Walter, thank you so much for all your hard work. You are missed on Twitter as your posts were comforting and often frightening. For many of us who feel alone you give us comfort. My neighbors all think I am a conspiracy theorist as they believe everything the TV tells them and do no research at all. Thank you for helping us to feel sane.

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I’m not sure how much Walter talks to other Substack authors but I am going to encourage that they take place and I’m going to be mentioning Walter in the comments of other substacks I read. That would be places like coffee and Covid, Steve Kirsh, Naomi Wolf and others. They know evil is taking place and I personally feel that these connections need to be made. We fight this with strong teams with big voices.

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I think Walter is on to something. It may be parallel to what others are thinking. I just read (Dr Mercola) about methylene blue and there's Walter posting on self cyanosis around the same exact electro chemistry. Are they reading each other?

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May 13, 2022Liked by Walter M Chesnut

I’ve already had Covid Too late for me to worry about being in contact. I would think everyone had had contact by now.

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Yes, I agree. I will work on finding solutions. However, as we all know, amyloidosis is really, really bad. Also, nothing kills everyone. Some will be immune to these effects. Question is, how many?

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My Covid was mostly confined to my stomach plus a fever, but I’ll die when God and I am ready, but not before. But it seems to be a wonderful retribution if the devils who caused this succumb to their own evil. My question: would they unleash this without some type of antidote or are they not only devils, but fools.

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Canny Granny I like your faith. Am a grandmother and am still teaching but most at my age are retired. Have been thinking lots about how to help the grands be strong and healthy in the face of changes.

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I’m a retired teacher, and I’m glad I’m retired, but congratulations on still doing the hardest job in the world.

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I tutor so it is a bit of a vacation after a full class of kids! What did you teach?

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Fifth grade, mostly language arts. I taught 5 th grade science and social studies a few years also.

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Amyloidosis might not "kill" everyone instantly but certainly will cause cognitive and mobility deterioration over time

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Remember when Joe Biden said something to the effect that in 20 years every single hospital bed will be filled with patients with dementia?

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Within X amount of yrs dementia was already slated to be the #1 cause of death in the UK, followed by many western countries. It’s like this is how they guaranteed that would happen. ‘Zombies’ everywhere

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May 13, 2022·edited May 13, 2022Liked by Walter M Chesnut

Dementia is a state. Just because someone has a dementia doesnt mean they are 'Zombies'. I find most current politicians behaving like zombies. On the other hand, I would not call any of the people in a state of dementia a "zombie" because you can still communicate in a meaningful way utilising the person centric approach. Dementia is a progressive disease. People in a state of dementia usually die because of strokes or various infections or organ failures. That is what is stated on their death certificates. Covid vaccines are initiating systemic response that can accelerate and/or trigger dementia and/or other neurological diseases (which would otherwise potentially be triggered much later in life) It is a perfect bioweapon that will take approximately 7-9 years to kill and be easily attributed to dementia (and/or other inflammatory diseases) rather than vaccination.

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Yes, & dementia victims cannot take care of themselves furthering pressure on society we cannot take. The already in motion process accelerated. ‘Zombie’ was meant as a simplified way of saying we’ll be taking care of these victims & may become ones ourselves. Sure I could’ve used a better term but the overall discussion is the important part.

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Dementia/Alzheimer’s is slated to surpass that in all western countries & we’re not prepared to handle the services needed for more people with these diseases in the best of times. Dementia costs more.

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This is horrible

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Research HOCL as possible cure. A brilliant German Dr. has suggested this.

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@Lauren Hypochlorous acid? As possible cure for Amyloidosis?

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for prions- is it the same thing?

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What is the name of the German Dr you are referencing?

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I am not at liberty to say. He is basically keeping off the radar.

I dont want to get him in trouble or worse.

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If this is what I am recalling, it can be made at home

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or you can buy biotech brand. not sure how to take it, Maybe nasal spray?

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I have watched Dr Mobeen's youtube on using Low Dose naltrexone for C19/long haul/inflammatory disorders. What are your thoughts? Thank you for all of your hard work.

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Dr Keith Berkowitz and his group has used low dose naltrexone protocols with decent success for several inflammatory illnesses including ME. They are using it for the long and the jab injured along with supplements and some HCQ and or ivermectin.

