Chronic SPED damage is probably kidney and liver injury too, and amyloidosis starts in the spleen per Stephanie Seneff. I just listened to a Zoom lecture she gave recently.

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Thanks Jennifer. Is there a recording of that lecture available? Peace.

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I second Steve's question!

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Thank you Walter! What my takeway is...do everything you can NOT to get Covid and STOP eating ALL products with casein (which should have been done long time ago...I'm guessing at the same time when we stoped being dependent on breastfeeding)?

Thank you, dear Walter, for your continuing focus on saving us all!❤

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Injecting mice with an allergen is not the same as eating a protein.

Granted a difficult to digest one that people with bowel trouble or autoimmune diseases often have to exclude.

An inflammatory dietary protein may not get through a leaky bowel membrane but an injected immune challenge would bypass it.

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Noted. Thank you. Why would I need to eat an inflammatory dietary protein that may or may not get through a leaky bowel ? With so many other options available...whats the logic behind it?

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New York cheesecake needs no logic nor do extravagant sauces the key is to consume no toxins, stay active and be exposed to a little of everything in the natural environment. Most of the GI problems folks have is from steady diets of weed & pest killing chemicals NEVER tested for human health effects much less as combinations & additives that are rubber stamped at FDA. What's miraculous is that we humans survive at all w toxic loads our average body has.

Basic Testing to Identify Chemical Hazards

If an industrial chemical is allowed by law to be released into the environment, most people assume that it must have been tested and evaluated for its potential risks. Unfortunately, this is simply not true.


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Nov 3, 2022·edited Nov 3, 2022

Eating casein is way different than having it injected, and it's not from eating, it's the process. I may be missing something, of course.

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hmmm...Georgia Ede MD, PLLC did say NO MILK products because of some factor Ig...something factor....of course I might be wrong. (wouldn't be the first time). Aslo, Casey Means, MD is a Stanford-trained physician, Chief Medical Officer and Co-founder of metabolic health company Levels also said NO MILK so....I respect them both beyond doubt. It is about inflammation - I am certain of that.

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I am convinced beyond any reasonable doubt that this is in the main, about inflammation .. l suffer from Mast Cell Activation Syndrome so have been researching “inflammation” for a long while now. What l would like clearly explained to me in layman’s language is, firstly, is the “spike protein” transferring to others and if so, by what route .. wondered if you had any thoughts?

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can you give me some context - was it milk in the diet generally, or in certain cases? There are populations that milk isn't digestible for.

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Thanks Bibi. Is this in the context of the infection/injections with spike, or just in general? Thanks.

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The last time I heard them talk about it (before the pandemic) was not in the context of the injections with the spike. It was in the context of nutrition.

Here is where you can get the specifics:



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OK. Thank you.

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There is no "Covid" anymore. The pathogen was an Infectious clone which isn't stable. It's gone. Only the syringe contains it now. Shedding might be a thing; the exosomes, most of them aren't replication competent That's what Jonathan Couey thinks. Cross immunity should be protective. Mucosal immunity https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1640932656

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Flippin adore Jonathan <3 brilliant mind & truly gifted teacher w legions learning biology!

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Nov 3, 2022·edited Nov 3, 2022

I'm not sure I agree. Please see Jennifer's comment below. I am curious as to the connection to the spike protein. I think I am missing something - spike effects amplified in the presence of casein? Hopefully, Walter will explain further. Thanks.

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The spike induces a catecholamine surge. The casein is useful to demonstrate the mechanism.

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Nov 3, 2022Liked by Walter M Chesnut

Thanks Walter. I need to study biology. I studied EE. Thanks for everything you are doing for us.

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Walter, thank you for continuing to unwind what is going on.

wondering if are familiar with the bolus theory advanced by Marc Giradot?

Everything about the spike tells me it isn't the problem, but Team. Reality is now dangerously religious about the spike:

The spike can't be it bc too many counter-signals:

1) why would antibodies and macrophage not work with the spike?

2) why would it be dangerous to a few and not too many others? Poisons are universal.

3) if the spike is so toxic, why was Covids lethality so. Low?

4) if all the shots were in the arm, and the spike is so toxic, why aren't we seeing more necrosed Deltoid?

5) if the spike is toxic why isn't Day5 post jab 1 (peak Spike) the day with most fatality?

6) why are pple dying before the spike appears?

7) the spikes are produced across the body by millions of cells, then evenly mixed by the blood stream, how does concentration of spike occurs?

8) if the spike is systemic, why isn't the damage systemic? Why no Cytokine storm?

....Circulating spike is a falsifiable hypothesis. A rabbit hole.

full article here: https://covidmythbuster.substack.com/p/when-and-how-can-vaccine-particles/comments

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Would love to see Marc and Walter talk about their theories.

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Thanks for this. I gave him link too and kirsch n se Paul Alexander but nothing.. everyone is sticking to own theory.. I think bolus makes lotsa sense

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I am wondering whether we should all be cautious about eating or drinking dairy food given some recent evidence that the grass many cattle consume is being contaminated .. traces of Aluminium, Barium, Stontium, Graphene oxide, Agent Orange to name a few came back from samples l have taken from recent rainwater in the UK .. testing carried out at trusted laboratory in Switzerland. I know this may be “off topic” but l am considering whether “many well proven theories” are indeed part of a much larger picture?

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Contaminated grasses that cattle eat has been going on since WW2. Gov *cloud seeding* to manipulate our weather would account for Aluminum dioxide<very toxic and not naturally occurring mineral element, Barium, Strontium, Graphene oxide, Agent Orange etc.

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.....'CASEIN'? That's an ingredient in Horizon American and / or SmartBeat cheese (food product) - as WELL I'd imagine a FEW other brands, Walter.....SUPPOSED to be HEALTHIER than the genuine article.....

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Nov 3, 2022·edited Nov 3, 2022

Casein is commonly taken as a supplement by body builders and fitness people alike as it is a slowly digested protein and good for building muscle. By taking these supplements could they be, 'feeding,' the spike to do more damage and bring about amyloidosis and these fibrous clots embalmers and pathologists are seeing?

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In relation to time, amyloidosis is deposited in various organs in the following order: spleen, digestive tract, liver, kidney


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Excess death = catecholamine surge.

Maybe there are other theories but this is the most likely given current evidence. Need full investigation, requiring strength of the true practitioners of medicine left out there...

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Walter, I was wondering your thoughts on something if you have a moment to respond...Biotech analyst, Karen Kingston, seems to believe the spike protein “is” the graphene oxide. I guess it has a similar physical appearance & functions as a pathogen. She believes we have been deceived. Also, Dr Lee Merritt does question how a formerly extremely expensive treatment (gene technology) has suddenly become so affordable to deliver to billions of people. ?? Additionally, apparently, many injection vials have been found to not have any mRNA in them. ?? (Altho maybe that was due to degraded mRNA because it’s so unstable??). I was wondering if you agree with Karen Kingston?

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Yes, vials have been tested where no nitrogen or phosphorus were present at all. If this is true then these vials never contained any MRNA or anything else organic or alive at all. Karen is right. There is no reason to believe a single thing THEY have said about what is actually in these shots. Why should anyone believe a thing they say???? I go on the assumption, and have long before "Covid", that everything these people say is probably a lie or manipulation.

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Nov 3, 2022·edited Nov 3, 2022

So casein is a common immunogenic protein. Do you think it’s a general thing that immunogenic proteins can trigger amyloidosis?

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Thank you for your comments - much appreciated

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