely accept the vaccine ASAP.

COP is a very rare orphan disease and from the outset I researched all the available evidence of the risk if I contracted Covid. I had firmly decided against a third jab as evidence of side effects emerged but read a scientific article that showed that Covid pneumonia very closely resembled COP so I decided thatI was probably at greater risk of a further episode of COP and realised that if I was admitted to ICU I would likely be recommended the standard practice of ventilation which I knew could well have signed my death warrant and was therefore to be avoided if at all possible.

Obviously I now regret having had any vaccines in view of the mounting evidence but in the early months of the pandemic the decisions were not as simple as you have implied, even for someone like me with considerable knowledge of the medical issues.

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I TOTALLY understand and am incredibly sympathetic. My family has extensive autoimmune history in both sides. Early on, I researched what there was to know about the mRNA vaccine and potential impact for those with autoimmune disease or genetic predisposition. I was horrified to learn that the FDA had done know research as to how the mRNA would impact those of us with medical history of the autoimmune variety and yet they were recommending those individuals be the first to get jabbed.

I worried that having your own body produce the pathogen (spike protein) would be rolling out the red carpet for those of us with rogue immune systems.

I warmed my 82 year old mother as she was on immunosuppressants for psorias and had other autoimmune issues.

Like you, the fear of COVID as pushed by msm and the captured regulatory agencies and Fauci (while arguing there were no viable treatments) was overwhelming. Like many 80 + year olds she had heart and lung issues. Her response to my concerns, “If I get COVID it will likely kill me, so I guess I’ll take my chances with the vaccine.”

Sadly, following the flu vaccine/booster combo in the fall of 2021, she began having symptoms like dizziness, shortness of breath, fatigue, etc. This progressed to difficulty with speech and swallowing. The docs treated her as a stroke and heart patient. Although, there was no evidence of a stroke or heart attack. When I was finally able to get in to see her…(restrictions around visitors)…I knew it was not heart or stroke. I searched VAERS frantically and then told the doctors to get a neurologist in to assess her because I believed she had sudden onset Myasethenia Gravis. Dr. MxCullough later published a paper that describes exactly what happened to my mom.

The neurologist agreed I might be right. Turns out I was…it is on her death certificate. Unfortunately they essentially starved and dehydrated her for over a week thinking she had had a stroke and was suffering from congestive heart failure. By the time the neurologist got on board….she needed a vent to support breathing in order to give her the treatment for MG….sometimes that is necessary with an MG crisis, which obviously she was having.

When they went to vent her, she went into cardiac arrest. The attending doctor reported she was too dehydrated for the electric pulse needed for her heart to continue. My mom died that day.

It is a horrific story what she endured. It was not her time.

Those who fear mongered and suppressed early treatment in order to serve the bio-pharmaceutical complex have blood on their hands.

Take care. I hope you remain healthy despite having had the first two shots.

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I hope you are able to hold them accountable. They were responsible for her death....it's called murder. This angers me so much and I'm very sorry for your loss. One of many, many stories like this.

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Thank you. I am very sorry to hear of the problems your mum experienced and how you had tried your best to protect her. I can fortunately live with my symptoms for the present but they have seriously damaged my quality of life. There is no way on earth I would accept any further vaccine and I just hope that the symptoms don’t get worse over time.

I fear that there are very many people in a similar position to me who are less well informed and who are still being encouraged by their doctors to have further jabs despite their undiagnosed symptoms.

I have never been more ashamed of my profession!

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I was 66 when I got Covid 3/16/20 as all was starting. Sick for two weeks. Took zpack. Vitamin Zj. Vitamin D. Had researched natural immunity looking at sars 1. In some ways I was very lucky to get it at the beginning. The fear just dissolved. I just could not understand how a “ new” virus could have a vax ready to go. I could also not understand how anyone in medical field could tell people to stay home until they could not breathe

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The moral of the story is don't trust specialists.

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You were gaslit! Don't knock yourself too hard.

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Amen. No excuses. If I knew, doctors should have questioned everything. This is so frustrating. Doctors deserve all the vitriol coming their way.