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Thank you for sharing his name, I will add him to my research!

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Proteolytic enzymes on empty stomach can’t hurt.

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@Mary my experience: I had trouble breathing (alergy) and was about to undergo sinus operation. The ORL Surgeon told me to start taking proteolytic enzymes 7 days before operation and for a month after. He said it speeds up the recovery and minimises any probabilty for infection. The surgeon was an older generation and the leading specialist in his country.

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How do they work?

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We need enzymes to digest food but when u take them on empty stomach they get in your body and help clean up debris like fibrin, proteins. Think of pac man. I rotate different once when I first get up. Nattokinase is especially good for clots

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Thanks Mary. Is there a particular brand you recommend? I just did a quick search on Amazon and there are so many options. (Would prefer to purchase from someone else of course!)

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Walter, I don't remember do you have this paper - Amyloidogenesis of SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein or am I missing it as I scan your posts? Pretty much everything I run into supports your framing of this mechanism. The fibrillation process. Zow.

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Thank you, Walter, for all you do! I'm sure that many more people appreciate your work than comment, and I feel so deeply grateful to these articles you post and these research summaries and thoughts you share.

I seriously wish that other researchers will start pursuing these leads as well, so that we can address prevention and treatment for spike proteinopathy and amyloidosis. Right now it seems there is Walter pointing out these horrific facts, and very few other researchers. I hope this starts to change, for the sake of humanity and the world.

It's easy for me to see that Walter is likely correct in his concerns, based on my personal experiences. I feel like I was truly one of the proverbial canaries in the coal mine, having had longhaul covid for a year and a half. Thanks to that up-close-and-personal interaction with spike protein, I can fully agree with Walter about the seriousness of this matter. I was amazingly fortunate to intuitively start regularly taking some anti-amyloids, including: Quercetin, Resveratrol, Curcumin, and Green Tea--and I made sure to sleep a LOT during my recovery. I also did my best to increase gaps of not-eating times each day, which also encourages natural autophagy. I see that my body was systematically attacked everywhere from my joints to my heart to my brain--but I am slowly and steadily coming back to normal, almost a year now after I became symptom and relapse free from longhaul covid.

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Have you tried Low dose naltrexone?

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No; I've been focusing on non-pharmaceuticals--mostly anti-inflammatory, anti-amyloids with some nutraceuticals that are nootropic and assist mitochonrdria health and wellbeing

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Sunlight and exercise (whatever you can manage).

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May 13, 2022Liked by Walter M Chesnut

I wonder if the RNA fragments in the Vs, (and about 40% of the RNA are fragments) could generate shorter proteins with even worse amyloidogenic potential?

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That's a very good point and highly probable.

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Walter, I read in the last week or so, that omicron of course has the adeno virus sequences that allows it to evade the SARS2 immunities so well, but notably - especially juxtaposed with the context you've been framing - it also has deletion of all the sequences/proteins that favor prion-like/amyloid production. I remember what I read identified each one removed (from a strongly conserved area) and talked about their functions. I'll go dig it up. No wonder Gates was so disappointed with omicron coming through, acting in effect as an "attenuated vaccine" (It didn't dump its HIV sequences however), because reduced amyloids and cancers. They really knew what they were doing when they built SARS2. Intentional evil.

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May 13, 2022·edited May 13, 2022

"it also has deletion of all the sequences/proteins that favor prion-like/amyloid production|

No. The prion domain of Omicron (aka Mers-Cov-2) is latent, inactive. The next "variant" will be avian flu (Omicron + its prion region activated). Read Montagnier's last published paper:


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Here is part of what I looked at last week. Am looking for the rest. https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Region-PRION-in-the-OMICRON-Spike-with-its-8-amino-acids-mutations-This-is-a-remarkable_fig1_357444745 I don't recall avian flu is omicron + Prion region activated. Avian flu takes work to get, it doesn't like Human body temp, and no particular affinities. Absent passaging, CRISPR, etc.

