I think this phenomenon is occurring in my sister. I cannot fathom how her MD's/NP's at Memorial Sloan Kettering have recommended that she continue to follow CDC recommendations to get more booster shots. Do you think anyone at either of these institutions is reading these papers and comprehending what it is they are potentially doing to their patients? Feels Insane.

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Maybe some patients are all part of the experiment, the testing phase. They are the data. I'm starting to believe this as why on earth are these vaccines still being used.

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I don't know. Use to think I did, but now no I know I how foolish I can be. Maybe its the greatest experiment of all time or maybe just good old fashioned violence wrapped up in a fancy lipid nanoparticle delivered to us by formerly trusted authority.

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Blood markers and related lab determinations of IgG antibodies, etc aside, one can clearly observe frightening changes in others evidencing accelerated systemic aging, though sadly/apparently many don't see it themselves :o Had a conversation on this very point over the weekend, scary and then some :((

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Saw the same thing in the AIDS Era. Polyclonal activation of Ig's across.the board to sky-high levels. We didn't screen for IgG4 like they're doing now post covid jab, but we now know that elevated IgG4 directly impairs cancer immune surveillance..

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I’ve been alarmed at this since seeing the spike IgG levels in the Public Health England vaccine surveillance reports in 2021. After three doses, many samples were off the scale, at more than 100x the normal post-infection range. And although this was published on the government’s own website, wider publication was censored.

It’s a salutary reminder that this was always a reckless experiment, that everyone vaccinated was a guinea pig, and that published science is still catching up with the warnings from people such as yourself.

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Hi Geoff, would those findings be specific to dexamethasone, or could we include other known corticosteroids?

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Hi Gustav, I would have to delve but you might like to look at 7,142 papers listed on PubMed searching "corticosteroids aging".


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My apologies Geoff. That certainly would keep anyone busy for a lifetime.

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We could ask an unbiased AI Chat program to process all papers and their supplementary files and report back.

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Ahhh, ok, that would be interesting. I’m an old fart, but I have a young son who’s wise to these things. I’ll look into it.

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Steve Kirsch, in his substack this morning, dropped this:

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Nature paper shows the COVID "vaccines" increased your risk of getting COVID

To prevent infection of SARS-CoV-2, increasing IgA RBD mucosal antibodies is necessary. The COVID shots DECIMATED these key protective antibodies. https://kirschsubstack.com/p/nature-paper-shows-the-covid-vaccines

I thought his article may be relatable to your research in this article.

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Could there be a pertinent ratio of relative elevation of IgG:IgA to suggest over production of IgG and suggest further investigation for cancer or systemic infection versus low total IgG and IgA suggesting immune suppression post Covid “vaccine”? It’s not uncommon to have the option to add immunoglobulins to routine blood work. The more routine blood work can be used to identify injury directly from these injections the better you can track health and advise interventions distinguishable from more common challenges such as infection, toxicity, nutrient deficiencies etc. These so called vaccines are the elephant in the room when interpreting blood work, as not everyone relates their loss of health/function to the timeline of their injections.

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That is why I posted this to Walter Chesnut and also posted his link to Steve Kirsch. I think they would be able to see relationships and corollaries. I am not a scientist, but just very interested in understanding what these injections have wrought. So far, nothing good!

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I never took the vaccine but since January second 2022, somehow I got poisoned when I was in Houston Texas. I don’t live there except for two months a year anyhow had awful pain in my hips, shaking and shivering for seven hours with a headache. Everything went away, except the headache lingered for two weeks I assume was inflammation, and I haven’t been right since.

I have crazy blood pressure. I have palpitations all sorts of weird heart issues. I’ve had to drop out a jujutsu and my workout routine.

I’m pissed

I’m on methylation diet. I take one supplement that’s designed for methylation.

Some days I think I’m going to die through vagal syncope and or a stroke or cardiac arrest.

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Make sure you haven't all of a sudden been exposed to a smart meter on your house or near where you live. They are often getting installed without the knowledge or permission of homeowners or apartment dwellers.

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Yep, I knew it a year ago when hubs tested positive for Lyme based on elevated IgG levels since they can’t isolate the critter. He’s never had Lyme because you KNOW if you have Lyme so not a resurgence. A round of Doxycycline did nothing, one year later they want to try it again. He couldn’t take the nausea. No go. Incredibly lethargic, erratic chest pain, left side pain, 1 or 2 swollen lymph glands, swelling calves- right worse than left and episodes of high blood pressure- last was 230/117. ER clueless.

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Sorry to hear about hubs health issues. I'm constantly searching out natural ways to help my immune system stay strong and I came across a company called Linden Botanicals. It was started after the owner finally found botanical relief from his long-term debilitating Lyme disease. They have high quality botanicals including some that cured the owners Lyme disease problems. I figure if it's good for Lyme it's probably also beneficial for covid and flu. In addition to my many supplements, I make tea out of several of their products which I drink daily. Ive been impressed with the quality and you might want to check them out. Read the owners story and their Lyme disease info. You may find it interesting and helpfull for hubs.

I hate ticks and if I lived in an area with Lyme disease I'd be drinking their Lyme teas by the gallon.

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Nov 12
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Yes, I pity the vaxxed. And if things continue on their present course, a lot of lovely people are going to die, leaving the rest of us bereft. Is there nobody you fear losing?

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Nov 12
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A lot of people are being injected without consent, even without their knowledge and not even being told, in NZ and Australia you can be given the jab legally by surreptitiours means even after refusing, and obviously in other nations too when you see very violently forced vaccinations taking place on video in several other nations. Mass-murdering 'NWO' agents are not exactly honest or kind.

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Nov 12
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I was warned through 3 dreams ' one after another , my dreams were about death' I was at a well check up appointment' the nurse attending me put hand cuffs on my ankle' and said The Dr.will be in to see you soon, I crawled out into a janitor's bathroom ' was wearing a hospital gown' I prayed GOD in JESUS NAME' GET ME OUT OF HERE! He Did ! An angel's hand came out of the sink hole ' with a key🔑the sink spun around and got bigger' gorgeous angel said keep your eyes on me only' all get you out of here' He did! I saw doors & windows melt and open for him to get me out! April2020' I never went for checkUp and have takin my supplement's consistently! and moved rural have not been sick in 4 years' but I did get some knida Flue bug before I left calif. I never allowed myself to be covid tested either! Being around people who have been boosted is very strenuous to my relationships with family' I take disappointment that are recommended By those I trust to keep spike proteins that a minimum because we're around people and we inhale their crap.

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These rabbis look very happy about the Corona don't they? Not exactly weeping are they? How can you consider what they have initiated to be an act of kindness?



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I take supplements ' soell check error!

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