Mighty mitochondria

Their DNA so insecure

Able to be damaged by toxins

As they roam 'round and explore

Dysfunction and a lack of energy

With complex secondary roles

Spike protein doesn’t like them

As studies now show.

Long Covid

Gulf war syndrome

Chronic Lyme disease

Myalgic Encephalomyelitis

And now this post vaccine induced fatigue... Long Vax syndrome

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walter - have you seen this ... from 2018


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AI poem or real?

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Nah it's mine.

I'm just... Wired that way.

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Radiation damages polyunsaturated fats faster than saturated fats. I wonder if that is true of the spike protein as well. Another reason to ditch seed oils and soy from my diet.

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Palm oil and palm fat is appearing in many supermarket foods. Like a trojan horse perhaps.

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I have heard that technically they are not PUFA, just short chain fatty acids. MCT OIL is another example.

Without the carbon carbon double bond they should be much more stable than PUFA plant oils.

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they both apparently produce the powerful peroxynitrite radical, which would indeed increase lipid peroxidation especially in the brain. So, avoiding EMR, keeping PUFA low, and ideally avoiding spike is a great idea... : )

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Free radical scavengers also seem like a good idea.

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BTW, if anyone here has not read the "Spartacus Letter" which was released anonymously while going viral in 2021, it's well worth the time. I first heard about it from Dr. Brett Weinstein who posted it on Twitter. Whoever the author is, they have a very deep understanding of SARS-CoV-2 pathology and spike, so it's very engaging, eyebrow raising read...

Scroll down from this link to find the whole document...


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Spartacus is scary-brilliant, and has a deep understanding of a lot of things.

I highly recommend his substack. https://iceni.substack.com/

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Damn...I didn't know he had a Substack! Thanks.

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Another “gobsmackingly brilliant” article and hypothesis Walter .. thank you!

I suffer radiation damage, MCAS, CFS, EHS and Multiple food allergies .. your article made fascinating reading and was personally relatable at many levels! I chose not to vaccinate and am satisfied with that decision. On an Organic diet, using far infrared technology, oxygen concentrator to assist with red blood cell damage, taking appropriate supplements, yoga and meditation, stimulating my cellular activity learning music to play in my piano from complex composers and DETOX DETOX DETOX - drinking the purest filtered water. Thanks again Walter!

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Music heals. All great choices, Skye!! We all need daily detox! Blessings to you and all our truthers.🙏

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Sounds more like radiation and metal poisoning, eh?

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When UNMC did this exercise last October it made me wonder…now the puzzle pieces are fitting together.


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Psychopaths obviously are very good multitaskers.

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They love covering their tracks.

Hence all the recent articles on air pollution/wildfire smoke causing dementia.

What Virus? What Vaccine?

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U.Neb is Sina Bovari yeah ?

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So, I believe there is some overlap between spike protein pathology and the adverse effects of non-ionizing microwave radiation (cell towers, cell phones, "smart" meters," WiFi, etc), where there is the stimulating of voltage gated calcium channels and the production of peroxynitrite free radicals. Some have proposed high-dose magnesium to act as a natural calcium channel blocker; others NAD precursors like NR, NMN, and Nicotinic Acid; and Methylene Blue to assist with the electron transport chain inhibition by non-ionizing RFR. It's occurred to me that living in a high-EMR environment might predispose one to Long Covid or impact recovery from acute infection. Others, who occupy more of the fringe end of the conspiracy spectrum, did point out that Wuhan was the first city to go 5G active in 2020, and New York City, I believe, did as well at the same time. That's a whole other story...

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Glyphosate in US food-beverage also provides a toxic synergy

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Outstanding, as usual, Walter. I suspect you’ve provided your readers with all of the therapeutics and therapies needed to stem, if not completely stop, the ongoing, circulating spike damage. Maybe it could be fine-tuned? I’ve been putting my own protocol together from the hints you’ve provided, and I certainly don’t feel worse. In fact, I’m feeling pretty damned good. As always, YMMV!

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Wow. Crimes against humanity. Thank you Walter. Peace.

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Thanks Walter, this also ties in nicely with BRD4 inhibition by spike protein:

Megathread #32: SARS-CoV-2, spike protein, BRD4 and associated pathologies


Leading to your DSB marker protein:

BRD4 Promotes DNA Repair and Mediates the Formation of TMPRSS2-ERG Gene Rearrangements in Prostate Cancer

"Loss of BRD4 Function Enhances IR-Induced γ-H2AX Foci Formation"


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This is a multi pronged bioweapon it seems... Thanks for your research Walter, you always come up with new angles... I save all of your substacks to refer back to... Great work yet again!

