There have been many who describe their adverse events as feeling like a certain limb or whole body is on fire. That's inflammation and damage to blood vessels large enough to be innervated, then imagine the damage to micro vessels.

Evil is delighted and laughs every time someone takes one of these nightmarish shots to "protect" themselves.

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Could the pain be coming from nerves that are damaged by lack of blood flow?

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Yes, a lot of pair of species and I was thinking of nerve impairment. Nerve cells could be picking up the lipid nanoparticles as well.

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We had a patient like this who was a very reasonable professional person and I had to put effort behind the scenes not to have them labeled psychosomatic.

How would you test for this small vessel theory? If you ran a panel on biopsies, you would get mediators from the surrounding tissues. Also it seems in any vessel pathology permeability is increased, so that would imply that inflammatory molecules are able to pass in and out - and those would theoretically activate sleeping nerves surrounding the vessel bed.

So would the approach be to think in terms of inflammatory panels rather than whether pain was an end result, as it would be in other locations.

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I don't know if this is helpful, but I've had body-wide skin on fire reactions in response to insect bites and topical allergies. It's as though the pain originates a few mm below the surface of the skin. Within weeks, smaller-than-a-pinhead sizes bumps erupt that itch and burn tremendously and can eventually turn into measles like rashes or chicken-pox like lesions. Perhaps related to some sort of histamine release? It can take months to clear when it happens. Maybe this is somehow tied to histamine release?? MCAS? With spike could it be hypersensitivity or PEG or LNP allergy? The blood vessels may not be innervated but the pain is very real.

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Have you been to a rheumatologist or dermatologist to describe that reaction? Document it with a camera and make notes on the timing, and get an appointment at e.g. a large university hospital where hopefully the quality will be good enough to be familiar with the different options of what it could be. Looking into this would be good because sometimes skin reactions like this can simultaneously have a similar inflammatory process happening, for instance, in the kidney or in your eyes, which you'd want to stop. They would need to test for a variety of antibodies or perhaps a couple genetic tests.

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I'm fine now. I just have to avoid the things I'm allergic to. These body wide skin reactions have been triggered by bites, bandaids and elements in clothing. Doctors never could help me, I had to figure out how to fix myself. All is well now, but I don't take lightly the possibility of any allergy (including PEG) and what it could mean for me. It can kill by blistering my skin.

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This type of response to triggers is a known thing in several autoimmune / rheumatological conditions, so you should have gotten a panel of tests to rule those out.

Familiar situation for a lot of people that doctors don't end up helping...

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I've seen many dermatologists and allergists. All were baffled. One drug that did clear up a bad rash was Protopic, Was miraculous at clearing my skin in a few days. But then my skin burned like crazy when exposed to the heat/sun for a few years after that. Not worth it. Best to figure out ones sensitivities and avoid them if possible. And perhaps a wholistic TCM/MD or DO maybe could've helped if they're an artist. There is truly an art to healing people. Its a very rare gift.

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May have similar origin of Bullous Pemphoid. Quit a client who developed this after 3rd shot. Prednisone only thing that helped(from drs).

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My unvaxxed college kid/athlete had Covid for the first time in January 2022. Recovered fine but in the following months during workouts, she said her whole body hurt. Is this what you’re describing here? It did resolve, and she did take some ivermectin at some point down the line. I’m hoping her body cleared it for good.

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Could she have been responding to other athletes who DID get vaxxed? Spike protein shedding? The shedding would be released via sweat and breath most likely. It's part of the insidious and cyclical nature of this whole scenario. Think about it.

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Yeah, the shedding has always been a concern. I can’t seem to get a straight answer on that or at least how much shedding is taking place. I think it does. Fall 2021 a bunch of kids arrived on campus and got vaxxed and an rsv type virus ran through afterwards like wildfire, but covid negative. I pray it doesn’t shed too much. Might as well be a self spreading vaccine if it does. And then we are all done for.

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That's the point. It IS a self spreading vaccx. That's the evil genius of it all.

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Do a search on this topic. I keep hearing ways to detox. Pine needle teas, salt baths, etc. So I am trying a few of them. Some people in the know believe that the shedding may last up to 6 months - just in time for the next booster shot. Indeed. 🙄

You might find some relevant topics here: https://vokalnow.com/show/the-dr-ardis-show

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Potatodots: Excellent link. Thank you. Laughed at this opening line however: Please do not undertake a spike protein detox without supervision from your trusted health practitioner.

And THAT's the challenge isn't it? Finding a "trusted health practitioner these days."

(Just shaking my head.)

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LOL! Indeed!

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She’s been taking some of these daily. 👍

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Thanks for this link 😘

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If it can spread airborne, & in the Pfizer trial participants were asked to abstain from sex for three weeks do we even need to debate that anymore?

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Come on guys, shedding is not a real thing, we are not mushrooms or flowers! please be down to earth and think straight!

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I see this as a very lazy comment. A simple 30 second search yields dozens of research papers on the topic of viral shedding post vaccine. Below is just a tiny sample from a single source.

Here is a paper from 2014 regarding post vaccine shedding.


Here is a paper discussing the presence of free S1-Spike proteins.


Here is a paper discussing the shedding of COVID virus particles through tears.


If you are unable to to connect these dots to see that it is not only possible, but likely to shed spike protein particles post vaccination, then I would have to question whether you comprehend anything you read from Walter's substack.

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Dr. Ana Mihalcea on substack....listen to her

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Okay, could not found the shedding thread but i don t need to, because all the chip nano bullshit is enogh for me to make me not look into her work! This is biology and genetica not electronics and robotica! best regards ✌️

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Noah Yuval Harari

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A most dangerous man. He's been very clear about transhumanism goals.

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How can you be sure of what you say? You outright dismiss the shedding possibility based on nothing substantial on your part, despite supporting documentation, and then you claim biology and "genetica" on the other hand. How sure are you that this is not electronics and robotica? On what do you base your positions?

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Well it s simple, the ana mihalceas work is a joke, and she s not inspiring credibillity,all her titles are clickbaty material and thats it! the shedding situation is also a stupid one because of course you can “shed” if you exchange fluids through sex or or so but ppl are starting to think that if u take the bus you will die from the jab that others have taken. Come on, it s a thin line between reality and fiction, and i dont need no scientific papers to know that! best regards, George

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Is there a link between this and 'covid toes' which was like an internet meme joke for a while but my toes did become red and inflamed in early 2020. Looked and felt like chilblains but there was no cold reason for it.

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I suggest reading lorimer moseley's material on pain. "explain pain supercharged" is his clinician text. It's pretty widely accepted by (at least) manual therapists that pain arises in the brain (as an output) because of faulty/confusing inputs and/or problems with interpretation of input signals. Here's a paper establishing his perspective: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/233581683_Reconceptualising_pain_according_to_modern_pain_science

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Great video the other day, can't wait for those rat brain results. You must be really over target with the rabies theory. I've never had trouble bringing up your page. Substack search "corrected" your name to chestnut and pushed you way down in the search results today when I did get the spelling accepted.

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Comments from people saying their elderly relatives were walking fine, but after the shot their legs felt heavy and numb and they couldn’t walk much anymore without a walker. This indicates a blood circulation problem.

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I know someone with both legs below the knees painful, since soon after second clotshot. No, not me.

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some papers showed that the spike is kind of Analgesic.

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