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First things I researched in April of 2020, were reverse transcrition, luciferase, and ferritin.

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Me too, but it was a very complex risk benefit analysis for those of us who were considered to be at great risk and there was very little help available from experienced clinicians then and now to offer a balanced opinion.

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Do you have any ideas as to why drs behaved as they did, basically waiting on the govt to tell them what to do? I've been pondering this for a long time and dare not broach it with drs I know personally. But their first job is to care for their pts. Therefore in the case of an unknown new illness why did they not hit the books? They had plenty of time off to do so and I would have expected them to want to be ready to offer their pts the best care and answers. Have drs gotten so lazy they just live by checking boxes?

The last 2 times I went to a dr they consulted the computer (that was 10 yrs ago).... I can do that at home myself. When I told one PA I could have consulted the Merck Manual myself he told me "ah... but we pay for a better version". lolol

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In the U.K. doctors were threatened with removal from the GMC register or losing their job if they spoke out against the officially approved narrative. It was one of the reasons only retired doctors felt safe to do so, but even they risked officially approved surveillance and banning from social media. The scientific journals, main stream media and social media all conspired to ensure that only the officially approved narrative was easily accessible.

At the beginning of the pandemic most retired doctors were in the older age group often with co morbidities. Medicine is a rather conservative profession and most of us believed that we were being told the truth and bought into the climate of fear of the virus and trusted the government, the regulatory authorities and the medical establishment. We were trained to believe in conventional vaccines and many doctors had little knowledge of sophisticated immunology or genetics.

I raised concerns in letters to The Times regarding the safety of the innovative Covid vaccines as there was limited evidence of safety and no long term data, for obvious reasons. I questioned the validity of medical consent and questioned the inadequate compensation for vaccine side effects. I had a number published until I questioned the necessity and wisdom of mandated vaccines and the vaccination of children. My letters were no longer accepted.

I regularly contacted my MP to no avail.

I hesitated to speak out openly at the outset for fear that I might have inadequate knowledge and be wrong and that I might inadvertently mislead anyone into making the wrong decisions.

Because of my concerns for myself, my family and friends I have tried to glean all the information that was available since the start of the pandemic, but it has been difficult to do that in relative isolation.

I realise now, especially in view of my personal harm from the vaccines, that my experience, knowledge and gut instinct were correct.

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Your censorship is alarming, angering and sad. How low society has sunk. In the name of public (communal) health they destroyed individual health, physical and mental.

Your point re the weight of your training is a good one... I don't suppose your university offered a course on questioning authority... lol... it seems most all of our institutions are in the business of creating subjects to trust them completely, no matter the field - medical, education, finance... sometimes it takes a huge event to shake people out of their ruts.

I'm moved by your experience of these past 4 yrs... 4 yrs they stole, all the time spent trying to learn and ferret out the truth... it seemed so crazy the way they turned full circle on their own protocols... like we never before ever vaccinated the immuno compromised or the sick or dying.

I hope you can find good and consistent health in the near future. And listen to your gut... after all, it is the 2nd brain ;)

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Thanks for your comment. Fortunately I trained before the days of “one size fits all” protocols and we were trained to question, research, listen to our patients and treat them as individuals based on our experience and knowledge and ethical principles. Everything was based on the precautionary principle of “primum non nocere” - first do no harm. We are a dying breed - not dying fast enough for the powers that be perhaps - but a few of us are trying to speak truth to power with no vested interest to skew our views.

The only advantage I have personally gained from the pandemic was an utter respect for the truth and an open mind, a fantastic stimulus to my research abilities and a greater understanding of vaccinology, epidemiology,immunology etc etc and a real belief in the importance of fresh air, regular exercise, good food and trusting to the fantastic ability of the body to maintain good health providing it is properly nurtured.

Stay safe and stay well and stay true to yourself.

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The selection and training are aimed at obedience and deference to authority.

I attended a reunion at UBC 10 or 15 years ago and was nonplussed to note that the selection criteria and boards for medical students were organised to accept social justice warriors.

95% of my former colleagues are still firmly convinced by the narrative. They don't seem to be at all skeptical, even with the reimposition of masking in their offices last month.