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Some lady on facebook, probably about a year, maybe two years ago, told me she'd been permanently banned from Twitter & banned temporarily from facebook for publicly claiming the pandemic was cover for the radiation poisoning spreading round the globe from Fukushima. I was sceptical of both her claims. So she sent me this, which had screenshots clearly from the same lady.


This is the lady in questions fb page & it appears to be history. She's been permanently banned from effbee as well as Twitter by the looks of it. Reuters offered a link to her video but of course, no video. - https://www.facebook.com/katie.mui.758

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This is very interesting. Especially when you look back in history and take a look at the one thing that the military always wanted to know and have and the Energy Department was not able to provide for the longest time: An easy way to test the radiation exposure of soldiers. They did a hell of a lot of research into this. Read the "Plutonium Papers" and after that read the senate hearing transcripts to fill in the blanks that the book left out. (The book leaves out completely the Project SUNSHINE for instance... go look at the Wikipedia page for it https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_SUNSHINE, Willard Libby later got a Nobel Price for his carbon dating... how many dead baby parts he used in his research is not known.)

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Music does indeed - Blessings to you to Sandy! Speaking the truth about what l see and hear across several platforms and peer reviewed is a duty now .. so many still badly informed .. Take care 🙏🏻

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I very much appreciate the posts here. Beginning in late 2017 I was tending a spouse who had a cascade of serious health issues completely unrelated to COVID. Out of concern for his welfare I started with Pfizer vaccines. No more, but that means I follow the bits of news and the Friday Hope with thanks.

FWIW…I’m not sure if it was a comment on a previous post here on similarities between spike effect and radiation, or in Twit/X, but someone noted that many radiation monitoring stations seemed to be ‘down’ in, as I recall, early 2018. The writer’s speculation was that it was perhaps a cover up for a big radiation release.

I could not find anything re 2018; however, these three articles listed below reflected a big Eurasian event in late September 2017.

Caveats: I’m not sure whether or not this would skew an attempt to study excess COVID/vaccine deaths in the geographical areas affected by the plume and deposits for the 2019–2023 timeframe. It’s possible that it might cause a pre-Cov blip in a trend line of cancer/excess death in the geographic areas most affected. But I had not heard of this event, and it seemed worth humbly mentioning. Also, I am not qualified to vouch for the quality of the analyses in the fields of study, or to comment on their significance in biochemistry/genetics.

I mention them simply because a parallel in spike damage and radiation damage is being explored.

This first article described the discovery and general sleuthing:


Title: Airborne concentrations and chemical considerations of radioactive ruthenium from an undeclared major nuclear release in 2017

“ The data suggest a release from a nuclear reprocessing facility located in the Southern Urals, possibly from the Mayak nuclear complex. A release from a crashed satellite as well as a release on Romanian territory (despite high activity concentrations)

can be excluded. The model age of the radioruthenium supports the hypothesis that fuel was reprocessed ≤2 years after discharge, possibly for the production of a high-specific activity 144 Ce source

for a neutrino experiment in Italy."

"...the present, undeclared accident released an estimated activity of 250 TBq at once."

This second article described the basis for origin localization and plume reconstruction:


Title: Atmospheric modeling and source reconstruction of radioactive ruthenium from an undeclared major release in 2017

In this second article there are maps indicating the plume coverage, and a color-coded map of estimated deposits over the plume area. These were extrapolated from established monitoring stations’ detections.

"According to Fig. 6, the most significant simulated deposits were concentrated in southwestern Ural, southern Scandinavia, and southeastern Bulgaria, with cumulative quantities sometimes higher than 100 Bq/m2."

The third article described the analysis of the detected isotope:


Title: Identification of a chemical fingerprint linking the undeclared 2017 release of 106Ru to advanced nuclear fuel reprocessing

"We have revealed compositional markers for the 106Ru contaminant that are uniquely consistent with nuclear waste reprocessing, namely the reductive trapping of RuO4 in HCl.”

“… a RuO4 trapping process in HCl would undoubtedly be exothermic, exacerbating an already energetic mixture that, in light of the high volatility and potential explosive decomposition of RuO4 (15), gives credence to the occurrence of an abrupt, uncontrolled release (i.e., explosion).”

“ For a facility undertaking the purification of fission products from spent nuclear fuel for commercial gain, it is hard to ignore the potential profit afforded by obtaining 106Ru in high-specific activity, considering its long-standing medical use in the development of brachytherapy plaques for the treatment of eye cancer (53, 54). For this application, it is commonly electrodeposited from solution onto silver, along with the addition of carrier RuCl3 (54, 55).”

The articles all appear in PNAS.

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Miso soup then.... and lots of anti-oxidants

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