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Avian flu = M. avium/M. influenzae

Omicron = Mers-Cov-2 (both Omicron and Mers-Cov use DPP4 as a cellular receptor)

All patients with Mers-Cov also were diagnosed with H. influenzae (M. influenzae)

H1N1 = Haemophilus influenzae

Read the works of the best expert in the field of infectious diseases caused by mycobacterium:








https://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi= h1n1









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I will look at these papers. I looked up avium - avium is not birds. Noun

āvium (genitive avia) (neut.) wilderness, byway https://www.wordsense.eu/avium/

The SARS2 creators put so many sequences in for taking us out. There's mouse malaria sequences in it as well has HTLV 1&2, HIV 1&2, staph and so on. Baric did a lot of early work with rabbit hemorrhagic corona virus. In FL a veterinarian had special permitting to vaccinate domestic rabbits. It's $60 for the shot, another $30+ for the required chipping of the rabbit. Daszak's group has been working on rodent hemorrhagic corona viruses for some time in addition to bats. There have been rather novel breakouts of bat transmitted virus - there was an entire racetrack in one of the big cities in Australia that took out all the horses. Then the same virus took out a racetrack and a swineherd in the Philippines, I think within a year of the Australia track (I think Nipah). Similar types on small islands in Indonesia. All were quickly contained. I recall the State Dept sent a warning that some of the pneumonias in Wuhan in December 2019 had a Nipah component. Then everything became SARS2 so that was the end of hearing further publicly. I was very surprised MERS didn't get further than it did in S. Korea. I am wondering what is being found in SARS2 and not getting into the literature yet. Thanks for the papers. TB is scary. There are too many very resistant TB post-jab cases. TB is justification for the infected to wear masks, and why we still have laws about spitting on sidewalks. Well, I digress much too far afield.

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May 13, 2022·edited May 13, 2022

- M. bovis



BlastP analysis showed high homology of the SARS-CoV-2 envelope protein with 12 consecutive amino acids of the protein LytR C, which is a consensus protein unique to Mycobacteria.

- Nipah virus




- Cobra genome


"The researchers used an analysis of the protein codes favored by the new cor.onavirus and compared it to the protein codes from cor.onaviruses found in different animal hosts, like birds, snakes, marmots, hedgehogs, manis, bats and humans. Surprisingly, they found that the protein codes in the 2019-nCoV are most similar to those used in snakes."

- Herpes

http://stateofthenation.co/?p=100633 (proteina ORF10)

- Mers-Cov

Genomic analysis revealed that SARS-CoV-2 shares around 50% genetic identity with MERS-CoV.

- Hybrid Bacillus subtilis

A new unknown protein was discovered in the genome of the Pfizer vaccine:


Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Mycobacterium leprae, Bacillus anthracis, Borrelia burgdorferi, Clostridium perfringens, Clostridium tetani, Helicobacter Pylori, Listeria monocytogenes, Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pyogenes, Vibrio cholera and Yersinia pestis), two malarial parasites (Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium knowlesi) and influenza virus A.


Read this also:


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Thank you for these also~

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Phages are very cool. Saw some published work with administering them to on the brink cases out of Loma Linda last year. I understand Europe, Eastern and further use them. They make sense to me, better than antibiotics most of the time. There is a company in the Republic of Georgia that sells them mail order. Pig Pfarma etc. isn't going to allow them to be a thing here.

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Avian flu is now here in Canada right now

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I couldn't wrap my head around the Shanghai lock downs. The rest of the world getting over Covid and they are using the draconian measures. I can now understand what they view as necessary, although freakish and probably inefficient to me.

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May 13, 2022Liked by Walter M Chesnut

"It was noted that these peptides in isolation could aggregate as fibrils at 37°C during incubation." Body temp. How convenient. Fits with the spike, even in absence of platelets forms clots.

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May 20, 2022Liked by Walter M Chesnut

China is an existential threat indeed but what about the Baric-Fauci-Collins-Dasazk role in all this? Are they to be seen as rogue elements outside official U.S. policy or does the U.S. (and Canada and Germany for that matter) have some culpability in this fiasco?

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Amyloids are the lowest energy (most stable) state that peptides can take.

That means takes constant effort to prevent the accumulation of amyloids, so when anything goes wrong in the cell you will start seeing an increase. I have never been able to find a disease *without* an associated increase in amyloids.

It is like someone who is too sick to take out the trash, so it starts accumulating in their home. The trash isn't good for them either but it is also not the root cause of the illness.

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WOW! Just wow! Thank you so much for all of your absolutely incomparable research efforts!