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Never stop talking about it. The dam will break if enough people talk more and insist they be listened to.

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Extrasystoles, Doctor, since you have been poisoned. Get treated by hyperbaric oxygen if you can. As an idea, bioresonance for detox might also help but I have no precedents on hand.

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Thank you for your interest and concern.

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Many thanks for presenting your work. I’m just an ordinary person looking for some sanity in this existence but l am seeing something that in all my research & diggings that has led me to think that a large part of this world is being led into using the mass population as ‘gain of function’ by criminal sciences that has been happening for a long time. I call it ‘inverted’ & f.u.b.a.r. To say I’m disgusted by it all is an understatement.

Thanks again for your work.

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The authors very carefully word the study to protect the mRNA vaccines and would like us to believe that this is a rare syndrome.

Or, is it they know the paper would never be published otherwise?

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Dr Kory recently stated that this formula is now being used to ensure publication, when the whole tendency of the paper goes against it.

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100% agree... question...we all know there is some exosomal transfer in vxd to others, including the unvxd like myself. This has been discussed for 3 years, see paper from S. Seneff & McCullough or Dr. Kory's admission only recently (ugh took him long enough)...Can the amyloid causing agents/triggers also be in the exosomes? Or do you think it more likely that it has to be direct spike exposure? Thank you. I appreciate your work. I have largely recovered from long covid using your information and a handful of other sources..thankfully I have a home hyperbaric oxygen chamber

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Great piece Walter, tying up many threads. And yet here in the UK the National Health Service is proud to announce that the Autumn Covid Booster campaign has given 10 million covid shots (out of a population of 67 m). "2 November 2023 – Over 10 million autumn vaccinations reported for COVID

As of Thursday, 2 November 2023 a total of 10,005,459 COVID vaccinations have been reported as administered by the NHS in England since the start of the autumn campaign on 11 September 2023." https://www.england.nhs.uk/statistics/statistical-work-areas/covid-19-vaccinations/

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staggering that so many are so uninformed.

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Hi Patricia, That is why I posted this information. BW Neil

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About 7 million of those are trusting pensioners who would never suspect any harm could come of following the recommendations of the sacred NHS.

Others will be the chumps in the NHS itself who are still shooting up: I know some of these, at consultant level, and immunologists!

And we find the Royal College of Obstetricians, for instance, is pushing the shots in pregnancy, and so on with all the Colleges and the specialist medical charities, for diabetes, etc.

Most disgracefully, the whole autumn programme was brought forward one month on the flimsy pretext of protecting against variant Eris.

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More people need to pay attention to Walter !!! 💥🎯

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All of which was pretty much predicted to happen before the Vax was approved!

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I have had Covid twice, the first time in December 2020, age 65. I was able to continue my every other day 3 mile runs (I'm a bit OCD about my exercise) the first week I showed some mild symptoms but the second week I had to shut down. Had some respiratory symptoms, not severe, and my O2 sat stayed above 97%. My most profound symptoms were severe depression and anxiety, to the extent I could not eat or sleep for about 5 days. I was hungry, no nausea, but after one bite I lost interest. I recovered and my mental disposition returned to normal. The second time I had Covid about a year later it manifests as a GI infection only which I got over quickly with none of the mental issues. I have had zero mRNA injections.

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A good friend's father was dx with amyloidosis within 12 months of primary series.

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Thank you. Thank you. THANK YOU.

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Thank you Jessica, for still another enlightening piece, this time about long covid very much forgotten. For me, I found myself in spring 2020 with all those symptoms but no understanding from the medical system. So I took to pouring over English and American medical shows on Youtube. After a month with Brittish musical journalist Ged I got tipped by a med doc about B 3, Niacin. So I tried 1000 mg and that very afternoon got my life back, but turned to be too much. Tried 500 mg and gradually got better towards summer. I have kept the Niacin 500 together with other supplements and vitamins, including C, D3, Qercetine by the book and I am now rather well. Just saying.

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Makes so much sense as to what those of us who could not clear the initial viral infection (with subsequent chronic spike production) are also experiencing with long-“covid” in absence of getting vaccinated.

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