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Eat raw grass fed ruminant animals/milk/butter/suet, and try raw fruit/fruit juice/honey. Experiment. Eat until full. Listen to your body. Your body will self regulate.

Eat raw because cooking denatures protein and enzymes, making it harder to digest. Grass fed ruminant animals are the most nutritious, and supplies protein to build muscle and saturated fat for your cell membranes which is more stable than unsaturated fat. Fruit is a good source of carbs, because it wants to be eaten so its seeds are spread around. Honey is good because it’s created by bees, which are an animal. You want to give your body as much energy and resources as possible, which means eating protein, saturated fat, and carbs, independently until you are full. This will ensure everything will work better as you heal.

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Sage advise! Am enjoying growing lots of my food. Ducks lay good eggs:). We are looking for land to keep our own cows.

Am looking forward to Walter (and associates) coming up with answers. Ironic that in this day farming, ministry, inner healing, nutrition, medicine, education, ranching, etc. are all finding zeniths. Well, the memes are getting better, too.

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I do intermittent fasting plus everything you mentioned. I had Covid December 2020. I’m certainly not going to worry about something out of my control especially since I’m taking care of myself. Been there, done that. Not productive! Lol. It’s in The Father’s Hands now.

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Wow, thanks Walter. I wonder if the Chinese government really does know this, and/or they're trying to weaken the country for an economic type shift...

Stay safe and healthy everyone. ❤️

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What connection, if any, can be posited between the spike protein and the New Brunswick cluster of prion disease cases?

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I was wondering that too!

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I have had many prophetic dreams and gut feelings that came true and one of the gut feelings I had last year was that full spectrum cannabis (THC/CBD/terpenes) can help out with the future health damage for many. So I grew a plant outside in spring 2021 and after a very long drying and curing (because I don't smoke and was not tempted) I finally made my own oils and tinctures which I gave to friends and family members, including one with dementia. It has helped everyone immensely! Is it by chance? Or the fact that a product that uplifts you is ultimately good for you all around? Maybe. But if you look at the science that has been coming out, it appears cannabis can remove amyloid proteins from the brain, reduce inflammation, treat GI disorders, fight cancer, etc. etc. The endocannibinoid system was just recently discovered and it touches upon basically every single important biological function in the body. So now I smoke a little each day and hope to grow a plant or two this year, God willing.

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Tried this, it wasn’t agreeing with me. I have heart issues now, ( afib) I suspect from first wave of Covid. When I would use cannabis , it exacerbated it for sure.

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None of my friends or family are having heart issues, just everything else surprisingly, like colon, breast, kidneys, etc... Sorry about your issue though, I honestly don't recall if cannabis can help heart issues, but maybe some cardiovascular ones? There's also a huge difference with organic cannabis grown outdoors with the full spectrum of the sun and no pesticides or any chemicals... ever. And most importantly, the strain of plant- I like a more balanced, heirloom type strain, the way nature intended- not the strains that have been bred over time to maximize THC. Good luck and stay strong.

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You are probably right. I went the legal way and got my medical marijuana permit, so it’s ‘government weed’. 🤣

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I also am having liver problems and undergoing an enormous amount of diagnostic tests. I sincerely doubt any doctor will listen to me if I ask to be checked for amyloidosis.

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I like to drink store bought wine and beer (haven't learned to make my own yet) so I do sometimes worry about my liver. I take milk thistle, dandelion, NAC, and glutathione on days I drink more than usual. The latter I take in lipisomal form (livonlabs site). Hope you get better.

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Thanks. It’s not related to alcohol. My physician advised against the milk thistle and other supplements. I will see a liver specialist soon.

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May 13, 2022·edited May 13, 2022

Dextrorotatory prions (misfolded/beta sheet spikes or T-bacilli) absorb aether and oxygen, leading to hypoxia/micro blood clots. Antidote: proteolytic enzymes, such as bromelain. Laevorotatory prions (benefic/alpha helices prions) emit aether thus producing an overall state of vitality.

Antidote for Delta (which had a rather large active prion domain): N-acetylneuraminic acid methyl ester


The vaccines coded with Pseudouridine (an isomer) have produced isomeric spike proteins and isomeric antibodies (largely binding abs). These isomeric antibodies are awaiting an activation, a period of unusual stress, such as volcanic eruptions.

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